Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Greg Beauchamp, Christ Church Irving Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda - no audio/visual permitted.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2024 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2024 4 Resolution - Approving the FY2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvements for the Bridges of Las Colinas Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Bridges PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Bridges of Las Colinas PID. 3. The Bridges of Las Colinas is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 122 acres located near the northeast corner of SH114 and Belt Line Road. The development consists of 401 residential lots. The 2024 taxable assessed value of the Bridges development is $259,456,628. 4. In 2013, the City issued Series 2013A City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $8,984,348.75 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.089550 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 19,715 square feet and would be assessed at $1,765.48 while the smallest lot size is 5,693 and would be assessed at $509.81. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Bridges PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 5 Resolution - Approving the FY2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvement for the Ranchview Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Ranchview PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Ranchview PID. 3. The Ranchview Development (Campion Hollows) is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 37 acres located at the intersection of IH635 and Valley Ranch Parkway East. The development consists of 121 single family residential lots. The 2024 taxable value is $71,511,336. 4 In 2013, the City issued Series 2013B City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $3,293,426.55 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.142465 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 11,868 square feet and will be assessed $1,690.78 while the smallest lot size is 5,707 and will be assessed $813.04. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Ranchview PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 6 Resolution - Approving the FY 2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Public Improvements for the Parkside Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Parkside PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Parkside PID. 3. The Parkside Development is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 275 acres located at the along the south side of SH114 at the intersection of Belt Line Road. Parkside consists of 888 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. The 2024 taxable value of the Parkside development is $542,211,331.00. 4. In 2014, the City issued Series 2014 City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $22,211,340.30 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.125617 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 16,255 square feet and would be assessed at $2,041.90 while the smallest lot size is 3,571 and would be assessed at $448.57. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Parkside PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 7 Resolution - Accepting the Award of Grant Funds from the Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for Use in Creating a Targeted Recruiting Plan Aimed at Tough to Reach Segments of the Population and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Any Necessary Grant Documents Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant will be used to expand Irving Police Department recruiting efforts in historically underrepresented groups and increase reach through a targeting recruiting video and other marketing and in-person recruiting strategies. 3. The City of Irving has been awarded a FY2024/25 Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) microgrant for a total of $81,000.00. 4. The grant becomes effective October 1, 2024, and terminates on September 30, 2026, unless terminated or otherwise modified. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 8 Resolution - Ratifying and Approving a Grant Agreement Between the US Department of Transportation and the City of Irving for the Implementation of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration High Priority Grant Program for Fiscal Years 2024-2026 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant provides overtime expenses to increase traffic enforcement and traffic safety during traditional and non-traditional enforcement hours. 3. The grant is reimbursable up to $702,229.00. 4. The grant becomes effective September 1, 2024, and terminates on September 30, 2026, unless terminated or otherwise modified. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $425,000.00 for Fiscal and Calendar Year 2025 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB) and supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy – Market Irving as a Destination. 2. Impact: The contract positively impacts City of Irving residents, visitors and businesses large and small by generating additional community revenues through a targeted advertising program promoting the city of Irving as a premier destination. 3. Funding in the amount of $425,000 is available in the Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau budget within its General Fund. 4. The advertising schedule includes traditional and digital media in both the trade and leisure markets. Messaging will be focused primarily on the meetings trades and specialty publications within that segment, promoting Irving hotels and the Irving Convention Center for meetings and events, and will include third-party lead generation outlets. Leisure messaging will include the Texas Tourism co-operative program and focus on the 150-500 mile “drive-to” markets, as well as targeted staycation and regional event-driven messaging. 5. The final advertising schedule will be determined based on proposals submitted and the evaluation of these, to select those that best address the primary objectives of the 2024-25 ICVB Marketing Plan. Budgeting is done on a fiscal year basis; however, the media schedule primarily is placed on a calendar year with funds encumbered as commitments are made, and thus crossing fiscal years. 6. Past ICVB advertising conversion studies reported the following impacts and return on investment: for each $1 the ICVB spent on advertising, $31 was spent by travelers in Irving businesses. (Irving Conversion Study, Smart Business, 2000.) Based on the results received from similar advertising campaign components, for every $1 spent, $76.85 was generated in Potential Economic Value and/or direct hotel referrals. 7. The Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau represents a $3.45 billion-per-year hospitality industry, which welcomes 4.28 million visitors and generates $70.3 million in taxes annually. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 10 Resolution - Approving an Encroachment License Agreement and Acknowledging Receipt of the Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of the Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving Located at 4421 Caesar Lane Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, Transportation Department, and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy - Effectively plan and manage land use. 2. Impact: This Encroachment License Agreement supports permitting the repair and installation of a new stone and mortar retaining wall within a utility easement. 3. The Encroachment License agreement is to permit the installation of 4-foot-tall stone and mortar retaining wall in a 10’ utility easement located and maintained by owner Ecclesia Trust at 4421 Caesar Lane. 4. The Encroachment License Agreement will be for a term of 30 years with a fee of $4,800.00 paid by the Licensee. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Halff Associates, Inc., in an Estimated Amount of $500,000.00, for the Water and Wastewater TXDOT Relocation Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: Halff Associates, Inc., will assist City staff with the review of agreements and the preparation of the project management and document tracking associated with negotiations. 3. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from four (4) firms. Three (3) were chosen to be interviewed. Halff Associates, Inc., was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the services solicited. 4. This agreement will include project negotiation assistance for future TxDOT expansions of SH 183, SH 114, Loop 12 and US 380 Improvement Projects. 5. The Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments recommend selecting Halff Associates, Inc. The firm demonstrated a high level of experience working for other cities with similar TxDOT expansion projects. Halff Associates, Inc. showed exceptional knowledge of the corridors within the City of Irving that are shared with TxDOT; and they have a great reputation for working with TxDOT on related projects in the past. 6. Halff Associates, Inc., will: • Review and become familiar with all of the record drawings of the City of Irving’s existing infrastructure along the TxDOT expansion projects. • Assist staff with negotiation for agreements related to the relocation of city infrastructure as needed for the TxDOT expansion projects. • Review and become more familiar with all of the City of Irving’s design criteria, standard specifications and details. • Assist staff with negotiations related to the technical specifications for the relocation of city infrastructure insuring the City’s interests are protected. • Provide any easement and surveying services that may be required for the mutually agreed upon utilities that need to be relocated outside the TxDOT expansion projects right-of-way project limits. 7. Minority – and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 28%. 8. Funding in the amount of $500,000.00 is available within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and GSR Andrade, in the Amount of $171,700.00, for the Preparation of Design/Construction Documentation for Animal Care Campus Supplemental Scope Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and supports Future and Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Support strategic investment in city facilities. 2. Impact: This portion of the project will provide new and improved HVAC systems to the campus as well as ancillary improvements to the facility. 3. The design will address existing animal care campus facilities only. 4. The completion of the supplemental scope will provide a fully improved HVAC environment that will help maintain the health of the animals, improve the air quality of the facility, and more adequately zone quarantine areas. 5. Funding in the amount of $171,700.00 is available within the City Building Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. in the Amount of $2,503,010.00 for the Conflans Road Water and Wastewater Improvement Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: This work is part of the Water Utilities Department Replacement Program. This project impacts commercial and residential properties along Conflans Road from N. Belt Line Road to Olde Towne Drive and Mills Lane from Millswood Drive to Leland Boulevard. 3. This project will replace 2,500 LF-feet of a deteriorated 8-inch wastewater main with a new 8-inch PVC wastewater main along Conflans Road and Mills Lane. This project will also replace water services along Conflans Road. 4. Bids were received from three (3) bidders. A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $2,503,010.00. This is $496,990.00 (16.6%) below the cost estimate. 5. Minority and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 30%. 6. Funding in the amount of $815,600.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund and funding in the amount of $1,687,410.00 is available within the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $1,542,270.00 for the Perry Street Water Improvement Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: This work is part of the Water Utilities Water Master Plan. This project will replace a deteriorated undersize water line along Perry Street from South Nursery Road to South Irving Heights Drive. 3. This project will replace 1,600-feet of a deteriorated water main with a new 20-inch PVC water main. 4. Bids were received from three (3) bidders. SYB Construction Company, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $1,542,270.00. This is $115,702.00 (6.97%) below the engineers estimate for this project. 5. Minority and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 30%. 6. Funding in the amount of $1,542,270.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement, through the Corridor Enhancement Incentive Program, with Roys Pawn Shop, Inc., for Property Located at 635 E. Irving Blvd. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Housing and Redevelopment Department and supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy - Support strategic development and redevelopment including revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: Approval of this matching grant through the city’s Corridor Enhancement Program will serve to further private investment in the renovation and rehabilitation of existing building sites along commercially developed streets and thoroughfares within the boundaries of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2. 3. The scope of work includes the interior and exterior renovation of an approximately 7,000 sq. ft. existing retail building and site. The total estimated cost of all improvements is approximately $1.1 million. The estimated cost of the qualifying exterior improvements is approximately $300,000 and includes new aluminum storefront/entrances, metal canopies, roll down shutters, rooftop metal eyebrow with wall washer lighting, LED accent strip lighting, painting of exterior along with parking lot repairs and improvements. 4. The agreement provides for a 50% grant reimbursement up to $150,000 for all qualifying exterior improvements to the building and site. 5. On October 26, 2023 Council approved RES-2023-470, approving the original agreement. 6. This amendment extends the agreement by 6 months, giving the owner until April 26, 2025 to complete the project. Owner shall remit a fee in the amount of $500 for the extension of the project completion deadline. The Extension Fee will be eligible for reimbursement if the project is completed by the new completion deadline; otherwise, it is non-refundable. The eligible reimbursement does not increase the total amount of grant. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Approving Retroactively Amendment No. 2 to the Household Hazardous Waste Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County and City of Irving to Provide a Program in Which Residents Can Properly Dispose of Household Chemicals, in the Amount Not to Exceed $163,033.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Solid Waste Service Department. 2. Impact: This contract provides an environmentally sound method to dispose of household hazardous waste such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc., thus ensuring the proper disposition of these materials. 3. This agreement was originally executed on September 15, 2022, with four one-year renewals. This is the second renewal option. 4. This agreement will provide service from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025. Dates of the events are as follows: October 12, 2024, March 22, 2025, and June 9, 2025. 5. Funding in the amount of $163,033.00 is available in the FY2024-2025 budget within the Solid Waste Services Operating Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 17 Resolution - Approving Amendment No.1 of the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for On-Call Municipal Solid Waste Engineering Services. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Solid Waste Services Department. 2. Impact: This annual contract ensures that the City has the correct volume calculation of the Landfill. It also provides for creation of a fill plan to maximize capacity and updates to the site operating plan. In addition, this contract aids with regulatory compliance assessments and other engineering services that may be needed during the contract term. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of a professional services agreement for providing on-call municipal solid waste engineering services. The original agreement was awarded as the result of negotiations with the respondent receiving the highest evaluation criteria score through a Request for Qualifications process. 4. Funding in the amount of $500,000.00 is available in the Solid Waste budget within the Solid Waste Non Bond CIP Fund. Vendor Contract Term Estimated Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. 11/8/24 - 11/7/25 $400,000.00 2024-25 Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. 11/8/25 - 11 /7/26 $100,000.00 2025-26 TOTAL $500,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Tritech Software Systems, a CentralSquare Technologies Company, in the Total Amount of $193,132.97 for Tritech Public Safety System Software Support and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department and the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Government Sustainability – Improve efficiency through data, technology, and thoughtful, innovative approaches. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the Police Department’s Tritech public safety administration system comprised of computer aided dispatching (CAD) and mobile police vehicle software operating efficiently and legally licensed. 3. This software facilitates rapid, accurate communication to the field and promotes safety of personnel, as well as enabling communication with other agencies in a crisis situation. Tritech CAD and mobile is designed as an integrated, modular solution, providing the foundation to fully automate law enforcement operations from incident tracking to crime analysis and case management to state reporting. The Tritech system supports the entry of an event from dispatch through closing and assignment of a final disposition. 4. Funding is available in the Technology Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year Tritech Software Systems 10/25/24 - 10/24/25 $193,133.00 2024-25 Recommendation The resolution be approved. Bids and Purchasing Items Items 19-23 19 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with Martin & Martin Design in an Amount not to Exceed $150,000.00 for Art Handling and Fine Arts Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Arts Center. It supports Future in Focus: Sense of Community – Provide exceptional recreational, cultural, and educational opportunities. 2. Impact: The contracted services will ensure that art handling and fine arts services necessary for the mounting of exhibitions as well as the maintenance of pieces in the permanent collections and/or on long term loan at the Irving Arts Center and the Irving Museum will be performed in a safe, professional manner consistent with industry standards, lenders’ expectations, and contractual requirements. Services include, but are not limited to, unpacking, condition reporting, installation, dismantling/de-installation and packing of art and artifacts by experienced, trained art handlers as well as framing, fabrication, custom crating, transportation/shipping of art objects and exhibit components. 3. In conclusion, these services contribute significantly to the City’s ability to deliver exceptional services and promote a high quality of life for residents, visitors and businesses through its Department of Arts & Culture by providing exceptional recreational cultural and educational opportunities. 4. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide art services and fine arts handling. This is the second and final, one-year renewal option. The current contract expires November 30, 2024. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is available in the Irving Arts Center General Fund and the Heritage and Museum Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2025-26 is subject to budget appropriation. 6. Because this annual contract runs from December 2024 through November 2025, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be expended in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Est. Amount Fiscal Year Martin & Martin Design 12/1/24 - 11 /30/25 $110,000.00 2024-25 Martin & Martin Design 12/1/24 - 11 /30/25 $ 40,000.00 2025-26 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and LCA Environmental, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $800,000.00 for Environmental Assessment Services for a Two-Year Term Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure and Support strategic investment in city facilities. 2. Impact: Renewal of this agreement for Environmental Assessment Services are necessary to ensure compliance with state and federal environmental regulations when acquiring, remediating, and/or demolishing property as well as for assessing and/or monitoring other types of environmental impacts. Various departments utilize these as-needed services including CIP, Water Utilities, Economic Development, Planning & Community Development, Parks & Recreation and Code Enforcement. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract for Environmental Assessment Services. This is the first of two, two-year renewal options for this agreement, which expires November 8, 2024. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is available in various project funds, while funding for Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this spending declaration runs from November 2024 through November 2025 it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the contract total amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Estimated Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) LCA Environmental, Inc. 11/9/24 - 11/8/26 $330,000.00 2024-25 LCA Environmental Environmental, Inc. 11/9/24 - 11/8/26 $400,000.00 2025-26 $ 70,000.00 2026-27 TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT $800,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids from Consolidated Pipe and Supply, North Texas Winwater and Core & Main LP., in the Total Estimated Amount of $460,000.00 for Valves Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: These valves are utilized to isolate and control the flow of water within the city’s water distribution system. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing valves on an as-needed basis. The contract is for one year with two, one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Water & Sewer Operating and the Water-Sewer Non-Bond CIP funds. Vendor Groups Contract Term FY 2024-25 Est. Exp. Consolidated Pipe and Supply 1 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $ 41,000.00 North Texas Winwater. 2 & 3 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $236,000.00 Core & Main, LP 4 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $183,000.00 TOTAL $460,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department, the Fleet Services Division and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain roadways, sidewalks, and transportation infrastructure. 2. Impact: Establishment of a Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC supports utilization of BuyBoard Contract No. 723-23 for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks, Parts, and Maintenance Repair Services which expires November 30, 2024. 3. Approval of this item allows for the purchase of two (2) 2024 Ram 4500 Cab and Chassis as presented in the following item on this agenda as well as any future purchases from this vendor through the designated BuyBoard contract during the specified contract term. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 23 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Grapevine DCJ, LLC, for Two (2) 2024 Ram 4500 Cab and Chassis in the Total Estimated Amount of $137,864.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department and approved by the Fleet Services Division. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain roadways, sidewalks, and transportation infrastructure. 2. Impact: The listed vehicles will be utilized by the Fire Department to help support and maintain critical city infrastructure. Replacement of aging vehicles will reduce downtime and provide the department with critical resources to maintain optimal services for the Irving community. The cab and chassis are purchased separately from the vehicle body due to the vendor not being able to sell a complete ambulance in the State of Texas. 3. This supplemental vehicle purchase is supported by a Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC, utilizing BuyBoard Contract No. 723-23 Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks, Parts, and Maintenance Repair Services which is presented as the previous item on this agenda. 4. Funding in the total estimated amount of $137,864.00 is available in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 24 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment and Vacation of a 20-Foot Sanitary Sewer Drainage Easement Along a Portion of Property at 2621 W. Airport Freeway, Being 0.372 of an Acre of Land Situated in and Being a Portion of Block 4A, of the Revised Plat of Plymouth Park No.5 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy – Effectively plan and manage land use. 2. Impact: The abandonment of the 20-foot Sanitary Sewer Easement is requested to allow for the rebuilding of Crockett Middle School. 3. The existing Sanitary Sewer Easement (16,221 S.F.) currently limits the redevelopment of the property. Capital Improvements and Water Utilities advised the developer to reroute the existing sanitary sewer line into a new proposed sanitary sewer easement. The new proposed sanitary sewer easement has been conveyed and recorded by staff. 4. The Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments support the requested abandonment of the Easement. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - 2024-251-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from TOD "Transit Oriented Development" and Urban Business Overlay to S-P-1 (RAB) "Detailed Site Plan - Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption" and Urban Business Overlay - 5250 N. O'Connor Boulevard, Suite 144 Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 8-0. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Denny, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owners: Goldsgate Enterprises, Inc. Applicant: Water Street O’Connor LP 3. The subject property is a 0.108-acre lease space for Bruncheon restaurant within the Gables Water Street mixed use development. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to allow a restaurant with the accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. 4. The current TOD zoning allows for restaurant uses as well as outdoor dining. However, the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption requires a separate zoning case for the restaurant lease space. 5. The restaurant is in Suite 144 which is located on the ground floor of a mixed-use retail and residential building. The suite is the former site of Ouzi Mediterranean Grill and is located between two other restaurants. 6. The restaurant will have a capacity of 112 seats, including a covered outdoor area. In the TOD district, the parking for restaurants is calculated at one (1) space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, requiring 27 parking spaces. Those spaces will be provided from the shared parking agreement within the development. 7. Restaurants within the Urban Business Overlay are permitted to sell alcohol for onpremises consumption at a ratio of a maximum of 30% food gross revenue to 70% alcohol gross revenue with R-AB zoning. In their letter of intent, the applicant states that they do not anticipate the revenue from gross alcohol revenue to exceed 45%. 8. Per Section 3.3.6 (b) “Sales Near Protected Uses - Exemptions”, the distance separation requirements from a religious facility, school, hospital, or residential use do not apply since the property is in the Urban Business Overlay District. However, no religious facilities, schools or hospitals are within 300 feet of the subject property. 9. Since this development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Code, and does not require any variances, staff can support this request. 10. A total of 53 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support of or in opposition to this request. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission
Ordinance - 2024-309-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 "SingleFamily Residential 6" to S-P-2 (R-6) "Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6" with a Variance to the Minimum Front Yard Setback for a Carport - 2816 Riverlake Court Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 7-1. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner in opposition: Denny Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owners: Miguel Martinez & Patty Garza Applicant: Miguel Martinez 3. The subject property is a 0.21-acre lot with an existing single-family house. The applicant is requesting a zoning change to allow a front carport to encroach 18 feet into the established 30-foot front yard setback, resulting in a twelve (12) foot front setback. 4. The proposed carport is proposed to be 12 feet tall (as measured to the peak of roof) and will be 22 feet long and 18 feet wide. The carport has not been built. 5. A carport must observe the same front setback line as the principal building. Per Section 8.4.2 “Established Front Yard”, the front yard setback shall be the same as the average front yard line of the street if thirty (30) percent or more of the street’s frontage has an observed front yard line. While the R-6 district currently requires a minimum 25-foot front yard setback, the houses fronting this side of Riverlake Court were built with a 30-foot front yard setback, as was required in the R-6 district at the time. 6. The property is on a cul-de-sac, so the property line is curved which alters the sight line. The proposed variance is being measured from the closest point of the carport to the property line. 7. The applicant’s original request was for a 21-foot variance to allow an 18-ft. x 25-ft. carport to be nine (9) feet from the property line. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval subject to the carport being a minimum of ten (10) feet from the property line. After speaking with staff, the applicant amended the site plan and is requesting an 18-ft. x 22-ft. carport, which would be a minimum of twelve (12) feet from the front property line. 8. The following variance is being requested: Standard Required Provided Established Front Yard Setback (Sec. 8.4.2) 30 feet 12 feet (18-foot variance) 9. The applicant states they are requesting a carport to protect their cars from weather damage, improve curb appeal, and improve their outdoor seating experience. 10. Staff from Traffic and Transportation, Fire, Water Utilities, and CIP have reviewed the request and have no objections to this request. 11. A total of 59 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support of or in opposition to this request. Staff Finding No unnecessary hardship is evident, and the site plan does not comply with the development standards outlined in Section 8.4.2 (Established Front Yard) in the Unified Development Code
Ordinance - 2024-334-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 "SingleFamily Residential 6" to S-P-2 (R-6) "Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6" with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width for Transitional Lots - 903 Elwood Road Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 7-1. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner in opposition: Denny Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owner: GMR Prime Investments, LLC Applicant: BP Design & Developments, LLC 3. The subject property is a 0.452-acre vacant tract zoned R-6 “Single-family Residential 6”. The applicant requests a zoning change to allow a variance to the minimum lot width for the proposed “Lot 5A” and “Lot 5B”, as required by Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” of the Unified Development Code. 4. Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” requires that proposed lots within 250 feet of existing developed single family lots fronting the same street are required to be no less than 80% of the lot area and lot width of the average of the lots in the area. 5. The average lot width for the surrounding lots is 64.21 feet, and 80% of the lot width is 51.37 feet. At 50 feet, the proposed lots would be 1.37 feet less than 80% of the lot width of the applicable adjacent properties. 6. The requested variance is summarized below: Standard Required Proposed Lots 5A and 5B Minimum Lot width (Sec. 5.3.5) 51.37 feet (80% of average) Min. 50 feet 1.37 ft. variance from Sec. 5.3.5 (-2.7%) 7. Per Section 8.4.2 “Established Front Yard”, the front yard setback shall be the same as the average front yard line of the street if thirty (30) percent or more of the street’s frontage has an observed front yard line. While the R-6 district currently requires a minimum 25-foot front yard setback, based on this formula, the minimum front yard setback for this property is 27 feet. The site plan reflects a 27-foot front yard setback; therefore, no variance is required for the minimum front yard setback. 8. The development will comply with all other requirements of the R-6 “Single-family Residential 6” zoning district. 9. Staff from Traffic and Transportation, Fire, Water Utilities, Inspections, and CIP have reviewed the request and indicated no objections to the zoning site plan. 10. A total of 66 public notices were mailed. Staff has received no responses in support and one (1) response in opposition. The opposition represents 3.43% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, per state law a ¾-vote is not required for approval. Staff Finding No unnecessary hardship is evident, and the site plan does not comply with the development standards outlined in Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” of the Unified Development Code
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Greg Beauchamp, Christ Church Irving Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda - no audio/visual permitted.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2024 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2024 4 Resolution - Approving the FY2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvements for the Bridges of Las Colinas Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Bridges PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Bridges of Las Colinas PID. 3. The Bridges of Las Colinas is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 122 acres located near the northeast corner of SH114 and Belt Line Road. The development consists of 401 residential lots. The 2024 taxable assessed value of the Bridges development is $259,456,628. 4. In 2013, the City issued Series 2013A City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $8,984,348.75 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.089550 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 19,715 square feet and would be assessed at $1,765.48 while the smallest lot size is 5,693 and would be assessed at $509.81. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Bridges PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 5 Resolution - Approving the FY2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvement for the Ranchview Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Ranchview PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Ranchview PID. 3. The Ranchview Development (Campion Hollows) is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 37 acres located at the intersection of IH635 and Valley Ranch Parkway East. The development consists of 121 single family residential lots. The 2024 taxable value is $71,511,336. 4 In 2013, the City issued Series 2013B City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $3,293,426.55 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.142465 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 11,868 square feet and will be assessed $1,690.78 while the smallest lot size is 5,707 and will be assessed $813.04. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Ranchview PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 6 Resolution - Approving the FY 2024-25 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Public Improvements for the Parkside Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 levy against property within the Parkside PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Parkside PID. 3. The Parkside Development is a single-family residential development consisting of approximately 275 acres located at the along the south side of SH114 at the intersection of Belt Line Road. Parkside consists of 888 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. The 2024 taxable value of the Parkside development is $542,211,331.00. 4. In 2014, the City issued Series 2014 City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $22,211,340.30 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 5. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.125617 per square foot. The development offers various lot sizes. The largest lot size is 16,255 square feet and would be assessed at $2,041.90 while the smallest lot size is 3,571 and would be assessed at $448.57. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 6. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2024-2025 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Parkside PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 7 Resolution - Accepting the Award of Grant Funds from the Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for Use in Creating a Targeted Recruiting Plan Aimed at Tough to Reach Segments of the Population and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Any Necessary Grant Documents Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant will be used to expand Irving Police Department recruiting efforts in historically underrepresented groups and increase reach through a targeting recruiting video and other marketing and in-person recruiting strategies. 3. The City of Irving has been awarded a FY2024/25 Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) microgrant for a total of $81,000.00. 4. The grant becomes effective October 1, 2024, and terminates on September 30, 2026, unless terminated or otherwise modified. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 8 Resolution - Ratifying and Approving a Grant Agreement Between the US Department of Transportation and the City of Irving for the Implementation of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration High Priority Grant Program for Fiscal Years 2024-2026 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant provides overtime expenses to increase traffic enforcement and traffic safety during traditional and non-traditional enforcement hours. 3. The grant is reimbursable up to $702,229.00. 4. The grant becomes effective September 1, 2024, and terminates on September 30, 2026, unless terminated or otherwise modified. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $425,000.00 for Fiscal and Calendar Year 2025 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB) and supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy – Market Irving as a Destination. 2. Impact: The contract positively impacts City of Irving residents, visitors and businesses large and small by generating additional community revenues through a targeted advertising program promoting the city of Irving as a premier destination. 3. Funding in the amount of $425,000 is available in the Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau budget within its General Fund. 4. The advertising schedule includes traditional and digital media in both the trade and leisure markets. Messaging will be focused primarily on the meetings trades and specialty publications within that segment, promoting Irving hotels and the Irving Convention Center for meetings and events, and will include third-party lead generation outlets. Leisure messaging will include the Texas Tourism co-operative program and focus on the 150-500 mile “drive-to” markets, as well as targeted staycation and regional event-driven messaging. 5. The final advertising schedule will be determined based on proposals submitted and the evaluation of these, to select those that best address the primary objectives of the 2024-25 ICVB Marketing Plan. Budgeting is done on a fiscal year basis; however, the media schedule primarily is placed on a calendar year with funds encumbered as commitments are made, and thus crossing fiscal years. 6. Past ICVB advertising conversion studies reported the following impacts and return on investment: for each $1 the ICVB spent on advertising, $31 was spent by travelers in Irving businesses. (Irving Conversion Study, Smart Business, 2000.) Based on the results received from similar advertising campaign components, for every $1 spent, $76.85 was generated in Potential Economic Value and/or direct hotel referrals. 7. The Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau represents a $3.45 billion-per-year hospitality industry, which welcomes 4.28 million visitors and generates $70.3 million in taxes annually. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 10 Resolution - Approving an Encroachment License Agreement and Acknowledging Receipt of the Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of the Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving Located at 4421 Caesar Lane Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, Transportation Department, and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy - Effectively plan and manage land use. 2. Impact: This Encroachment License Agreement supports permitting the repair and installation of a new stone and mortar retaining wall within a utility easement. 3. The Encroachment License agreement is to permit the installation of 4-foot-tall stone and mortar retaining wall in a 10’ utility easement located and maintained by owner Ecclesia Trust at 4421 Caesar Lane. 4. The Encroachment License Agreement will be for a term of 30 years with a fee of $4,800.00 paid by the Licensee. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Halff Associates, Inc., in an Estimated Amount of $500,000.00, for the Water and Wastewater TXDOT Relocation Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: Halff Associates, Inc., will assist City staff with the review of agreements and the preparation of the project management and document tracking associated with negotiations. 3. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from four (4) firms. Three (3) were chosen to be interviewed. Halff Associates, Inc., was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the services solicited. 4. This agreement will include project negotiation assistance for future TxDOT expansions of SH 183, SH 114, Loop 12 and US 380 Improvement Projects. 5. The Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments recommend selecting Halff Associates, Inc. The firm demonstrated a high level of experience working for other cities with similar TxDOT expansion projects. Halff Associates, Inc. showed exceptional knowledge of the corridors within the City of Irving that are shared with TxDOT; and they have a great reputation for working with TxDOT on related projects in the past. 6. Halff Associates, Inc., will: • Review and become familiar with all of the record drawings of the City of Irving’s existing infrastructure along the TxDOT expansion projects. • Assist staff with negotiation for agreements related to the relocation of city infrastructure as needed for the TxDOT expansion projects. • Review and become more familiar with all of the City of Irving’s design criteria, standard specifications and details. • Assist staff with negotiations related to the technical specifications for the relocation of city infrastructure insuring the City’s interests are protected. • Provide any easement and surveying services that may be required for the mutually agreed upon utilities that need to be relocated outside the TxDOT expansion projects right-of-way project limits. 7. Minority – and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 28%. 8. Funding in the amount of $500,000.00 is available within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and GSR Andrade, in the Amount of $171,700.00, for the Preparation of Design/Construction Documentation for Animal Care Campus Supplemental Scope Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and supports Future and Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Support strategic investment in city facilities. 2. Impact: This portion of the project will provide new and improved HVAC systems to the campus as well as ancillary improvements to the facility. 3. The design will address existing animal care campus facilities only. 4. The completion of the supplemental scope will provide a fully improved HVAC environment that will help maintain the health of the animals, improve the air quality of the facility, and more adequately zone quarantine areas. 5. Funding in the amount of $171,700.00 is available within the City Building Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. in the Amount of $2,503,010.00 for the Conflans Road Water and Wastewater Improvement Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: This work is part of the Water Utilities Department Replacement Program. This project impacts commercial and residential properties along Conflans Road from N. Belt Line Road to Olde Towne Drive and Mills Lane from Millswood Drive to Leland Boulevard. 3. This project will replace 2,500 LF-feet of a deteriorated 8-inch wastewater main with a new 8-inch PVC wastewater main along Conflans Road and Mills Lane. This project will also replace water services along Conflans Road. 4. Bids were received from three (3) bidders. A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $2,503,010.00. This is $496,990.00 (16.6%) below the cost estimate. 5. Minority and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 30%. 6. Funding in the amount of $815,600.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund and funding in the amount of $1,687,410.00 is available within the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $1,542,270.00 for the Perry Street Water Improvement Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: This work is part of the Water Utilities Water Master Plan. This project will replace a deteriorated undersize water line along Perry Street from South Nursery Road to South Irving Heights Drive. 3. This project will replace 1,600-feet of a deteriorated water main with a new 20-inch PVC water main. 4. Bids were received from three (3) bidders. SYB Construction Company, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $1,542,270.00. This is $115,702.00 (6.97%) below the engineers estimate for this project. 5. Minority and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 30%. 6. Funding in the amount of $1,542,270.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement, through the Corridor Enhancement Incentive Program, with Roys Pawn Shop, Inc., for Property Located at 635 E. Irving Blvd. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Housing and Redevelopment Department and supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy - Support strategic development and redevelopment including revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: Approval of this matching grant through the city’s Corridor Enhancement Program will serve to further private investment in the renovation and rehabilitation of existing building sites along commercially developed streets and thoroughfares within the boundaries of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2. 3. The scope of work includes the interior and exterior renovation of an approximately 7,000 sq. ft. existing retail building and site. The total estimated cost of all improvements is approximately $1.1 million. The estimated cost of the qualifying exterior improvements is approximately $300,000 and includes new aluminum storefront/entrances, metal canopies, roll down shutters, rooftop metal eyebrow with wall washer lighting, LED accent strip lighting, painting of exterior along with parking lot repairs and improvements. 4. The agreement provides for a 50% grant reimbursement up to $150,000 for all qualifying exterior improvements to the building and site. 5. On October 26, 2023 Council approved RES-2023-470, approving the original agreement. 6. This amendment extends the agreement by 6 months, giving the owner until April 26, 2025 to complete the project. Owner shall remit a fee in the amount of $500 for the extension of the project completion deadline. The Extension Fee will be eligible for reimbursement if the project is completed by the new completion deadline; otherwise, it is non-refundable. The eligible reimbursement does not increase the total amount of grant. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Approving Retroactively Amendment No. 2 to the Household Hazardous Waste Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County and City of Irving to Provide a Program in Which Residents Can Properly Dispose of Household Chemicals, in the Amount Not to Exceed $163,033.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Solid Waste Service Department. 2. Impact: This contract provides an environmentally sound method to dispose of household hazardous waste such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc., thus ensuring the proper disposition of these materials. 3. This agreement was originally executed on September 15, 2022, with four one-year renewals. This is the second renewal option. 4. This agreement will provide service from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025. Dates of the events are as follows: October 12, 2024, March 22, 2025, and June 9, 2025. 5. Funding in the amount of $163,033.00 is available in the FY2024-2025 budget within the Solid Waste Services Operating Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 17 Resolution - Approving Amendment No.1 of the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for On-Call Municipal Solid Waste Engineering Services. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Solid Waste Services Department. 2. Impact: This annual contract ensures that the City has the correct volume calculation of the Landfill. It also provides for creation of a fill plan to maximize capacity and updates to the site operating plan. In addition, this contract aids with regulatory compliance assessments and other engineering services that may be needed during the contract term. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of a professional services agreement for providing on-call municipal solid waste engineering services. The original agreement was awarded as the result of negotiations with the respondent receiving the highest evaluation criteria score through a Request for Qualifications process. 4. Funding in the amount of $500,000.00 is available in the Solid Waste budget within the Solid Waste Non Bond CIP Fund. Vendor Contract Term Estimated Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. 11/8/24 - 11/7/25 $400,000.00 2024-25 Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. 11/8/25 - 11 /7/26 $100,000.00 2025-26 TOTAL $500,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Tritech Software Systems, a CentralSquare Technologies Company, in the Total Amount of $193,132.97 for Tritech Public Safety System Software Support and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department and the Police Department. It supports Future in Focus: Government Sustainability – Improve efficiency through data, technology, and thoughtful, innovative approaches. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the Police Department’s Tritech public safety administration system comprised of computer aided dispatching (CAD) and mobile police vehicle software operating efficiently and legally licensed. 3. This software facilitates rapid, accurate communication to the field and promotes safety of personnel, as well as enabling communication with other agencies in a crisis situation. Tritech CAD and mobile is designed as an integrated, modular solution, providing the foundation to fully automate law enforcement operations from incident tracking to crime analysis and case management to state reporting. The Tritech system supports the entry of an event from dispatch through closing and assignment of a final disposition. 4. Funding is available in the Technology Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year Tritech Software Systems 10/25/24 - 10/24/25 $193,133.00 2024-25 Recommendation The resolution be approved. Bids and Purchasing Items Items 19-23 19 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with Martin & Martin Design in an Amount not to Exceed $150,000.00 for Art Handling and Fine Arts Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Arts Center. It supports Future in Focus: Sense of Community – Provide exceptional recreational, cultural, and educational opportunities. 2. Impact: The contracted services will ensure that art handling and fine arts services necessary for the mounting of exhibitions as well as the maintenance of pieces in the permanent collections and/or on long term loan at the Irving Arts Center and the Irving Museum will be performed in a safe, professional manner consistent with industry standards, lenders’ expectations, and contractual requirements. Services include, but are not limited to, unpacking, condition reporting, installation, dismantling/de-installation and packing of art and artifacts by experienced, trained art handlers as well as framing, fabrication, custom crating, transportation/shipping of art objects and exhibit components. 3. In conclusion, these services contribute significantly to the City’s ability to deliver exceptional services and promote a high quality of life for residents, visitors and businesses through its Department of Arts & Culture by providing exceptional recreational cultural and educational opportunities. 4. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide art services and fine arts handling. This is the second and final, one-year renewal option. The current contract expires November 30, 2024. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is available in the Irving Arts Center General Fund and the Heritage and Museum Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2025-26 is subject to budget appropriation. 6. Because this annual contract runs from December 2024 through November 2025, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be expended in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Est. Amount Fiscal Year Martin & Martin Design 12/1/24 - 11 /30/25 $110,000.00 2024-25 Martin & Martin Design 12/1/24 - 11 /30/25 $ 40,000.00 2025-26 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and LCA Environmental, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $800,000.00 for Environmental Assessment Services for a Two-Year Term Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure and Support strategic investment in city facilities. 2. Impact: Renewal of this agreement for Environmental Assessment Services are necessary to ensure compliance with state and federal environmental regulations when acquiring, remediating, and/or demolishing property as well as for assessing and/or monitoring other types of environmental impacts. Various departments utilize these as-needed services including CIP, Water Utilities, Economic Development, Planning & Community Development, Parks & Recreation and Code Enforcement. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract for Environmental Assessment Services. This is the first of two, two-year renewal options for this agreement, which expires November 8, 2024. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is available in various project funds, while funding for Fiscal Years 2025-26 and 2026-27 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this spending declaration runs from November 2024 through November 2025 it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the contract total amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Estimated Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) LCA Environmental, Inc. 11/9/24 - 11/8/26 $330,000.00 2024-25 LCA Environmental Environmental, Inc. 11/9/24 - 11/8/26 $400,000.00 2025-26 $ 70,000.00 2026-27 TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT $800,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids from Consolidated Pipe and Supply, North Texas Winwater and Core & Main LP., in the Total Estimated Amount of $460,000.00 for Valves Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain water, wastewater and drainage infrastructure. 2. Impact: These valves are utilized to isolate and control the flow of water within the city’s water distribution system. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing valves on an as-needed basis. The contract is for one year with two, one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Water & Sewer Operating and the Water-Sewer Non-Bond CIP funds. Vendor Groups Contract Term FY 2024-25 Est. Exp. Consolidated Pipe and Supply 1 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $ 41,000.00 North Texas Winwater. 2 & 3 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $236,000.00 Core & Main, LP 4 10/25/24 - 9/30/25 $183,000.00 TOTAL $460,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department, the Fleet Services Division and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain roadways, sidewalks, and transportation infrastructure. 2. Impact: Establishment of a Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC supports utilization of BuyBoard Contract No. 723-23 for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks, Parts, and Maintenance Repair Services which expires November 30, 2024. 3. Approval of this item allows for the purchase of two (2) 2024 Ram 4500 Cab and Chassis as presented in the following item on this agenda as well as any future purchases from this vendor through the designated BuyBoard contract during the specified contract term. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 23 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Grapevine DCJ, LLC, for Two (2) 2024 Ram 4500 Cab and Chassis in the Total Estimated Amount of $137,864.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department and approved by the Fleet Services Division. It supports Future in Focus: Infrastructure Investment – Maintain roadways, sidewalks, and transportation infrastructure. 2. Impact: The listed vehicles will be utilized by the Fire Department to help support and maintain critical city infrastructure. Replacement of aging vehicles will reduce downtime and provide the department with critical resources to maintain optimal services for the Irving community. The cab and chassis are purchased separately from the vehicle body due to the vendor not being able to sell a complete ambulance in the State of Texas. 3. This supplemental vehicle purchase is supported by a Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and Grapevine DCJ, LLC, utilizing BuyBoard Contract No. 723-23 Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks, Parts, and Maintenance Repair Services which is presented as the previous item on this agenda. 4. Funding in the total estimated amount of $137,864.00 is available in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 24 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment and Vacation of a 20-Foot Sanitary Sewer Drainage Easement Along a Portion of Property at 2621 W. Airport Freeway, Being 0.372 of an Acre of Land Situated in and Being a Portion of Block 4A, of the Revised Plat of Plymouth Park No.5 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Future in Focus: Vibrant Economy – Effectively plan and manage land use. 2. Impact: The abandonment of the 20-foot Sanitary Sewer Easement is requested to allow for the rebuilding of Crockett Middle School. 3. The existing Sanitary Sewer Easement (16,221 S.F.) currently limits the redevelopment of the property. Capital Improvements and Water Utilities advised the developer to reroute the existing sanitary sewer line into a new proposed sanitary sewer easement. The new proposed sanitary sewer easement has been conveyed and recorded by staff. 4. The Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments support the requested abandonment of the Easement. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - 2024-251-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from TOD "Transit Oriented Development" and Urban Business Overlay to S-P-1 (RAB) "Detailed Site Plan - Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption" and Urban Business Overlay - 5250 N. O'Connor Boulevard, Suite 144 Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 8-0. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Denny, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owners: Goldsgate Enterprises, Inc. Applicant: Water Street O’Connor LP 3. The subject property is a 0.108-acre lease space for Bruncheon restaurant within the Gables Water Street mixed use development. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to allow a restaurant with the accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. 4. The current TOD zoning allows for restaurant uses as well as outdoor dining. However, the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption requires a separate zoning case for the restaurant lease space. 5. The restaurant is in Suite 144 which is located on the ground floor of a mixed-use retail and residential building. The suite is the former site of Ouzi Mediterranean Grill and is located between two other restaurants. 6. The restaurant will have a capacity of 112 seats, including a covered outdoor area. In the TOD district, the parking for restaurants is calculated at one (1) space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, requiring 27 parking spaces. Those spaces will be provided from the shared parking agreement within the development. 7. Restaurants within the Urban Business Overlay are permitted to sell alcohol for onpremises consumption at a ratio of a maximum of 30% food gross revenue to 70% alcohol gross revenue with R-AB zoning. In their letter of intent, the applicant states that they do not anticipate the revenue from gross alcohol revenue to exceed 45%. 8. Per Section 3.3.6 (b) “Sales Near Protected Uses - Exemptions”, the distance separation requirements from a religious facility, school, hospital, or residential use do not apply since the property is in the Urban Business Overlay District. However, no religious facilities, schools or hospitals are within 300 feet of the subject property. 9. Since this development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Code, and does not require any variances, staff can support this request. 10. A total of 53 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support of or in opposition to this request. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission
Ordinance - 2024-309-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 "SingleFamily Residential 6" to S-P-2 (R-6) "Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6" with a Variance to the Minimum Front Yard Setback for a Carport - 2816 Riverlake Court Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 7-1. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner in opposition: Denny Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owners: Miguel Martinez & Patty Garza Applicant: Miguel Martinez 3. The subject property is a 0.21-acre lot with an existing single-family house. The applicant is requesting a zoning change to allow a front carport to encroach 18 feet into the established 30-foot front yard setback, resulting in a twelve (12) foot front setback. 4. The proposed carport is proposed to be 12 feet tall (as measured to the peak of roof) and will be 22 feet long and 18 feet wide. The carport has not been built. 5. A carport must observe the same front setback line as the principal building. Per Section 8.4.2 “Established Front Yard”, the front yard setback shall be the same as the average front yard line of the street if thirty (30) percent or more of the street’s frontage has an observed front yard line. While the R-6 district currently requires a minimum 25-foot front yard setback, the houses fronting this side of Riverlake Court were built with a 30-foot front yard setback, as was required in the R-6 district at the time. 6. The property is on a cul-de-sac, so the property line is curved which alters the sight line. The proposed variance is being measured from the closest point of the carport to the property line. 7. The applicant’s original request was for a 21-foot variance to allow an 18-ft. x 25-ft. carport to be nine (9) feet from the property line. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval subject to the carport being a minimum of ten (10) feet from the property line. After speaking with staff, the applicant amended the site plan and is requesting an 18-ft. x 22-ft. carport, which would be a minimum of twelve (12) feet from the front property line. 8. The following variance is being requested: Standard Required Provided Established Front Yard Setback (Sec. 8.4.2) 30 feet 12 feet (18-foot variance) 9. The applicant states they are requesting a carport to protect their cars from weather damage, improve curb appeal, and improve their outdoor seating experience. 10. Staff from Traffic and Transportation, Fire, Water Utilities, and CIP have reviewed the request and have no objections to this request. 11. A total of 59 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support of or in opposition to this request. Staff Finding No unnecessary hardship is evident, and the site plan does not comply with the development standards outlined in Section 8.4.2 (Established Front Yard) in the Unified Development Code
Ordinance - 2024-334-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 "SingleFamily Residential 6" to S-P-2 (R-6) "Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6" with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width for Transitional Lots - 903 Elwood Road Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on October 7, 2024 by a vote of 7-1. Commissioners in support: Skinner, Haacke, Vigliante, Myrick, Lightfoot, Reyes, Sanguino Commissioner in opposition: Denny Commissioner absent: Prichard 2. Owner: GMR Prime Investments, LLC Applicant: BP Design & Developments, LLC 3. The subject property is a 0.452-acre vacant tract zoned R-6 “Single-family Residential 6”. The applicant requests a zoning change to allow a variance to the minimum lot width for the proposed “Lot 5A” and “Lot 5B”, as required by Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” of the Unified Development Code. 4. Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” requires that proposed lots within 250 feet of existing developed single family lots fronting the same street are required to be no less than 80% of the lot area and lot width of the average of the lots in the area. 5. The average lot width for the surrounding lots is 64.21 feet, and 80% of the lot width is 51.37 feet. At 50 feet, the proposed lots would be 1.37 feet less than 80% of the lot width of the applicable adjacent properties. 6. The requested variance is summarized below: Standard Required Proposed Lots 5A and 5B Minimum Lot width (Sec. 5.3.5) 51.37 feet (80% of average) Min. 50 feet 1.37 ft. variance from Sec. 5.3.5 (-2.7%) 7. Per Section 8.4.2 “Established Front Yard”, the front yard setback shall be the same as the average front yard line of the street if thirty (30) percent or more of the street’s frontage has an observed front yard line. While the R-6 district currently requires a minimum 25-foot front yard setback, based on this formula, the minimum front yard setback for this property is 27 feet. The site plan reflects a 27-foot front yard setback; therefore, no variance is required for the minimum front yard setback. 8. The development will comply with all other requirements of the R-6 “Single-family Residential 6” zoning district. 9. Staff from Traffic and Transportation, Fire, Water Utilities, Inspections, and CIP have reviewed the request and indicated no objections to the zoning site plan. 10. A total of 66 public notices were mailed. Staff has received no responses in support and one (1) response in opposition. The opposition represents 3.43% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, per state law a ¾-vote is not required for approval. Staff Finding No unnecessary hardship is evident, and the site plan does not comply with the development standards outlined in Section 5.3.5 “Single-family Residential Lot Size Compatibility” of the Unified Development Code