General Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Tax Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from Fiscal Year (FY) 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/ Debt Service
Compensation and Benefits I . Step/Merit/Cost of Living Adjustment Increases 2. Health Insurance Fund
Water and Sewer Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Municipal Drainage Utility Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Solid Waste Services Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 3. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Internal Service Funds Overview 1. Fleet and Vehicle Replacement Overview 2. Information Technology Overview 3. Building Improvement Overview
Economic Development 1. Economic Development Fund Overview 2. Economic Development Incentives Fund Overview 3. Entertainment Venue Operating Budget and Work Plan 4. Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIFs) Funds Overview 5. Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) Funds Overview
Council Action 1. Ordinance - Calling a Special Election in the City of Irving, Texas, to be Held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the Purpose of Submitting to the Qualified Voters the Question of Whether Chapter 174 of the Texas Local Government Code (Collective Bargaining) Should be Adopted for Irving Fire Fighters 2. Resolution -- Expressing Intent to Consider Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate If the City Council Determines an Increase in Revenue is Necessary by Adopting a Tax Rate that is Above the No New Revenue Tax Rate, This Action is Needed to Comply with State Law.
Council Priorities and Projects (Future in Focus) 1. Vibrant Economy 2. Infrastructure Investment 3. Sense of Community 4. Government Sustainability 5. Safe and Beautiful City
General Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Tax Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from Fiscal Year (FY) 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/ Debt Service
Compensation and Benefits I . Step/Merit/Cost of Living Adjustment Increases 2. Health Insurance Fund
Water and Sewer Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Municipal Drainage Utility Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Rate Discussion 3. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 4. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Solid Waste Services Fund Overview 1. Revenues and Expenditures 2. Significant Changes from FY 24 to FY 25 3. Capital Improvement Projects/Debt Service
Internal Service Funds Overview 1. Fleet and Vehicle Replacement Overview 2. Information Technology Overview 3. Building Improvement Overview
Economic Development 1. Economic Development Fund Overview 2. Economic Development Incentives Fund Overview 3. Entertainment Venue Operating Budget and Work Plan 4. Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIFs) Funds Overview 5. Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) Funds Overview
Council Action 1. Ordinance - Calling a Special Election in the City of Irving, Texas, to be Held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the Purpose of Submitting to the Qualified Voters the Question of Whether Chapter 174 of the Texas Local Government Code (Collective Bargaining) Should be Adopted for Irving Fire Fighters 2. Resolution -- Expressing Intent to Consider Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate If the City Council Determines an Increase in Revenue is Necessary by Adopting a Tax Rate that is Above the No New Revenue Tax Rate, This Action is Needed to Comply with State Law.
Council Priorities and Projects (Future in Focus) 1. Vibrant Economy 2. Infrastructure Investment 3. Sense of Community 4. Government Sustainability 5. Safe and Beautiful City