Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Frank Pounders, Unity Church of Irving Pledge of Allegiance
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving the Work Session Minutes for Thursday, March 21 , 2024 3 Approving the Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, March 21 , 2024 Resolution --Approving an Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit, in the Amount of $35,900.00, for the Purchase of 0.241 Acres of an Additional Drainage Easement Along the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) Railroad Tracks 5 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Proposal of Steele and Freeman, Inc., for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the Construction of Mustang Park MultiGenerational Community Recreation and Aquatics Center Project 6 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Nema 3 Electric, Inc., in the Amount of $784,902.00 for the Twin Wells Park Softball Lighting Improvement Project 7 Resolution -- Terminating the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Walter P. Moore, Inc., for the New Police and Fire Training Driving Skills Pad 8 Resolution --Approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Edged Dallas, LLC., in an Amount Dependent Upon Annual Qualifications 9 Resolution -- Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Beltline and Grande Limited Partnership, in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000 for the Property Located at 2522-2678 N. Belt Line Road I 0 Resolution --Approving a Subrecipient Agreement Between Dallas County and the City of Irving Relating to Dallas County Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SLFRF”) I I Resolution -- Approving an Amendment to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement, through the Downtown Facade Enhancement Incentive Program, with GoodRE Irving Investments LLC, for Property Located at 202 East Irving Boulevard and Extending Completion Deadline. 12 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Design Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, in the Amount of $1,409,900.00 for Design of the Esters Elevated Storage Tank Replacement 13 Resolution --Authorizing As-Needed Expenditures with PIano Office Supply Co., in the Total Estimated Amount of $250,000.00 for Office Furniture through the Collin County Community College District Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Program 14 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with First Student, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount. of $70,000.00 for Bus Transportation Services for City of Irving Recreation Centers 15 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and TJs Professional Painting and Construction, LLC, through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 16 Resolution -- Approving the Expenditure with TJs Professional Painting and Construction, LLC, for Interior Painting of the Irving Arts Center Stairwells, in the Total Estimated Amount of $79,133.71 through The lnterlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered bythe Region VIII Education Service Center I 7 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with HD Way Concrete Service, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 ,250,000.OO for Concrete & Drainage Repair 18 Resolution --Rejecting Any and All Bids Relative to ITB No. 057D-24F for Freeport No. 2 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project I 9 Resolution -- Approving Additional As-Needed Expenditures in the Total Estimated Amount of $125,000.00 with Guillermo Luevano dba Memos Auto Body & Fiberglass Repair, LLC, for Auto Body Repair of Vehicles 20 Resolution -- Approving Additional As-Needed Expenditures with Hydraulic Hose of Love Field, LLC, dba Pirtek Love Field in the Total Estimated Amount of $100,000.00 for Mobile Hose Replacement & Repair through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Dallas 21 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 50,000.000 for Parts Purchases and Maintenance Repair Services for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 22 Resolution --Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Texas Kenworth, Inc., dba MHC Kenworth, in the Total Estimated Amount of $150,000.000 for Parts Purchases and Maintenance Repair Services for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Ag reement (BuyBoard) 23 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contracts with Western Marketing, Inc., dba Reladyne LLC, Dial Lubricants, Inc., and Offen Petroleum, LLC (formerly W. Douglass Distributing) in an Amount Not to Exceed $275,000.00 for Automotive Fluids and Lubricants 24 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with Herco Equipment, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $240,000.00 for Motor Vehicle Hydraulic Repairs & Optional Parts Only Purchases for a Two-Year Period 25 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bid of TOl Irving, Inc., dba Toyota of Irving in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Toyota Parts and Services for a Two-Year Period 26 Ordinance --Consider Adoption of Water, Wastewater, Roadway, and Drainage Impact Fees Per Service Unit; Establishing Definitions and Procedures for Exemptions, Assessment, Collection, Computation, Expenditure, Credit, Refund, and General Administration of Impact Fees; Renaming Chapter 42 “Zoning” to “Impact Fees”; Providing for the Establishment of an Account for Impact Fees; Providing for the Calculation of Rough Proportionality; Providing Severability and Conflict Clauses; and Providing for an Effective Date 27 Ordinance --Amending Article V. Entitled “Records Management” of Chapter 2 of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas. 28 Ordinance --Amending Appendix “A” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances by Updating the Water Management Plan and Providing for Water Management Regulations and Enforcement 29 Ordinance -- Approving a Second Amended Development Agreement with Lone Oak Residential, LLC and Authorizing the Sale of the Property; Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Execute the Second Amended Development Agreement and Conveyance Documents; and Providing a Severability Clause.
Ordinance -- 2024-58-SEP -Considering a Special Fence Project Plan to Allow a FiveFoot Tall Wrought Iron FenceWithin the Required 25-Foot Front Yard Fence Setback - 726 Irving Heights Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-87-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Regional Commercial” to “Community Village” - 4105 Esters Road
Ordinance -- 2023-11O-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” and State Highway 161 Overlay to S-P-2 (Mixed Use) “Generalized Site Plan - Mixed Use” and State Highway I 61 Overlay Establishing Development Standards Including Parking, Setbacks, Density and Height - 4105 Esters Road
Ordinance -- 2024-42-CP -Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Open Space” and “Regional Commercial” to “Industrial” - 3100 5. Belt Line Road
Ordinance -- 2024-41-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-O) “Generalized Site Plan - Commercial Office”, S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” and ML-20 “Light Industrial 20” to S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” with Variances to Allow an Eight-Foot Tall Fence in the Front Setback Along S. Belt Line Road - 31 00 5. Belt Line Road
Ordinance -- 2024-82-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Traditional Neighborhood” to “Business/Office” - 522 E. Union Bower Road
Ordinance -- 2024-56-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P “Site Plan” for Day Care & Residence and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-I (C-O) “Detailed Site Plan - Commercial Office” with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width - 522 E. Union Bower Road
Ordinance -- 2024-75-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Compact Neighborhood” to “Local Commercial” - 1110 Hilltop Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-57-ZC- Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” and C-N “Neighborhood Commercial” to C-N “Neighborhood Commercial” - I I I 0 Hilltop Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-62-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (P-O) “Generalized Site Plan — Professional Office” with a Variance to the Maximum Height of a Fence in the Front Setback - 61 5 Metker Street
Ordinance -- 2024-63-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from P-O “Professional Office” and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (P-O) “Generalized Site Plan - Professional Office” with Variances to the Minimum Front Yard Setback and the Maximum Height of a Fence in the Front Yard Setback - 800 N. O’Connor Road
Ordinance -- 2024-64-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-7.5 “Single-Family Residential 7.5” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6” with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width on Tract I and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” on Tract 2 - 1813 and 1815 5. Story Road Adjournment
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Frank Pounders, Unity Church of Irving Pledge of Allegiance
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving the Work Session Minutes for Thursday, March 21 , 2024 3 Approving the Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, March 21 , 2024 Resolution --Approving an Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit, in the Amount of $35,900.00, for the Purchase of 0.241 Acres of an Additional Drainage Easement Along the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) Railroad Tracks 5 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Proposal of Steele and Freeman, Inc., for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the Construction of Mustang Park MultiGenerational Community Recreation and Aquatics Center Project 6 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Nema 3 Electric, Inc., in the Amount of $784,902.00 for the Twin Wells Park Softball Lighting Improvement Project 7 Resolution -- Terminating the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Walter P. Moore, Inc., for the New Police and Fire Training Driving Skills Pad 8 Resolution --Approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Edged Dallas, LLC., in an Amount Dependent Upon Annual Qualifications 9 Resolution -- Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Beltline and Grande Limited Partnership, in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000 for the Property Located at 2522-2678 N. Belt Line Road I 0 Resolution --Approving a Subrecipient Agreement Between Dallas County and the City of Irving Relating to Dallas County Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SLFRF”) I I Resolution -- Approving an Amendment to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement, through the Downtown Facade Enhancement Incentive Program, with GoodRE Irving Investments LLC, for Property Located at 202 East Irving Boulevard and Extending Completion Deadline. 12 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Design Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, in the Amount of $1,409,900.00 for Design of the Esters Elevated Storage Tank Replacement 13 Resolution --Authorizing As-Needed Expenditures with PIano Office Supply Co., in the Total Estimated Amount of $250,000.00 for Office Furniture through the Collin County Community College District Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Program 14 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with First Student, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount. of $70,000.00 for Bus Transportation Services for City of Irving Recreation Centers 15 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and TJs Professional Painting and Construction, LLC, through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 16 Resolution -- Approving the Expenditure with TJs Professional Painting and Construction, LLC, for Interior Painting of the Irving Arts Center Stairwells, in the Total Estimated Amount of $79,133.71 through The lnterlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered bythe Region VIII Education Service Center I 7 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with HD Way Concrete Service, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 ,250,000.OO for Concrete & Drainage Repair 18 Resolution --Rejecting Any and All Bids Relative to ITB No. 057D-24F for Freeport No. 2 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project I 9 Resolution -- Approving Additional As-Needed Expenditures in the Total Estimated Amount of $125,000.00 with Guillermo Luevano dba Memos Auto Body & Fiberglass Repair, LLC, for Auto Body Repair of Vehicles 20 Resolution -- Approving Additional As-Needed Expenditures with Hydraulic Hose of Love Field, LLC, dba Pirtek Love Field in the Total Estimated Amount of $100,000.00 for Mobile Hose Replacement & Repair through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Dallas 21 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 50,000.000 for Parts Purchases and Maintenance Repair Services for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 22 Resolution --Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Texas Kenworth, Inc., dba MHC Kenworth, in the Total Estimated Amount of $150,000.000 for Parts Purchases and Maintenance Repair Services for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Ag reement (BuyBoard) 23 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contracts with Western Marketing, Inc., dba Reladyne LLC, Dial Lubricants, Inc., and Offen Petroleum, LLC (formerly W. Douglass Distributing) in an Amount Not to Exceed $275,000.00 for Automotive Fluids and Lubricants 24 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with Herco Equipment, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $240,000.00 for Motor Vehicle Hydraulic Repairs & Optional Parts Only Purchases for a Two-Year Period 25 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bid of TOl Irving, Inc., dba Toyota of Irving in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Toyota Parts and Services for a Two-Year Period 26 Ordinance --Consider Adoption of Water, Wastewater, Roadway, and Drainage Impact Fees Per Service Unit; Establishing Definitions and Procedures for Exemptions, Assessment, Collection, Computation, Expenditure, Credit, Refund, and General Administration of Impact Fees; Renaming Chapter 42 “Zoning” to “Impact Fees”; Providing for the Establishment of an Account for Impact Fees; Providing for the Calculation of Rough Proportionality; Providing Severability and Conflict Clauses; and Providing for an Effective Date 27 Ordinance --Amending Article V. Entitled “Records Management” of Chapter 2 of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas. 28 Ordinance --Amending Appendix “A” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances by Updating the Water Management Plan and Providing for Water Management Regulations and Enforcement 29 Ordinance -- Approving a Second Amended Development Agreement with Lone Oak Residential, LLC and Authorizing the Sale of the Property; Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Execute the Second Amended Development Agreement and Conveyance Documents; and Providing a Severability Clause.
Ordinance -- 2024-58-SEP -Considering a Special Fence Project Plan to Allow a FiveFoot Tall Wrought Iron FenceWithin the Required 25-Foot Front Yard Fence Setback - 726 Irving Heights Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-87-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Regional Commercial” to “Community Village” - 4105 Esters Road
Ordinance -- 2023-11O-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” and State Highway 161 Overlay to S-P-2 (Mixed Use) “Generalized Site Plan - Mixed Use” and State Highway I 61 Overlay Establishing Development Standards Including Parking, Setbacks, Density and Height - 4105 Esters Road
Ordinance -- 2024-42-CP -Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Open Space” and “Regional Commercial” to “Industrial” - 3100 5. Belt Line Road
Ordinance -- 2024-41-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-O) “Generalized Site Plan - Commercial Office”, S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” and ML-20 “Light Industrial 20” to S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” with Variances to Allow an Eight-Foot Tall Fence in the Front Setback Along S. Belt Line Road - 31 00 5. Belt Line Road
Ordinance -- 2024-82-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Traditional Neighborhood” to “Business/Office” - 522 E. Union Bower Road
Ordinance -- 2024-56-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P “Site Plan” for Day Care & Residence and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-I (C-O) “Detailed Site Plan - Commercial Office” with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width - 522 E. Union Bower Road
Ordinance -- 2024-75-CP - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Compact Neighborhood” to “Local Commercial” - 1110 Hilltop Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-57-ZC- Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” and C-N “Neighborhood Commercial” to C-N “Neighborhood Commercial” - I I I 0 Hilltop Drive
Ordinance -- 2024-62-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (P-O) “Generalized Site Plan — Professional Office” with a Variance to the Maximum Height of a Fence in the Front Setback - 61 5 Metker Street
Ordinance -- 2024-63-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from P-O “Professional Office” and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (P-O) “Generalized Site Plan - Professional Office” with Variances to the Minimum Front Yard Setback and the Maximum Height of a Fence in the Front Yard Setback - 800 N. O’Connor Road
Ordinance -- 2024-64-ZC - Considering a Zoning Change from R-7.5 “Single-Family Residential 7.5” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6” with a Variance to the Minimum Lot Width on Tract I and R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” on Tract 2 - 1813 and 1815 5. Story Road Adjournment