Unfunded/Additional Items for Discussion 1. DISCUSSION: City Council Requests 2. DISCUSSION: Public Input Requests
Unfunded/Additional Items for Discussion 1. DISCUSSION: City Council Requests 2. DISCUSSION: Public Input Requests
Council Action - Consideration of Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate and Additional Agenda Items 1. Resolution - Expressing Intent to Consider Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate The Budget as proposed does not require this action; if the City Council determines an increase in revenue is necessary by adopting a tax rate that is above the effective rate, this action is needed to comply with State law. 2. Resolution - Confirming the Appointment of Victor Conley as Interim Fire Chief 3. Resolution - Approving the Third Extension to the Option Agreement with Kiamichi Railroad Company, L.L.C., and Approving Payment for the Third Extension up to $200,000 4. Resolution - Approving a Funding Agreement with Dallas - Fort Worth International Airport for the Acquisition of an Easement for the DART Orange Line I-2 Segment 5. Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Parking Lease Agreement Between SP Millennium Center, L.P. and the City of Irving to Extend Commencement Date
Unfunded/Additional Items for Discussion 1. DISCUSSION: City Council Requests 2. DISCUSSION: Public Input Requests
Unfunded/Additional Items for Discussion 1. DISCUSSION: City Council Requests 2. DISCUSSION: Public Input Requests
Council Action - Consideration of Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate and Additional Agenda Items 1. Resolution - Expressing Intent to Consider Adopting the Proposed Tax Rate The Budget as proposed does not require this action; if the City Council determines an increase in revenue is necessary by adopting a tax rate that is above the effective rate, this action is needed to comply with State law. 2. Resolution - Confirming the Appointment of Victor Conley as Interim Fire Chief 3. Resolution - Approving the Third Extension to the Option Agreement with Kiamichi Railroad Company, L.L.C., and Approving Payment for the Third Extension up to $200,000 4. Resolution - Approving a Funding Agreement with Dallas - Fort Worth International Airport for the Acquisition of an Easement for the DART Orange Line I-2 Segment 5. Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Parking Lease Agreement Between SP Millennium Center, L.P. and the City of Irving to Extend Commencement Date