Individual Consideration Board of Adjustments Case BOA20-0001 – Appeal - Consider an appeal of a determination made by an administrative official regarding approval of minor variations to a previously approved Multifamily Concept Plan in accordance with Section 52-59(c)(3) of the City of Irving Land Development Code; Kim Pollock, Secretary of the Fairway Vista Homeowners Association, applicant, regarding property addressed as 300 O’Connor Ridge Road (previously addressed as 200 O’Connor Ridge Road); approximately 7.73 Acres located on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Road, north of Lena Lane.
Individual Consideration Board of Adjustments Case BOA20-0001 – Appeal - Consider an appeal of a determination made by an administrative official regarding approval of minor variations to a previously approved Multifamily Concept Plan in accordance with Section 52-59(c)(3) of the City of Irving Land Development Code; Kim Pollock, Secretary of the Fairway Vista Homeowners Association, applicant, regarding property addressed as 300 O’Connor Ridge Road (previously addressed as 200 O’Connor Ridge Road); approximately 7.73 Acres located on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Road, north of Lena Lane.