***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THIS ITEM WAS JOINED IN PROGRESS*** Strategic Plan Update and Department Budget Presentations (Police, Fire and Animal Services)
***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THIS ITEM WAS JOINED IN PROGRESS*** Animal Services Presentation and Discussion on Animal Ordinance Options Regarding Chickens
EXECUTIVE SESSION Economic Development Negotiations, Real Estate, and Legal Advice - Convention Center Hotel (Open Meetings Act §§ 551.087, 551.072, and 551.071)
***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THIS ITEM WAS JOINED IN PROGRESS*** Strategic Plan Update and Department Budget Presentations (Police, Fire and Animal Services)
***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THIS ITEM WAS JOINED IN PROGRESS*** Animal Services Presentation and Discussion on Animal Ordinance Options Regarding Chickens
EXECUTIVE SESSION Economic Development Negotiations, Real Estate, and Legal Advice - Convention Center Hotel (Open Meetings Act §§ 551.087, 551.072, and 551.071)