1 Ordinance - Canvassing the Returns and Declaring the Results of the General Municipal Election Held on May 11, 2013; for the Purpose of Electing Three Council Members for Irving City Council, Places 1, 2, and 7 for a Term of Three (3) Years; and Canvassing the Returns and Declaring the Results of a Special Election Regarding the Adoption or Rejection of Twenty-Five (25) Proposed Amendments to the Existing Charter of the City of Irving 2 Ordinance -- Ordering a Run-Off Election to be Held on June 15, 2013, for the Purpose of Electing the Position of City Council Place 1 and City Council Place 2; Designating the Place at Which Said Election is to be Held; Making Provisions for the Conduct of that Election
Discussion of the Process and Timing of the Hiring of a Chief of the Fire Department for the City of Irving (Requested by Mayor Van Duyne)
Discussion of City of Irving Policy Regarding Temperature Control and Energy Conservation (Including the Use of Manual and "Smart" Thermostats) in the Fire Stations Throughout the City (Requested by Mayor Van Duyne)
1 Ordinance - Canvassing the Returns and Declaring the Results of the General Municipal Election Held on May 11, 2013; for the Purpose of Electing Three Council Members for Irving City Council, Places 1, 2, and 7 for a Term of Three (3) Years; and Canvassing the Returns and Declaring the Results of a Special Election Regarding the Adoption or Rejection of Twenty-Five (25) Proposed Amendments to the Existing Charter of the City of Irving 2 Ordinance -- Ordering a Run-Off Election to be Held on June 15, 2013, for the Purpose of Electing the Position of City Council Place 1 and City Council Place 2; Designating the Place at Which Said Election is to be Held; Making Provisions for the Conduct of that Election
Discussion of the Process and Timing of the Hiring of a Chief of the Fire Department for the City of Irving (Requested by Mayor Van Duyne)
Discussion of City of Irving Policy Regarding Temperature Control and Energy Conservation (Including the Use of Manual and "Smart" Thermostats) in the Fire Stations Throughout the City (Requested by Mayor Van Duyne)