Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Shane Webb, Woodhaven Presbyterian Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, November 1 0, 2022 4 . Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, November 10, 2022 5 Ordinance --Amending Ordinance No. 2022-10634 Providing Budget Adjustment #2 to the 2O22-23 Fiscal Year Budget 6 Resolution --Repealing Council Resolutions Nos. 2022-269, 2022-270, and 2022-271 to Identify the Correct Funding for Contracts Issued Under Those Resolutions 7 Resolution -- Approving the Fourth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIF #1), City of Irving, and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District (DCURD) Concerning Accelerated Waterway Maintenance Projects 8 Resolution -- Amending the Plan Document of the City of Irving Supplemental Benefit Plan Relating to Non-Elected Voting Board Appointees Attendance and Allowing the Appointment of a Voting Designee at Their Discretion 9 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with Advanced Security Technologies for the Purchase of Two Modular Vehicle Barrier 3X Systems in the Total Amount of $354,634.00 10 Resolution --Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Cities of Irving, Fort Worth, Frisco, Grand Prairie, Haltom City and Hurst, for Participation in the DEW First Responders Critical Incident Stress Management Network I I Resolution -- Authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to File a Lawsuit Seeking Gilbert Clarification Regarding the Use of the Property Maintenance Fund in the Clay W. Estate 12 Resolution -- Approving a Settlement Agreement Between the City of Irving and Komatsu Architecture for the Resolution of Potential Claims for the Fire Apparatus Storage Building at the Public Safety Complex on Belt Line Road 13 Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. I to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, LLC, in the Amount of $1 233,247.00 for Additional Services for the Brockbank Channel Improvements Project 14 Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Pape Dawson Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $1 ,255,785.00 for Additional Services for the North Delaware Creek Phase I Channel Improvements Project 15 Resolution -- Approving Change Order No. 4 to the Contract with Flow-Line Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $16,000.00 for the State Highway 161 Water Improvements Project 16 Resolution -- Approving a Third Amended and Restated Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Allstate Insurance Company in an Amount Not to Exceed $337,500, Dependent Upon Annual Qualifications 17 Resolution -- Adopting a Policy Affecting Compliance Requirements for Existing Economic Development Incentive Agreements for Calendar Year 2022 18 Resolution -- Approving the Sole Source Renewal from Tritech Software Systems a CentralSquare Technologies Company, in the Total Amount of $1 52,251 .88 for the Annual Renewal of Tiburon Public Safety System Software Maintenance 19 Resolution -- Approving the Single Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $63,853.30 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support 20 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc., for Online Auto Pound, Surplus City Vehicle & Equipment, and Police Property Room Auctions through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 21 Resolution -- Approving Renewal No. 5 to the Consulting Agreement with Holmes, Murphy & Associates, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $96,000.00 for Employee Healthcare and Benefits Consulting Services 22 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Galls, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $255,900.00 for First Responder Uniforms, Accessories, and Services through the North Texas SHARE Cooperative Purchasing Program 23 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, and Life-Assist, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $272,000.00 for EMS Fire Dept. Medical Supplies through an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Midlothian 24 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bids of North America Fire Equipment Co, - Inc. (NAFECO), Relitorin International, Inc., Delta Fire & Safety Inc. dba Delta Industrial Service & Supply, ConlOgency Consulting, LLC, and Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc., and in an Amount Not to Exceed $350,000.00 for an Annual Contract to Provide Bunker Clothing 25 Resolution -- Authorizing Additional Expenditures with Nema 3 Electrical Contractors, Inc., dba Nema 3 Electric, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $352,139.00 for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Repair Services through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 26 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Viking Fence Co., Ltd, in the Total Estimated Amount of $72,300.00 for Portable Restroom Rental and Cleaning Services 27 Resolution -- Approving Additional Expenditures with Complete Supply, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Janitorial Supplies through the Choice Partners Purchasing Cooperative, a Division of Harris County Department of Education 28 Resolution --Renewing the Annual Contracts with Leslie’s Poolmart, Inc., dba Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies and DPC Industries, Inc., dba Petra Chemical Acquisition Company, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $126,000.00 for Swimming Pool Chemicals 29 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Peruna Glass, Inc., dba Glass Doctor of North Texas in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 75,000.00 for Glass Repair and Replacement Services through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 30 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Teague Nail and Perkins, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000.00 for Annual Surveying and Platting Services 31 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Criado & Associates, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for Annual Sub-Surface Utility Exploration (Potholing) 32 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid from Fireside Holdings, Inc., dba American Refrigerants in the Total Estimated Amount of $57,000.00 for the Purchase of Refrigerants for City of Irving’s HVAC Systems 33 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Earth Haulers, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $485,000.00 for Road Maintenance Materials 34 Resolution -- Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $600,000.00 for Structural Engineering Services 35 Resolution -- Approving a Professional Services Consulting Agreement between the City of Irving and National Council for Community Development Inc. dba National Development Council (NDC), in the Total Estimated Amount of $80,000.00 for a Five Year Consolidated Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and FY 23- 24 First Year Action Plan 36 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contracts with Core & Main LP and Ferguson Waterworks in the Total Estimated Amount of $420,000.00 for Iron Fittings 37 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bid from Carbon Silica Services, LLC, DBA Diamond Services, in the Amount of $163,000.00 for the Removal and Replacement of the MacArthur Pump Station Sodium Hypochlorite Tank 38 Resolution -- Terminating the Contract with Battery Systems, Inc., for Batteries for Vehicles and Equipment 39 Resolution --Awarding a Contract to Advanced Containment Systems, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $119,730.00 for the Purchase of a Shower-Restroom Combination Trailer 40 Resolution -- Approving the Purchases from Caidwell Country Chevrolet, LLC, for Various Vehicles in the Total Estimated Amount of $313,094.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 41 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from MHC Kenworth of Three 2023 or Newer Kenworth T480 Cab and Chassis with Warren 10-12 Yard Dump Bodies in the Total Estimated Amount of $559,012.80 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 42 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase of a 2023 Peterbilt 548 Cab and Chassis with Ledwell RTC-0008 Dump Body from Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 71 ,567.83 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 43 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with U.S. Oil, a Division of U.S Venture, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $3,625,000.00 for Unleaded Gasoline, Diesel and . Biodiesel Fuels 44 Resolution --Approving Expenditures with GTS Technology Solutions, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Panasonic Branded Products and Related Services through the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) 45 Resolution -- Approving the Expenditure with CDW Government, LLC, for Veeam Software Annual Subscription Renewal in the Total Amount of $67,751.10 through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) with the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company dba Omnia Partners, Public Sector (Omnia Partners) 46 Ordinance -- Amending Ordinance No. 2022-10638 by Approving a Schedule of Classified Personnel for the Fire Department
Resolution -- Authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to File a Lawsuit Seeking Gilbert Clarification Regarding the Use of the Property Maintenance Fund in the Clay W. Estate
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance -- ZC2I-0067 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-W “Commercial Warehouse” to S-P-I (C-OU-2) “Detailed Site Plan - Commercial Outdoor 2” to Allow Auto Sales, Auto Repair, and Unscreened Outside Storage, Display and Parking in the Front Setback - Approximately 0.402 Acres Located at 341 I Conflans Road - DeVoe Land Consultants, Applicant; Bayshore Group, Inc. (D.B.A. Autoplaza), Owner (Postponed from October 27, 2022)
Ordinance -- ZC22-0055 - Considering a Zoning Change from ML-20 “Light Industrial 20” to S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” to Allow a Guard Shack and Fence Turnstile in the Required Front Setback - Approximately 4.85 Acres Located at 2230 East Union Bower Road -Brakebush Irving, Inc., Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0065 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S-P-I (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” - Approximately I ,557 Square Feet Located at 8704 Cypress Waters Boulevard, Suite 120 - Politano’s Pizza & Pasta, Applicant; Billingsley Company, Owner
Ordinance --ZC22-0068 -Considering a Zoning Change from ML-20A “Light Industrial 20A” to S-P-2 (ML-20A) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20A” to Allow an Accessory Structure in the Required Side Yard Setback - Approximately 6.1 59 Acres Located at 7880 Bent Branch Road - Entos Design, Applicant; Royal Tech Owner, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0070 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S-P-I (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” - Approximately 1.813 Acres Located at the Northeast Corner of Ranch Retail and IH-635 - Fogo De Chao Churrascaria, Applicant; BDDC, Inc., Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0072 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” and S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S P-I (C-C) “Detailed Site Plan — Community Commercial” and Automated Car Wash to Allow an Automated Car Wash and Related Uses, with Variances to the Side Yard Setback- Approximately I .504 Acres Located at I 701 N. Belt Line Road - MA Engineering & Construction, Applicant; Belt Line CW Investment, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0073 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6” with Variances to the Minimum Lot Area and Depth, Minimum Driveway Length, and Minimum Front and Rear Yard Setbacks -Approximately 0.114 Acres Located at 2003 Royal Oaks Drive - Dolphin Custom Homes, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance --CP22-0013 - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Residential Neighborhood” to “Compact Neighborhood” - Approximately 2.74 Acres Located at 2005 and 2009 State Highway 356, and 330, 404, and 418 Fleming Avenue -JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant; KBM Fleming, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0074 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-7.5 “Single-Family Residential 7.5” to S-P-2 (R-TH) “Generalized Site Plan -Townhouse Residential” with Variances to the Minimum Front and Side Yard Setbacks, Minimum Lot Area, Minimum Distance Between Structures, and Maximum Lot Coverage Requirements - Approximately 2.74 Acres Located at 2005 and 2009 State Highway 356, and 330, 404, and 418 Fleming Avenue - JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant; KBM Fleming, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0075 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-W) “Generalized Site Plan — Commercial Warehouse” and State Highway 161 Overlay District to S-P-2 (C—W) “Generalized Site Plan — Commercial Warehouse” with Outside Storage of Fleet Commercial Vehicles (Excluding Truck Trailers) and State Highway 161 Overlay District and Retain Variances Previously Approved with Zoning Case ZC22-0015 (Ord. No. ORD-22-10589) - Approximately 7.64 Acres Located at 4335 West Northgate Drive -J&J Lott Irving, LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0076 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” to S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” Plus Self-Storage and Outside Storage Uses on Tract . I with Variances to Lot Coverage and Self-Storage Regulations and to C-C “Community Commercial” on Tract 2 - Approximately 19.512 Acres Located at 2488 Market Place Boulevard - LTFI Investors, LLC, Applicant/Owner
APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS Resolution -- Appointments to the Housing and Human Services Board, Irving Flood Control District (IFCD) Sec. I, IFCD Sec. Ill, and the Library Board to Fill Various Terms
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Shane Webb, Woodhaven Presbyterian Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, November 1 0, 2022 4 . Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, November 10, 2022 5 Ordinance --Amending Ordinance No. 2022-10634 Providing Budget Adjustment #2 to the 2O22-23 Fiscal Year Budget 6 Resolution --Repealing Council Resolutions Nos. 2022-269, 2022-270, and 2022-271 to Identify the Correct Funding for Contracts Issued Under Those Resolutions 7 Resolution -- Approving the Fourth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIF #1), City of Irving, and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District (DCURD) Concerning Accelerated Waterway Maintenance Projects 8 Resolution -- Amending the Plan Document of the City of Irving Supplemental Benefit Plan Relating to Non-Elected Voting Board Appointees Attendance and Allowing the Appointment of a Voting Designee at Their Discretion 9 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with Advanced Security Technologies for the Purchase of Two Modular Vehicle Barrier 3X Systems in the Total Amount of $354,634.00 10 Resolution --Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Cities of Irving, Fort Worth, Frisco, Grand Prairie, Haltom City and Hurst, for Participation in the DEW First Responders Critical Incident Stress Management Network I I Resolution -- Authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to File a Lawsuit Seeking Gilbert Clarification Regarding the Use of the Property Maintenance Fund in the Clay W. Estate 12 Resolution -- Approving a Settlement Agreement Between the City of Irving and Komatsu Architecture for the Resolution of Potential Claims for the Fire Apparatus Storage Building at the Public Safety Complex on Belt Line Road 13 Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. I to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, LLC, in the Amount of $1 233,247.00 for Additional Services for the Brockbank Channel Improvements Project 14 Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Pape Dawson Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $1 ,255,785.00 for Additional Services for the North Delaware Creek Phase I Channel Improvements Project 15 Resolution -- Approving Change Order No. 4 to the Contract with Flow-Line Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $16,000.00 for the State Highway 161 Water Improvements Project 16 Resolution -- Approving a Third Amended and Restated Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Allstate Insurance Company in an Amount Not to Exceed $337,500, Dependent Upon Annual Qualifications 17 Resolution -- Adopting a Policy Affecting Compliance Requirements for Existing Economic Development Incentive Agreements for Calendar Year 2022 18 Resolution -- Approving the Sole Source Renewal from Tritech Software Systems a CentralSquare Technologies Company, in the Total Amount of $1 52,251 .88 for the Annual Renewal of Tiburon Public Safety System Software Maintenance 19 Resolution -- Approving the Single Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $63,853.30 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support 20 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc., for Online Auto Pound, Surplus City Vehicle & Equipment, and Police Property Room Auctions through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 21 Resolution -- Approving Renewal No. 5 to the Consulting Agreement with Holmes, Murphy & Associates, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $96,000.00 for Employee Healthcare and Benefits Consulting Services 22 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Galls, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $255,900.00 for First Responder Uniforms, Accessories, and Services through the North Texas SHARE Cooperative Purchasing Program 23 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, and Life-Assist, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $272,000.00 for EMS Fire Dept. Medical Supplies through an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Midlothian 24 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bids of North America Fire Equipment Co, - Inc. (NAFECO), Relitorin International, Inc., Delta Fire & Safety Inc. dba Delta Industrial Service & Supply, ConlOgency Consulting, LLC, and Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc., and in an Amount Not to Exceed $350,000.00 for an Annual Contract to Provide Bunker Clothing 25 Resolution -- Authorizing Additional Expenditures with Nema 3 Electrical Contractors, Inc., dba Nema 3 Electric, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $352,139.00 for the Purchase of Electrical Parts and Repair Services through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 26 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Viking Fence Co., Ltd, in the Total Estimated Amount of $72,300.00 for Portable Restroom Rental and Cleaning Services 27 Resolution -- Approving Additional Expenditures with Complete Supply, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Janitorial Supplies through the Choice Partners Purchasing Cooperative, a Division of Harris County Department of Education 28 Resolution --Renewing the Annual Contracts with Leslie’s Poolmart, Inc., dba Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies and DPC Industries, Inc., dba Petra Chemical Acquisition Company, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $126,000.00 for Swimming Pool Chemicals 29 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with Peruna Glass, Inc., dba Glass Doctor of North Texas in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 75,000.00 for Glass Repair and Replacement Services through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 30 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Teague Nail and Perkins, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000.00 for Annual Surveying and Platting Services 31 Resolution --Approving an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Criado & Associates, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for Annual Sub-Surface Utility Exploration (Potholing) 32 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid from Fireside Holdings, Inc., dba American Refrigerants in the Total Estimated Amount of $57,000.00 for the Purchase of Refrigerants for City of Irving’s HVAC Systems 33 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Earth Haulers, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $485,000.00 for Road Maintenance Materials 34 Resolution -- Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $600,000.00 for Structural Engineering Services 35 Resolution -- Approving a Professional Services Consulting Agreement between the City of Irving and National Council for Community Development Inc. dba National Development Council (NDC), in the Total Estimated Amount of $80,000.00 for a Five Year Consolidated Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and FY 23- 24 First Year Action Plan 36 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contracts with Core & Main LP and Ferguson Waterworks in the Total Estimated Amount of $420,000.00 for Iron Fittings 37 Resolution --Approving and Accepting the Bid from Carbon Silica Services, LLC, DBA Diamond Services, in the Amount of $163,000.00 for the Removal and Replacement of the MacArthur Pump Station Sodium Hypochlorite Tank 38 Resolution -- Terminating the Contract with Battery Systems, Inc., for Batteries for Vehicles and Equipment 39 Resolution --Awarding a Contract to Advanced Containment Systems, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $119,730.00 for the Purchase of a Shower-Restroom Combination Trailer 40 Resolution -- Approving the Purchases from Caidwell Country Chevrolet, LLC, for Various Vehicles in the Total Estimated Amount of $313,094.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 41 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from MHC Kenworth of Three 2023 or Newer Kenworth T480 Cab and Chassis with Warren 10-12 Yard Dump Bodies in the Total Estimated Amount of $559,012.80 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 42 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase of a 2023 Peterbilt 548 Cab and Chassis with Ledwell RTC-0008 Dump Body from Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP, in the Total Estimated Amount of $1 71 ,567.83 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 43 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with U.S. Oil, a Division of U.S Venture, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $3,625,000.00 for Unleaded Gasoline, Diesel and . Biodiesel Fuels 44 Resolution --Approving Expenditures with GTS Technology Solutions, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Panasonic Branded Products and Related Services through the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) 45 Resolution -- Approving the Expenditure with CDW Government, LLC, for Veeam Software Annual Subscription Renewal in the Total Amount of $67,751.10 through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) with the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company dba Omnia Partners, Public Sector (Omnia Partners) 46 Ordinance -- Amending Ordinance No. 2022-10638 by Approving a Schedule of Classified Personnel for the Fire Department
Resolution -- Authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to File a Lawsuit Seeking Gilbert Clarification Regarding the Use of the Property Maintenance Fund in the Clay W. Estate
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance -- ZC2I-0067 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-W “Commercial Warehouse” to S-P-I (C-OU-2) “Detailed Site Plan - Commercial Outdoor 2” to Allow Auto Sales, Auto Repair, and Unscreened Outside Storage, Display and Parking in the Front Setback - Approximately 0.402 Acres Located at 341 I Conflans Road - DeVoe Land Consultants, Applicant; Bayshore Group, Inc. (D.B.A. Autoplaza), Owner (Postponed from October 27, 2022)
Ordinance -- ZC22-0055 - Considering a Zoning Change from ML-20 “Light Industrial 20” to S-P-2 (ML-20) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20” to Allow a Guard Shack and Fence Turnstile in the Required Front Setback - Approximately 4.85 Acres Located at 2230 East Union Bower Road -Brakebush Irving, Inc., Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0065 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S-P-I (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” - Approximately I ,557 Square Feet Located at 8704 Cypress Waters Boulevard, Suite 120 - Politano’s Pizza & Pasta, Applicant; Billingsley Company, Owner
Ordinance --ZC22-0068 -Considering a Zoning Change from ML-20A “Light Industrial 20A” to S-P-2 (ML-20A) “Generalized Site Plan - Light Industrial 20A” to Allow an Accessory Structure in the Required Side Yard Setback - Approximately 6.1 59 Acres Located at 7880 Bent Branch Road - Entos Design, Applicant; Royal Tech Owner, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0070 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S-P-I (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” - Approximately 1.813 Acres Located at the Northeast Corner of Ranch Retail and IH-635 - Fogo De Chao Churrascaria, Applicant; BDDC, Inc., Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0072 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” and S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan — Community Commercial” to S P-I (C-C) “Detailed Site Plan — Community Commercial” and Automated Car Wash to Allow an Automated Car Wash and Related Uses, with Variances to the Side Yard Setback- Approximately I .504 Acres Located at I 701 N. Belt Line Road - MA Engineering & Construction, Applicant; Belt Line CW Investment, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0073 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single-Family Residential 6” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan - Single-Family Residential 6” with Variances to the Minimum Lot Area and Depth, Minimum Driveway Length, and Minimum Front and Rear Yard Setbacks -Approximately 0.114 Acres Located at 2003 Royal Oaks Drive - Dolphin Custom Homes, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance --CP22-0013 - Considering a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing the Future Land Use Category from “Residential Neighborhood” to “Compact Neighborhood” - Approximately 2.74 Acres Located at 2005 and 2009 State Highway 356, and 330, 404, and 418 Fleming Avenue -JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant; KBM Fleming, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0074 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-7.5 “Single-Family Residential 7.5” to S-P-2 (R-TH) “Generalized Site Plan -Townhouse Residential” with Variances to the Minimum Front and Side Yard Setbacks, Minimum Lot Area, Minimum Distance Between Structures, and Maximum Lot Coverage Requirements - Approximately 2.74 Acres Located at 2005 and 2009 State Highway 356, and 330, 404, and 418 Fleming Avenue - JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant; KBM Fleming, LLC, Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0075 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-W) “Generalized Site Plan — Commercial Warehouse” and State Highway 161 Overlay District to S-P-2 (C—W) “Generalized Site Plan — Commercial Warehouse” with Outside Storage of Fleet Commercial Vehicles (Excluding Truck Trailers) and State Highway 161 Overlay District and Retain Variances Previously Approved with Zoning Case ZC22-0015 (Ord. No. ORD-22-10589) - Approximately 7.64 Acres Located at 4335 West Northgate Drive -J&J Lott Irving, LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- ZC22-0076 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” to S-P-2 (C-C) “Generalized Site Plan - Community Commercial” Plus Self-Storage and Outside Storage Uses on Tract . I with Variances to Lot Coverage and Self-Storage Regulations and to C-C “Community Commercial” on Tract 2 - Approximately 19.512 Acres Located at 2488 Market Place Boulevard - LTFI Investors, LLC, Applicant/Owner
APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS Resolution -- Appointments to the Housing and Human Services Board, Irving Flood Control District (IFCD) Sec. I, IFCD Sec. Ill, and the Library Board to Fill Various Terms