Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Adriana Elliott, Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, February 11, 2021 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, February 11, 2021 5 Resolution -- Take Appropriate Action Concerning Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency to Address COVID-19 6 Resolution -- Approving Submission of an Application for the Fiscal Year 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) to the Texas Division of Emergency Management and Designating the Mayor as the Authorized Official to Apply For, Accept, Reject, Alter, or Terminate the Grant and Execute Any Necessary Grant Documents on Behalf of the City 7 Resolution -- Approving a Lease Agreement with 1915 Office Park, LLC for an Office/Showroom/Warehouse Located at 1915 Peters Road, Suite 113, for Use by the Irving Police Department fora One-Year Term 11 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid from Waste Connections Lone Star, Inc., dba Waste Connections in the Total Estimated Amount of $98,536.22 for Collection of Containerized Refuse for City Facilities 12 Resolution -- Authorizing As-Needed Expenditures with FleetCor Technologies Operating Company, LLC, dba Fuelman in the Total Estimated Amount of $124,000.00 for the Fleet Fuel Card Program through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with OMNIA Partners
Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Structure Tone Southwest LLC, in the Amount of $7,788,703.37 for the Williams Square Plaza Renovation Project
Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District for the Conveyance, Renovation, and Maintenance of Williams Square and the Mustangs of Las Colinas
Resolution -- Approving (1) an Amendment and Assignment of Lease Agreement Between the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District, AGRE Williams Square Holdings, LLC, and the City of Irving, and (2) an Amended and Restated Reciprocal Easement Agreement Between AGRE Williams Square Holdings, LLC and the City of Irving
Ordinance --Zoning Case ZC2O-0066 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (R-6) ‘Generalized Site Plan - Single Family Residential” to S-P-2 (R-3.5) “Generalized Site Plan - Two Family Residential” - Approximately 0.203 Acres Located at 936 Elwood Rd. - Pro Builders USA, Owner/Applicant
Ordinance -- Special Fence Project Plan ZC2O-0067 - Considering an Amendment to ZC1 6-0109 and a Variance to Chapter 15 of the Land Development Code to Construct a 6-Foot Tall Wood Fence Within the Setback Along Horsetail Place - Property Located at 10561 Duckling Drive - Sibaranjan Mohapatra, Owner/Applicant
Ordinance--Zoning Case ZC2O-0068 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single Family Residential” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan — Single Family Residential” - Approximately 0.721 Acres Located at 1512 Trinity View Rd. - William Valladares, Applicant; Jose Carcamo, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC2O-0070 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” District and S-P-i (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” to S-P-I (R-AB and C-C) “Detailed Site Plan for Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption and Community Commercial Uses” - Approximately 1.485 Acres Located at 510 W. Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy. - EYM Realty of Texas, Applicant; Knudson Family Trust, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC2O-0073 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” to ML-20 “Light Industrial” - Approximately 4.4 Acres Located at 300 N. Walton Walker Blvd. - Baldwin Associates, LLC, Applicant; Samitrod, LP, Owner Adjournment
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Reverend Adriana Elliott, Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, February 11, 2021 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, February 11, 2021 5 Resolution -- Take Appropriate Action Concerning Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency to Address COVID-19 6 Resolution -- Approving Submission of an Application for the Fiscal Year 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) to the Texas Division of Emergency Management and Designating the Mayor as the Authorized Official to Apply For, Accept, Reject, Alter, or Terminate the Grant and Execute Any Necessary Grant Documents on Behalf of the City 7 Resolution -- Approving a Lease Agreement with 1915 Office Park, LLC for an Office/Showroom/Warehouse Located at 1915 Peters Road, Suite 113, for Use by the Irving Police Department fora One-Year Term 11 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid from Waste Connections Lone Star, Inc., dba Waste Connections in the Total Estimated Amount of $98,536.22 for Collection of Containerized Refuse for City Facilities 12 Resolution -- Authorizing As-Needed Expenditures with FleetCor Technologies Operating Company, LLC, dba Fuelman in the Total Estimated Amount of $124,000.00 for the Fleet Fuel Card Program through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with OMNIA Partners
Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Structure Tone Southwest LLC, in the Amount of $7,788,703.37 for the Williams Square Plaza Renovation Project
Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District for the Conveyance, Renovation, and Maintenance of Williams Square and the Mustangs of Las Colinas
Resolution -- Approving (1) an Amendment and Assignment of Lease Agreement Between the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District, AGRE Williams Square Holdings, LLC, and the City of Irving, and (2) an Amended and Restated Reciprocal Easement Agreement Between AGRE Williams Square Holdings, LLC and the City of Irving
Ordinance --Zoning Case ZC2O-0066 - Considering a Zoning Change from S-P-2 (R-6) ‘Generalized Site Plan - Single Family Residential” to S-P-2 (R-3.5) “Generalized Site Plan - Two Family Residential” - Approximately 0.203 Acres Located at 936 Elwood Rd. - Pro Builders USA, Owner/Applicant
Ordinance -- Special Fence Project Plan ZC2O-0067 - Considering an Amendment to ZC1 6-0109 and a Variance to Chapter 15 of the Land Development Code to Construct a 6-Foot Tall Wood Fence Within the Setback Along Horsetail Place - Property Located at 10561 Duckling Drive - Sibaranjan Mohapatra, Owner/Applicant
Ordinance--Zoning Case ZC2O-0068 - Considering a Zoning Change from R-6 “Single Family Residential” to S-P-2 (R-6) “Generalized Site Plan — Single Family Residential” - Approximately 0.721 Acres Located at 1512 Trinity View Rd. - William Valladares, Applicant; Jose Carcamo, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC2O-0070 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” District and S-P-i (R-AB) “Detailed Site Plan — Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption” to S-P-I (R-AB and C-C) “Detailed Site Plan for Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption and Community Commercial Uses” - Approximately 1.485 Acres Located at 510 W. Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy. - EYM Realty of Texas, Applicant; Knudson Family Trust, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC2O-0073 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C “Community Commercial” to ML-20 “Light Industrial” - Approximately 4.4 Acres Located at 300 N. Walton Walker Blvd. - Baldwin Associates, LLC, Applicant; Samitrod, LP, Owner Adjournment