Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Dennis King, Hope Irving, Irving, TX Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Public Hearing -- Public Hearing to Gather Input on the 2020-2021 Action Plan Submission for the Use of Federal Funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
3 Approving Budget and Strategic Plan Review Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 4 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 5 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 6 Resolution -- Take Appropriate Action Concerning Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency to Address COVID-1 9 7 Resolution -- Approving a Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for Security and Peace Officer Services Between the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District (IISD) to Maintain the School Resource Officer Program at IISD Campuses 8 Resolution -- Approving the Dallas County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update as Required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Eligibility for Pre-Disaster and Post-Disaster Federal Funding for Mitigation Purposes 9 Resolution -- Ratifying and Approving a Grant Application to the United States Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs in the Amount of $119,184.00 for the Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program and Designating the Mayor as the Authorized Official for the Grant on Behalf of the City of Irving 10 Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Agreement Renewal Between the City of Irving and Irving Independent School District for Emergency Medical Services at Football Games 11 Resolution -- Authorizing Expenditures in a Total Estimated Amount of $53,283.56 for the Purchase of Advertisements to Run in Various Tourism Publications Facilitated by the AJR Media Group 12 Resolution -- Approving a Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Irving and RPGA Design Group Inc., in the Amount of $51,500.00 for Architectural Design Services for the CDBG-Funded Senter Park Recreation Center Renovation Project, Phase IV 13 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to MART Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $135,500.00 for Repair of the Irving Flood Control District III Levee as Part of the Campion Trails MacArthur Blvd Extension Project 14 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Garland/DBS, Inc., in the Amount of $507,312.00 for Roof Replacements for Georgia Farrow Recreation Center, the Small Pavilion Metal Roof at the West Park Playground, and the Restoration of the Las Colinas Service Center Garage Building Roof through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) with the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company dba Omnia Partners, Public Sector (Omnia Partners) 15 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with Lea Park & Play, Inc., in the Amount of $350,000.00 for the CDBG-Funded West Park Playground Replacement Project 16 Resolution -- Approving Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with Taurus Commercial, Inc., in the Amount of $23,770.64 for the Georgia Farrow Recreation Center Expansion Project 17 Resolution -- Approving a Revision to the 5-Year Municipal Drainage Utility (MDU) Rate Plan to Change the Effective Date from February 1 to October 1 of each year for Fiscal Years 2020-2021 through 2023-2024 18 Resolution -- Authorizing a License Agreement with Jefferson Eastshore, LLC to Maintain a Portion of Its Building Structure in a Public Utility Easement Located at or Near 1100 Lake Carolyn Parkway 19 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Flow-Line Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $2,832,229.00 for the Brazos Drive Water and Wastewater Improvement Project 20 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Sanitary Sewer Easement and a Right of Entry and Temporary Construction Easement, Located at 514 E. Las Colinas Boulevard in the Amount of $102,377.08 21 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Single-Family Residence Located at 540 Cedar Drive in the Amount of $250,000.00 22 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Single-Family Residence Located at 1032 W. Northgate Drive in the Amount of $332,000.00 and Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses Incurred by the Property Owner in the Amount of $2,350.00 23 Resolution -- Approving a Second Amended and Restated Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving, Texas and Michaels Stores Procurement Company, Inc., and Michaels Stores, Inc. 24 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Red Wing Shoe Store in the Total Estimated Amount of $95,000.00 for Work Boots for Field Employees 25 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with GT Distributors, Inc., in an Amount Not To Exceed $290,000.00 for Uniforms, Body Armor, Duty Gear, and Other Related Supplies and Equipment through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 26 Resolution -- Rejecting the Bid for an Annual Landscaping Contract 27 Resolution -- Renewing the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Teague Nail & Perkins, Inc., in an Amount not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Surveying and Platting Services 28 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with Dealers Electrical Supply, mc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $140,000.00 for Lighting Supplies 29 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Zones, LLC, and Authorizing the Purchase of Adobe Licensing in the Total Estimated Amount of $63,319.29 through the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region Viii Education Service Center 30 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and SHI Government Solutions, Inc., through the State of Texas Department of information Resources (DIR) 31 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from SHI Government Solutions, Inc., for Microsoft Software in the Total Amount of $170,099.55 through the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) 32 Ordinance --Amending Section 7-3(15) “Special Event Signs” of Chapter 7 (“Billboards and Signs”) of the City of Irving Land Development Code to Allow New Businesses a One Time 30-Day Special Event Sign Permit; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Conflict Resolution; and Providing an Effective Date.
Resolution -- Approve Directing the Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector to Calculate the Voter-Approval Tax Rate in the Manner for a Special Taxing Unit (8 Percent) Pursuant to Section 26.04 of the Texas Code
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC19-0093 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses to S-P-i (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 0.724 Acres Located at 4900 W. Airport Freeway - Trax, Inc., Applicant/Owner (Postponed from June 25, 2020)
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Dennis King, Hope Irving, Irving, TX Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Public Hearing -- Public Hearing to Gather Input on the 2020-2021 Action Plan Submission for the Use of Federal Funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
3 Approving Budget and Strategic Plan Review Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 4 Approving Work Session Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 5 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, June 25, 2020 6 Resolution -- Take Appropriate Action Concerning Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency to Address COVID-1 9 7 Resolution -- Approving a Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for Security and Peace Officer Services Between the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District (IISD) to Maintain the School Resource Officer Program at IISD Campuses 8 Resolution -- Approving the Dallas County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update as Required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Eligibility for Pre-Disaster and Post-Disaster Federal Funding for Mitigation Purposes 9 Resolution -- Ratifying and Approving a Grant Application to the United States Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs in the Amount of $119,184.00 for the Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program and Designating the Mayor as the Authorized Official for the Grant on Behalf of the City of Irving 10 Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Agreement Renewal Between the City of Irving and Irving Independent School District for Emergency Medical Services at Football Games 11 Resolution -- Authorizing Expenditures in a Total Estimated Amount of $53,283.56 for the Purchase of Advertisements to Run in Various Tourism Publications Facilitated by the AJR Media Group 12 Resolution -- Approving a Professional Service Agreement Between the City of Irving and RPGA Design Group Inc., in the Amount of $51,500.00 for Architectural Design Services for the CDBG-Funded Senter Park Recreation Center Renovation Project, Phase IV 13 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to MART Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $135,500.00 for Repair of the Irving Flood Control District III Levee as Part of the Campion Trails MacArthur Blvd Extension Project 14 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Garland/DBS, Inc., in the Amount of $507,312.00 for Roof Replacements for Georgia Farrow Recreation Center, the Small Pavilion Metal Roof at the West Park Playground, and the Restoration of the Las Colinas Service Center Garage Building Roof through a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) with the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company dba Omnia Partners, Public Sector (Omnia Partners) 15 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with Lea Park & Play, Inc., in the Amount of $350,000.00 for the CDBG-Funded West Park Playground Replacement Project 16 Resolution -- Approving Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with Taurus Commercial, Inc., in the Amount of $23,770.64 for the Georgia Farrow Recreation Center Expansion Project 17 Resolution -- Approving a Revision to the 5-Year Municipal Drainage Utility (MDU) Rate Plan to Change the Effective Date from February 1 to October 1 of each year for Fiscal Years 2020-2021 through 2023-2024 18 Resolution -- Authorizing a License Agreement with Jefferson Eastshore, LLC to Maintain a Portion of Its Building Structure in a Public Utility Easement Located at or Near 1100 Lake Carolyn Parkway 19 Resolution -- Awarding a Contract to Flow-Line Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $2,832,229.00 for the Brazos Drive Water and Wastewater Improvement Project 20 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Sanitary Sewer Easement and a Right of Entry and Temporary Construction Easement, Located at 514 E. Las Colinas Boulevard in the Amount of $102,377.08 21 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Single-Family Residence Located at 540 Cedar Drive in the Amount of $250,000.00 22 Resolution -- Approving the Acquisition of a Single-Family Residence Located at 1032 W. Northgate Drive in the Amount of $332,000.00 and Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses Incurred by the Property Owner in the Amount of $2,350.00 23 Resolution -- Approving a Second Amended and Restated Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving, Texas and Michaels Stores Procurement Company, Inc., and Michaels Stores, Inc. 24 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Red Wing Shoe Store in the Total Estimated Amount of $95,000.00 for Work Boots for Field Employees 25 Resolution -- Approving As-Needed Expenditures with GT Distributors, Inc., in an Amount Not To Exceed $290,000.00 for Uniforms, Body Armor, Duty Gear, and Other Related Supplies and Equipment through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 26 Resolution -- Rejecting the Bid for an Annual Landscaping Contract 27 Resolution -- Renewing the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Teague Nail & Perkins, Inc., in an Amount not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Surveying and Platting Services 28 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with Dealers Electrical Supply, mc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $140,000.00 for Lighting Supplies 29 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Zones, LLC, and Authorizing the Purchase of Adobe Licensing in the Total Estimated Amount of $63,319.29 through the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region Viii Education Service Center 30 Resolution -- Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and SHI Government Solutions, Inc., through the State of Texas Department of information Resources (DIR) 31 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from SHI Government Solutions, Inc., for Microsoft Software in the Total Amount of $170,099.55 through the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) 32 Ordinance --Amending Section 7-3(15) “Special Event Signs” of Chapter 7 (“Billboards and Signs”) of the City of Irving Land Development Code to Allow New Businesses a One Time 30-Day Special Event Sign Permit; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Conflict Resolution; and Providing an Effective Date.
Resolution -- Approve Directing the Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector to Calculate the Voter-Approval Tax Rate in the Manner for a Special Taxing Unit (8 Percent) Pursuant to Section 26.04 of the Texas Code
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC19-0093 - Considering a Zoning Change from C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses to S-P-i (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 0.724 Acres Located at 4900 W. Airport Freeway - Trax, Inc., Applicant/Owner (Postponed from June 25, 2020)