Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Enoch Chan, MacArthur Blvd. Baptist Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, January 17, 2019 4 Resolution - Approving the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Contract and Rate Setting Documents with Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) for the Reimbursement of Meals Provided at Heritage Senior Center in an Amount Not to Exceed $59,473.14 5 Resolution - Approving an Escrow Agreement with Mission Bay Properties, LLC, in the Amount of $284,925.00, for Additional Storm Drainage, Wastewater and Water Mains Within the Proposed Promenade Court Access Drive and Drop-off at the Irving Convention Center DART Rail Station 6 Resolution — Approving an Engineering Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Alliance Geotechnical Group in the Total Estimated Amount of $750,000.00 for the Annual Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing & Inspections Contract 7 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $118,027.00 for the Irvin/Rusdell Emergency Storm Water Drainage Repair 8 Resolution - Approving the First Amended and Restated Temporary Construction Easement Agreement Between the City of Irving and the State of Texas by and through the Texas Transportation Commission for Use of the Former Stadium Site 9 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract in the Amount of $2,041.47 for Storm Water Drainage Easements Related to the Lower Delaware Creek and Brockbank Channel Phase 2 Improvements Project and Acknowledging Receipt of the Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of the Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code - Located at 1200 Mosswood Lane - Schreck Revocable Trust, Property Owner 10 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Azteca Systems, Inc., in the Total Annual Amount of $86,490 for CityWorks Software Licensing and Maintenance 12 Resolution - Selecting Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for Engineering Design Services for the Northgate Pump Station Ground Storage Tank No. 2 and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider 13 Resolution - Approving a Purchase Agreement with Sole Source Provider Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $130,000.00 for Flygt Equipment to Operate and Maintain Wastewater Pumps and Equipment 14 Resolution - Approving a Notice of Intent to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the City of Irving to Participate in the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative (SSOI) 15 Resolution - Resolution Pledging the City's Annual Community Development Block Grant Allocations and Conditionally Pledging the City's Debt Services as Full Faith and Credit, Subject to Approval by the Texas Attorney General, to Serve as Security for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 108 Guaranteed Loan, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Section 108 Loan Guarantee Contract, Note and Related Documents 16 Resolution - Approving Payment in the Renewal Term of the Contract with Bank of America, NA and Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC in the Total Estimated Amount of $192,000.00 for Merchant Credit Card Processing Services 17 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with NPL Construction Company in an Amount Not to Exceed $750,000.00 for an Annual Concrete Contract 18 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of JLB Contracting, LLC, and TexasBit in the Total Estimated Amount of $252,750.00 for Asphalt Patching Materials 19 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from Caldwell Country Chevrolet of Various Vehicles in the Total Amount of $112,012.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 20 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of George-McKenna Electrical, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $100,000.00 for Electrical Services for Water Utilities 21 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SLM Landscaping & Maintenance in the Total Estimated Amount of $53,441.00 for Mowing, Litter Control, and Landscape Maintenance for Water Utilities 22 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Silsbee Ford for Various Vehicles in the Total Amount of $55,233.68 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard)
Resolution - Considering an Offer by Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation to Amend the Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation in an Amount Not to Exceed $356,000
Resolution -- Approving Sign Variance Case #S1901-0034 to Allow Modifications to the Height, Setback and Materials for a Monument Sign and Eleven Directional Signs -Property Located at 400 West Las Colinas Boulevard - Westin Irving Convention Center Hotel, Applicant - City of Irving, Owner
Resolution - Approving Special Sign Permit Case #S1812-0009 to Allow Electronic Price Sign on a Pole Sign - Property Located at 3700 North Belt Line Road - Comet Signs, Applicant - Kroger Company, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC18-0038 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) Uses - Approximately 9,973 Square Feet Located at 3945 Carver Place - Spry Surveyors, Applicant - Daniel Hernandez, Owner (Postponed from January 17,2019)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC18-0089 - Granting P-0 (Professional Office) District -Approximately 0.27 Acres Located at 1021 W. Pioneer Drive - Nicholas Stricklin, Applicant/Owner.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC18-0092 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 3.1 Acres Locate at 1313 E Shady Grove Road - Robert Reeves & Associates, Applicant - the Woods of Irving, LLC, Owner Adjournment
Organizational Service Announcements Invocation Pastor Enoch Chan, MacArthur Blvd. Baptist Church Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, January 17, 2019 4 Resolution - Approving the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Contract and Rate Setting Documents with Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) for the Reimbursement of Meals Provided at Heritage Senior Center in an Amount Not to Exceed $59,473.14 5 Resolution - Approving an Escrow Agreement with Mission Bay Properties, LLC, in the Amount of $284,925.00, for Additional Storm Drainage, Wastewater and Water Mains Within the Proposed Promenade Court Access Drive and Drop-off at the Irving Convention Center DART Rail Station 6 Resolution — Approving an Engineering Services Agreement between the City of Irving and Alliance Geotechnical Group in the Total Estimated Amount of $750,000.00 for the Annual Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing & Inspections Contract 7 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $118,027.00 for the Irvin/Rusdell Emergency Storm Water Drainage Repair 8 Resolution - Approving the First Amended and Restated Temporary Construction Easement Agreement Between the City of Irving and the State of Texas by and through the Texas Transportation Commission for Use of the Former Stadium Site 9 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract in the Amount of $2,041.47 for Storm Water Drainage Easements Related to the Lower Delaware Creek and Brockbank Channel Phase 2 Improvements Project and Acknowledging Receipt of the Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of the Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code - Located at 1200 Mosswood Lane - Schreck Revocable Trust, Property Owner 10 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Azteca Systems, Inc., in the Total Annual Amount of $86,490 for CityWorks Software Licensing and Maintenance 12 Resolution - Selecting Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for Engineering Design Services for the Northgate Pump Station Ground Storage Tank No. 2 and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider 13 Resolution - Approving a Purchase Agreement with Sole Source Provider Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $130,000.00 for Flygt Equipment to Operate and Maintain Wastewater Pumps and Equipment 14 Resolution - Approving a Notice of Intent to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the City of Irving to Participate in the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative (SSOI) 15 Resolution - Resolution Pledging the City's Annual Community Development Block Grant Allocations and Conditionally Pledging the City's Debt Services as Full Faith and Credit, Subject to Approval by the Texas Attorney General, to Serve as Security for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 108 Guaranteed Loan, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Section 108 Loan Guarantee Contract, Note and Related Documents 16 Resolution - Approving Payment in the Renewal Term of the Contract with Bank of America, NA and Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC in the Total Estimated Amount of $192,000.00 for Merchant Credit Card Processing Services 17 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with NPL Construction Company in an Amount Not to Exceed $750,000.00 for an Annual Concrete Contract 18 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of JLB Contracting, LLC, and TexasBit in the Total Estimated Amount of $252,750.00 for Asphalt Patching Materials 19 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from Caldwell Country Chevrolet of Various Vehicles in the Total Amount of $112,012.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard) 20 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of George-McKenna Electrical, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $100,000.00 for Electrical Services for Water Utilities 21 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SLM Landscaping & Maintenance in the Total Estimated Amount of $53,441.00 for Mowing, Litter Control, and Landscape Maintenance for Water Utilities 22 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Silsbee Ford for Various Vehicles in the Total Amount of $55,233.68 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program (BuyBoard)
Resolution - Considering an Offer by Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation to Amend the Economic Development Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation in an Amount Not to Exceed $356,000
Resolution -- Approving Sign Variance Case #S1901-0034 to Allow Modifications to the Height, Setback and Materials for a Monument Sign and Eleven Directional Signs -Property Located at 400 West Las Colinas Boulevard - Westin Irving Convention Center Hotel, Applicant - City of Irving, Owner
Resolution - Approving Special Sign Permit Case #S1812-0009 to Allow Electronic Price Sign on a Pole Sign - Property Located at 3700 North Belt Line Road - Comet Signs, Applicant - Kroger Company, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC18-0038 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) Uses - Approximately 9,973 Square Feet Located at 3945 Carver Place - Spry Surveyors, Applicant - Daniel Hernandez, Owner (Postponed from January 17,2019)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC18-0089 - Granting P-0 (Professional Office) District -Approximately 0.27 Acres Located at 1021 W. Pioneer Drive - Nicholas Stricklin, Applicant/Owner.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC18-0092 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 3.1 Acres Locate at 1313 E Shady Grove Road - Robert Reeves & Associates, Applicant - the Woods of Irving, LLC, Owner Adjournment