Resolution - Approving the City Facilities Budget, Conceptual Design Drawings, Building and Facade Materials, and a Development Schedule for the Convention Center Hotel Project
Resolution - Relating to the Giving of Notice of Intention to Issue City of Irving, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation Taxable, Series 2017A and Series 2017B in Not to Exceed Amounts of $14,000,000 and $26,000,000 Respectively and Providing an Effective Date
Resolution - Approving the City Facilities Budget, Conceptual Design Drawings, Building and Facade Materials, and a Development Schedule for the Convention Center Hotel Project
Resolution - Relating to the Giving of Notice of Intention to Issue City of Irving, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation Taxable, Series 2017A and Series 2017B in Not to Exceed Amounts of $14,000,000 and $26,000,000 Respectively and Providing an Effective Date