Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda. Public Hearing: Items 1 through 39
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 26, 2016 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 27, 2016 5 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for the Police Intelligence Section Project 6 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for a Planning Enhancement Project 7 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for the Citizen Corps Program Project 8 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for HAZMAT Monitors 9 Resolution - Reimbursing the City of Irving for Capital Expenditures for Projects in Advance of the Fiscal Year 2016-17 General Obligation Bond Sale and Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Sale in an Amount Not to Exceed $49,790,000 10 Resolution - Approving Amendments to the Administrative Services Agreements with Mass Mutual, on Behalf of Hartford Life, Regarding the City of living's 401(A) Plan and 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Providing for Administrative Revenue Credit Offsets for Investment Advisory Services Related to the Plans 11 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the Irving Independent School District Special Education Department and the City of Irving on Behalf of the Irving Public Library to Provide a Work Based Learning Program for Students with Disabilities 12 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to North Rock Construction, LLC, in the Amount of $271,692.03 for the Sunrise Park Trail Improvements Project 13 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $267,922.35 for the Harvard Court, Harvard Street, Keyhole Circle and Keyhole Street Water & Wastewater Improvements Project 14 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District for the Use, Operation and Maintenance of a Private Fire Line by the Property Owner 15 Resolution - Approving the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving, on Behalf of the Irving Arts Center, and the Irving Independent School District for Annual Exhibitions of USD Artwork, Meetings, and Performances by Student Ensembles at the Irving Arts Center. 16 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $680,000.00 for Calendar Year 2017 17 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc., for Online Auction Systems and/or Auctioneer Services through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 18 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending for As-Needed Purchases of Uniforms and Miscellaneous Items from Red the Uniform Tailor in the Total Estimated Amount of $130,000.00 through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Frisco 19 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Professional Turf Products for the Purchase of Two Toro Groundsmaster 4100-D Mowers in the Total Amount of $114,197.50, and As-Needed Purchases of Grounds Maintenance Equipment and Irrigation Parts, Supplies and Installation in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) 20 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Longhorn, Inc., in the Total Amount of $85,474.00 for Five 60-inch and Two 72-inch Toro Z-Turn Mowers through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) 21 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with CCGI Holdings, LLC, for Management of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 22 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Texas Highway Products, LTD, in the Estimated Amount of $322,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Traffic Signal Controllers through an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Fort Worth. 23 Resolution - Rejecting All Bids for the Purchase of an Offset Print Press 24 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with HD Supply Waterworks, LTD., and Ferguson Enterprises in the Total Estimated Amount of $69,260.62 for Couplings, Clamps, and Service Saddles 25 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Baker & Taylor, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $720,000.00 Annually for Library Books and Audio Visual Materials with Electronic Ordering interface 26 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from MHC Kenworth - Dallas for a 2017 K370 Kenworth 33,000 GVW Cab and Chassis with Truck- Mounted M-B Maxi-300 Paint Striper Body in the Total Amount of $348,173.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 27 Ordinance — Amending Chapter 16B Entitled "Convention and Visitors Bureau and Arts Center" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, by Amending the Qualifications of Members and Terms of Office 28 Ordinance - Amending Ordinance No. 9383 by Approving a Schedule of Classified Personnel for the Police Department
Ordinance - Public Hearing and Ordinance Designating a Certain Contiguous Geographic Area in the City of Irving as "Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Six, City of Irving, Texas"; Providing the Effective and Termination Dates for the Zone; Establishing a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone; and Containing Other Matters Related to the Zone
Resolution - Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - PL16-0013 - Villas at Wildbriar Lake Addition - Approximately 15.058 Acres Located on the West Side of Hard Rock Road, Southwest of Pioneer Drive - Marvel Enterprises, LLC -Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0052 - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Office/Technology/Warehouse" to "Low Density Residential" and "Retail", and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) and C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 43.26 Acres Located on the Northwest Corner of State Highway 114 and N. Belt Line Road - TDl GP, LLC, Applicant - Belt Line/114 Properties, LP, Owner (Postponed from the September 22, 2016 and October 13, 2016 City Council meetings.)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0059 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcohol Beverages for On-Premises Consumption), Hotel and Related Uses -Approximately 2.60 Acres Located at 4620 West Airport Freeway - DFW Joseph Investments, LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses -Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner (Postponed from the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting.)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0069 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-N (Commercial Neighborhood) District Uses - Approximately 0.79 Acres Located at 3001 State Highway 183 - Bannister Engineering, Applicant - Panda Restaurant Group, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0071 - Granting C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 1.111 Acres Located at 2515 East Union Bower Road - Carver Mortuary Services, Applicant - ECP Investment LTD, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case ZC16-0075 - Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 by repealing Sections 52-32f and 52-32h of City of Irving Zoning Ordinance No. 1144, adding a new Section 52-32f to provide for the creation of a Heritage Crossing District, and requesting a zoning change from R-6 (Single Family), R-3.5 (Two-Family District), R-MF-2 (Multifamily), P-0 (Professional Office), C-0 (Commercial Office), C-N (Neighborhood Commercial), C-C (Community Commercial), ML-20 (Light Industrial), C-OU-2 (Commercial Outdoor 2), and DDD (Downtown Development District) uses to HCD (Heritage Crossing District). Approximately 847 acres roughly bounded by Pioneer Drive on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the west, Shady Grove Road on the south, and Britain Road and Lucille Road on the east - City of Irving, Applicant - Various Owners
Resolution - Confirming the Appointment by the City Manager of a Commissioner to Serve on the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission to a Term Expiring November 2019
Resolution - Annual Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Two-Year Terms and Various Unexpired Terms
Resolution - Annual Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Two-Year Terms and Various Unexpired Terms Adjournment
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda. Public Hearing: Items 1 through 39
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 26, 2016 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 27, 2016 5 Resolution -- Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for the Police Intelligence Section Project 6 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for a Planning Enhancement Project 7 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for the Citizen Corps Program Project 8 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with the Office of the Governor (Texas)/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documents Related to the Grant for HAZMAT Monitors 9 Resolution - Reimbursing the City of Irving for Capital Expenditures for Projects in Advance of the Fiscal Year 2016-17 General Obligation Bond Sale and Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Sale in an Amount Not to Exceed $49,790,000 10 Resolution - Approving Amendments to the Administrative Services Agreements with Mass Mutual, on Behalf of Hartford Life, Regarding the City of living's 401(A) Plan and 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Providing for Administrative Revenue Credit Offsets for Investment Advisory Services Related to the Plans 11 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the Irving Independent School District Special Education Department and the City of Irving on Behalf of the Irving Public Library to Provide a Work Based Learning Program for Students with Disabilities 12 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to North Rock Construction, LLC, in the Amount of $271,692.03 for the Sunrise Park Trail Improvements Project 13 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $267,922.35 for the Harvard Court, Harvard Street, Keyhole Circle and Keyhole Street Water & Wastewater Improvements Project 14 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District for the Use, Operation and Maintenance of a Private Fire Line by the Property Owner 15 Resolution - Approving the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving, on Behalf of the Irving Arts Center, and the Irving Independent School District for Annual Exhibitions of USD Artwork, Meetings, and Performances by Student Ensembles at the Irving Arts Center. 16 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $680,000.00 for Calendar Year 2017 17 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc., for Online Auction Systems and/or Auctioneer Services through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program Administered by the Region VIII Education Service Center 18 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending for As-Needed Purchases of Uniforms and Miscellaneous Items from Red the Uniform Tailor in the Total Estimated Amount of $130,000.00 through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Frisco 19 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Professional Turf Products for the Purchase of Two Toro Groundsmaster 4100-D Mowers in the Total Amount of $114,197.50, and As-Needed Purchases of Grounds Maintenance Equipment and Irrigation Parts, Supplies and Installation in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) 20 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from Longhorn, Inc., in the Total Amount of $85,474.00 for Five 60-inch and Two 72-inch Toro Z-Turn Mowers through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) 21 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with CCGI Holdings, LLC, for Management of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 22 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Irving and Texas Highway Products, LTD, in the Estimated Amount of $322,000.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Traffic Signal Controllers through an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Fort Worth. 23 Resolution - Rejecting All Bids for the Purchase of an Offset Print Press 24 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with HD Supply Waterworks, LTD., and Ferguson Enterprises in the Total Estimated Amount of $69,260.62 for Couplings, Clamps, and Service Saddles 25 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Baker & Taylor, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $720,000.00 Annually for Library Books and Audio Visual Materials with Electronic Ordering interface 26 Resolution - Approving the Purchase from MHC Kenworth - Dallas for a 2017 K370 Kenworth 33,000 GVW Cab and Chassis with Truck- Mounted M-B Maxi-300 Paint Striper Body in the Total Amount of $348,173.00 through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative Agreement (BuyBoard) 27 Ordinance — Amending Chapter 16B Entitled "Convention and Visitors Bureau and Arts Center" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, by Amending the Qualifications of Members and Terms of Office 28 Ordinance - Amending Ordinance No. 9383 by Approving a Schedule of Classified Personnel for the Police Department
Ordinance - Public Hearing and Ordinance Designating a Certain Contiguous Geographic Area in the City of Irving as "Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Six, City of Irving, Texas"; Providing the Effective and Termination Dates for the Zone; Establishing a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone; and Containing Other Matters Related to the Zone
Resolution - Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - PL16-0013 - Villas at Wildbriar Lake Addition - Approximately 15.058 Acres Located on the West Side of Hard Rock Road, Southwest of Pioneer Drive - Marvel Enterprises, LLC -Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0052 - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Office/Technology/Warehouse" to "Low Density Residential" and "Retail", and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) and C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 43.26 Acres Located on the Northwest Corner of State Highway 114 and N. Belt Line Road - TDl GP, LLC, Applicant - Belt Line/114 Properties, LP, Owner (Postponed from the September 22, 2016 and October 13, 2016 City Council meetings.)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0059 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcohol Beverages for On-Premises Consumption), Hotel and Related Uses -Approximately 2.60 Acres Located at 4620 West Airport Freeway - DFW Joseph Investments, LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses -Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner (Postponed from the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting.)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 16-0069 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-N (Commercial Neighborhood) District Uses - Approximately 0.79 Acres Located at 3001 State Highway 183 - Bannister Engineering, Applicant - Panda Restaurant Group, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0071 - Granting C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 1.111 Acres Located at 2515 East Union Bower Road - Carver Mortuary Services, Applicant - ECP Investment LTD, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case ZC16-0075 - Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 by repealing Sections 52-32f and 52-32h of City of Irving Zoning Ordinance No. 1144, adding a new Section 52-32f to provide for the creation of a Heritage Crossing District, and requesting a zoning change from R-6 (Single Family), R-3.5 (Two-Family District), R-MF-2 (Multifamily), P-0 (Professional Office), C-0 (Commercial Office), C-N (Neighborhood Commercial), C-C (Community Commercial), ML-20 (Light Industrial), C-OU-2 (Commercial Outdoor 2), and DDD (Downtown Development District) uses to HCD (Heritage Crossing District). Approximately 847 acres roughly bounded by Pioneer Drive on the north, MacArthur Boulevard on the west, Shady Grove Road on the south, and Britain Road and Lucille Road on the east - City of Irving, Applicant - Various Owners
Resolution - Confirming the Appointment by the City Manager of a Commissioner to Serve on the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission to a Term Expiring November 2019
Resolution - Annual Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Two-Year Terms and Various Unexpired Terms
Resolution - Annual Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Two-Year Terms and Various Unexpired Terms Adjournment