Invocation Senior Pastor Robert Corser, Joy Fellowship FourSquare Church Pledge Of Allegiance
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda. Public Hearing: Items 1 through 33 THIS MEETING CAN BE ADJOURNED AND RECONVENED, IF NECESSARY, THE FOLLOWING REGULAR BUSINESS DAY. ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE.
City Operations Update A. Employee Innovate Irving Project B. Communications/ICTN NATAO Awards C. Illuminate Irving
CONSENT AGENDA 2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 13, 2016 5. Staff has reviewed potential issues for the upcoming session and recommends approval of a resolution adopting the 2017 Legislative Program for the consideration of members of the Texas Legislature and other interested stakeholders. 6. Staff will initiate advocacy efforts to accomplish and further the City’s legislative needs. 7. The City will form strategic relationships and work in coordination with other cities, the Texas Municipal League, other governmental entities and private sector entities to support the legislative program. Recommendation The resolution be approved. Resolution - Approving and Adopting the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District 2016-17 Annual Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: The Tarrant County 9-1-1 District is requesting its members to approve and adopt the district’s annual operating budget for 2016-17. District boundaries include all of Tarrant County, all areas outside Tarrant County included in the corporate limits of a member city, plus DFW International Airport and the City of Irving. 3. As a member city, Irving receives logistical services from the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District to interface Irving’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) with phone carriers. 4. The Tarrant County 9-1-1 District Board of Managers approved the 2016-17 annual operating budget at their board meeting on July 18, 2016. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 6 Resolution - Approving As-Needed Purchases of Emergency Response Equipment and Related Consumable Components in an Amount Not to Exceed $75,000.00 from Single Source Provider Physio-Control, Inc., and Approving the Attached Purchase Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department and approved by the Building & Equipment Services Department - Fleet Services Division. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Use of LifePak 15 monitors/defibrillators provides the best prehospital emergency response technology for patient assessments, treatments, and outcomes. When administering Advanced Life Support, the Irving Fire Department Paramedics are more effective and efficient with the LifePak 15 monitor/defibrillator for both the patient and the hospital staff. 3. This item includes the purchase of one LifePak 15 unit in the amount of $36,784.04 to be installed in Medic #12. As part of the make-ready for the new vehicle, this item has been budgeted in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund as part of the total cost of the ambulance. This purchase may be included in a future leasefinancing transaction for capital equipment once all vehicles for Station #12 have been received. 4. The balance of the requested not-to-exceed amount is to accommodate as-needed purchases of related consumable components required for all LifePak 15 units in use throughout the city. These components include monitor cables, capnography cables and sensors (O2 and CO2), blood pressure cuffs, and batteries. 5. Funding in the amount of $36,784.04 is available in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund, and funding in the amount of $38,215.96 is available in the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 7 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District (DCURD) in the Amount of $480,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This Interlocal Agreement between the City of Irving and DCURD provides funding assistance for the dredging of District canals, lakes and waterways to maintain proper depths and water quality as well as to provide adequate cross sections for water conveyance and for the maintenance of the levee, waterway slopes and structures. 3. This Interlocal Agreement meets a requirement of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the city’s Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Storm Water Permit to preserve the water quality of the city’s waterways. 4. Funding for this annual expenditure was approved by the adoption of the FY 2016- 17 MDU budget. 5. Funding in the amount of $480,000.00 is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $189,572.00 for the Millswood Lane and Sam Hill Street Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will replace the pavement along Sam Hill Street where pavement failed during the installation of the new wastewater line. 3. This item was presented at the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on October 12, 2016. 4. The Pavement Evaluation Study was not finalized during the design of this water and waste water replacement project. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for this segment of Sam Hill Street is 60.29 out of a maximum score of 100. The subgrade cave in and the PCI score are the reasons for this change order to replace the substandard concrete pavement. 5. At 14 feet below the pavement, the subgrade failed due to the poor condition of the ground soil, undermining the full width of the pavement adjacent to the utility installation. 6. Installation of the length of pavement needing full width replacement is approximately 640 linear feet. 7. The contractor is mobilized and performing concrete pavement repairs in other areas as part of the original contract. 8. This change order increases the contract by 17.64% and zero calendar days. 9. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order based on existing unit prices in the contract. 10. Funding in the amount of $189,572.00 is available in the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 7 10 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 2 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $460,516.75 for the Anderson, Stafford, McCarthy, Posey, Metker & Chisholm Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will replace three sections of Anderson and McCarthy Streets where pavement has failed during the replacement of the water and wastewater system. Both streets received critical scores during the 2016 Pavement Evaluation study. 3. This item was presented at the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on October 12, 2016. 4. The Pavement Evaluation Study was not finalized during the design of this water and waste water replacement project. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for these segments of Anderson Street is 48 and McCarthy Street is 9 out of a maximum score of 100. The subgrade cave in and the PCI score are the reasons for this change order to replace the substandard concrete pavement. 5. At a 12 foot depth under the pavement, the subgrade continuously failed along Anderson Street during the installation of the new water and wastewater lines, undermining half of the width of the street. The segment of Anderson Street, requiring replacement at half width, is 780 linear feet. 6. The installation of the full width of Anderson Street is needed between Clearbrook and 1126 Anderson Street. This road has deteriorated significantly during the course of construction. The length of this segment needing full width replacement is approximately 480 linear feet. 7. The installation of the full width of McCarthy Street is needed between DeWitt Street and Finley Road. This road has deteriorated more with the construction. The length of this segment needing full width replacement is 360 feet. 8. This change order increases the contract by 11.5% and 20 calendar days. 9. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order based on existing unit prices in the contract. 10. Funding in the amount of $460,516.75 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 8 11 Resolution - Rejecting All Bids for Rock Island Road Bike & Pedestrian Facility Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: This project will provide a 10 foot wide trail running west from Irby Lane to the Irving West Trinity Railway Express (TRE) station within the TRE line right of way. The project includes two miles of lighted trail with a 150 foot pedestrian bridge, retaining walls, benches and landscaping. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee on June 3, 2015. 4. Staff recommends rejection of all bids due to all bids received exceeding the project’s budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving a Single Source Agreement between the City of Irving and HOV Services, in the Total Amount of $91,289.00 for Renewal of Hyland OnBase Support and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: Renewal of this support agreement keeps the city’s Hyland OnBase document imaging/management software legally licensed and under support by HOV Services on behalf of Hyland. 3. The Hyland OnBase document imaging/management software is used for the electronic management of city contract, financial, legal, and other documents maintained by the city and includes the scanning functionality to transfer documents of record from physical paper format to electronic files. This system is used by most city departments and is critical to the functioning of the city. 4. The support cost has increased by 5% this year over the previous year. 5. Funding in the amount of $91,289.00 is available in the Information Technology Department budget within the General Fund. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 9 Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) HOV Services 11/01/16 – 10/31/17 $91,289.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Renewal from Information Builders in the Total Amount of $56,071.62 for Business Intelligence and Performance Management Framework (PMF) Software Maintenance and Support Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the city’s Business Intelligence and Performance Management software legally licensed and operating efficiently. 3. The Business Intelligence software is used primarily by the Police Department and provides critical information to police officers in the field, as well as dashboards, reports, and crime maps to offices and police management. 4. The PMF system is managed by the Performance Office, but is used by every department in the city. It provides electronic management, data entry, and tracking of the city’s strategic plan and all related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measures. Each department in the city is responsible for the data entry and review of their KPI measures to provide a balanced scorecard and demonstrate how their initiatives are cohesive with the overall strategic plan for the organization. 5. The support has increased by 5% this year over the previous year. 6. Funding is available in the Information Technology Department budget within the General Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Information Builders 12/28/16 – 12/27/17 $56,071.62 FY 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 10 14 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Azteca Systems, Inc., in the Total Annual Amount of $73,990.00 for CityWorks Software Licensing and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the city’s CityWorks work order software legally licensed and under support by Azteca Systems, Inc. 3. The CityWorks work order software is used by the Water Utilities, Building & Equipment Maintenance, and Traffic & Transportation departments. The software is vital to these departments for management of service requests, work orders, and their related assets. CityWorks is also integrated with the ESRI GIS system to include mapping functionality and geospatial analysis. It is anticipated that use of this software may also expand to the Parks & Recreation department. 4. The vendor held the support cost at last year’s rates with no increase to be applied over the three-year renewal period. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Information Technology budget within the General Fund, and in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water & Sewer System Fund, while funding for Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Azteca Systems, Inc. 10/31/16 – 10/30/19 $ 73,990.00 2016-17 $ 73,990.00 2017-18 $ 73,990.00 2018-19 TOTAL $221,970.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 11 15 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $54,650.14 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: Renewal of this support agreement is imperative to the daily operations of the city’s Fire Department. First responders rely on this software to provide accurate information from Dispatch to arrive fully equipped to assist all residents and businesses in the City of Irving. 3. This maintenance provides support to the Information Technology Department in order to keep all software updated, and fully functional for the Fire Department’s use. 4. The expenditure amount for this support agreement has increased approximately $2,000.00 over last year’s renewal amount due to the additional apparatus added to the Fire Department’s fleet, which includes Medic 1 and apparatus for Fire Station 12 which will come online in early 2017. 5. Funding is available in the Information Technology budget within the General Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Infor Public Sector, Inc. 1/1/17 – 12/31/17 $54,650.14 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Adopting the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and Calling for Public Hearing to Consider the Advisability of the Creation of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Six Located Near State Highway 183, State Highway 114, Loop 12, and Spur 482 in the City of Irving, Texas Pursuant to Chapter 311, Texas Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and supports Strategic Objective 3.4 – Complete “signature projects”. 2. Impact: Adopting the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and holding a public hearing will allow for public input on the creation of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 6. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 12 3. This item was discussed at the City Council Work Session on September 21, 2016. 4. By ORD-2015-9761, the City has already adopted land use and zoning regulations for Planned Unit Development 6 (PUD #6). The proposed Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 6 (TIRZ #6) boundary matches the PUD #6 adopted boundary. The area is served by major freeways, including State Highway 183, State Highway 114, Loop 12, and Spur 482. 5. Tax Increment Financing is a tool to fund improvements within a reinvestment zone. 6. Given the size and scope of the infrastructure required to achieve the development outlined in the PUD #6 plan, tax increment financing is the most appropriate funding strategy to implement the plan. 7. TIRZ #6 will provide support for catalytic infrastructure and economic development projects that will facilitate the redevelopment of properties within the zone. Ad valorem taxes received from incremental value increases on property within the reinvestment zone will be used to fund the long-term redevelopment. 8. This item adopts the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and calls for a public hearing on November 10, 2016, to consider the creation of a tax increment reinvestment zone. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and CEC Electrical, Inc., in an Amount Dependent Upon Annual Qualification Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this incentive agreement will assist in attracting CEC Electrical, Inc., to the City of Irving. 3. CEC Electrical, Inc., plans to construct and occupy at least a 34,000 square foot building as its corporate headquarters, operations and training center on property located at 1500 County Line Road, also known as 1275 Valley View Lane, and create at least 150 new jobs with an average salary of at least $50,000.00 by December 31, 2016. 4. The City and the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce has worked with CEC Electrical to attract the company and their investment to the City of Irving. 5. Minimum qualification levels for this incentive are the construction and occupancy of at least a 34,000 square foot building with a minimum taxable value of $7,700,000 to be constructed no later than December 31, 2016, and occupied for a minimum of ten years; invest in a minimum of $750,000 of new business personnel property value at the new facility; add a minimum of 150 new or transferred employees with an average annual salary of $50,000.00 and retain those jobs at the new facility for a minimum period of ten years. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 14 6. The City offers a real property grant equal to 50% of the new value of the real property taxes for a maximum period of five years for an estimated incentive value of $114,889; and personal property grant equal to 50% of the business property taxes for a maximum period of five years for an estimated incentive value of $11,139. The anticipated tax collected by the City during the incentive is $126,028. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 19 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 2800 East John W. Carpenter Freeway in the Amount of $47,350.00, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - A&Z Investment Group, Inc. - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.3-Expand, extend and maintain the major thoroughfare network. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easement will allow for the relocation of existing water and sanitary sewer lines related to the Midtown Express Project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 2, 2015. 4. The easement is located at 2800 East John W. Carpenter Freeway. 5. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $47,350.00 for the easement. Closing costs will not exceed $5,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $52,350.00 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 15 20 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 204 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $55,037.50, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - MacLeod-Couch Realty LLC - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.3-Expand, extend and maintain the major thoroughfare network. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easement will allow for the relocation of existing water and sanitary sewer lines related to the Midtown Express Project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 2, 2015. 4. The easement is located at 204 East Airport Freeway. 5. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $55,037.50 for the easement. Closing costs will not exceed $5,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $60,037.50 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract in the Amount of $22,500.00 for the Acquisition of a Temporary Construction Easement and a Sanitary Sewer Easement Located at 1126 Oakland Drive Related to the Southwest Interceptor Wastewater Improvements Project - Rudy Moreno - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. This item supports Strategic Objective 2.4-Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easements will allow for the relocation of existing sanitary sewer lines related to the Southwest Interceptor Wastewater Improvement Project. 3. The easements are located at 1126 Oakland Drive. 4. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $22,500.00 for the easements. 5. Funding in the amount of $22,500.00 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 16 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving the Allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant Funds to Brighter Tomorrows, Inc., for Shelter Operations and Maintenance in the Amount of $30,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This action will aid Brighter Tomorrows in providing emergency sheltering services to victims of domestic violence. 3. The City of Irving received $185,456.00 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be used to prevent homelessness and to provide a variety of services to homeless populations. 4. The City of Irving is allowed to provide a portion of this allocation to eligible nonprofit emergency shelters for reimbursement of operational expenses. On February 29, 2016, as part of the annual Action Plan process, the City of Irving requested proposals for funding allocations. The City received no applications from eligible entities. On May 20, 2016, the Housing and Human Services Board approved a second Request for Proposals. One organization, Brighter Tomorrows, submitted a proposal for emergency shelter operations. 5. At its September 21, 2016, meeting the Housing and Human Services Board recommended reprogramming of Emergency Solutions Grant funds to Brighter Tomorrows, Inc. 6. Funding in the amount of $30,000.00 is available in the Outside Services budget within the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 17 Purchasing Items Items 23-27 23 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Sunbeam Foods, Inc., and Oak Farms Dairy in the Total Estimated Amount of $125,186.24 for Prisoner Food Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: The city is able to provide nutritious meals for jail inmates in the most cost effective manner. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation an annual contract to provide prisoner food for City of Irving jail facility. The current contract expires October 31, 2016. This is the first of two one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Police Department budget within the General Fund while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Group Contract Term FY 2016-17 Est. Exp. FY 2017-18 Est. Exp. Total Est. Annual Exp. Sunbeam Foods, Inc. A – Food 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $101,004.00 $9,182.24 $110,186.24 Oak Farms Dairy B – Milk $ 13,750.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 15,000.00 TOTAL $114,754.00 $10,432.24 $125,186.24 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 24 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with GT Distributors, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $218,370.00 for Police Ammunition Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: Ammunition for firearms provides the necessary supplies for officers in the performance of their job duties while on patrol, training, and for required qualification. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 18 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide police ammunition. The current contract expires October 31, 2016. This is the first of two one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Police Department budget within the General Fund. All expenditures will be made in Fiscal Year 2016-17. Vendor Contract Term Total Est. Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) GT Distributors, Inc. 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $218,370.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 25 Resolution - Ratification of Payments made to GT Distributors, Inc., in the Total Amount of $163,043.32 for the Purchase of Body Armor through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: Purchases of rifle-grade body vests and helmets provide police personnel with the necessary equipment critical in performing their duties safely and effectively. 3. Due to recent events locally and across the nation, it was determined that police personnel should be equipped with rifle-grade ballistic vests and helmets to provide increased protection against assailants using rifles rather than pistols. 4. Funding was available in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Police Department budget within the General Fund and purchases were made utilizing these funds. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 19 26 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dba Mockingbird Automotive in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 for Dodge OEM Parts Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: The city’s public safety vehicles will continue to be repaired and maintained with minimum downtime, keeping service levels high. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for continuation of Dodge OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts purchases for public safety vehicles from Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dba Mockingbird Automotive on an as-needed basis. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Building & Equipment Services Department budget within the Garage Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from November 2016 through October 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $ 59,584.00 2016-17 $ 5,416.00 2017-18 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 65,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 27 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Westway Ford in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 for Ford OEM Parts Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: The city’s public safety vehicles will continue to be repaired and maintained with minimum downtime, keeping service levels high. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of Ford OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts purchases for public safety vehicles from Westway Ford on an as-needed basis. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 20 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Building and Equipment Services Department budget within the Garage Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from November 2016 through October 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Westway Ford 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $ 59,584.00 2016-17 $ 5,416.00 2017-18 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 65,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 28 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Two 10’ Gas and Telecommunications Easement, Two 10’ ONCOR Electric Delivery Company Easements and One 15’ Drainage Easement Related to the Replat of the Northgate Commerce Center Addition Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the redevelopment of the property. 3. The property is being replatted for development with a warehouse facility at Valley View Lane. 4. The property owner, 4409 Montrose, Ltd., has requested the abandonment of two (2) 10’ Gas and Telecommunications Easements, two (2) 10’ ONCOR Electric Deliver Company Easements, and one (1) 15’ drainage easement all dedicated by the Northgate Commerce Center Addition. 5. Any new required easements will be addressed on the new plat. 6. City Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonment requested. We have coordinated with the various utilities and city departments and find it in the best interest of the City to abandon these easements. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 21 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The Ordinance be approved. 29 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Two Underground Public Utility Easements Related to the Proposed Waterside Addition Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the development of the property with a 39-lot single-family residential development. 3. The property is being developed into a 39-lot single-family residential addition at Customer Way and Las Colinas Boulevard. Zoning for the new Waterside Addition was approved by City Council in March 2016. 4. The property owner, Irving Partners 8, LP, a Texas limited liability company, is requesting the partial abandonment of two (2) Underground Public Utility Easements. Easements for the existing and proposed utilities are addressed on the new plat. The new plat was approved at the Planning and Zoning Commission pending the incorporation of this abandonment. The abandonment is conditioned on filing the approved plat. 5. City Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonment requested. We have coordinated with the various utilities and city departments and find it in the best interest of the City to abandon these easements. 6. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Approving the 2017 Irving Legislative Program for the 85Th Texas Legislative Session Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office. 2. Impact: This legislative program is designed to address our city government priorities during the 2017 Texas Legislative Session. 3. The 85th Texas Legislature will convene on January 10, 2017. 4. It is anticipated that many legislative issues affecting local governments such as public safety, responsible and effective code enforcement, land use and zoning authority, city control of revenue, sovereign immunity, successful economic development tools and infrastructural funding for our roads and waterways will be considered during the Texas Legislative Session.
Resolution - Selecting Komatsu Architecture, as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for the Architectural Design for the Renovation Associated with the Irving Museum and Heritage Center Project and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, Irving Arts Center and the Parks and Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreational facilities. 2. Impact: Irving Museum and Heritage Center will be a 15,000 square foot facility located on the first floor of the Central Library Building. The Museum project will provide an opportunity to tell the history of Irving and enhance the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of Irving through special programs and traveling exhibits. 3. This item was presented to the City Council at the work session on February 3, 2016. 4. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from six firms, three of which were M/WBE. Three were chosen to be interviewed. Komatsu Architecture, was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the architectural services solicited. 5. This project has two consulting entities which will work together as a team. Komatsu Architecture will be partnered with a museum and exhibit planner to design the museum. Komatsu will be primarily responsible for the structural renovation of the first floor to house a museum. However, their experience in other museum projects will be valuable in promoting a better understanding of the museum layout and function. 6. Staff recommends selecting Komatsu Architecture, for the Architectural Design for the Renovation Associated with the Irving Museum and Heritage Center Project, based on experience, submittal content and a face-to-face interview. 7. This firm has an experienced base of architectural staff for this project. They have demonstrated, through past projects, submission and presentation material, their ability and understanding of building renovations associated with the development of museums. Their firm has a history of raising funds for museums as well as designing various types of museums. 8. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 100%. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Authorizing Basic Rent Payments in Regard to the City of Irving's Parking Lease with AG-PCPI Urban Towers Owner, LP, for the Entertainment Center for Fiscal Year 2016-17 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This item approves payments of the Basic Rent under the terms of the Urban Towers Parking Lease Agreement subject to annual budget appropriations. 3. On May 28, 2009, the City Council approved a parking lease agreement with SP Millennium Center, LP, then owners of the Urban Towers located at 222 West Las Colinas Boulevard. Urban Towers has been sold and the current owner is AG-PCPI Urban Towers Owner, LP. This parking lease provides 2,000 parking spaces for evening and weekend parking for the Entertainment Center. 4. On August 22, 2012, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the original Urban Towers parking lease to extend the commencement date from September 1, 2012, to September 1, 2015. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 13 5. On September 3, 2015, the City Council approved Amendment No. 2 that amended the Term to 124 months, commencing on September 1, 2015 and expiring on December 31, 2025, and established Basic Rent of $41,666.67 monthly for years 1-5 and $47,142.01 monthly for years 6-10. 6. Pursuant to the Entertainment Center Lease, ARK will assume payments on the Initial Term, currently estimated to be September 1, 2017. 7. This item approves 12 monthly basic rent payments in the amount of $41,666.67 each, for a total of $500,000.04 in FY2016-17. 8. Funding in the amount of $500,000.04 for FY2016-17 is available in the Entertainment Venue Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Resolution - Development Plan DVP16-0005 - Appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission Action Approving Development Plan #22, 2nd Revision, PUD 1 (Planned Unit Development No. 1) for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located on the South Side of O'Connor Ridge Boulevard and West of Fuller Drive - Adler Properties, Applicant - Edward F. Hayden, Jr., Owner (Postponed from the October 13, 2016 City Council Meeting.) Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Final Action: September 6, 2016 – Approval 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent), subject to adding an acreage allocation note as directed by staff. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. This Development Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016 for a 27-unit owner-occupied multifamily development on a 1.4- acre site on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Blvd., west of Fuller Drive. Following the approval of the Development Plan, the Commission approved Multifamily Concept Plan MF16-0001 on the same agenda. 3. Section 52-32c(5) states that if 20% of the surrounding land files a written objection of the Commission’s decision within ten days of the Commission’s final action, the objection may be presented to the City Council. The City Council can review the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and may take such action as it may deem appropriate. Staff received a written objection representing 20.15% of the surrounding property within the 10-day time frame. 4. On September 30, the applicant requested a postponement to the October 27, 2016 City Council agenda to allow more time to work with the surrounding property owners and reach an agreement. 5. On October 19, the applicant submitted a request to postpone this item to November 10, 2016. The applicant stated that he has already met twice with the HOA. Based on that feedback, the applicant has made changes to the plans that he wants to present to the HOA for further review. Since the applicant continues to actively work with the neighbors who brought the objection to reach a solution, staff recommends postponing this item accordingly. 6. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to November 10, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0051 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Religious Institution Uses - Approximately 1.439 Acres Located at 3305 W. Pioneer Drive - Aranda Planning Consultants, Applicant - Iglesia Centro Evangelistico Belen, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 17, 2016 – Favorable 7-0 (Commissioners Richards and Zeske, absent). 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Public/Semi- Public uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. A portion of the property is being used as a religious institution. The property currently has three different zoning designations, making redevelopment of the site difficult with the different requirements of each district. The applicant is proposing a zoning change to allow a religious institution with exceptions to the height and parking requirements. 4. The height of the proposed structure is 35 feet. The height of a pitched roof is measured as being the midpoint between the top plate line and the peak, and being exclusive of any steeples or other architectural features. 5. The parking ratio for the religious use is currently 1 parking space for each 3.5 seats. According to the site plan, the main worship space will accommodate 416 seats, thereby requiring 119 spaces. The applicant has provided 111 spaces, and is asking for an eight-space (6.7%) variance. Staff believes this is a reasonable request given the use and location of the property. 6. The applicant has provided a landscape plan in compliance with the landscaping ordinance, and has provided building elevation drawings that are in compliance with the commercial design standards. Brick and stone are the primary exterior materials. 7. Since the proposed zoning change includes only a minor exception to the parking requirement, meets the landscaping and building design requirements, and unifies the site under a single site plan zoning district, staff can support this request. 8. A total of 18 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support and has received one (1) response in opposition to this request. The opposition is outside of the 200-ft radius of the property; therefore, a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses - Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Denial due to concerns the tower could fall onto adjacent property, 9-0. 2. The request is to rezone a portion of the lot to allow construction of a new telecommunications tower and equipment cabinet. 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for this property. This use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The new tower will be a 100-foot tall monopole, excluding a 10-foot tall lightening rod. The monopole will be in the center of a 48’ X 60’ portion of Lot 1, Block A, Cadenhead Addition and will be able to accommodate additional antennas. This is considered a “stealth” monopole design because the antennas are inside the pole. The pole will be painted white to minimize visual obtrusiveness. 5. The proposed tower will be approximately 28 feet west of North Britain Road and 17 feet from the west property line. Access is provided through a proposed 20-foot ingress/egress and utility easement. 6. The tower will be located on a lot primarily used for auto repair, and that is adjacent to a railroad on the west side of the lot. The remainder of the surrounding area is largely residential. The structure is 129 feet from the nearest residence across North Britain Road, and the several residences are within the required 255’ separation requirement in Section 52-32d of the zoning ordinance. However, the applicant states that the tower will be engineered to fall on the site. 7. One other tower exists within 5,000 feet of the proposed location; however, that tower is full and there is no room for additional co-location of equipment. 8. The leased portion of the lot will be surrounded by a 6-foot tall chain link fence with barb wire, surrounded by an 8-foot tall wood fence, both with 12-foot wide gates. 9. A total of 14 trees from the City’s approved tree list will be planted along the north and east side of the lease space. 10. A total of 34 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and three (3) responses in opposition. Staff also received a petition with 13 signatures (11 validated). The opposition represents 16.67% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, per state law a ¾ vote is not required for approval of this item. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 25 11. On October 6, 2016, staff received a request from the applicant to postpone this case to the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting to allow the applicant time to speak with the adjacent property owners. 12. On October 17, the applicant sent 36 letters inviting neighbors to attend a community meeting to discuss their concerns about the cell tower. The Community meeting is being held on October 24, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the South Library. The letters were sent to everyone on the Property Owner Notification List, plus anyone else who signed the petition in opposition. Staff will provide an update regarding this meeting at the City Council work session. 13. The proposed case is in substantial compliance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s adopted Antenna/Tower Siting Policies and Guidelines, and is designed to collapse on itself in the event of an emergency. Therefore, staff can support this request. 14. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Approval. APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 33 Mayor's Report Adjournment
Invocation Senior Pastor Robert Corser, Joy Fellowship FourSquare Church Pledge Of Allegiance
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda. Public Hearing: Items 1 through 33 THIS MEETING CAN BE ADJOURNED AND RECONVENED, IF NECESSARY, THE FOLLOWING REGULAR BUSINESS DAY. ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE.
City Operations Update A. Employee Innovate Irving Project B. Communications/ICTN NATAO Awards C. Illuminate Irving
CONSENT AGENDA 2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 13, 2016 5. Staff has reviewed potential issues for the upcoming session and recommends approval of a resolution adopting the 2017 Legislative Program for the consideration of members of the Texas Legislature and other interested stakeholders. 6. Staff will initiate advocacy efforts to accomplish and further the City’s legislative needs. 7. The City will form strategic relationships and work in coordination with other cities, the Texas Municipal League, other governmental entities and private sector entities to support the legislative program. Recommendation The resolution be approved. Resolution - Approving and Adopting the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District 2016-17 Annual Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: The Tarrant County 9-1-1 District is requesting its members to approve and adopt the district’s annual operating budget for 2016-17. District boundaries include all of Tarrant County, all areas outside Tarrant County included in the corporate limits of a member city, plus DFW International Airport and the City of Irving. 3. As a member city, Irving receives logistical services from the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District to interface Irving’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) with phone carriers. 4. The Tarrant County 9-1-1 District Board of Managers approved the 2016-17 annual operating budget at their board meeting on July 18, 2016. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 6 Resolution - Approving As-Needed Purchases of Emergency Response Equipment and Related Consumable Components in an Amount Not to Exceed $75,000.00 from Single Source Provider Physio-Control, Inc., and Approving the Attached Purchase Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department and approved by the Building & Equipment Services Department - Fleet Services Division. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Use of LifePak 15 monitors/defibrillators provides the best prehospital emergency response technology for patient assessments, treatments, and outcomes. When administering Advanced Life Support, the Irving Fire Department Paramedics are more effective and efficient with the LifePak 15 monitor/defibrillator for both the patient and the hospital staff. 3. This item includes the purchase of one LifePak 15 unit in the amount of $36,784.04 to be installed in Medic #12. As part of the make-ready for the new vehicle, this item has been budgeted in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund as part of the total cost of the ambulance. This purchase may be included in a future leasefinancing transaction for capital equipment once all vehicles for Station #12 have been received. 4. The balance of the requested not-to-exceed amount is to accommodate as-needed purchases of related consumable components required for all LifePak 15 units in use throughout the city. These components include monitor cables, capnography cables and sensors (O2 and CO2), blood pressure cuffs, and batteries. 5. Funding in the amount of $36,784.04 is available in the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund, and funding in the amount of $38,215.96 is available in the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 7 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility Reclamation District (DCURD) in the Amount of $480,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This Interlocal Agreement between the City of Irving and DCURD provides funding assistance for the dredging of District canals, lakes and waterways to maintain proper depths and water quality as well as to provide adequate cross sections for water conveyance and for the maintenance of the levee, waterway slopes and structures. 3. This Interlocal Agreement meets a requirement of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the city’s Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Storm Water Permit to preserve the water quality of the city’s waterways. 4. Funding for this annual expenditure was approved by the adoption of the FY 2016- 17 MDU budget. 5. Funding in the amount of $480,000.00 is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $189,572.00 for the Millswood Lane and Sam Hill Street Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will replace the pavement along Sam Hill Street where pavement failed during the installation of the new wastewater line. 3. This item was presented at the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on October 12, 2016. 4. The Pavement Evaluation Study was not finalized during the design of this water and waste water replacement project. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for this segment of Sam Hill Street is 60.29 out of a maximum score of 100. The subgrade cave in and the PCI score are the reasons for this change order to replace the substandard concrete pavement. 5. At 14 feet below the pavement, the subgrade failed due to the poor condition of the ground soil, undermining the full width of the pavement adjacent to the utility installation. 6. Installation of the length of pavement needing full width replacement is approximately 640 linear feet. 7. The contractor is mobilized and performing concrete pavement repairs in other areas as part of the original contract. 8. This change order increases the contract by 17.64% and zero calendar days. 9. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order based on existing unit prices in the contract. 10. Funding in the amount of $189,572.00 is available in the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 7 10 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 2 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $460,516.75 for the Anderson, Stafford, McCarthy, Posey, Metker & Chisholm Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will replace three sections of Anderson and McCarthy Streets where pavement has failed during the replacement of the water and wastewater system. Both streets received critical scores during the 2016 Pavement Evaluation study. 3. This item was presented at the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on October 12, 2016. 4. The Pavement Evaluation Study was not finalized during the design of this water and waste water replacement project. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for these segments of Anderson Street is 48 and McCarthy Street is 9 out of a maximum score of 100. The subgrade cave in and the PCI score are the reasons for this change order to replace the substandard concrete pavement. 5. At a 12 foot depth under the pavement, the subgrade continuously failed along Anderson Street during the installation of the new water and wastewater lines, undermining half of the width of the street. The segment of Anderson Street, requiring replacement at half width, is 780 linear feet. 6. The installation of the full width of Anderson Street is needed between Clearbrook and 1126 Anderson Street. This road has deteriorated significantly during the course of construction. The length of this segment needing full width replacement is approximately 480 linear feet. 7. The installation of the full width of McCarthy Street is needed between DeWitt Street and Finley Road. This road has deteriorated more with the construction. The length of this segment needing full width replacement is 360 feet. 8. This change order increases the contract by 11.5% and 20 calendar days. 9. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order based on existing unit prices in the contract. 10. Funding in the amount of $460,516.75 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 8 11 Resolution - Rejecting All Bids for Rock Island Road Bike & Pedestrian Facility Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: This project will provide a 10 foot wide trail running west from Irby Lane to the Irving West Trinity Railway Express (TRE) station within the TRE line right of way. The project includes two miles of lighted trail with a 150 foot pedestrian bridge, retaining walls, benches and landscaping. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee on June 3, 2015. 4. Staff recommends rejection of all bids due to all bids received exceeding the project’s budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving a Single Source Agreement between the City of Irving and HOV Services, in the Total Amount of $91,289.00 for Renewal of Hyland OnBase Support and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: Renewal of this support agreement keeps the city’s Hyland OnBase document imaging/management software legally licensed and under support by HOV Services on behalf of Hyland. 3. The Hyland OnBase document imaging/management software is used for the electronic management of city contract, financial, legal, and other documents maintained by the city and includes the scanning functionality to transfer documents of record from physical paper format to electronic files. This system is used by most city departments and is critical to the functioning of the city. 4. The support cost has increased by 5% this year over the previous year. 5. Funding in the amount of $91,289.00 is available in the Information Technology Department budget within the General Fund. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 9 Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) HOV Services 11/01/16 – 10/31/17 $91,289.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Renewal from Information Builders in the Total Amount of $56,071.62 for Business Intelligence and Performance Management Framework (PMF) Software Maintenance and Support Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the city’s Business Intelligence and Performance Management software legally licensed and operating efficiently. 3. The Business Intelligence software is used primarily by the Police Department and provides critical information to police officers in the field, as well as dashboards, reports, and crime maps to offices and police management. 4. The PMF system is managed by the Performance Office, but is used by every department in the city. It provides electronic management, data entry, and tracking of the city’s strategic plan and all related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measures. Each department in the city is responsible for the data entry and review of their KPI measures to provide a balanced scorecard and demonstrate how their initiatives are cohesive with the overall strategic plan for the organization. 5. The support has increased by 5% this year over the previous year. 6. Funding is available in the Information Technology Department budget within the General Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Information Builders 12/28/16 – 12/27/17 $56,071.62 FY 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 10 14 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Azteca Systems, Inc., in the Total Annual Amount of $73,990.00 for CityWorks Software Licensing and Maintenance Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: This support renewal keeps the city’s CityWorks work order software legally licensed and under support by Azteca Systems, Inc. 3. The CityWorks work order software is used by the Water Utilities, Building & Equipment Maintenance, and Traffic & Transportation departments. The software is vital to these departments for management of service requests, work orders, and their related assets. CityWorks is also integrated with the ESRI GIS system to include mapping functionality and geospatial analysis. It is anticipated that use of this software may also expand to the Parks & Recreation department. 4. The vendor held the support cost at last year’s rates with no increase to be applied over the three-year renewal period. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Information Technology budget within the General Fund, and in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water & Sewer System Fund, while funding for Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Azteca Systems, Inc. 10/31/16 – 10/30/19 $ 73,990.00 2016-17 $ 73,990.00 2017-18 $ 73,990.00 2018-19 TOTAL $221,970.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 11 15 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $54,650.14 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Information Technology Department. 2. Impact: Renewal of this support agreement is imperative to the daily operations of the city’s Fire Department. First responders rely on this software to provide accurate information from Dispatch to arrive fully equipped to assist all residents and businesses in the City of Irving. 3. This maintenance provides support to the Information Technology Department in order to keep all software updated, and fully functional for the Fire Department’s use. 4. The expenditure amount for this support agreement has increased approximately $2,000.00 over last year’s renewal amount due to the additional apparatus added to the Fire Department’s fleet, which includes Medic 1 and apparatus for Fire Station 12 which will come online in early 2017. 5. Funding is available in the Information Technology budget within the General Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Amount Fiscal Year(s) Infor Public Sector, Inc. 1/1/17 – 12/31/17 $54,650.14 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Adopting the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and Calling for Public Hearing to Consider the Advisability of the Creation of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Six Located Near State Highway 183, State Highway 114, Loop 12, and Spur 482 in the City of Irving, Texas Pursuant to Chapter 311, Texas Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and supports Strategic Objective 3.4 – Complete “signature projects”. 2. Impact: Adopting the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and holding a public hearing will allow for public input on the creation of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 6. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 12 3. This item was discussed at the City Council Work Session on September 21, 2016. 4. By ORD-2015-9761, the City has already adopted land use and zoning regulations for Planned Unit Development 6 (PUD #6). The proposed Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 6 (TIRZ #6) boundary matches the PUD #6 adopted boundary. The area is served by major freeways, including State Highway 183, State Highway 114, Loop 12, and Spur 482. 5. Tax Increment Financing is a tool to fund improvements within a reinvestment zone. 6. Given the size and scope of the infrastructure required to achieve the development outlined in the PUD #6 plan, tax increment financing is the most appropriate funding strategy to implement the plan. 7. TIRZ #6 will provide support for catalytic infrastructure and economic development projects that will facilitate the redevelopment of properties within the zone. Ad valorem taxes received from incremental value increases on property within the reinvestment zone will be used to fund the long-term redevelopment. 8. This item adopts the Preliminary Project and Financing Plan and calls for a public hearing on November 10, 2016, to consider the creation of a tax increment reinvestment zone. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and CEC Electrical, Inc., in an Amount Dependent Upon Annual Qualification Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this incentive agreement will assist in attracting CEC Electrical, Inc., to the City of Irving. 3. CEC Electrical, Inc., plans to construct and occupy at least a 34,000 square foot building as its corporate headquarters, operations and training center on property located at 1500 County Line Road, also known as 1275 Valley View Lane, and create at least 150 new jobs with an average salary of at least $50,000.00 by December 31, 2016. 4. The City and the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce has worked with CEC Electrical to attract the company and their investment to the City of Irving. 5. Minimum qualification levels for this incentive are the construction and occupancy of at least a 34,000 square foot building with a minimum taxable value of $7,700,000 to be constructed no later than December 31, 2016, and occupied for a minimum of ten years; invest in a minimum of $750,000 of new business personnel property value at the new facility; add a minimum of 150 new or transferred employees with an average annual salary of $50,000.00 and retain those jobs at the new facility for a minimum period of ten years. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 14 6. The City offers a real property grant equal to 50% of the new value of the real property taxes for a maximum period of five years for an estimated incentive value of $114,889; and personal property grant equal to 50% of the business property taxes for a maximum period of five years for an estimated incentive value of $11,139. The anticipated tax collected by the City during the incentive is $126,028. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 19 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 2800 East John W. Carpenter Freeway in the Amount of $47,350.00, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - A&Z Investment Group, Inc. - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.3-Expand, extend and maintain the major thoroughfare network. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easement will allow for the relocation of existing water and sanitary sewer lines related to the Midtown Express Project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 2, 2015. 4. The easement is located at 2800 East John W. Carpenter Freeway. 5. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $47,350.00 for the easement. Closing costs will not exceed $5,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $52,350.00 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 15 20 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 204 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $55,037.50, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - MacLeod-Couch Realty LLC - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.3-Expand, extend and maintain the major thoroughfare network. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easement will allow for the relocation of existing water and sanitary sewer lines related to the Midtown Express Project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 2, 2015. 4. The easement is located at 204 East Airport Freeway. 5. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $55,037.50 for the easement. Closing costs will not exceed $5,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $60,037.50 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract in the Amount of $22,500.00 for the Acquisition of a Temporary Construction Easement and a Sanitary Sewer Easement Located at 1126 Oakland Drive Related to the Southwest Interceptor Wastewater Improvements Project - Rudy Moreno - Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department and Water Utilities Department. This item supports Strategic Objective 2.4-Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the easements will allow for the relocation of existing sanitary sewer lines related to the Southwest Interceptor Wastewater Improvement Project. 3. The easements are located at 1126 Oakland Drive. 4. The property owner has agreed to the amount of $22,500.00 for the easements. 5. Funding in the amount of $22,500.00 is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 16 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving the Allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant Funds to Brighter Tomorrows, Inc., for Shelter Operations and Maintenance in the Amount of $30,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This action will aid Brighter Tomorrows in providing emergency sheltering services to victims of domestic violence. 3. The City of Irving received $185,456.00 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be used to prevent homelessness and to provide a variety of services to homeless populations. 4. The City of Irving is allowed to provide a portion of this allocation to eligible nonprofit emergency shelters for reimbursement of operational expenses. On February 29, 2016, as part of the annual Action Plan process, the City of Irving requested proposals for funding allocations. The City received no applications from eligible entities. On May 20, 2016, the Housing and Human Services Board approved a second Request for Proposals. One organization, Brighter Tomorrows, submitted a proposal for emergency shelter operations. 5. At its September 21, 2016, meeting the Housing and Human Services Board recommended reprogramming of Emergency Solutions Grant funds to Brighter Tomorrows, Inc. 6. Funding in the amount of $30,000.00 is available in the Outside Services budget within the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 17 Purchasing Items Items 23-27 23 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Sunbeam Foods, Inc., and Oak Farms Dairy in the Total Estimated Amount of $125,186.24 for Prisoner Food Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: The city is able to provide nutritious meals for jail inmates in the most cost effective manner. 3. This renewal establishes the continuation an annual contract to provide prisoner food for City of Irving jail facility. The current contract expires October 31, 2016. This is the first of two one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Police Department budget within the General Fund while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Group Contract Term FY 2016-17 Est. Exp. FY 2017-18 Est. Exp. Total Est. Annual Exp. Sunbeam Foods, Inc. A – Food 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $101,004.00 $9,182.24 $110,186.24 Oak Farms Dairy B – Milk $ 13,750.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 15,000.00 TOTAL $114,754.00 $10,432.24 $125,186.24 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 24 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with GT Distributors, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $218,370.00 for Police Ammunition Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: Ammunition for firearms provides the necessary supplies for officers in the performance of their job duties while on patrol, training, and for required qualification. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 18 3. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide police ammunition. The current contract expires October 31, 2016. This is the first of two one-year renewal options. 4. Funding is available in the Police Department budget within the General Fund. All expenditures will be made in Fiscal Year 2016-17. Vendor Contract Term Total Est. Expenditure Fiscal Year(s) GT Distributors, Inc. 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $218,370.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 25 Resolution - Ratification of Payments made to GT Distributors, Inc., in the Total Amount of $163,043.32 for the Purchase of Body Armor through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. 2. Impact: Purchases of rifle-grade body vests and helmets provide police personnel with the necessary equipment critical in performing their duties safely and effectively. 3. Due to recent events locally and across the nation, it was determined that police personnel should be equipped with rifle-grade ballistic vests and helmets to provide increased protection against assailants using rifles rather than pistols. 4. Funding was available in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Police Department budget within the General Fund and purchases were made utilizing these funds. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 19 26 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dba Mockingbird Automotive in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 for Dodge OEM Parts Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: The city’s public safety vehicles will continue to be repaired and maintained with minimum downtime, keeping service levels high. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for continuation of Dodge OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts purchases for public safety vehicles from Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dba Mockingbird Automotive on an as-needed basis. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Building & Equipment Services Department budget within the Garage Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from November 2016 through October 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Love Field Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $ 59,584.00 2016-17 $ 5,416.00 2017-18 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 65,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 27 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Westway Ford in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000.00 for Ford OEM Parts Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: The city’s public safety vehicles will continue to be repaired and maintained with minimum downtime, keeping service levels high. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of Ford OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts purchases for public safety vehicles from Westway Ford on an as-needed basis. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 20 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in the Building and Equipment Services Department budget within the Garage Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from November 2016 through October 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Westway Ford 11/1/16 – 10/31/17 $ 59,584.00 2016-17 $ 5,416.00 2017-18 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 65,000.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 28 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Two 10’ Gas and Telecommunications Easement, Two 10’ ONCOR Electric Delivery Company Easements and One 15’ Drainage Easement Related to the Replat of the Northgate Commerce Center Addition Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the redevelopment of the property. 3. The property is being replatted for development with a warehouse facility at Valley View Lane. 4. The property owner, 4409 Montrose, Ltd., has requested the abandonment of two (2) 10’ Gas and Telecommunications Easements, two (2) 10’ ONCOR Electric Deliver Company Easements, and one (1) 15’ drainage easement all dedicated by the Northgate Commerce Center Addition. 5. Any new required easements will be addressed on the new plat. 6. City Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonment requested. We have coordinated with the various utilities and city departments and find it in the best interest of the City to abandon these easements. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 21 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The Ordinance be approved. 29 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Two Underground Public Utility Easements Related to the Proposed Waterside Addition Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the development of the property with a 39-lot single-family residential development. 3. The property is being developed into a 39-lot single-family residential addition at Customer Way and Las Colinas Boulevard. Zoning for the new Waterside Addition was approved by City Council in March 2016. 4. The property owner, Irving Partners 8, LP, a Texas limited liability company, is requesting the partial abandonment of two (2) Underground Public Utility Easements. Easements for the existing and proposed utilities are addressed on the new plat. The new plat was approved at the Planning and Zoning Commission pending the incorporation of this abandonment. The abandonment is conditioned on filing the approved plat. 5. City Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonment requested. We have coordinated with the various utilities and city departments and find it in the best interest of the City to abandon these easements. 6. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Approving the 2017 Irving Legislative Program for the 85Th Texas Legislative Session Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office. 2. Impact: This legislative program is designed to address our city government priorities during the 2017 Texas Legislative Session. 3. The 85th Texas Legislature will convene on January 10, 2017. 4. It is anticipated that many legislative issues affecting local governments such as public safety, responsible and effective code enforcement, land use and zoning authority, city control of revenue, sovereign immunity, successful economic development tools and infrastructural funding for our roads and waterways will be considered during the Texas Legislative Session.
Resolution - Selecting Komatsu Architecture, as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for the Architectural Design for the Renovation Associated with the Irving Museum and Heritage Center Project and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, Irving Arts Center and the Parks and Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreational facilities. 2. Impact: Irving Museum and Heritage Center will be a 15,000 square foot facility located on the first floor of the Central Library Building. The Museum project will provide an opportunity to tell the history of Irving and enhance the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of Irving through special programs and traveling exhibits. 3. This item was presented to the City Council at the work session on February 3, 2016. 4. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from six firms, three of which were M/WBE. Three were chosen to be interviewed. Komatsu Architecture, was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the architectural services solicited. 5. This project has two consulting entities which will work together as a team. Komatsu Architecture will be partnered with a museum and exhibit planner to design the museum. Komatsu will be primarily responsible for the structural renovation of the first floor to house a museum. However, their experience in other museum projects will be valuable in promoting a better understanding of the museum layout and function. 6. Staff recommends selecting Komatsu Architecture, for the Architectural Design for the Renovation Associated with the Irving Museum and Heritage Center Project, based on experience, submittal content and a face-to-face interview. 7. This firm has an experienced base of architectural staff for this project. They have demonstrated, through past projects, submission and presentation material, their ability and understanding of building renovations associated with the development of museums. Their firm has a history of raising funds for museums as well as designing various types of museums. 8. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 100%. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Authorizing Basic Rent Payments in Regard to the City of Irving's Parking Lease with AG-PCPI Urban Towers Owner, LP, for the Entertainment Center for Fiscal Year 2016-17 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This item approves payments of the Basic Rent under the terms of the Urban Towers Parking Lease Agreement subject to annual budget appropriations. 3. On May 28, 2009, the City Council approved a parking lease agreement with SP Millennium Center, LP, then owners of the Urban Towers located at 222 West Las Colinas Boulevard. Urban Towers has been sold and the current owner is AG-PCPI Urban Towers Owner, LP. This parking lease provides 2,000 parking spaces for evening and weekend parking for the Entertainment Center. 4. On August 22, 2012, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the original Urban Towers parking lease to extend the commencement date from September 1, 2012, to September 1, 2015. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 13 5. On September 3, 2015, the City Council approved Amendment No. 2 that amended the Term to 124 months, commencing on September 1, 2015 and expiring on December 31, 2025, and established Basic Rent of $41,666.67 monthly for years 1-5 and $47,142.01 monthly for years 6-10. 6. Pursuant to the Entertainment Center Lease, ARK will assume payments on the Initial Term, currently estimated to be September 1, 2017. 7. This item approves 12 monthly basic rent payments in the amount of $41,666.67 each, for a total of $500,000.04 in FY2016-17. 8. Funding in the amount of $500,000.04 for FY2016-17 is available in the Entertainment Venue Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Resolution - Development Plan DVP16-0005 - Appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission Action Approving Development Plan #22, 2nd Revision, PUD 1 (Planned Unit Development No. 1) for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located on the South Side of O'Connor Ridge Boulevard and West of Fuller Drive - Adler Properties, Applicant - Edward F. Hayden, Jr., Owner (Postponed from the October 13, 2016 City Council Meeting.) Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Final Action: September 6, 2016 – Approval 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent), subject to adding an acreage allocation note as directed by staff. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. This Development Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016 for a 27-unit owner-occupied multifamily development on a 1.4- acre site on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Blvd., west of Fuller Drive. Following the approval of the Development Plan, the Commission approved Multifamily Concept Plan MF16-0001 on the same agenda. 3. Section 52-32c(5) states that if 20% of the surrounding land files a written objection of the Commission’s decision within ten days of the Commission’s final action, the objection may be presented to the City Council. The City Council can review the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and may take such action as it may deem appropriate. Staff received a written objection representing 20.15% of the surrounding property within the 10-day time frame. 4. On September 30, the applicant requested a postponement to the October 27, 2016 City Council agenda to allow more time to work with the surrounding property owners and reach an agreement. 5. On October 19, the applicant submitted a request to postpone this item to November 10, 2016. The applicant stated that he has already met twice with the HOA. Based on that feedback, the applicant has made changes to the plans that he wants to present to the HOA for further review. Since the applicant continues to actively work with the neighbors who brought the objection to reach a solution, staff recommends postponing this item accordingly. 6. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to November 10, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0051 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Religious Institution Uses - Approximately 1.439 Acres Located at 3305 W. Pioneer Drive - Aranda Planning Consultants, Applicant - Iglesia Centro Evangelistico Belen, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 17, 2016 – Favorable 7-0 (Commissioners Richards and Zeske, absent). 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Public/Semi- Public uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. A portion of the property is being used as a religious institution. The property currently has three different zoning designations, making redevelopment of the site difficult with the different requirements of each district. The applicant is proposing a zoning change to allow a religious institution with exceptions to the height and parking requirements. 4. The height of the proposed structure is 35 feet. The height of a pitched roof is measured as being the midpoint between the top plate line and the peak, and being exclusive of any steeples or other architectural features. 5. The parking ratio for the religious use is currently 1 parking space for each 3.5 seats. According to the site plan, the main worship space will accommodate 416 seats, thereby requiring 119 spaces. The applicant has provided 111 spaces, and is asking for an eight-space (6.7%) variance. Staff believes this is a reasonable request given the use and location of the property. 6. The applicant has provided a landscape plan in compliance with the landscaping ordinance, and has provided building elevation drawings that are in compliance with the commercial design standards. Brick and stone are the primary exterior materials. 7. Since the proposed zoning change includes only a minor exception to the parking requirement, meets the landscaping and building design requirements, and unifies the site under a single site plan zoning district, staff can support this request. 8. A total of 18 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support and has received one (1) response in opposition to this request. The opposition is outside of the 200-ft radius of the property; therefore, a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses - Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Denial due to concerns the tower could fall onto adjacent property, 9-0. 2. The request is to rezone a portion of the lot to allow construction of a new telecommunications tower and equipment cabinet. 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for this property. This use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The new tower will be a 100-foot tall monopole, excluding a 10-foot tall lightening rod. The monopole will be in the center of a 48’ X 60’ portion of Lot 1, Block A, Cadenhead Addition and will be able to accommodate additional antennas. This is considered a “stealth” monopole design because the antennas are inside the pole. The pole will be painted white to minimize visual obtrusiveness. 5. The proposed tower will be approximately 28 feet west of North Britain Road and 17 feet from the west property line. Access is provided through a proposed 20-foot ingress/egress and utility easement. 6. The tower will be located on a lot primarily used for auto repair, and that is adjacent to a railroad on the west side of the lot. The remainder of the surrounding area is largely residential. The structure is 129 feet from the nearest residence across North Britain Road, and the several residences are within the required 255’ separation requirement in Section 52-32d of the zoning ordinance. However, the applicant states that the tower will be engineered to fall on the site. 7. One other tower exists within 5,000 feet of the proposed location; however, that tower is full and there is no room for additional co-location of equipment. 8. The leased portion of the lot will be surrounded by a 6-foot tall chain link fence with barb wire, surrounded by an 8-foot tall wood fence, both with 12-foot wide gates. 9. A total of 14 trees from the City’s approved tree list will be planted along the north and east side of the lease space. 10. A total of 34 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and three (3) responses in opposition. Staff also received a petition with 13 signatures (11 validated). The opposition represents 16.67% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, per state law a ¾ vote is not required for approval of this item. City Council Agenda 10/27/2016 25 11. On October 6, 2016, staff received a request from the applicant to postpone this case to the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting to allow the applicant time to speak with the adjacent property owners. 12. On October 17, the applicant sent 36 letters inviting neighbors to attend a community meeting to discuss their concerns about the cell tower. The Community meeting is being held on October 24, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the South Library. The letters were sent to everyone on the Property Owner Notification List, plus anyone else who signed the petition in opposition. Staff will provide an update regarding this meeting at the City Council work session. 13. The proposed case is in substantial compliance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s adopted Antenna/Tower Siting Policies and Guidelines, and is designed to collapse on itself in the event of an emergency. Therefore, staff can support this request. 14. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Approval. APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 33 Mayor's Report Adjournment