Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Special Work Session Minutes for Thursday, September 15, 2016 4 Approving Special Public Hearing Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 15, 2016 5. Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6. Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 22, 2016 7 Resolution - Supporting the Dallas-Fort Worth Core Express Service Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic and Transportation Department. 2. Impact: This resolution provides support for the Dallas-Fort Worth Core Express Service Project. 3. This resolution was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting on September 21, 2016. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 8 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) for Access/Use of Property for the Illuminate Irving Domestic Violence Awareness Event Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This agreement provides access to the Irving Police Department and Family Advocacy Center to hold the first annual Illuminate Irving event commemorating victims and survivors of domestic violence. The event will be held on Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) property on the Mandalay Canal. 3. The Illuminate Irving event will be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, beginning at 5:30 pm. The lantern ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Approving a Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and the State of Texas, Acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant provides overtime expenses to increase safety belt usage, increase driver compliance with posted speed limits, and decrease impaired driving and alcohol-related crashes. 3. The grant becomes effective October 1, 2016, and terminates on September 30, 2017, unless terminated or otherwise modified. 4. The STEP grant is reimbursable up to $173,104.00 with the City’s match being covered by a cash match of $96,067.81 and “in kind” contributions of $45,628.24. 5. Funding in the amount of $96,067.81 is available in the Police budget within the General Fund Recommendation The resolution be approved. 10 Resolution - Approving a Grant Contract with the Office of the Attorney General for the Victim Coordinator Liaison Grant (VCLG) for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This is an award to continue an existing grant which the Police Department has received for 16 years. The Victim Services Coordinator provides services for victims of violent crime to reduce the impact of trauma. 3. This grant will provide partial funding for the Victim Services Coordinator position, which is part of the Police Department’s Crime Victim Services Unit. 4. This grant provides partial funding in the amount of $42,000.00 for the Crime Victim Services Unit. The remaining funding for fringe benefits in the amount of $3,947.00 is budgeted in the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-17. 5. The funding period for this grant begins on September 1, 2016 and terminates on August 31, 2017. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving an Annual Contract with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas for Continuing Education Services for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics in the Amount of $113,678.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: These services ensure that all Irving Fire Department EMT’s and Paramedics continue to meet the Continuing Education training hours and skill proficiencies as mandated by the Texas Department of State Health Services. 3. Funding in the amount of $113,678.00 is available in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Hospital District D/B/A Parkland Health & Hospital System in an Amount Not to Exceed $88,904.30 for BioTel System Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This Interlocal Agreement allows for continuous 24 hour access to online medical control by physicians at Parkland Hospital, for paramedics who need to consult for treatment options for patients requiring emergency medical services. 3. This item establishes an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Hospital District d/b/a Parkland Health & Hospital System (Parkland) to receive BioTel System Services in an amount not to exceed $88,904.30 for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. 4. This agreement meets competitive bid requirements with the State of Texas statutes, rules, policies, and procedures. 5. Funding in the amount of $88,904.30 is available in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Approving the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Medicaid Provider Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Approval of this HHSC Medicaid Provider Agreement allows the City of Irving to receive payment/reimbursement on submitted Medicaid claims for emergency medical services rendered by the Irving Fire Department. 3. Execution of this agreement is the final step in renewal of the City’s Medicaid Provider enrollment application process. This renewal is mandated by the Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010. 4. In conjunction with this agreement, the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership (TMHP), which oversees the renewal application process, has instructed the City that the individual signing the agreement must also be considered a Principal on the application and provide additional identifying information to ensure that the City’s Medicaid Provider Enrollment application is not deficient.5. There is no direct cost to the City for this agreement. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount of $75,000.00 for the Special Projects Grant 2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library. 2. Impact: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission Special Projects Grant 2017 in the amount of $75,000.00 will fund the North Texas Teen Book Festival 2017. 3. To assist with costs not covered by the Special Projects Grant, further funding of $30,000.00 will be provided from the Library’s FY16-17 budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount of $5,000.00 for the Texas Read Grant 2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library. 2. Impact: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission Texas Read Grant 2017 will help fund Summer Reading Club programs and Program Science kits. 3. There will be no cost to the City. Recommendation The resolution be approved.17 Resolution - Selecting RPGA Design Group, Inc., as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for the Design of the Georgia Farrow Recreation Center Expansion Project and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, the Planning and Community Development Department and the Parks and Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreational facilities. 2. Impact: Georgia Farrow Recreation Center is a 16,169 square foot facility located in West Park. It was built in 1988. This expansion project will include a proposed second gymnasium, new locker rooms and restrooms and an expanded fitness center. 3. This item was presented at Work Session on May 11, 2016. It was also presented to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board on August 10, 2015 and the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 17, 2015. 4. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from 14 firms. Three were chosen to be interviewed. RPGA Design Group, Inc., was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the services solicited. 5. The Capital Improvement Program Department recommends selecting RPGA Design Group, Inc., based on experience, submittal content and a face-to-face interview. This firm has an experienced base of architectural staff for this project. They demonstrated, through past projects, submission and presentation material,their ability and understanding of recreation center design, building expansion projects and Federal funded projects. 6. This project will be funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program. The estimated budget for the expansion is $3,000,000.00. The funding will be allocated over a two-year period. Phase I will be holding public input meetings, the schematic design, 50% construction documents and cost estimation. Phase II will be completion of the construction documents, bidding and construction administration. 7. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 100%. Recommendation The resolution be approved.18 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Flood Control District Section I (IFCD I) Dated October 23, 2014, to Extend the Deadline for Submitting Reimbursement Requests from October 23, 2016 to October 23, 2018 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This Amendment to Section IV of the Interlocal Agreement extends the deadline to request reimbursement of expenses related to any improvement made pursuant to Section III of the Interlocal Agreement. 3. The IFCD I bid the East Cell Levee Remediation Project in May 2015. 4. Rain events of 2015 and early 2016 elevated the lake levels that release into the Elm Fork for an extended period of time keeping the Elm Fork water levels well above normal and prevented substantial work from being completed. Approving this extension will allow the IFCD I to be reimbursed for the construction of the project as long as the reimbursement request is submitted prior to October 23, 2018. 5. The City funding contribution to Irving IFCD I is $600,000.00 with a total reimbursement to date of $146,000.00. The FY2015-16 contribution was $17,500.00 with an anticipated amount of $19,500.00 for FY2016-17. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 9 19 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $195,690.00 for the Regal Ridge Parkway, Recognition Point Drive, Irving Heights Drive and Singleton Boulevard Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will allow the completion of additional paving improvements within the project limits needed to address poor pavement and subgrade conditions that existed prior to installation of the proposed water and wastewater improvements. 3. The original plan for pavement restoration was a two inches mill and overlay. 4. During construction, commercial truck traffic loads and construction equipment loads caused the existing four inch asphalt pavement and subgrade along Singleton Boulevard to fail. The original plans will not provide a sufficient riding surface for this commercial corridor and a new pavement restoration plan is needed. 5. The new plan will include pulverizing the existing pavement and subgrade in place on the roadway while mixing in cement to provide an 8” cement stabilized subgrade on which a new 6” asphalt pavement will be placed. 6. This change order increased the contract by 11.27% and 14 calendar days. 7. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order. 8. Funding in the amount of $195,690.00 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to North Rock Construction, LLC, in the Amount of $448,903.39 for the Sam Houston Trail Park Trail Repair Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreation facilities. 2. Impact: This project will realign the trail for less exposure to the river bank erosion, provide protection for the damaged area and safeguard the Explorer Pipeline’s infrastructure. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 10 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 7, 2016. 4. Due to slope failure during the 2015 floods, approximately 500 linear feet of trail and retaining walls were damaged. This project will make the necessary repairs and allow this section of trail to reopen and make the connection between the northern loop in Sam Houston Trail Park and the rest of Campion Trails. 5. Bids were received from 6 bidders. North Rock Construction, LLC, submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $448,903.39. This is $31,425.36, (6.5%) below the project estimate. 6. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 0%. 7. Funding in the amount of $448,903.39 is available in the Property & Casualty Self Insurance Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Oki Data Americas, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $93,600.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this incentive agreement will assist in attracting Oki Data Americas, Inc., to the City of Irving. 3. This item was presented to City Council in Executive Session on February 3, 2016. 4. Oki Data is a Japan-based company that provides world-class printing technology. By the end of 2018, the company plans to establish its US headquarters operations employing at least 104 employees with an average salary of $86,000. This incentive is based on the establishment of their headquarters at 8505 Freeport Parkway in Irving. 5. The city, along with the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the Texas Governor’s Office of Economic Development, has worked with Oki Data to attract the company and their investment to the City of Irving. 6. The city offers a job grant of $900 per job, paid in three annual increments after 104 employees have been hired. Total value of the incentive is not to exceed $93,600. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 11 7 Minimum qualification levels for this incentive are 15,000 square feet of office space, designated US headquarters, ten-year lease, minimum increase in real estate value of $1,170,000, minimum business personal property value of $2,000,000, and 104 new employees with average annual salary of $86,000. 8. At minimum qualifications, in addition to the new jobs created, the project will generate $188,330 in new revenue to the City of Irving during the ten-year term of the agreement. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Temporary Construction Easement and Acknowledging the Receipt of Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code – Located at 2417 W. Newton Circle – Wilford A. Lumpkin Trust, Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development and CIP Departments and supports Strategic Objective No. 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the temporary construction easement will allow for the construction of the Brockbank Drive and Channel, Rochelle, Vassar and Ireland Alley Water and Wastewater Improvements Project. 3. Brockbank Drive and Channel, Rochelle, Vassar and Ireland Alley Water and Wastewater Improvements Project requires a staging area at this location. The property owner has agreed to sell the easement for $100.00. 4. This item requires City Council approval to conform to the requirements of Texas Government Code related to purchasing property owned by a trust. 5. Funding in the amount of $100.00 is available in the Water and Sewer Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 12 23 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvements for the Bridges of Las Colinas Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: The assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Bridges PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Bridges of Las Colinas PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Bridges of Las Colinas is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 122 acres located near the northeast corner of SH114 and Belt Line Road. The original development plan called for approximately 400 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. As of January 1, 2016, the development has been fully platted and all streets and utilities have been installed. 5. The first building permit was issued in January 2014. As of October 4, 2016, 334 building permits have been issued at an average permit value of $404,000. When combined with an average lot value of $75,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $479,000. It is anticipated that this development will be fully built out by the end of 2017. 6. In 2013, the City issued Series 2013A City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $8,984,348.75 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.038735 per square foot. The development generally offers two lot sizes. The typical larger lot of 7,800 square feet would be assessed at $302.13 while a typical smaller lot of 5,750 square feet would be assessed at $222.72. These are typical lot sizes provided as examples only and each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Bridges PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 13 24 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvement for the Ranchview Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Ranchview PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Ranchview PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Ranchview Development (Campion Hollows) is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 37 acres located at the intersection of IH635 and Valley Ranch Parkway East. The original development plan called for approximately 121 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. 5 The first building permit was issued in January 2014 and the final permit was issued in June 2016. 121 building permits were issued at an average permit value of $449,772. When combined with an average lot value of $90,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $539,772. As of this year, this development is fully built out. 6 In 2013, the City issued Series 2013B City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $3,293,426.55 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property will be assessed $0.149126 per square foot. The average size lot in this addition is 6,951 square feet. This equates to an assessment on an average sized lot of 6,951 square feet of $1,036.57. This is an example of an average sized lot and is provided as an example only. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Ranchview PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 14 25 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Public Improvements for the Parkside Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Parkside PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Parkside PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Parkside Development is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 275 acres located at the along the south side of SH114 at the intersection of Belt Line Road. The original development plan called for approximately 869 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. 5. The first building permit was issued in January 2015. As of October 4, 2016, 320 building permits have been issued at an average permit value of $433,254. When combined with an average lot value of $75,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $508,254. Project buildout is tracking with the initial projections that indicated that this development will be fully built out by the end of 2020. 6. In 2014, the City issued Series 2014 City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $22,211,340.30 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.127496 per square foot. The development generally offers four lot sizes. The average of the two larger lot sizes is 6,775 square feet and would be assessed at an average of $863.79 while the average of the two typical smaller lot sizes is 4,125 and would be assessed at an average of $525.92. These are averages of typical lot sizes provided as examples only and each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Parkside PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 15 26 Resolution - Supporting an Application of Ryan Street Developers, LLC for a Municipal Setting Designation for the Properties Located at 1840 and 1860 Ryan Road, and 10704, 10710, 10714, and 10750 Luna Road in Dallas, Texas Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Support of this MSD application has no environmental impact to the City of Irving and will allow the property owner to gain TCEQ approval for remediation plans. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 7, 2016. 4. Ryan Street Developers, LLC seeking a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) for the properties located at 1840 and 1860 Ryan Road, and 10704, 10710, 10714, and 10750 Luna Road in Dallas, Texas that would eliminate the need for additional groundwater mitigation associated with groundwater contamination on this site. To obtain this designation, a resolution in support of this application for an MSD is required from the City of Irving because the MSD site is located within one-half mile of the city boundary for the City of Irving. 5. Staff recommends approval of a resolution supporting this MSD application for the following reasons. ? Approval of this MSD has no environmental impact to the City of Irving. ? Approval of the MSD will allow the property owner to gain TCEQ approval for remediation plans. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 30 Resolution - Approving Additional Funds for As-Needed Purchases from Staples Business Advantage in the Total Estimated Amount of $60,000.00 for Allsteel and Various Brands of Office Furniture Through National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: Approval of this item allows for the as-needed purchase of new and replacement Allsteel furniture, as well as several additional brands other than HON. 3. A Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and Staples Business Advantage was approved on August 29, 2016 by Administrative Award No. 5042 for spending in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00. This contract supports utilization of NJPA Contract #031715-SCC Furniture and Storage which expires on April 9, 2019. 4. The requested additional funding will be utilized for as-needed furniture purchases for various departments. This brings the total not to exceed amount to $105,000.00 through September 30, 2017. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in various departmental budgets within various funds. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 31 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Earth Haulers, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $287,850.00 for Road Maintenance Materials Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department – Streets Division and the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Road maintenance materials are necessary for the Streets Division to provide cushion sand, top soil and crushed concrete aggregate. Water Utilities uses road maintenance materials for backfill and embedment on water and sewer main repairs. These materials are used to maintain the safety of the transportation network within the City of Irving. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing the following road maintenance materials: Item 1 – top soil, Item 2 – cushion sand, and Item 3 – standard crushed stone. The contract includes two one-year renewal options. 4. MWBE participation in this award is 100%. 5. Funding is available in the Traffic & Transportation Department budget within the General Fund and the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Earth Haulers, Inc. 10/14/16 – 9/30/17 $287,850.00 2016-17 TOTAL $287,850.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 32 Resolution - Approving the TCPN Maintenance Agreement and Related Documents Between the City of Irving and ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation for Service and Maintenance of City Facility Elevators, in the Total Estimated Annual Amount of $49,333.00, and Approving Rope Repairs to City Hall Elevators 1 and 2 in the Estimated Amount of $32,000.00, utilizing The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) which is Sponsored by Region IV Education Service Center Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building and Equipment Services – Facilities Maintenance Division. 2. Impact: Utilization of services provided under this agreement ensures proper operation and provides adequate repair and maintenance of elevators in City buildings. 3. This contract will provide service, maintenance and as-needed repair services for the following facilities: former Central Library, City Hall, City Hall Parking Garage, Fire Administration, ICTN, Senter Recreation Center, South Library, and Rock Island Warehouse. Service and maintenance fees for this three year contract total $109,800.00. The remaining $70,200.00 is designated for repairs, including known rope repairs for City Hall elevators 1 and 2 in the estimated amount of $32,000.00 to be completed this fiscal year, with the balance of $38,200.00 to be used on an as-needed basis throughout the contact term. 4. This agreement will establish a three-year contract for the continuation of providing maintenance and as-needed repairs. The contract term is November 1, 2016 through October 31, 2019, with the option of both parties to renew for three (3) additional one-year terms for a total of six years, providing that TCPN Contract #R150801 is renewed during the term of this agreement. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in various departmental budgets within the General Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Expenditure Fund Fiscal Year(s) ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation 11/01/16 - 10/31/19 $180,000.00 General Fund 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 22 33 Resolution - Approving As-Needed Purchases from Networkfleet, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $95,000.00 for Vehicle Monitor (Tracking) Systems and Monthly Monitoring through a Contract Administered by the General Services Administration (GSA) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: City equipment will be monitored to increase efficiency of operations within departments as well as the vehicles. 3. Approval of spending for monthly monitoring services and as-needed purchases of GPS tracking systems in an amount not to exceed $95,000.00 for the specified term is supported by a Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Networkfleet, Inc., which was approved by Resolution No. 2015-184 on June 4, 2015. This agreement provides for utilization of General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 84 Contract #GS-07F-5559R which expires on December 31, 2019. 4. Funding is available in various departmental budgets within the General Fund, the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund, and the Water and Sewer System Fund. Vendor Spending Term Not to Exceed Amount Fiscal Year(s) Networkfleet, Inc. 10/1/16 – 9/30/17 $95,000.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 34 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of a Portion of a 10' Wide Electric Easement Related to North Hills Estates Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the redevelopment of the property. 3. The property is being developed into a single-family residential development at Royal Lane, just east of Riverside Drive. The new development is called North Hills Estates. 4. The property owner, Stonecrest-Ashwood Partnership, a Texas general partnership, has requested the partial abandonment of a 10’ wide Electric Easement dedicated on Lot 3, Block A, of the North Hill School Addition. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 23 5. The applicant has relocated the existing ONCOR facilities into a new easement dedicated to ONCOR. 6. Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonments requested and finds it in the best interest of the city to abandon this easement. 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be approved. 35 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Story Road Right of Way at State Highway 161 Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the commercial development of the property at Story Road and SH161. 3. The property owners, Jamie Lou Appleton, Jamie Lou Harrington Trust and Harrington Corporation, have requested the partial abandonment of right of way to allow Story Road to be re-aligned. The property is being developed into a commercial development called Story Health Addition. 4. The new Story Road right of way is being dedicated per the Story Health Addition approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016. The abandonment will be conditioned upon the filing of the Story Health Addition plat as well as the Estancia Addition plat in the Dallas County Deed Records. The Estancia Addition plat is currently pending approval. 5. The requirements of the City of Irving have been satisfied and there are no objections to the request. 6. Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonments requested and finds it in the best interest of the city to abandon this easement. 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be approved.
Resolution - Approving a Settlement Agreement with Glover McMillan Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office, the Fire Department, and the City Attorney’s Office. 2. Impact: The Settlement Agreement, if approved, would resolve the lawsuit styled Glover McMillan v. City of Irving; Cause No. DC-16-00189, pending in the 14th Judicial District Court of Dallas County, Texas. 3. The City Council was briefed on this item in Executive Session on September 21, 2016. 4. Funding is available in the Self-Insurance Risk General Liability Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Bear Creek Development Corporation for the Redevelopment of 200 Gilbert in the Amount of $150,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote the creation of affordable housing opportunities for the low and moderate income citizens of Irving. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 16 3. The City currently owns a vacant lot at 200 Gilbert which was obtained in December 2010 through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. At the time, the property was occupied by a dilapidated single family home which the City planned to demolish due to its unsafe condition. The resident of the home was relocated to another home in Irving, and in late 2011, the dilapidated home was demolished. The property has remained vacant since that time. 4. Each year, the City of Irving is required, per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, to set aside a minimum of 15% of its HOME Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) funding for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO’s) to assist with the development of affordable housing. The minimum requirement for funding for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 was $92,812.00 and for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 was $82,557.00. During the annual Action Plan process, staff recommends additional amounts due to the need for more funding to make a greater impact. Council approved the allocation of $295,342.00 CHDO set aside funding in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (RES2015-241). The funds used for the development of this property will be from the CHDO allocation. 5. The Housing and Human Services Board (HHSB) received a briefing regarding this project and approved the allocation of up to $150,000.00 in HOME funds at its September 21, 2016 meeting. This amount includes $130,000.00 allocated for the construction, $12,000.00 allocated for the site development and $13,000.00 for a developer’s fee for the project. 6. Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) will construct a single family home on the existing property, which will be used to provide affordable housing options for Irving residents. This home will be approximately 1,400 square feet, consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a 2 car garage. 7. This agreement is consistent with the City’s goals and objectives for affordable housing as set forth in both the 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and the 2016-2017 Action Plan. 8. Funding in the amount of $150,000.00 is available in the Home Investment Partnerships Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving the Transfer of a Lot at 200 Gilbert to a Community Housing Development Organization for Redevelopment Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: Conveyance of this lot to Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) will allow for the creation of affordable housing opportunities for the low and moderate income citizens of Irving. 3. The City currently owns a vacant lot at 200 Gilbert, which was obtained in December 2010 through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. At the time, the property was occupied by a dilapidated single family home which the City planned to demolish due to its unsafe condition. The resident of the home was relocated to another home in Irving, and in late 2011, the dilapidated home was demolished. The property has remained vacant since that time. 4. Each year, the City of Irving is required, per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, to set aside a minimum of 15% of its HOME Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) funding for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO’s) to assist with the development of affordable housing. The minimum requirement for funding for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 was $92,812.00 and for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 was $82,557.00. During the annual Action Plan process, staff recommends additional amounts due to the need for more funding to make a greater impact. The funds used for the development of this property will be from the CHDO allocation. 5. BCDC will construct a single family home on the existing property, which will be used to provide affordable housing options for Irving residents. This is consistent with the City’s goals and objectives for affordable housing as set forth in both the 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Action Plan. 6. BCDC will utilize funding allocated under a Home Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) agreement to construct this property. 7. Construction of the home is anticipated to be completed by May 2017. 8. The Housing and Human Services Board approved this action at its September 21, 2016 meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Bear Creek Development Corporation for the Acquisition And Development of Affordable Housing in the Amount of $453,600.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood redevelopment and revitalization as well as increasing housing options for Irving residents. 3. Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) has identified a four-plex located in South Irving to acquire and rehabilitate for the purpose of providing affordable rental housing options to residents, which helps address strategies and objectives identified and adopted in the City’s 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan (RES2014-268). 4. The City’s 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Action Plan both include multiple goals and strategies relating to ensuring adequate supplies of affordable housing, both for ownership and rental. The Consolidated Plan specifically lists rental acquisition and rehabilitation as a high priority. The Action Plan specifically identifies multifamily rental rehabilitation as a Home Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) program priority. The Action Plan also states that an objective of the HOME program is to expand the capacity of non-profit housing providers such as BCDC, and that such providers will be encouraged to develop rental rehabilitation units through a combination of City of Irving and private funds. This proposed acquisition and rehabilitation project is consistent with the priorities established in these two Plans. 5. The Housing and Human Services Board (HHSB) received a briefing regarding this project and approved the allocation of up to $453,600.00 in Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME) funds at its September 21, 2016 meeting. This amount includes $300,000.00 allocated for the acquisition, $100,000.00 allocated for the rehabilitation of the units, $33,600.00 for the potential relocation of non-qualified residents due to the HOME regulations, and $20,000.00 for the maintenance reserve startup for the project. BCDC is not scheduled to close on the property until October 21, 2016. Should the final purchase price (which cannot exceed actual appraised value) exceed the $300,000.00 allocated for the purchase price, BCDC will provide the balance through funds the organization has on hand. 6. The units are two-story, approximately 1,110 square feet, consisting of two bedrooms and one and a half baths. Renovations planned include the replacement of kitchen countertops and cabinets, new appliances, new flooring, HVAC repairs/servicing, along with interior and exterior paint and potential façade improvements. 7. Currently, the facility generates approximately $36,000.00 annually in income, which covers normal expenses including taxes and property insurance. Along with the maintenance reserve included in this agreement, this income stream would City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 19 provide BCDC adequate revenue to cover the ongoing maintenance of the four-plex as well as helping sustain the ongoing operations of their organization. 8. Funding in the amount of $453,600.00 is available in the Home Investment Partnerships Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 36 Resolution - Approving Sign Variance Case #S1608-0103 to Install Two New Monument Signs with Variances to the Material Requirement Allowed by the Sign Ordinance - Property Located at 7904 North Glen Drive - Zephyr Design, Applicant - Cortland Partners, Owner Administrative Comments 1. Impact: If approved, this case would allow two new monument signs replacing the existing signs, with exceptions to the requirement of masonry surrounding the entire sign. 2. The subject property is zoned M-FW and is developed with multifamily uses. The property has entrances on IH 635 and Ranchview Drive with existing monument signs. 3. The applicant is requesting to replace the existing signs at the entrances with monument signs that have masonry bases and internally-lit aluminum sign cabinets on top. Since the applicant is proposing the signs to not have masonry around the metal sign itself, a sign variance is necessary. 4. One sign is 169.5” wide by 226” tall; the other is 109” wide 72” high. No variance is necessary for the size or placement of these signs, and these signs do not impede traffic visibility. 5. Since the monument signs are in the same place and are updated designs, and no other variances are being requested, staff can support this request. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - PL16-0012 - Esters Estates Addition - Approximately 8.23 Acres Located at the 1802 Hard Rock Road - Majestic Cast, Inc., Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Technical Denial, 9-0. 2. The purpose of this plat is to create 61 townhouse lots and six (6) common area lots for residential uses. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 25 3. This plat dedicates the following: A. A total of 18,911 sq. ft. of right-of-way for Hard Rock Road and W. Pioneer Drive. B. A 5-ft. wide “Sight, Retaining Wall Maintenance and Private Drainage Easement” along W. Pioneer Drive. C. A 5-ft. wide “Sight Easement” along Hard Rock Road on Lot 1, Block A, Lots 1 and 26, Block B, and Lots 1-4, Block C. D. A 10-ft. wide “Private Drainage Easement” on Lots 20-23, Block A, Lots 1-4, and 15-24, Block C. E. A 5-ft. wide “Private Retaining Wall Maintenance Easement” on Lots 15-24, Block B and Lot 7, Block C. F. A 10-ft. wide “Private Storm Sewer Easement” on Lots 1-19 and a “Retaining Wall Maintenance Easement” on Lots 16-19, Block A. G. A 25-ft. wide “Utility Easement” at W. Pioneer Drive and Hebron Street. H. 10-ft. wide utility easements along all street frontages. I. All common lots as private drainage and maintenance easements. 4. The following exception to the Subdivision Ordinance requires this case to be forwarded to the City Council for action: Section 35-26 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires installation of drainage channels of reinforced concrete pipe or concrete lining. The applicant is proposing to dedicate a private drainage and maintenance easement through which the storm water will be routed. 5. The plat complies with all other requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and the approved zoning. 6. This item supports Strategic Plan Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance - Public Hearing and Adopting the 2016 Imagine Irving Comprehensive Plan Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Department of Planning and Community Development. 2. On October 9, 2014 the City Council approved a contract with Fregonese Associates to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Irving. This new Plan would replace the 1997 Comprehensive Plan and the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. After two years of Citizens Advisory Committee meetings, neighborhood workshops, presentations to neighborhood associations and civic organizations, stakeholder interviews, consultation with staff members of all City departments, attendance at various fairs and events, on-line and in-person surveys, and briefings to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, the 2016 Imagine Irving Plan is ready for adoption. 4. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Imagine Irving plan at its August 15, 2016 public hearing, and recommended the document for City Council approval along with a list of edits derived from final survey and citizen comments. 5. The directors of all City departments received a final briefing on the Plan on September 8, 2016 and offered some additional edits based on recent City Council direction and to further clarify the document. All of the edits have been incorporated into the final version. 6. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 2016 Imagine Irving Comprehensive Plan and adopt it as the City of Irving’s new Comprehensive Plan with the changes recommended by the departmental directors and any additional changes requested by the City Council. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Development Plan DVP16-0005 - Appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission Action Approving Development Plan #22, 2nd Revision, PUD 1 (Planned Unit Development No. 1) for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located on the South Side of O'Connor Ridge Boulevard and West of Fuller Drive - Adler Properties, Applicant - Edward F. Hayden, Jr., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Final Action: September 6, 2016 – Approval 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent), subject to adding an acreage allocation note as directed by staff. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. This Development Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016 for a 27-unit owner-occupied multifamily development on a 1.4- acre site on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Blvd., west of Fuller Drive. Following the approval of the Development Plan, the Commission approved Multifamily Concept Plan MF16-0001 on the same agenda. 3. Section 52-32c(5) states that if 20% of the surrounding land files a written objection of the Commission’s decision within ten days of the Commission’s final action, the objection may be presented to the City Council. The City Council can review the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and may take such action as it may deem appropriate. Staff received a written objection representing 20.15% of the surrounding property within the 10-day time frame. 4. On September 30, the applicant requested a postponement to the October 27, 2016 City Council agenda to allow more time to work with the surrounding property owners and reach an agreement. Staff recommends postponing this item accordingly. 5. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to October 27, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0047 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) District Uses - Approximately 0.055 Acres Located at 8445 N. Belt Line Road - Chipotle Mexican Grill of Colorado, LLC, Applicant - Red Architecture + Painting, Agent - SCSD Finnell, LTD., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Postpone to October 3, 2016, 6-0 (Commissioners Richards, Allen and Taylor, absent), due to the absence of representation for the applicant at the public hearing. October 3, 2016 – Favorable 9-0. 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting rezoning to allow a proposed “Chipotle Mexican Grill” restaurant the attendant accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for onpremises consumption. 4. The 2,417 sq. ft. lease space is located within a multi-tenant retail center. It will have 62 indoor seats and 8 outdoor seats for a total of 70 seats. While the patio area is leased to Chipotle for its sole use, it is not included in this zoning case, since the space will not meet TABC requirements. The site plan stipulates that the doors to the patio be posted for “no alcohol beyond this point”. 5. A total of 28 parking spaces are required for this restaurant, and 71 parking spaces are being provided within the multi-tenant parking lot. 6. A total of nine (9) public notices were mailed. Staff has received one (1) response in support and none in opposition. 7. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0052 - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Office/Technology/Warehouse" to "Low Density Residential" and "Retail", and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) and C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 43.26 Acres Located on the Northwest Corner of State Highway 114 and N. Belt Line Road - TDI GP, LLC, Applicant - Belt Line/114 Properties, LP, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone the case to September 19. September 19, 2016 – a motion to recommend denial failed by a vote of 2-4 (Commissioners Patel, Niemeier, Zeske and Patrick, nay; Commissioners Richards, Taylor and Allen, absent). A subsequent motion to recommend approval failed by a vote of 3-3 (Commissioners French, Hoedebeck and Niemeier, nay; Commissioners Richards, Taylor and Allen, absent). Since a majority of the Commission did not vote in favor of the motion to approve, the Planning and Zoning Commission’s by-laws state that this shall be construed as a recommendation for denial. 2. The subject property is undeveloped. This is a 46-acre tract with approximately 2,500 feet of frontage on SH 114, 1,700 feet of frontage on Belt Line Road, and 1,400 feet of frontage on Royal Lane. Twenty-two acres of the tract were zoned from “A” (Single Family) district under Zoning Ordinance #209 to R-40 (Single Family) in 1988, with the expectation that it would eventually be used for commercial development. According to the case file, the owner at the time opposed city-initiated rezoning to the FWY (Freeway) district. The remaining 24 acres were rezoned from R-40 (Single Family) and FWY (Freeway) to S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for FWY (Freeway) uses in 1988 to allow building setback variances, with the recognition that dedication of right-of-way for N. Belt Line Road would be required. R-40 is the zoning assigned to property when annexed. No previous zoning request has been submitted on the R-40 portion of the site 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map recommends Office/Technology/ Warehouse uses for this tract, as well as the majority of the city west of N. Belt Line Road to DFW Airport. This use category is intended for offices, research and technology complexes, warehouse and distribution facilities, and uses that are more intense than office but less than industrial. 4. The proposed 2016 Comprehensive Plan recommends Business District uses for this property. The land uses would be non-residential and flexible for retail, office, and commercial uses, and predominantly mid-rise with a mix of surface and structured parking. Most of the city west of N. Belt Line Road, and north of SH 114, would be included in the Business District, as well as being part of the Freeport Employment Center, an area of concentrated office and industrial uses. 5. The applicant justifies the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request due to the high demand for residential uses in Irving, including residential recently developed to the east of N. Belt Line Road and south of State Highway 114 on both sides of N. Belt Line Road. The applicant contends that it would not negatively affect the area, and is of sufficient size for a new residential neighborhood while including a commercial City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 30 area for retail and services. 6. Staff believes this amount of land presents an opportunity for a large commercial development rather than additional residential along the freeway that is not contiguous with the other residential neighborhoods. 7. All land to the north, west and east is zoned or developed for commercial, industrial, and office uses. Four new office/warehouse buildings have been constructed less than 900 feet to the north. To the west a new 58,000 square foot office building for the American College of Emergency Physicians was recently completed and occupied on August 29, 2016. A 238-room full-service hotel has been approved adjacent to the new office building. Other recent permits issued within a mile of the site include for a new 118,000 square foot office at State Highway 161 and Gateway Drive, two new mini-warehouse and climate controlled storage facilities, and several retail and restaurant buildings. Nearly 300,000 square feet of office space is being constructed near Freeport Parkway. 8. Regarding the details of the applicant’s proposal, the applicant is proposing 208 lots zoned for R-6 uses with the following variances (with current standards in parentheses): a. Front yard setback of 20 feet (25’ required) b. Rear yard setback of 15 feet (20’ required) c. Garage setback of 22 feet (25’ required) d. Front yard setback with swing garage of 15 feet (25’ required) e. Porches and balconies may encroach five feet into front setback (no encroachment allowed) f. Lot coverage of 60% (40% maximum allowed) g. Maximum building height of 40 feet (25’ or two-stories allowed) 9. The site plan notes that access to lots will only be to the interior streets, with entrances to the development on Royal Lane and N. Belt Line Road. 10. Buffer zones and one acre of open space will be provided. Staff believes the open space is insufficient for 208 lots. 11. The perimeter of the development will be screened with a “six-to-eight-foot high brick wall”. Staff believes even an eight-foot tall wall will be insufficient buffer to the highway noise. As noted in the memo from Dan Vedral, Traffic and Transportation Director, TxDOT will not be providing any sound walls for the subdivision, and the developer should consider building those at this time. 12. The applicant will provide an avigation easement at platting to hold harmless the City and DFW Airport from any airport related impacts. 13. A homeowners association will need to be created to maintain the walls and open space. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 31 14. No variances to the C-N district are proposed for the corner tract. 15. Given the position of this property along a major regional corridor (State Highway 114) and a principal arterial (Belt Line Road), and the successful development of office, industrial and commercial properties nearby, staff believes this is not only an ideal location for nonresidential development, but a location that is unsuitable for residential development. 16. A total of 14 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 17. On Friday, August 26, 2016, staff received an email from the applicant’s representative requesting this case be postponed to the October 13, 2016 City Council meeting due to scheduling conflicts. On Monday, October 3, staff received an email from the applicant’s representative requesting further postponement to the November 10, 2016 City Council agenda, due to scheduling conflicts. 18. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to November 10, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses - Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Denial due to concerns the tower could fall onto adjacent property, 9-0. 2. The request is to rezone a portion of the lot to allow construction of a new telecommunications tower and equipment cabinet. 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for this property. This use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The new tower will be a 100-foot tall monopole, excluding a 10-foot tall lightening rod. The monopole will be in the center of a 48’ X 60’ portion of Lot 1, Block A, Cadenhead Addition and will be able to accommodate additional antennas. This is considered a “stealth” monopole design because the antennas are inside the pole. The pole will be painted white to minimize visual obtrusiveness. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 32 5. The proposed tower will be approximately 28 feet west of N. Britain Road and 17 feet from the west property line. Access is provided through a proposed 20-foot ingress/egress and utility easement. 6. The tower will be located on a lot primarily used for auto repair, and that is adjacent to a railroad on the west side of the lot. The remainder of the surrounding area is largely residential. The structure is 129 feet from the nearest residence across N. Britain Road, and the several residences are within the required 255’ separation requirement in Section 52-32d of the zoning ordinance. 7. One other tower exists within 5,000 feet of the proposed location; however, that tower is full and there is no room for additional co-location of equipment. 8. The leased portion of the lot will be surrounded by a 6-foot tall chain link fence with barb wire, surrounded by an 8-foot tall wood fence, both with 12-foot wide gates. 9. A total of 14 trees from the City’s approved tree list will be planted along the north and east side of the lease space. 10. A total of 34 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and three (3) responses in opposition. The opposition represents 8.28% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Per state law, a ¾ vote is not required for approval of this item. 11. The proposed case is in substantial compliance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s adopted Antenna/Tower Siting Policies and Guidelines, and is designed to collapse on itself in the event of an emergency. Therefore, staff can support this request. 12. On October 6, 2016, staff received a request from the applicant to postpone this case to the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting to allow the applicant time to speak with the adjacent property owners. 13. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to October 27, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0063 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-6 (Single Family) District Uses - Approximately 0.783 Acres Located at 2425 West Oakdale Road - JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant - Numerto Properties, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Favorable 6-0 (Commissioners Richards, Allen and Taylor, absent), subject to adding a note to the site plan stating, “All garages shall be rearentry.” The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Low Density Residential uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to allow up to four lots for single family residential uses with an exception to the lot width requirements. 4. The required lot width in R-6 (Single Family) district is 50 feet and the applicant is proposing 48 feet. The current zoning district (R-7.5) requires a 60-ft. lot width. The widths of adjacent lots range from 34 feet to 42 feet, so these lots are consistent with the neighborhood. 5. New single family homes will have a minimum of 1,600 square feet air conditioned space, with a minimum of 80% brick, stone, cementitious board, or stucco. 6. The proposed single family homes will front Oakdale Road. Access to the homes will be from the rear through a 20-ft. alley. 7. Staff can support the case and believes the new residential homes would be appropriate infill development to the adjacent properties. 8. A total of 61 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and one (1) notice in opposition to this request. The opposition represents 6.25% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, state law stipulates that a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
44 Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0072 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Commercial Outdoor) District Uses - Approximately 24.1 Acres Located at 1251 E. Airport Freeway - Jacobs & Associates, Applicant - Clay Cooley Real Estate Holdings 3, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Hearing Date: October 3, 2016 – Favorable, 9-0, subject to adding the following notes to the Site Plan: a. The new parts and service building on the east side of the lot shall include the following: i. A masonry wainscot on the entire street-facing façade; ii. A masonry wainscot to the eastern half of the southern façade; and iii. Adding awnings over the public pedestrian entrances of the building. b. All notes and requirements from Zoning Case ZC16-0015 (Ordinance No. 2016-9816) are hereby included by reference into this site plan, except where otherwise noted herein. 2. The stipulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission have been met. 3. The subject property is developed with an automobile dealership with one 55,000 sq. ft. sales/office building and a 23,500 sq. ft. service center. The existing dealership building fronts on State Highway 183 with vehicle display spaces on three sides. 4. The applicant is dividing the tract into three lots to allow two additional auto dealerships on the site with two additional dealership buildings, two additional parts and service buildings, and the addition of a car wash onto the existing parts and service building. The site plan, landscaping plan, building orientation and building materials were all approved on May 12, 2016 per zoning case ZC16-0015. 5. After the concrete masonry unit façade was approved by Council, the applicant requested to staff to use a textured metal panel system on the facades of the service buildings that would have a masonry look. Additionally, the applicant designed the entire façade of the service buildings without a masonry wainscoting along the bottom of the building that provided another masonry material as required by the Commercial Design Standards and the adopted zoning site plan. The applicant ordered the material prior to confirming it could be used. The applicant is reluctant to add a masonry wainscot for areas that will not generally be seen by the public or from a roadway, due to the expense of adding the masonry to the proposed material. 6. The applicant has worked with staff and now proposes to use the textured panels as the primary material for the two new service buildings, and add a masonry wainscot along a portion of the eastern parts and service building. The applicant is proposing to clad the entrance and exit of the service bays of that building with the masonry wainscot, as well as some masonry wainscoting on the Carl Road side. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 35 The applicant did not provide wainscoting on the entire Carl Road side or the rest of the façade of this building on the interior of the site before or during the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. 7. The applicant also proposes that the western parts and service building use only the one textured metal façade material, and metal panels as a rear (north) façade material. A metal parapet would provide an accent material, with a change in height to provide articulation. Since it is not visible from the street and is adjacent to the fuel storage tanks and a truck distribution facility, staff supports the proposed design of this building. 8. Finally, the applicant proposes to use the same primary material to create a car wash bay on the western end of the existing Chevrolet parts and service building. 9. Staff can support the use of the proposed primary materials on the new parts and service building on the west side of the lot, as well as the western end of the existing parts building, without additional materials or wainscoting. These buildings are not generally visible to the public or from public roadways, as they are blocked by a distribution center to the north, the Exxon fuel tank farm to the west, and by one of the new dealership buildings to the south. 10. Regarding the new parts and service building on the east side of the lot, staff can support the use of the proposed primary material as well. However, staff believes the masonry wainscoting should be on all east-facing portions of the building, and the entire eastern half of the south side of the building. Staff also recommends adding awnings over the doorways, to add architectural interest as well as a courtesy to the customers. 11. A total of nine (9) public notices were mailed in support. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 12. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 45 Mayor's Report Adjournment
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Special Work Session Minutes for Thursday, September 15, 2016 4 Approving Special Public Hearing Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 15, 2016 5. Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6. Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 22, 2016 7 Resolution - Supporting the Dallas-Fort Worth Core Express Service Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic and Transportation Department. 2. Impact: This resolution provides support for the Dallas-Fort Worth Core Express Service Project. 3. This resolution was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting on September 21, 2016. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 8 Resolution - Approving an Agreement with Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) for Access/Use of Property for the Illuminate Irving Domestic Violence Awareness Event Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This agreement provides access to the Irving Police Department and Family Advocacy Center to hold the first annual Illuminate Irving event commemorating victims and survivors of domestic violence. The event will be held on Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) property on the Mandalay Canal. 3. The Illuminate Irving event will be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, beginning at 5:30 pm. The lantern ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 9 Resolution - Approving a Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and the State of Texas, Acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This grant provides overtime expenses to increase safety belt usage, increase driver compliance with posted speed limits, and decrease impaired driving and alcohol-related crashes. 3. The grant becomes effective October 1, 2016, and terminates on September 30, 2017, unless terminated or otherwise modified. 4. The STEP grant is reimbursable up to $173,104.00 with the City’s match being covered by a cash match of $96,067.81 and “in kind” contributions of $45,628.24. 5. Funding in the amount of $96,067.81 is available in the Police budget within the General Fund Recommendation The resolution be approved. 10 Resolution - Approving a Grant Contract with the Office of the Attorney General for the Victim Coordinator Liaison Grant (VCLG) for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department. It supports Strategic Objective No. 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This is an award to continue an existing grant which the Police Department has received for 16 years. The Victim Services Coordinator provides services for victims of violent crime to reduce the impact of trauma. 3. This grant will provide partial funding for the Victim Services Coordinator position, which is part of the Police Department’s Crime Victim Services Unit. 4. This grant provides partial funding in the amount of $42,000.00 for the Crime Victim Services Unit. The remaining funding for fringe benefits in the amount of $3,947.00 is budgeted in the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-17. 5. The funding period for this grant begins on September 1, 2016 and terminates on August 31, 2017. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving an Annual Contract with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas for Continuing Education Services for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics in the Amount of $113,678.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: These services ensure that all Irving Fire Department EMT’s and Paramedics continue to meet the Continuing Education training hours and skill proficiencies as mandated by the Texas Department of State Health Services. 3. Funding in the amount of $113,678.00 is available in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Hospital District D/B/A Parkland Health & Hospital System in an Amount Not to Exceed $88,904.30 for BioTel System Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This Interlocal Agreement allows for continuous 24 hour access to online medical control by physicians at Parkland Hospital, for paramedics who need to consult for treatment options for patients requiring emergency medical services. 3. This item establishes an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Hospital District d/b/a Parkland Health & Hospital System (Parkland) to receive BioTel System Services in an amount not to exceed $88,904.30 for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. 4. This agreement meets competitive bid requirements with the State of Texas statutes, rules, policies, and procedures. 5. Funding in the amount of $88,904.30 is available in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Approving the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Medicaid Provider Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Approval of this HHSC Medicaid Provider Agreement allows the City of Irving to receive payment/reimbursement on submitted Medicaid claims for emergency medical services rendered by the Irving Fire Department. 3. Execution of this agreement is the final step in renewal of the City’s Medicaid Provider enrollment application process. This renewal is mandated by the Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010. 4. In conjunction with this agreement, the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership (TMHP), which oversees the renewal application process, has instructed the City that the individual signing the agreement must also be considered a Principal on the application and provide additional identifying information to ensure that the City’s Medicaid Provider Enrollment application is not deficient.5. There is no direct cost to the City for this agreement. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount of $75,000.00 for the Special Projects Grant 2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library. 2. Impact: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission Special Projects Grant 2017 in the amount of $75,000.00 will fund the North Texas Teen Book Festival 2017. 3. To assist with costs not covered by the Special Projects Grant, further funding of $30,000.00 will be provided from the Library’s FY16-17 budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount of $5,000.00 for the Texas Read Grant 2017 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library. 2. Impact: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission Texas Read Grant 2017 will help fund Summer Reading Club programs and Program Science kits. 3. There will be no cost to the City. Recommendation The resolution be approved.17 Resolution - Selecting RPGA Design Group, Inc., as the Most Highly Qualified Provider for the Design of the Georgia Farrow Recreation Center Expansion Project and Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Said Provider Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department, the Planning and Community Development Department and the Parks and Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreational facilities. 2. Impact: Georgia Farrow Recreation Center is a 16,169 square foot facility located in West Park. It was built in 1988. This expansion project will include a proposed second gymnasium, new locker rooms and restrooms and an expanded fitness center. 3. This item was presented at Work Session on May 11, 2016. It was also presented to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board on August 10, 2015 and the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 17, 2015. 4. Requests for qualifications were solicited for these services. Qualifications were received from 14 firms. Three were chosen to be interviewed. RPGA Design Group, Inc., was determined to be the most highly qualified provider for the services solicited. 5. The Capital Improvement Program Department recommends selecting RPGA Design Group, Inc., based on experience, submittal content and a face-to-face interview. This firm has an experienced base of architectural staff for this project. They demonstrated, through past projects, submission and presentation material,their ability and understanding of recreation center design, building expansion projects and Federal funded projects. 6. This project will be funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program. The estimated budget for the expansion is $3,000,000.00. The funding will be allocated over a two-year period. Phase I will be holding public input meetings, the schematic design, 50% construction documents and cost estimation. Phase II will be completion of the construction documents, bidding and construction administration. 7. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 100%. Recommendation The resolution be approved.18 Resolution - Approving an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Flood Control District Section I (IFCD I) Dated October 23, 2014, to Extend the Deadline for Submitting Reimbursement Requests from October 23, 2016 to October 23, 2018 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This Amendment to Section IV of the Interlocal Agreement extends the deadline to request reimbursement of expenses related to any improvement made pursuant to Section III of the Interlocal Agreement. 3. The IFCD I bid the East Cell Levee Remediation Project in May 2015. 4. Rain events of 2015 and early 2016 elevated the lake levels that release into the Elm Fork for an extended period of time keeping the Elm Fork water levels well above normal and prevented substantial work from being completed. Approving this extension will allow the IFCD I to be reimbursed for the construction of the project as long as the reimbursement request is submitted prior to October 23, 2018. 5. The City funding contribution to Irving IFCD I is $600,000.00 with a total reimbursement to date of $146,000.00. The FY2015-16 contribution was $17,500.00 with an anticipated amount of $19,500.00 for FY2016-17. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 9 19 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $195,690.00 for the Regal Ridge Parkway, Recognition Point Drive, Irving Heights Drive and Singleton Boulevard Water & Wastewater Improvements Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will allow the completion of additional paving improvements within the project limits needed to address poor pavement and subgrade conditions that existed prior to installation of the proposed water and wastewater improvements. 3. The original plan for pavement restoration was a two inches mill and overlay. 4. During construction, commercial truck traffic loads and construction equipment loads caused the existing four inch asphalt pavement and subgrade along Singleton Boulevard to fail. The original plans will not provide a sufficient riding surface for this commercial corridor and a new pavement restoration plan is needed. 5. The new plan will include pulverizing the existing pavement and subgrade in place on the roadway while mixing in cement to provide an 8” cement stabilized subgrade on which a new 6” asphalt pavement will be placed. 6. This change order increased the contract by 11.27% and 14 calendar days. 7. Staff has negotiated a fair and reasonable price for this change order. 8. Funding in the amount of $195,690.00 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to North Rock Construction, LLC, in the Amount of $448,903.39 for the Sam Houston Trail Park Trail Repair Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.5 – Implement enhancements to cultural and recreation facilities. 2. Impact: This project will realign the trail for less exposure to the river bank erosion, provide protection for the damaged area and safeguard the Explorer Pipeline’s infrastructure. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 10 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 7, 2016. 4. Due to slope failure during the 2015 floods, approximately 500 linear feet of trail and retaining walls were damaged. This project will make the necessary repairs and allow this section of trail to reopen and make the connection between the northern loop in Sam Houston Trail Park and the rest of Campion Trails. 5. Bids were received from 6 bidders. North Rock Construction, LLC, submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $448,903.39. This is $31,425.36, (6.5%) below the project estimate. 6. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 0%. 7. Funding in the amount of $448,903.39 is available in the Property & Casualty Self Insurance Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 21 Resolution - Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and Oki Data Americas, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $93,600.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this incentive agreement will assist in attracting Oki Data Americas, Inc., to the City of Irving. 3. This item was presented to City Council in Executive Session on February 3, 2016. 4. Oki Data is a Japan-based company that provides world-class printing technology. By the end of 2018, the company plans to establish its US headquarters operations employing at least 104 employees with an average salary of $86,000. This incentive is based on the establishment of their headquarters at 8505 Freeport Parkway in Irving. 5. The city, along with the Greater Irving/Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the Texas Governor’s Office of Economic Development, has worked with Oki Data to attract the company and their investment to the City of Irving. 6. The city offers a job grant of $900 per job, paid in three annual increments after 104 employees have been hired. Total value of the incentive is not to exceed $93,600. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 11 7 Minimum qualification levels for this incentive are 15,000 square feet of office space, designated US headquarters, ten-year lease, minimum increase in real estate value of $1,170,000, minimum business personal property value of $2,000,000, and 104 new employees with average annual salary of $86,000. 8. At minimum qualifications, in addition to the new jobs created, the project will generate $188,330 in new revenue to the City of Irving during the ten-year term of the agreement. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Temporary Construction Easement and Acknowledging the Receipt of Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code – Located at 2417 W. Newton Circle – Wilford A. Lumpkin Trust, Property Owner Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development and CIP Departments and supports Strategic Objective No. 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Acquisition of the temporary construction easement will allow for the construction of the Brockbank Drive and Channel, Rochelle, Vassar and Ireland Alley Water and Wastewater Improvements Project. 3. Brockbank Drive and Channel, Rochelle, Vassar and Ireland Alley Water and Wastewater Improvements Project requires a staging area at this location. The property owner has agreed to sell the easement for $100.00. 4. This item requires City Council approval to conform to the requirements of Texas Government Code related to purchasing property owned by a trust. 5. Funding in the amount of $100.00 is available in the Water and Sewer Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 12 23 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvements for the Bridges of Las Colinas Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: The assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Bridges PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Bridges of Las Colinas PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Bridges of Las Colinas is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 122 acres located near the northeast corner of SH114 and Belt Line Road. The original development plan called for approximately 400 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. As of January 1, 2016, the development has been fully platted and all streets and utilities have been installed. 5. The first building permit was issued in January 2014. As of October 4, 2016, 334 building permits have been issued at an average permit value of $404,000. When combined with an average lot value of $75,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $479,000. It is anticipated that this development will be fully built out by the end of 2017. 6. In 2013, the City issued Series 2013A City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $8,984,348.75 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.038735 per square foot. The development generally offers two lot sizes. The typical larger lot of 7,800 square feet would be assessed at $302.13 while a typical smaller lot of 5,750 square feet would be assessed at $222.72. These are typical lot sizes provided as examples only and each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Bridges PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 13 24 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the Public Improvement for the Ranchview Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Ranchview PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Ranchview PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Ranchview Development (Campion Hollows) is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 37 acres located at the intersection of IH635 and Valley Ranch Parkway East. The original development plan called for approximately 121 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. 5 The first building permit was issued in January 2014 and the final permit was issued in June 2016. 121 building permits were issued at an average permit value of $449,772. When combined with an average lot value of $90,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $539,772. As of this year, this development is fully built out. 6 In 2013, the City issued Series 2013B City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $3,293,426.55 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property will be assessed $0.149126 per square foot. The average size lot in this addition is 6,951 square feet. This equates to an assessment on an average sized lot of 6,951 square feet of $1,036.57. This is an example of an average sized lot and is provided as an example only. Each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Ranchview PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 14 25 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Public Improvements for the Parkside Public Improvement District in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as Amended and Providing an Effective Date Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: Assessments will be updated to reflect the 2016-2017 levy against property within the Parkside PID to pay for the annual debt service of bonds issued for the public improvements plus collection costs of the Parkside PID. 3. This item was discussed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on September 8, 2016. 4. The Parkside Development is a single family residential development consisting of approximately 275 acres located at the along the south side of SH114 at the intersection of Belt Line Road. The original development plan called for approximately 869 residential lots to be developed with single family residences. 5. The first building permit was issued in January 2015. As of October 4, 2016, 320 building permits have been issued at an average permit value of $433,254. When combined with an average lot value of $75,000, the total for the lot plus improvements averages $508,254. Project buildout is tracking with the initial projections that indicated that this development will be fully built out by the end of 2020. 6. In 2014, the City issued Series 2014 City of Irving Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in the aggregate principal amount of $22,211,340.30 to finance the public improvements within the development. This debt is serviced through the allocation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone payment of 50% of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the city’s tax rate on the incremental value created by the development and any shortfall in the debt service is covered by an assessment on the benefited properties within the district on a square footage basis. 7. This year, each benefitted property (residential lot) will be assessed $0.127496 per square foot. The development generally offers four lot sizes. The average of the two larger lot sizes is 6,775 square feet and would be assessed at an average of $863.79 while the average of the two typical smaller lot sizes is 4,125 and would be assessed at an average of $525.92. These are averages of typical lot sizes provided as examples only and each lot is assessed individually based on the square footage of the lot. 8. The Annual Service Plan Update has been prepared setting forth the budget and the 2016-2017 Annual Installment for assessed properties in the Parkside PID. Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 15 26 Resolution - Supporting an Application of Ryan Street Developers, LLC for a Municipal Setting Designation for the Properties Located at 1840 and 1860 Ryan Road, and 10704, 10710, 10714, and 10750 Luna Road in Dallas, Texas Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Support of this MSD application has no environmental impact to the City of Irving and will allow the property owner to gain TCEQ approval for remediation plans. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 7, 2016. 4. Ryan Street Developers, LLC seeking a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) for the properties located at 1840 and 1860 Ryan Road, and 10704, 10710, 10714, and 10750 Luna Road in Dallas, Texas that would eliminate the need for additional groundwater mitigation associated with groundwater contamination on this site. To obtain this designation, a resolution in support of this application for an MSD is required from the City of Irving because the MSD site is located within one-half mile of the city boundary for the City of Irving. 5. Staff recommends approval of a resolution supporting this MSD application for the following reasons. ? Approval of this MSD has no environmental impact to the City of Irving. ? Approval of the MSD will allow the property owner to gain TCEQ approval for remediation plans. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 30 Resolution - Approving Additional Funds for As-Needed Purchases from Staples Business Advantage in the Total Estimated Amount of $60,000.00 for Allsteel and Various Brands of Office Furniture Through National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: Approval of this item allows for the as-needed purchase of new and replacement Allsteel furniture, as well as several additional brands other than HON. 3. A Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and Staples Business Advantage was approved on August 29, 2016 by Administrative Award No. 5042 for spending in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00. This contract supports utilization of NJPA Contract #031715-SCC Furniture and Storage which expires on April 9, 2019. 4. The requested additional funding will be utilized for as-needed furniture purchases for various departments. This brings the total not to exceed amount to $105,000.00 through September 30, 2017. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in various departmental budgets within various funds. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 31 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Earth Haulers, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $287,850.00 for Road Maintenance Materials Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department – Streets Division and the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Road maintenance materials are necessary for the Streets Division to provide cushion sand, top soil and crushed concrete aggregate. Water Utilities uses road maintenance materials for backfill and embedment on water and sewer main repairs. These materials are used to maintain the safety of the transportation network within the City of Irving. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing the following road maintenance materials: Item 1 – top soil, Item 2 – cushion sand, and Item 3 – standard crushed stone. The contract includes two one-year renewal options. 4. MWBE participation in this award is 100%. 5. Funding is available in the Traffic & Transportation Department budget within the General Fund and the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Amount Fiscal Year(s) Earth Haulers, Inc. 10/14/16 – 9/30/17 $287,850.00 2016-17 TOTAL $287,850.00 Recommendation The resolution be approved. 32 Resolution - Approving the TCPN Maintenance Agreement and Related Documents Between the City of Irving and ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation for Service and Maintenance of City Facility Elevators, in the Total Estimated Annual Amount of $49,333.00, and Approving Rope Repairs to City Hall Elevators 1 and 2 in the Estimated Amount of $32,000.00, utilizing The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) which is Sponsored by Region IV Education Service Center Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building and Equipment Services – Facilities Maintenance Division. 2. Impact: Utilization of services provided under this agreement ensures proper operation and provides adequate repair and maintenance of elevators in City buildings. 3. This contract will provide service, maintenance and as-needed repair services for the following facilities: former Central Library, City Hall, City Hall Parking Garage, Fire Administration, ICTN, Senter Recreation Center, South Library, and Rock Island Warehouse. Service and maintenance fees for this three year contract total $109,800.00. The remaining $70,200.00 is designated for repairs, including known rope repairs for City Hall elevators 1 and 2 in the estimated amount of $32,000.00 to be completed this fiscal year, with the balance of $38,200.00 to be used on an as-needed basis throughout the contact term. 4. This agreement will establish a three-year contract for the continuation of providing maintenance and as-needed repairs. The contract term is November 1, 2016 through October 31, 2019, with the option of both parties to renew for three (3) additional one-year terms for a total of six years, providing that TCPN Contract #R150801 is renewed during the term of this agreement. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available in various departmental budgets within the General Fund, while funding for Fiscal Year 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 is subject to budget appropriation. Vendor Contract Term Total Estimated Expenditure Fund Fiscal Year(s) ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation 11/01/16 - 10/31/19 $180,000.00 General Fund 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Recommendation The resolution be approved. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 22 33 Resolution - Approving As-Needed Purchases from Networkfleet, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $95,000.00 for Vehicle Monitor (Tracking) Systems and Monthly Monitoring through a Contract Administered by the General Services Administration (GSA) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Building & Equipment Services Department – Fleet Services Division. 2. Impact: City equipment will be monitored to increase efficiency of operations within departments as well as the vehicles. 3. Approval of spending for monthly monitoring services and as-needed purchases of GPS tracking systems in an amount not to exceed $95,000.00 for the specified term is supported by a Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Networkfleet, Inc., which was approved by Resolution No. 2015-184 on June 4, 2015. This agreement provides for utilization of General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 84 Contract #GS-07F-5559R which expires on December 31, 2019. 4. Funding is available in various departmental budgets within the General Fund, the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund, and the Water and Sewer System Fund. Vendor Spending Term Not to Exceed Amount Fiscal Year(s) Networkfleet, Inc. 10/1/16 – 9/30/17 $95,000.00 2016-17 Recommendation The resolution be approved. End of Bids 34 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of a Portion of a 10' Wide Electric Easement Related to North Hills Estates Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the redevelopment of the property. 3. The property is being developed into a single-family residential development at Royal Lane, just east of Riverside Drive. The new development is called North Hills Estates. 4. The property owner, Stonecrest-Ashwood Partnership, a Texas general partnership, has requested the partial abandonment of a 10’ wide Electric Easement dedicated on Lot 3, Block A, of the North Hill School Addition. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 23 5. The applicant has relocated the existing ONCOR facilities into a new easement dedicated to ONCOR. 6. Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonments requested and finds it in the best interest of the city to abandon this easement. 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be approved. 35 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Story Road Right of Way at State Highway 161 Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: This abandonment request will facilitate the commercial development of the property at Story Road and SH161. 3. The property owners, Jamie Lou Appleton, Jamie Lou Harrington Trust and Harrington Corporation, have requested the partial abandonment of right of way to allow Story Road to be re-aligned. The property is being developed into a commercial development called Story Health Addition. 4. The new Story Road right of way is being dedicated per the Story Health Addition approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016. The abandonment will be conditioned upon the filing of the Story Health Addition plat as well as the Estancia Addition plat in the Dallas County Deed Records. The Estancia Addition plat is currently pending approval. 5. The requirements of the City of Irving have been satisfied and there are no objections to the request. 6. Staff has completed the necessary investigation and research into the appropriateness and necessity of the abandonments requested and finds it in the best interest of the city to abandon this easement. 7. In conformance with Section 2-13, Irving City Code related to the requirement of the City Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the abandonment of easements and similar actions, the City Manager is recommending approval. Recommendation The ordinance be approved.
Resolution - Approving a Settlement Agreement with Glover McMillan Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office, the Fire Department, and the City Attorney’s Office. 2. Impact: The Settlement Agreement, if approved, would resolve the lawsuit styled Glover McMillan v. City of Irving; Cause No. DC-16-00189, pending in the 14th Judicial District Court of Dallas County, Texas. 3. The City Council was briefed on this item in Executive Session on September 21, 2016. 4. Funding is available in the Self-Insurance Risk General Liability Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Bear Creek Development Corporation for the Redevelopment of 200 Gilbert in the Amount of $150,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote the creation of affordable housing opportunities for the low and moderate income citizens of Irving. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 16 3. The City currently owns a vacant lot at 200 Gilbert which was obtained in December 2010 through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. At the time, the property was occupied by a dilapidated single family home which the City planned to demolish due to its unsafe condition. The resident of the home was relocated to another home in Irving, and in late 2011, the dilapidated home was demolished. The property has remained vacant since that time. 4. Each year, the City of Irving is required, per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, to set aside a minimum of 15% of its HOME Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) funding for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO’s) to assist with the development of affordable housing. The minimum requirement for funding for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 was $92,812.00 and for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 was $82,557.00. During the annual Action Plan process, staff recommends additional amounts due to the need for more funding to make a greater impact. Council approved the allocation of $295,342.00 CHDO set aside funding in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (RES2015-241). The funds used for the development of this property will be from the CHDO allocation. 5. The Housing and Human Services Board (HHSB) received a briefing regarding this project and approved the allocation of up to $150,000.00 in HOME funds at its September 21, 2016 meeting. This amount includes $130,000.00 allocated for the construction, $12,000.00 allocated for the site development and $13,000.00 for a developer’s fee for the project. 6. Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) will construct a single family home on the existing property, which will be used to provide affordable housing options for Irving residents. This home will be approximately 1,400 square feet, consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a 2 car garage. 7. This agreement is consistent with the City’s goals and objectives for affordable housing as set forth in both the 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and the 2016-2017 Action Plan. 8. Funding in the amount of $150,000.00 is available in the Home Investment Partnerships Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving the Transfer of a Lot at 200 Gilbert to a Community Housing Development Organization for Redevelopment Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: Conveyance of this lot to Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) will allow for the creation of affordable housing opportunities for the low and moderate income citizens of Irving. 3. The City currently owns a vacant lot at 200 Gilbert, which was obtained in December 2010 through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. At the time, the property was occupied by a dilapidated single family home which the City planned to demolish due to its unsafe condition. The resident of the home was relocated to another home in Irving, and in late 2011, the dilapidated home was demolished. The property has remained vacant since that time. 4. Each year, the City of Irving is required, per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, to set aside a minimum of 15% of its HOME Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) funding for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO’s) to assist with the development of affordable housing. The minimum requirement for funding for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 was $92,812.00 and for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 was $82,557.00. During the annual Action Plan process, staff recommends additional amounts due to the need for more funding to make a greater impact. The funds used for the development of this property will be from the CHDO allocation. 5. BCDC will construct a single family home on the existing property, which will be used to provide affordable housing options for Irving residents. This is consistent with the City’s goals and objectives for affordable housing as set forth in both the 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Action Plan. 6. BCDC will utilize funding allocated under a Home Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) agreement to construct this property. 7. Construction of the home is anticipated to be completed by May 2017. 8. The Housing and Human Services Board approved this action at its September 21, 2016 meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Bear Creek Development Corporation for the Acquisition And Development of Affordable Housing in the Amount of $453,600.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood redevelopment and revitalization as well as increasing housing options for Irving residents. 3. Bear Creek Development Corporation (BCDC) has identified a four-plex located in South Irving to acquire and rehabilitate for the purpose of providing affordable rental housing options to residents, which helps address strategies and objectives identified and adopted in the City’s 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan (RES2014-268). 4. The City’s 2014-2019 Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Action Plan both include multiple goals and strategies relating to ensuring adequate supplies of affordable housing, both for ownership and rental. The Consolidated Plan specifically lists rental acquisition and rehabilitation as a high priority. The Action Plan specifically identifies multifamily rental rehabilitation as a Home Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) program priority. The Action Plan also states that an objective of the HOME program is to expand the capacity of non-profit housing providers such as BCDC, and that such providers will be encouraged to develop rental rehabilitation units through a combination of City of Irving and private funds. This proposed acquisition and rehabilitation project is consistent with the priorities established in these two Plans. 5. The Housing and Human Services Board (HHSB) received a briefing regarding this project and approved the allocation of up to $453,600.00 in Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME) funds at its September 21, 2016 meeting. This amount includes $300,000.00 allocated for the acquisition, $100,000.00 allocated for the rehabilitation of the units, $33,600.00 for the potential relocation of non-qualified residents due to the HOME regulations, and $20,000.00 for the maintenance reserve startup for the project. BCDC is not scheduled to close on the property until October 21, 2016. Should the final purchase price (which cannot exceed actual appraised value) exceed the $300,000.00 allocated for the purchase price, BCDC will provide the balance through funds the organization has on hand. 6. The units are two-story, approximately 1,110 square feet, consisting of two bedrooms and one and a half baths. Renovations planned include the replacement of kitchen countertops and cabinets, new appliances, new flooring, HVAC repairs/servicing, along with interior and exterior paint and potential façade improvements. 7. Currently, the facility generates approximately $36,000.00 annually in income, which covers normal expenses including taxes and property insurance. Along with the maintenance reserve included in this agreement, this income stream would City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 19 provide BCDC adequate revenue to cover the ongoing maintenance of the four-plex as well as helping sustain the ongoing operations of their organization. 8. Funding in the amount of $453,600.00 is available in the Home Investment Partnerships Grant Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 36 Resolution - Approving Sign Variance Case #S1608-0103 to Install Two New Monument Signs with Variances to the Material Requirement Allowed by the Sign Ordinance - Property Located at 7904 North Glen Drive - Zephyr Design, Applicant - Cortland Partners, Owner Administrative Comments 1. Impact: If approved, this case would allow two new monument signs replacing the existing signs, with exceptions to the requirement of masonry surrounding the entire sign. 2. The subject property is zoned M-FW and is developed with multifamily uses. The property has entrances on IH 635 and Ranchview Drive with existing monument signs. 3. The applicant is requesting to replace the existing signs at the entrances with monument signs that have masonry bases and internally-lit aluminum sign cabinets on top. Since the applicant is proposing the signs to not have masonry around the metal sign itself, a sign variance is necessary. 4. One sign is 169.5” wide by 226” tall; the other is 109” wide 72” high. No variance is necessary for the size or placement of these signs, and these signs do not impede traffic visibility. 5. Since the monument signs are in the same place and are updated designs, and no other variances are being requested, staff can support this request. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - PL16-0012 - Esters Estates Addition - Approximately 8.23 Acres Located at the 1802 Hard Rock Road - Majestic Cast, Inc., Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Technical Denial, 9-0. 2. The purpose of this plat is to create 61 townhouse lots and six (6) common area lots for residential uses. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 25 3. This plat dedicates the following: A. A total of 18,911 sq. ft. of right-of-way for Hard Rock Road and W. Pioneer Drive. B. A 5-ft. wide “Sight, Retaining Wall Maintenance and Private Drainage Easement” along W. Pioneer Drive. C. A 5-ft. wide “Sight Easement” along Hard Rock Road on Lot 1, Block A, Lots 1 and 26, Block B, and Lots 1-4, Block C. D. A 10-ft. wide “Private Drainage Easement” on Lots 20-23, Block A, Lots 1-4, and 15-24, Block C. E. A 5-ft. wide “Private Retaining Wall Maintenance Easement” on Lots 15-24, Block B and Lot 7, Block C. F. A 10-ft. wide “Private Storm Sewer Easement” on Lots 1-19 and a “Retaining Wall Maintenance Easement” on Lots 16-19, Block A. G. A 25-ft. wide “Utility Easement” at W. Pioneer Drive and Hebron Street. H. 10-ft. wide utility easements along all street frontages. I. All common lots as private drainage and maintenance easements. 4. The following exception to the Subdivision Ordinance requires this case to be forwarded to the City Council for action: Section 35-26 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires installation of drainage channels of reinforced concrete pipe or concrete lining. The applicant is proposing to dedicate a private drainage and maintenance easement through which the storm water will be routed. 5. The plat complies with all other requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and the approved zoning. 6. This item supports Strategic Plan Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance - Public Hearing and Adopting the 2016 Imagine Irving Comprehensive Plan Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Department of Planning and Community Development. 2. On October 9, 2014 the City Council approved a contract with Fregonese Associates to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Irving. This new Plan would replace the 1997 Comprehensive Plan and the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. After two years of Citizens Advisory Committee meetings, neighborhood workshops, presentations to neighborhood associations and civic organizations, stakeholder interviews, consultation with staff members of all City departments, attendance at various fairs and events, on-line and in-person surveys, and briefings to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, the 2016 Imagine Irving Plan is ready for adoption. 4. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Imagine Irving plan at its August 15, 2016 public hearing, and recommended the document for City Council approval along with a list of edits derived from final survey and citizen comments. 5. The directors of all City departments received a final briefing on the Plan on September 8, 2016 and offered some additional edits based on recent City Council direction and to further clarify the document. All of the edits have been incorporated into the final version. 6. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 2016 Imagine Irving Comprehensive Plan and adopt it as the City of Irving’s new Comprehensive Plan with the changes recommended by the departmental directors and any additional changes requested by the City Council. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Development Plan DVP16-0005 - Appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission Action Approving Development Plan #22, 2nd Revision, PUD 1 (Planned Unit Development No. 1) for R-MF-2 (Multifamily) Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located on the South Side of O'Connor Ridge Boulevard and West of Fuller Drive - Adler Properties, Applicant - Edward F. Hayden, Jr., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Final Action: September 6, 2016 – Approval 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent), subject to adding an acreage allocation note as directed by staff. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. This Development Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016 for a 27-unit owner-occupied multifamily development on a 1.4- acre site on the south side of O’Connor Ridge Blvd., west of Fuller Drive. Following the approval of the Development Plan, the Commission approved Multifamily Concept Plan MF16-0001 on the same agenda. 3. Section 52-32c(5) states that if 20% of the surrounding land files a written objection of the Commission’s decision within ten days of the Commission’s final action, the objection may be presented to the City Council. The City Council can review the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and may take such action as it may deem appropriate. Staff received a written objection representing 20.15% of the surrounding property within the 10-day time frame. 4. On September 30, the applicant requested a postponement to the October 27, 2016 City Council agenda to allow more time to work with the surrounding property owners and reach an agreement. Staff recommends postponing this item accordingly. 5. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to October 27, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0047 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Attendant Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) District Uses - Approximately 0.055 Acres Located at 8445 N. Belt Line Road - Chipotle Mexican Grill of Colorado, LLC, Applicant - Red Architecture + Painting, Agent - SCSD Finnell, LTD., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Postpone to October 3, 2016, 6-0 (Commissioners Richards, Allen and Taylor, absent), due to the absence of representation for the applicant at the public hearing. October 3, 2016 – Favorable 9-0. 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting rezoning to allow a proposed “Chipotle Mexican Grill” restaurant the attendant accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for onpremises consumption. 4. The 2,417 sq. ft. lease space is located within a multi-tenant retail center. It will have 62 indoor seats and 8 outdoor seats for a total of 70 seats. While the patio area is leased to Chipotle for its sole use, it is not included in this zoning case, since the space will not meet TABC requirements. The site plan stipulates that the doors to the patio be posted for “no alcohol beyond this point”. 5. A total of 28 parking spaces are required for this restaurant, and 71 parking spaces are being provided within the multi-tenant parking lot. 6. A total of nine (9) public notices were mailed. Staff has received one (1) response in support and none in opposition. 7. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0052 - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Office/Technology/Warehouse" to "Low Density Residential" and "Retail", and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) District for R-6 (Single Family) and C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) District Uses - Approximately 43.26 Acres Located on the Northwest Corner of State Highway 114 and N. Belt Line Road - TDI GP, LLC, Applicant - Belt Line/114 Properties, LP, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone the case to September 19. September 19, 2016 – a motion to recommend denial failed by a vote of 2-4 (Commissioners Patel, Niemeier, Zeske and Patrick, nay; Commissioners Richards, Taylor and Allen, absent). A subsequent motion to recommend approval failed by a vote of 3-3 (Commissioners French, Hoedebeck and Niemeier, nay; Commissioners Richards, Taylor and Allen, absent). Since a majority of the Commission did not vote in favor of the motion to approve, the Planning and Zoning Commission’s by-laws state that this shall be construed as a recommendation for denial. 2. The subject property is undeveloped. This is a 46-acre tract with approximately 2,500 feet of frontage on SH 114, 1,700 feet of frontage on Belt Line Road, and 1,400 feet of frontage on Royal Lane. Twenty-two acres of the tract were zoned from “A” (Single Family) district under Zoning Ordinance #209 to R-40 (Single Family) in 1988, with the expectation that it would eventually be used for commercial development. According to the case file, the owner at the time opposed city-initiated rezoning to the FWY (Freeway) district. The remaining 24 acres were rezoned from R-40 (Single Family) and FWY (Freeway) to S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for FWY (Freeway) uses in 1988 to allow building setback variances, with the recognition that dedication of right-of-way for N. Belt Line Road would be required. R-40 is the zoning assigned to property when annexed. No previous zoning request has been submitted on the R-40 portion of the site 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map recommends Office/Technology/ Warehouse uses for this tract, as well as the majority of the city west of N. Belt Line Road to DFW Airport. This use category is intended for offices, research and technology complexes, warehouse and distribution facilities, and uses that are more intense than office but less than industrial. 4. The proposed 2016 Comprehensive Plan recommends Business District uses for this property. The land uses would be non-residential and flexible for retail, office, and commercial uses, and predominantly mid-rise with a mix of surface and structured parking. Most of the city west of N. Belt Line Road, and north of SH 114, would be included in the Business District, as well as being part of the Freeport Employment Center, an area of concentrated office and industrial uses. 5. The applicant justifies the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request due to the high demand for residential uses in Irving, including residential recently developed to the east of N. Belt Line Road and south of State Highway 114 on both sides of N. Belt Line Road. The applicant contends that it would not negatively affect the area, and is of sufficient size for a new residential neighborhood while including a commercial City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 30 area for retail and services. 6. Staff believes this amount of land presents an opportunity for a large commercial development rather than additional residential along the freeway that is not contiguous with the other residential neighborhoods. 7. All land to the north, west and east is zoned or developed for commercial, industrial, and office uses. Four new office/warehouse buildings have been constructed less than 900 feet to the north. To the west a new 58,000 square foot office building for the American College of Emergency Physicians was recently completed and occupied on August 29, 2016. A 238-room full-service hotel has been approved adjacent to the new office building. Other recent permits issued within a mile of the site include for a new 118,000 square foot office at State Highway 161 and Gateway Drive, two new mini-warehouse and climate controlled storage facilities, and several retail and restaurant buildings. Nearly 300,000 square feet of office space is being constructed near Freeport Parkway. 8. Regarding the details of the applicant’s proposal, the applicant is proposing 208 lots zoned for R-6 uses with the following variances (with current standards in parentheses): a. Front yard setback of 20 feet (25’ required) b. Rear yard setback of 15 feet (20’ required) c. Garage setback of 22 feet (25’ required) d. Front yard setback with swing garage of 15 feet (25’ required) e. Porches and balconies may encroach five feet into front setback (no encroachment allowed) f. Lot coverage of 60% (40% maximum allowed) g. Maximum building height of 40 feet (25’ or two-stories allowed) 9. The site plan notes that access to lots will only be to the interior streets, with entrances to the development on Royal Lane and N. Belt Line Road. 10. Buffer zones and one acre of open space will be provided. Staff believes the open space is insufficient for 208 lots. 11. The perimeter of the development will be screened with a “six-to-eight-foot high brick wall”. Staff believes even an eight-foot tall wall will be insufficient buffer to the highway noise. As noted in the memo from Dan Vedral, Traffic and Transportation Director, TxDOT will not be providing any sound walls for the subdivision, and the developer should consider building those at this time. 12. The applicant will provide an avigation easement at platting to hold harmless the City and DFW Airport from any airport related impacts. 13. A homeowners association will need to be created to maintain the walls and open space. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 31 14. No variances to the C-N district are proposed for the corner tract. 15. Given the position of this property along a major regional corridor (State Highway 114) and a principal arterial (Belt Line Road), and the successful development of office, industrial and commercial properties nearby, staff believes this is not only an ideal location for nonresidential development, but a location that is unsuitable for residential development. 16. A total of 14 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 17. On Friday, August 26, 2016, staff received an email from the applicant’s representative requesting this case be postponed to the October 13, 2016 City Council meeting due to scheduling conflicts. On Monday, October 3, staff received an email from the applicant’s representative requesting further postponement to the November 10, 2016 City Council agenda, due to scheduling conflicts. 18. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to November 10, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0061 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Wireless Telecommunication Facility Uses - Approximately 0.045 Acres Located at 1101 N. Britain Road - Eco-Site, Inc., Applicant - Johnny Jooyong Johng, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: October 3, 2016 – Denial due to concerns the tower could fall onto adjacent property, 9-0. 2. The request is to rezone a portion of the lot to allow construction of a new telecommunications tower and equipment cabinet. 3. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for this property. This use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The new tower will be a 100-foot tall monopole, excluding a 10-foot tall lightening rod. The monopole will be in the center of a 48’ X 60’ portion of Lot 1, Block A, Cadenhead Addition and will be able to accommodate additional antennas. This is considered a “stealth” monopole design because the antennas are inside the pole. The pole will be painted white to minimize visual obtrusiveness. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 32 5. The proposed tower will be approximately 28 feet west of N. Britain Road and 17 feet from the west property line. Access is provided through a proposed 20-foot ingress/egress and utility easement. 6. The tower will be located on a lot primarily used for auto repair, and that is adjacent to a railroad on the west side of the lot. The remainder of the surrounding area is largely residential. The structure is 129 feet from the nearest residence across N. Britain Road, and the several residences are within the required 255’ separation requirement in Section 52-32d of the zoning ordinance. 7. One other tower exists within 5,000 feet of the proposed location; however, that tower is full and there is no room for additional co-location of equipment. 8. The leased portion of the lot will be surrounded by a 6-foot tall chain link fence with barb wire, surrounded by an 8-foot tall wood fence, both with 12-foot wide gates. 9. A total of 14 trees from the City’s approved tree list will be planted along the north and east side of the lease space. 10. A total of 34 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and three (3) responses in opposition. The opposition represents 8.28% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Per state law, a ¾ vote is not required for approval of this item. 11. The proposed case is in substantial compliance with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s adopted Antenna/Tower Siting Policies and Guidelines, and is designed to collapse on itself in the event of an emergency. Therefore, staff can support this request. 12. On October 6, 2016, staff received a request from the applicant to postpone this case to the October 27, 2016 City Council meeting to allow the applicant time to speak with the adjacent property owners. 13. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to October 27, 2016.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0063 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-6 (Single Family) District Uses - Approximately 0.783 Acres Located at 2425 West Oakdale Road - JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc., Applicant - Numerto Properties, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Favorable 6-0 (Commissioners Richards, Allen and Taylor, absent), subject to adding a note to the site plan stating, “All garages shall be rearentry.” The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2. The 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Low Density Residential uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to allow up to four lots for single family residential uses with an exception to the lot width requirements. 4. The required lot width in R-6 (Single Family) district is 50 feet and the applicant is proposing 48 feet. The current zoning district (R-7.5) requires a 60-ft. lot width. The widths of adjacent lots range from 34 feet to 42 feet, so these lots are consistent with the neighborhood. 5. New single family homes will have a minimum of 1,600 square feet air conditioned space, with a minimum of 80% brick, stone, cementitious board, or stucco. 6. The proposed single family homes will front Oakdale Road. Access to the homes will be from the rear through a 20-ft. alley. 7. Staff can support the case and believes the new residential homes would be appropriate infill development to the adjacent properties. 8. A total of 61 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and one (1) notice in opposition to this request. The opposition represents 6.25% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is less than 20%, state law stipulates that a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
44 Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0072 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Commercial Outdoor) District Uses - Approximately 24.1 Acres Located at 1251 E. Airport Freeway - Jacobs & Associates, Applicant - Clay Cooley Real Estate Holdings 3, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Hearing Date: October 3, 2016 – Favorable, 9-0, subject to adding the following notes to the Site Plan: a. The new parts and service building on the east side of the lot shall include the following: i. A masonry wainscot on the entire street-facing façade; ii. A masonry wainscot to the eastern half of the southern façade; and iii. Adding awnings over the public pedestrian entrances of the building. b. All notes and requirements from Zoning Case ZC16-0015 (Ordinance No. 2016-9816) are hereby included by reference into this site plan, except where otherwise noted herein. 2. The stipulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission have been met. 3. The subject property is developed with an automobile dealership with one 55,000 sq. ft. sales/office building and a 23,500 sq. ft. service center. The existing dealership building fronts on State Highway 183 with vehicle display spaces on three sides. 4. The applicant is dividing the tract into three lots to allow two additional auto dealerships on the site with two additional dealership buildings, two additional parts and service buildings, and the addition of a car wash onto the existing parts and service building. The site plan, landscaping plan, building orientation and building materials were all approved on May 12, 2016 per zoning case ZC16-0015. 5. After the concrete masonry unit façade was approved by Council, the applicant requested to staff to use a textured metal panel system on the facades of the service buildings that would have a masonry look. Additionally, the applicant designed the entire façade of the service buildings without a masonry wainscoting along the bottom of the building that provided another masonry material as required by the Commercial Design Standards and the adopted zoning site plan. The applicant ordered the material prior to confirming it could be used. The applicant is reluctant to add a masonry wainscot for areas that will not generally be seen by the public or from a roadway, due to the expense of adding the masonry to the proposed material. 6. The applicant has worked with staff and now proposes to use the textured panels as the primary material for the two new service buildings, and add a masonry wainscot along a portion of the eastern parts and service building. The applicant is proposing to clad the entrance and exit of the service bays of that building with the masonry wainscot, as well as some masonry wainscoting on the Carl Road side. City Council Agenda 10/13/2016 35 The applicant did not provide wainscoting on the entire Carl Road side or the rest of the façade of this building on the interior of the site before or during the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. 7. The applicant also proposes that the western parts and service building use only the one textured metal façade material, and metal panels as a rear (north) façade material. A metal parapet would provide an accent material, with a change in height to provide articulation. Since it is not visible from the street and is adjacent to the fuel storage tanks and a truck distribution facility, staff supports the proposed design of this building. 8. Finally, the applicant proposes to use the same primary material to create a car wash bay on the western end of the existing Chevrolet parts and service building. 9. Staff can support the use of the proposed primary materials on the new parts and service building on the west side of the lot, as well as the western end of the existing parts building, without additional materials or wainscoting. These buildings are not generally visible to the public or from public roadways, as they are blocked by a distribution center to the north, the Exxon fuel tank farm to the west, and by one of the new dealership buildings to the south. 10. Regarding the new parts and service building on the east side of the lot, staff can support the use of the proposed primary material as well. However, staff believes the masonry wainscoting should be on all east-facing portions of the building, and the entire eastern half of the south side of the building. Staff also recommends adding awnings over the doorways, to add architectural interest as well as a courtesy to the customers. 11. A total of nine (9) public notices were mailed in support. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 12. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 45 Mayor's Report Adjournment