Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Ordinance - Budget Adjustment #4 to the 2015-16 Fiscal Year Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Budget Adjustments are needed in the following funds: General Fund, Municipal Drainage Utility Fund, Economic Development Fund, General Non-Bond CIP Fund, Municipal Drainage Utility Non-Bond CIP Fund, Equipment Replacement Fund, Irving Arts Center General Fund, Irving Arts Center Special Exhibits Fund, FEMA Fund, Library Grant Fund, Miscellaneous Donations Fund, TIF#3/PID #1 Bridges of Las Colinas Capital Improvement Program Fund, TIF #3/PID #1 Bridges of Las Colinas Fund, TIF#3/PID#1 Bridges of Las Colinas Debt Service Fund, TIF#4/PID #2 Ranchview Capital Improvement Program Fund, TIF #4/PID #2 Ranchview Fund, and TIF#4/PID#2 Ranchview Debt Service Fund. 3. Adjustments have been proposed by city staff from various departments, and have been reviewed and recommended by Budget staff and Financial Services. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Adoption of the 2016-17 City of Irving Fiscal Year Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The 2016-17 budget has been prepared pursuant to discussion with Council and submitted for adoption. 3. Public Hearings were held on June 9, June 23, September 8, and September 15 to allow for citizen input. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Which Increases Property Tax Revenues Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. This item is included on the agenda as a placeholder to comply with State law in the event there is an increase to the property tax revenues in the proposed budget as compared to the previous year. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Setting the 2016 Tax Rate and Levying the Tax as Required by the State of Texas Property Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The adoption of this tax rate will assure that a high level of services are maintained. 3. The Texas Property Code requires adoption of the tax rate in its two components, operations and maintenance, and debt service. An ordinance has been prepared reflecting the following rates for adoption by City Council: General Fund O&M .4541 Debt Service .1300 .5841 4. This year’s tax levy to fund operations and maintenance expenditures exceeds last year’s operations and maintenance tax levy. 5. On August 25, 2016 at the Budget Retreat, Council passed a resolution to adopt a tax rate that does not exceed 0.5941, which is the tax rate for the current year. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Adopting the 2016 City of Irving Tax Roll as Required by the State of Texas Property Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department 2. Impact: Adoption of the Appraisal Roll with the calculation of tax imposed on each property becomes the City’s Tax Roll for collection of this year’s taxes. 3. The Tax Assessor has calculated and determined the tax imposed on each piece of property included on the appraisal roll for the City of Irving pursuant to Section 26.09 of the Texas Property Code and has submitted it to the City Council for approval. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
8 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, September 07, 2016 9 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 08, 2016 10 Resolution - Approving an Engagement for Personal Services Agreement with Usrey and Associates, Inc., in Connection with Interim Human Resource Director Services and Other Consulting Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office. 2. Impact: This agreement would allow the City to continue to engage Usrey and Associates, Inc., to provide human resource director services and other related consulting services. 3. The current agreement was awarded administratively on June 9, 2016. The hourly rate is set at $75 per hour as set forth in exhibit A of the agreement. 4. In addition to the $49,950 in funding provided through the administrative award, an additional 80,000 is being allocated for these services. 5. Funding in the amount of $80,000.00 is available in the Human Resources budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving a Technical Service Support Agreement with Single Source Provider Physio-Control, Inc., for the Service and Repair of LifePak Defibrillator Units in an Amount Not to Exceed $54,990.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This service ensures that equipment is properly maintained, receives software updates, and is serviced by certified technicians so that we can provide outstanding emergency service for citizens. 3. Thirty-three LifePak 15 units and twelve AED 1000 units will be covered by the Service Plan providing inspections, preventative maintenance, updates, repairs, and supplies. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is subject to budget appropriation in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund in the amount of $54,990.00. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Terminating the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas for BioTel Services Effective September 30, 2016. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Termination of the Interlocal Agreement for BioTel Services through the City of Dallas for FY2017 is necessary to allow the City of Irving to contract directly with Parkland Health and Hospital System (PHHS). 3. Parkland Health and Hospital System (PHHS) offers Biomedical services for on line and off line medical direction for paramedics. By contracting directly with PHHS the City of Irving will be able to choose the services we receive which could result in paying less for BioTel Services overall. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Amending Resolution RES-2016-301 Approving Amendment No. 4 to the Household Hazardous Waste Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County and City of Irving. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Solid Waste Services. 2. Impact: This contract provides an environmentally sound method to dispose of the household hazardous waste such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc., thus ensuring the proper disposition of these materials. 3. Agreement was originally executed on 10/01/12 with four one-year renewals. This is renewal number four. 4. This agreement will provide service from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. Dates of the events are as follows: 10/22/16, 2/25/17, and 6/24/17. 5. While this item was approved by City Council at its last meeting, this agenda item references the correct amendment number. 6. Funding in the amount of $110,000.00 is based on history of usage in FY 2015-16 and is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Approving the Rate Setting Documents and Proposal to Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) for the Reimbursement of Meals Provided at Heritage Senior Center in an Amount Not to Exceed $59,472.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Approval of the attached rate setting documents and funding proposal allows the City to request Title III State funding for the reimbursement of congregate meals provided at Heritage Senior Center. 3. The congregate meal service is provided by Visiting Nurse Association of Texas(VNA) and reimbursed by Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA). The provision of these meals is vital for some senior residents and enhances their quality of life. 4. An estimated 13,120 meals are projected to be served in FY2016-17. 5. The agreement with DAAA includes access to additional services and benefits, including counseling, information and referrals, health screenings, nutritional education, and other resources. 6. This agreement is for year four of a five-year term for services. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Approving Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Schools for the Provision of Bus Transportation Services for Recreation Center Program Participants in an Amount Not to Exceed $75,000.00. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this new Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County Schools (DCS) and the City of Irving will provide cost effective transportation services for recreation program participants. 3. The transportation services provided by Dallas County Schools will enable recreation staff to directly supervise the children during transit, thus increasing their safety. Additionally, the use of higher capacity vehicles will allow for a greater number of program participants. 4. The new Interlocal Agreement has an initial term effective October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and an automatic three (3) year renewal. 5. Funding in the amount of $75,000.00 is available in the Education and Recreation budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Approving Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District(DCURD) Debt Refinancing in an Amount Not to Exceed $160,190,000 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this resolution will allow DCURD to take advantage of favorable interest rates and refinance up to $160,190,000 of outstanding debt. 3. The bonds are expected to be delivered November 17, 2016. The City and DCURD entered into a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Participation Agreement in 1999. Section 2.2 of the Participation Agreement requires City Council approval of all debt issuance. 4. The current rate on the debt is approximately 5.00%. The DCURD refinancing should produce interest rates of approximately 2.14%, present value savings of approximately $31.8 million and approximate savings of 17.7% on the refunded bonds. 5. This is a refinancing of DCURD debt. There is no cost to the City. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 17 Resolution - Approving a Grant Agreement with Humanities Texas in the Amount of $1,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library Department. 2. Impact: The Humanities Texas Grant 2016 will, subject to the terms of the Grant Agreement, provide funds to the City in the amount of $1,000.00 for a visit by author Benjamin Alire Saenz. 3. The Grant Agreement requires the City to provide cost-sharing funds in an amount not to exceed $2,504.00 which will be provided to the City through the Big Read Grant. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Tiseo Paving Co., in the Amount of $14,962,624.20 for the Las Colinas Boulevard Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This project will replace water, wastewater and storm water utilities, as well as re-construct existing roadway within the Las Colinas Urban Center, from Fuller Drive to approximately 900 feet east of Wingren, by providing a thicker and stronger paving section to promote a higher quality roadway. 3. This item was discussed at the September 7, 2016 Transportation and Natural Resources Committee meeting. 4. The existing six lane divided roadway will be converted to a four lane divided road with parallel parking, a bike lane and new pedestrian crossing facilities. The project was designed to meet the Las Colinas Urban Center Master Plan from Sasaki. 5. The project will also include up to 16-inch diameter water mains, 8-inch diameter wastewater lateral crossings, various storm pipes up to 48-inches in diameter, 46 10-foot to 15-foot recessed curb storm inlets, 165 street light foundations along with signal pole and signal cabinet foundations. 6. Bids were received from 2 bidders. Tiseo Paving Co., submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $14,962,624.20. This is $452,364.80 (2.94%) below the project estimate. 7. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 15% 8. Funding in the amount of $11,302,445.00 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund and funding in the amount of $2,700,000.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund and Funding in the amount of $960,179.20 is available within the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Health and Human Services for Control of Communicable Disease Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $81,906.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Code Enforcement Department. This item supports Strategic Objective 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Providing preventive health services helps to promote a healthier lifestyle and improved quality of life for Irving residents. 3. This agreement establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide control of communicable disease services. This contract includes services for tuberculosis control, sexually transmitted diseases, laboratory tests, immunizations, and wellbaby exams. 4. This contract cost is based on the prior year amount with no increase. 5. There are no changes to service levels or deliverables. 6. Funding in the amount of $81,906.00 is available in the Code Enforcement budget within the Health Board Program Fund. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is available and subject to approval of FY16-17 budget. 21 Resolution - Approving Special Event Permit Application for SRV Classic Car Cruise and Show Hosted by Texas Musicians Museum to be Held on September 30 and October 1, 2016, at 222 and 213-221 East Irving Boulevard Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: The Texas Musicians Museum hosts special events in the downtown Irving/Heritage Crossing area to increase awareness and encourage support of the local businesses. 3. The City leased the building at 222 E. Irving Boulevard to the Texas Musicians Museum (TMM) beginning July 14, 2015, for the purpose of operating the Texas Musicians Museum and Texas Music Garden, along with related uses to provide a unique experience and attract visitors, businesses, and investors to Heritage Crossing. As a part of the lease agreement, TMM may host music or festival events on the City-owned parking lot at 213-221 E. Irving Boulevard on the north side of Irving Boulevard directly across the street from TMM. These events are envisioned as multi-day events that include live music, craft and specialty vendors, and food and beverage vendors. 4. The City’s Special Event Permit Application requires City Council approval for all events with time periods that exceed four and one-half hours, are multi-day events, occur anytime other than between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., or occur on days other than Saturday or Sunday. 5. This special event permit is for the SRV Classic Car Cruise and Show on September 30 and October 1, 2016. 6. This agenda item is for the Special Event Permit only and thus has no fiscal impact. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Sister Cities/International Trade Development and Assistant Center Services Contract Between the City of Irving, Texas and the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce in the Amount of $164,800.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department 2. Impact: This agreement will approve FY2016-17 funding of the contract with the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce to provide sister cities and international trade development services to the city. 3. The Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce will carry out a program of exchanges between the City and its participating sister cities, which are focused on business, but may also be cultural, artistic, educational, economic, community, and/or other appropriate forms of exchanges, in keeping with the purpose of the worldwide sister cities program. 4. Funding in the amount of $164,800.00 is available in the Economic Development budget within the Economic Development Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 23 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending with Dataprose, LLC in an Annual Amount of $255,432.00 for Utility Bill Printing, Mailing and Offset Printing Services through an Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the City of Allen Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 1.1 – Contain costs and increase operational efficiency. 2. Impact: The establishment of a Vendor-Member contract between the City of Irving and DataProse, LLC for utilization of a City of Allen contract #2014-5-225 for utility bill printing, mailing, and offset printing services allows the city to procure these services under the best possible terms and conditions. 3. Water Utilities has been very pleased with the services DataProse has provided in its first year. It is recommended that spending be renewed for a one-year term in the amount of $255,432.00. 4. The original contract was awarded on July 2, 2015 for a 15-month term with implementation of services to commence on Oct 1, 2015 and end on September 30, 2016. 5. Prior to outsourcing, city staff printed, folded, and stuffed bill statements into envelopes with a bill sorter in the Print Shop that was 12 years old and had no parts available for repairs. 6. A Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and DataProse, LLC, was approved on July 2, 2015 by Resolution 2015-227 for spending in the annual amount of $255,432.00. This contract supports utilization of the City of Allen Interlocal Agreement, Contract #2014-5-225 Utility Bill Printing, Mailing, and Offset Printing Services which expires on January 9, 2019. 7. Funding is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund subject to budget appropriation for Fiscal Year 2016-17. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 24 Resolution - Authorizing the Ratification of Expenditures to Paymentus Corporation in the Amount of $240,000.00 and Renewing an Agreement for Water Utility On-Line Services in the Estimated Amount of $480,900.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 1.1 – Contain costs and increase operational efficiency. 2. Impact: The agreement with Paymentus allows water utility customers to make web payments on a secure, hosted web portal or pay by telephone using credit card, debit card, or eChecks. 3. This item will be presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. Tele-Works has been a business partner with the city for over ten years providing departments with call-out service and just recently, pay by phone for utility customers. 5. Paymentus acquired Tele-Works through a merger acquisition on April 17, 2014, thus providing more flexibility to meet the needs of our customers with a modern electronic bill presentment and payment solution. 6. Paymentus went live in May 2016 giving customers the choice to make a one-time payment without having to register an online account or set up a customized account portal to manage payment and paperless preferences. 7. The ratification provides funding for invoices received from implementation to the end of the fiscal year. 8. The agreement includes the subscription service of $30,900.00, and funding for the department to pay for transactional fees made by customers through the web or phone system in the estimated amount of $450,000.00. 9. Funding in the amount of $480,900.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 25 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Proposal No. 11514 with Siemens Industry, Inc., in an Estimated Amount of $275,180.00 for the Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of a New 600 HP Variable Frequency Drive for the Hackberry Pump Station Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 - Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Water Utilities obtained a single source proposal for the replacement of a 600 HP medium voltage variable frequency drive (VFD) at the Hackberry Pump Station. The current drive is about 15 years old and needs to be replaced due to lack of available spare parts and inability to perform preventative maintenance. 3. This item will be presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. Many of the pumps at the Hackberry Pump Station have VFDs that vary the frequency of the power that is supplied to the pump motor to change the speed of the motor and the flow of the water. 5. The scope of services include the VFD design engineering, project management, installation supervision, electrical contractor to perform installation, the removal of old drive, delivery of new drive, and start up and commissioning services. 6. The proposal also includes Siemens product terms and conditions, service terms and conditions, and general license conditions for software products. 7. The goal of this project is to order the VFD after award so the VFD can be built and delivered by this time next year in order to initiate the change out in November 2017. 8. This is the first of three VFDs at the Hackberry Pump Station that will require replacement due to age, obsolete parts, and inability to perform preventative maintenance. 9. Funding is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund in the amount of $190,000.00 and in the Water and Sewer Non-Bond CIP Fund in the amount of $85,180.00. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 26 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 2 to N.G. Painting, L.P., in the Amount of $211,000.00 for the Rehabilitation of the Finley Elevated Storage Tank and Hackberry Ground Storage Tank No. 4 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will improve the reliability of the Finley Elevated Storage Tank. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 8, 2016. 4. Replacement of the 24-inch riser pipe on the Finley Elevated Storage Tank was not included in the original rehabilitation project. On June 1, 2016, the 24-inch cast iron main between the isolation valve and the 24-inch riser pipe failed. In response, it was deemed necessary to replace the 55-year old 24-inch riser pipe as well as the 24-inch main between Pleasant Run Road and the 24-inch riser to improve the reliability of the tank. This change order includes replacement of the 24-inch riser pipe. 5. The total amount of the change order is $211,000.00. This increases the total contract amount to $2,086,125.00. 6. An additional 259 calendar days was added to bring the final completion date to December 15, 2016, to account for days lost due to inclement weather and additional work. 7. Funding in the amount of $211,000.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 27 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $285,000.00 for the Emergency Repair of a 24-inch Water Main at Finley Elevated Storage Tank Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: A 24-inch cast iron water main that serves Finley Elevated Storage Tank at 3527 Pleasant Run Road failed between the isolation valve and the 24-inch riser pipe, causing the tank to be shut down. Water Utilities Director Todd Reck declared the repair an emergency on June 2, 2016. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 8, 2016 and will be presented again on September 21, 2016. 4. Water Utilities obtained quotes from three contractors, and identified SYB Construction Company, Inc., as the contractor providing the lowest cost for replacing the 24-inch pipe between Pleasant Run Road and the tank. They were able to mobilize quickly in order to complete the repair. 5. Funding in the amount of $285,000.00 was available within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 28 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Community Development Corporation For the Redevelopment of 2219 Muret (Postponed from August 4, 2016) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood revitalization and increase housing options for Irving residents. 3. This property was obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) for renovation and resale to a qualified first-time homebuyer. The City of Irving completed all necessary repairs, as per contract. However, due to delays which affected the City’s ability to sell the property, subsequent foundation damage occurred. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), administrator of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, determined that it was not cost efficient to perform further repairs to the home. TDHCA funded the demolition of the property, with the understanding that the City of Irving would fund the reconstruction of the property through one of its community housing development organizations (CHDO). 4. The transfer of this property was previously approved (RES 2016-179) by the Irving City Council; however, TDHCA would not agree to release its lien on the property. In discussions with TDHCA, it was determined that TDHCA would maintain ownership of the property during construction and that the City of Irving and TDHCA would enter into a ground lease contract with a CHDO in order to complete the construction. 5. Irving Community Development Corporation (ICDC) will build the single family detached home on this property. 6. Construction of this home is anticipated to be completed by April 2017. 7. This item was recommended for approval by the Housing and Human Services Board at its July 20, 2016 board meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 30 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Red the Uniform Tailor in an Amount Not to Exceed $197,450.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Uniforms and Miscellaneous Gear and Accessories through an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department, Municipal Courts and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: Establishment of a Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and the Red the Uniform Tailor for utilization of City of Frisco Contract #1306-06 which expires August 6, 2017 will allow the city to purchase uniforms and related items under the best possible terms and conditions for the city. 3. Approval of this contract supports as-needed purchases of stab body armor, police Class “A” and Class “B” uniforms, and other miscellaneous items such as bike uniforms, windbreakers, battle dress uniforms, etc. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2015-16 is available in the Police Department budget and Municipal Court budget within the General Fund while funding for Fiscal Year 2016- 17 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from September 23, 2016, through August 6, 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. 31 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of Bound Tree Medical, LLC, Henry Schein Inc., Midwest Medical Supply Co., LLC, Moore Medical LLC, Nashville Medical & EMS Products, Inc., QuadMed, Inc., and Southeastern Emergency Equipment in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.00 for Medical Supplies Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Fire Department. 2. Impact: Firefighters and paramedics are able to provide the highest quality of treatment for residents by having these approved supplies available for use in emergency response vehicles. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of purchasing medical supplies. The current contract expires September 30, 2016. This award is for one year with two one-year renewals. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. 32 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending with Ford Audio-Video Systems, LLC, in the Total Amount of $76,366.25 for the Purchase of Microphones and Related Accessories through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Arts Center and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: The purchase of new equipment will enable the Arts Center to provide a high level of service and resources for clients and patrons of the facility. 3. A Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Ford Audio-Video Systems, LLC, for utilization of BuyBoard Contract No. 482-15 was approved by Administrative Award 4868 in the amount of $9,900.00 for an assessment of the Irving Arts Center audio system in both theaters. Upon approval of this purchase, expenditures under this contract will total $86,266.25. 4. This additional purchase of microphones and related accessories through the utilization of this contract will enable the city to purchase audio visual systems and equipment under the best possible terms and conditions for the city. The contract expires April 30, 2017. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Irving Arts Center budget within the Irving Arts Center General Fund. 33 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Epicenter Productions, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $103,000.00 for Stage, Sound, Lighting, Video and Special Effects Production for City of Irving Special Events Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Stage, sound, lighting, video and special effects production services are needed at citywide special events to provide music and visual entertainment. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing special events production services. The current contract expires on September 30, 2016. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Parks and Recreation Department budget within the General and Miscellaneous Special Revenue Funds. 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Proposal from PST Services Inc., (a McKesson Company) for Billing and Collection of Emergency Medical Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department and the Fire Department. 2. Impact: This contract allows the city to have continuity of billing and collection services in connection with emergency medical services provided by the Fire Department. 3. The vendor will receive 4.3% commission on collection of billed accounts, compared to the current commission rate of 4.5%. 4. Revenue received as a result of this contract for Billing and Collection of Emergency Medical Services will be deposited in the city’s lockbox and recorded in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund; average collections in the past have been approximately $2,100,000.00 per year. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 35 Resolution - Approving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Tristar Risk Management in the Total Estimated Amount of $186,600.00 for Third Party Administration Services for Claims, FML, 504 and Environmental Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Human Resources Department. 2. Impact: Third party administration services are required for administration of workers’ compensation claims in order to maintain the city’s regulatory compliance with the Division of Workers’ Compensation, Texas Department of Insurance (DWC-TDI). These services also provide administration of city employee family and medical leave (FML) requests in compliance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, as well as administration of liability claims against the city. 3. Risk Management is recommending a five month contract extension as outlined in Supplemental Agreement No. 1. This extension would begin on October 1, 2016 and extend the current contract for third party administration services with TRISTAR Risk Management in order to maintain the City’s regulatory compliance. 4. TRISTAR is willing to accept the contract extension with all pricing, terms and conditions remaining the same as the current contract which expires on September 30, 2016, ensuring no increases during the extension period. The extension will provide the opportunity for Risk Management to re-issue a request for proposals for these services incorporating clarification of requirements, perform a thorough review of responses, and have adequate time for transition to another service provider should that be required. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 will be available within the Self Insurance Fund. 36 Resolution - Rejecting All Proposals for Third Party Administration Services for Claims, FML, 504 and Environmental Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Human Resources Department. 2. Impact: Third party administration services are required to keep the city safe and compliant with regulatory needs. The city’s Self-Insurance Fund provides a selfinsured retention level for workers’ compensation and liability claims which required handling in a manner compliant with State rules and the Family and Medical Leave Act. In addition, this contract provides for handling of claims through a 504 network as well as providing safety and health reviews for environmental compliance issues. 3. A request for proposals for third party administration services was issued on July 12, 2016. Five responses were received and reviewed by an evaluation team made up of staff from Human Resources, Solid Waste Services, the City Attorney’s Office, and the Fire Department. 4. Based upon the significant variances in pricing provided by the respondents, staff feels that it is in the best interests of the city to reject all proposals and re-issue a request for proposals (RFP) which provides detailed clarifications for those items where variance was the greatest. The new RFP will also require that a detailed timeline for implementation of services be provided by all respondents. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 37 Resolution - Approving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with MasTec North America, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,832.51 for Freeway and Street Lighting Maintenance and On-Call Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: This maintenance and on call contract will provide monthly and emergency services for the freeway and street lighting systems within the City of Irving. 3. This Supplemental Agreement No. 1 will extend the contract up to six months for freeway and street lighting maintenance and on call services, until final changes in the scope of the Midtown Express project can be determined. The original contract expires on September 30, 2016. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Traffic & Transportation budget within the General Fund and the Street Improvement Bond Fund. 38 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with Fannin Tree Farm in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 Annually for Tree Transplanting Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Department and the Parks & Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Tree transplanting services include removal, moving and transplanting city trees which would otherwise be destroyed and removed from the urban forest landscape that the CIP and Parks & Recreation departments promote and protect within the City of Irving. 3. A verbal update will be provided to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide tree transplanting services. The original contract was awarded to the contractor scoring the highest points based upon established evaluation criteria in a request for proposals process. The current contract expires on September 30, 2016. This is the first of two two-year renewal options. 5. These services will be used as required on a per-project basis and expenditures will be from the specific project construction accounts. 6. Funding for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be available in various departmental budgets within various funds subject to budget appropriation. 7. Because this contract runs from October 2016 through September 2018, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. 39 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with Brittain & Crawford, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $119,650.00 for Deed Georeferencing Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Department. 2. Impact: Georeferencing of deeds provides a point and click solution to verify the existence of an easement and documentation of property acquired for street widening, enhancing CIP’s ability to provide a high level of customer service to both internal and external customers who need quick access to this information. 3. This renewal provides for the continuation of a contract for deed georeferencing. The original contract was awarded to the contractor offering the best value to the city based on established evaluation criteria in a best value bid process. The current contract expires September 30, 2016. This is the first of four one-year renewal options. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 will be available in the Non-Bond CIP Fund. 40 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $55,275.00 for the Emergency Repair of MacArthur Boulevard at Four Seasons Golf Course Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: All but one lane of MacArthur Boulevard was shut down twice next to the Four Seasons Golf Course for prolonged periods of time after rain storms due to recent street flooding. Upon investigation of the two drainage inlets and the 18-inch concrete pipe that runs from those inlets across the Four Seasons Golf Course, it was discovered that the 18-in pipe had severe blockage. Capital Improvement Program Department Director Casey Tate declared the repair an emergency on July 22, 2016. 3. A verbal update will be provided to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. The blockage was caused by two cypress trees in the golf course whose roots had totally blocked the pipe. One location was very shallow and the Streets Division was able to remove the tree, then dig up, remove and replace the pipe as shown in the top and middle pictures of Exhibit A, attached. 5. The second location was nearly 13 feet deep and TV inspection revealed that an entire wheel and tire assembly was contributing to the blockage in addition to the cypress tree roots as evidenced in the bottom picture of Exhibit A. In-house crews did not have the proper shoring equipment to prevent making an extremely large and oversized excavation in the golf course; therefore, the CIP department solicited quotes from three contractors known to have proper shoring equipment to complete the excavation, removal, and replacement of this section of blocked pipe. 6. SYB Construction Company, Inc., provided the lowest quote of the vendors contacted who had the required equipment to perform the repair and was able to mobilize immediately. 7. Funding in the amount of $55,275.00 was available within the MDU Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 41 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Itron, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $667,870.00 for Itron Encoder Receiver Transmitters (ERTs) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Itron ERTs are utilized in the city’s automated metering system, enabling meter readers to have meter readings transmitted to a handheld or mobile device. This award will allow staff to continue with the current meter reading system and provides needed equipment for the transition over to a fixed network system through the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee Meeting on May 11, 2016, and is scheduled to be presented at the September 21, 2016 meeting. 4. This award establishes an annual contract to supply Itron Encoder Receiver Transmitters. This contract is for one year with two, one-year renewal options. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. 42 Ordinance - Approving a First Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with KMS Retail Investments, LP for the Sale of 4.24 Acres of Land Located at 400 South MacArthur Boulevard Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. It supports Strategic Objective 3.1-Promote revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: The amendment extends the Inspection Period of the Purchase and Sale Agreement for six months, with the option to extend an additional six months. 3. This item was presented to the Planning and Development Committee on September 8, 2016. 4. Ordinance 2016-9782, accepted the bid in the amount of $923,470.00 by KMS Retail Investments, LP for the purchase of 4.24 acres of city–owned land located at 400 South MacArthur Boulevard. 5. KMS Retail Investments, LP, intends to redevelop the property and the adjacent shopping center as a grocery store anchored shopping center. The center is planned to include a fueling station, possible drive-thru restaurant and retail stores. 6. KMS Retail Investments, LP, will pay $923,470.00 cash at closing. Prior to closing, the developer is required to (1) acquire the adjacent shopping center, and (2) secure the proper zoning in accordance with the bid. The current contract calls for the inspection period to end on August 26 and a closing date of September 26, 2016. 7. The Developer has requested an extension of the Inspection Period and subsequent closing date due to the need to complete the negotiations with the grocer before proceeding with the zoning case. The Developer is still negotiating with multiple grocer anchors, and until those negotiations are complete, the zoning case cannot move forward. Please see the current and proposed deadlines summarized below. 8. This first amendment extends the Inspection Period to February 27, 2017 and includes an option to extend for an additional six months upon payment of an additional $10,000 earnest money. The closing date is calculated as 30 days after the expiration of the Inspection Period. 9. This item accompanies the proposed resolution amending the economic incentive agreement related to the development of the property at 400 S. MacArthur on this same agenda. The separate economic incentive agreement will be extended in similar increments as the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted. 43 Resolution - Approving a First Amendment to the Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and KMS Retail Investments, LP Related to the Development of the Property Located at 400 S. MacArthur Boulevard with a Grocery Store, Fueling Station and Associated Shopping Center to Extend Certain Deadlines in the Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. It supports Strategic Objective 3.1-Promote revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: This first amendment to the agreement provides for up to a one-year extension on certain deadlines in the agreement. 3. The item was presented to the Planning and Development Committee on September 8, 2016. 4. Resolution 2016-117, approved on March 17, 2016, was for an economic incentive agreement between the City of Irving and KMS Retail Investments, LP in the amount not to exceed $423,470 related to the purchase and development of the property located at 400 S. MacArthur Boulevard with a grocery store, fueling station and associated shopping center. 5. The sale price of the City land is $923,470.00. The current economic incentive agreement provides a grant to the developer not to exceed $423,470 over a ten-year period as long as certain minimum development criteria are met. Those criteria include (i) substantial completion and occupancy of the grocery store and related retail by January 31, 2020; (ii) continuous occupancy by the grocery store for 10 years and (iii) maintain a minimum increase in real property valuation of $3,000,000 and minimum increase in sales tax revenue of $20,000. The grant would be paid as measured by 80% of the new taxes generated by the development. 6. The Developer has requested an extension of the deadlines and milestones due to the need to complete the negotiations with the grocer before proceeding with the zoning case. The Developer is still negotiating with multiple grocer anchors, and until those negotiations are complete, the zoning case cannot move forward. Please see the current and proposed deadlines/milestones summarized below. 7. This item accompanies the proposed ordinance amending the acceptance of the bid from KMS for the sale of the property at 400 S. MacArthur on this same agenda. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 44 Ordinance - Appointing Judges to Irving Municipal Court Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Municipal Court Services. 2. Impact: This ordinance appoints experienced and qualified attorneys who are City residents to preside over the Irving Municipal Court. 3. In accordance with Chapters 29 and 30 of the Texas Government Code, this ordinance updates the terms of all current judges including the alternates. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted. 45 Ordinance - Amending Section 21-88.1 of Chapter 21 Entitled "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, to Repeal Expired Construction Speed Zones and Establish a New Construction Speed Zone to Reduce Speed Limits for Loop 12; Providing a Penalty; Providing a Savings Clause; and Providing a Severability Clause. Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: The approval of a reduction in the speed limit in the construction zone along Loop 12, which enhances the safety of the motoring public, and allows effective enforcement. 3. TxDOT and SouthGate Contractors, JV requested the City reduce the speed limit from the north city limits to Union Bower Road along Loop12 from 70 MPH to 60 MPH for the duration of the Midtown Express Project. 4. This ordinance establishes a safe and effective regulation of speed in the construction zone. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted 46 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 47 of the City of Irving, Texas, Land Development Codes Entitled "Flood Damage Prevention" by Adding Section 47-18 to Adopt an Operations and Maintenance Plan for the Running Bear Park Levee System and Providing a Severability Clause Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: The Running Bear Park Levee meets the criteria to protect 47 homes from the 100 year flood of the West Fork of the Trinity River. 3. The Running Bear Park Levee was built in the early 1970’s based on plans dated December 1972. This levee was protecting 47 homes from the 100 year flood event from Bear Creek and West Fork Trinity River. 4. In 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) decertified the levee from providing protection to these homes due to it not having enough freeboard (height above the 100 year flood elevation). 5. The City of Irving has made improvements to the levee to add the additional height required by FEMA. Application for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) has been made and comments from FEMA have been received. 6. The adoption of the Running Bear Park Levee Operations and Maintenance requirements into the City’s ordinances is the final comment from FEMA that needs to be addressed. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Supporting High Speed Rail from Houston to the North Texas Region Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office and Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: The High Speed Rail Project from Houston to the North Texas region will provide efficient passenger connectivity between two of the largest population and economic development areas in the state and will set the precedent for other High Speed Rail projects in the future. 3. This resolution was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting on July 20, 2016. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Community Development Corporation For the Redevelopment of 2219 Muret (Postponed from August 4, 2016) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood revitalization and increase housing options for Irving residents. 3. This property was obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) for renovation and resale to a qualified first-time homebuyer. The City of Irving completed all necessary repairs, as per contract. However, due to delays which affected the City’s ability to sell the property, subsequent foundation damage occurred. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), administrator of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, determined that it was not cost efficient to perform further repairs to the home. TDHCA funded the demolition of the property, with the understanding that the City of Irving would fund the reconstruction of the property through one of its community housing developmentorganizations (CHDO). 4. The transfer of this property was previously approved (RES 2016-179) by the Irving City Council; however, TDHCA would not agree to release its lien on the property. In discussions with TDHCA, it was determined that TDHCA would maintain ownership of the property during construction and that the City of Irving and TDHCA would enter into a ground lease contract with a CHDO in order to complete the construction. 5. Irving Community Development Corporation (ICDC) will build the single family detached home on this property. 6. Construction of this home is anticipated to be completed by April 2017. 7. This item was recommended for approval by the Housing and Human Services Board at its July 20, 2016 board meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Authorizing Assignment of Funds to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Release of Federal Investment Associated with the La Buena Vida House in the Amount of $214,330.95 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development department. 2. Impact: This action will release the federal investment and allow the La Buena Vida Youth Leadership Foundation to provide services without federal requirements. 3. The Irving City Council approved a contract between the City of Irving and La Buena Vida Youth Leadership Foundation (LBVF) on August 7, 2014 (RES-2014-267), whereby funds from the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Grant would be used to construct a facility to house homeless students. 4. LBVF has found it difficult to meet the regulatory requirements under HOME funding and has therefore been unable to meet its stated objectives. 5. This resolution would enable the City of Irving to assign $214,330.95 for payment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and LBVF would provide an additional $200,000.00 toward HUD payment. The City of Irving would contract with LBVF to provide homeless services to youth at the La Buena Vida House, subject to performance measures agreed upon by the City of Irving, and alien would be placed on the property for five years. 6. An amount of $214,330.95 will be assigned for this purpose, and the assigned funds will come from fiscal year 2016 savings in account 1001-1001-561517-100 within the non-departmental budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Ordinance - Second and Final Reading - Amending Chapter 33 Entitled "Refuse, Garbage and Weeds" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, Providing for New Monthly Charges for Refuse Pickup Service for Residences, Apartments, and Churches Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Solid Waste Services. 2. Impact: A 19% increase to solid waste rates will help provide for the operational needs of the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. 3. This item was presented to the City Council on August 25, 2016. 4. The need for the proposed rate increase is primarily driven by the addition of personnel and equipment to accommodate new growth and replacing capital vehicles and equipment inside the Solid Waste Fund. 5. The proposed schedule of solid waste fees include an increase in the residential fee to $23.26 per month and the seniors/disabled fee to $18.61 per month. 6. The discount for residential customers who are age sixty-five (65) or older or who are receiving social security disability income remains at twenty (20) percent. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Second and Final Reading - Amending Chapter 52 Entitled "Water and Sewer Rates" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, Providing for New Monthly Water and Sewer Rates Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: A 7.0% increase to both water and sewer rates will help provide for the operational needs of the water and sewer system and commitments made to bond rating agencies. 3. The proposal 7% increase is consistent with the five-year rate plan approved by the City Council on September 3, 2015. 4. The need for the proposed rate increase is primarily driven by increasing passthrough cost for contracted services. Irving contracts with the Trinity River Authority (TRA) for sewage treatment and this pass-through cost is expected to increase $1.0 million in FY 2016-17. Pass-through costs from the City of Dallas and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) also increased. 5. The rate adjustment is projected to increase revenues to approximately $95.8 million. The proposed budget is also $95.8 million and it includes a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) of $27,810,000.00. The CIP is projected to be funded with $7.02 million in cash (Non-bond CIP) and $20.79 million in bonds. 6. This annual debt service coverage ratio is projected to be 1.47 which is below the Moody’s scorecard criteria of 1.70 for Irving’s current “AA” bond rating. A multi-year rate plan was approved by the City Council to build the coverage ratio up to the level expected by bond rating agencies. 7. The monthly bill for the average residential customer with 10,000 gallons of water and 8,000 gallons of wastewater would increase $4.45 from $63.00 to $67.45 under the proposed rates. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC15-0091- Granting PUD (Planned Unit Development) for S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) Uses - Approximately 0.09 Acres Located at 6761 N. MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 150 - ModMarket, LLC, Applicant - LG MacArthur 161, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Approval, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The subject property is a 3,920 sq. ft. lease space in a multi-tenant retail center. A new Modern Market restaurant is requesting rezoning to allow the accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. 4. The restaurant will have 120 interior seats, and a patio with 18 seats, for a total of 138 seats. A total of 55 parking spaces are required at one space per 2.5 seats, and are provided in the shopping center parking lot. 5. This is a companion item to Development Plan DVP15-0007, which was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016. 6. The request meets all of the requirements of the R-AB ordinance. 7. A total of five (5) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or opposition. 8. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC15-0095 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for FWY (Freeway) District Uses Including Custodian and Security Residences and Daycare Uses - Approximately 3.9 Acres Located at 315 E. Airport Freeway - Autumn Traylor, Applicant - K Series I LLC., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone to September 19, 2016, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends State Highway 183 Redevelopment Corridor uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to renovate one of the existing office buildings for a daycare. 4. The property is currently developed with one single-story office building, two 2-story office buildings, a 2-story business file storage facility, a 2-story custodial and security residence and a single-story meeting/event hall. The applicant is leasing the 6,000 sq. ft. single-story office building for the daycare use. 5. The previous site plan approved this property for FWY (Freeway) district uses and included the custodial and security residences. This rezoning would only add the daycare as a permitted use. 6. The building is currently vacant. The parking and access on the existing site can accommodate the proposed daycare use, and the building could easily convert back to office uses without rezoning should the daycare use cease. The daycare will utilize some of the interior open space for children’s recreation. 7. The site plan does retain all the notes from the previously-approved site plan, with the added note that “Building design and landscaping shall comply with the State Highway 183 Overlay District requirements for new construction”. 8. A total of eight (8) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition. 9. Staff believes the daycare use to be compatible with the surrounding uses and can support this request. 10. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0034 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-O (Commercial Office) and Senior Independent Living Facility District Uses - Approximately 1.52 Acres Located at 1717 W. Irving Boulevard - Delta 8 Properties, Applicant - II C.B., L.P., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – a vote to recommend “approval” failed to pass, 4-4(Commissioners French, Allen, Niemeier and Taylor, nay; Commissioner Zeske, absent). Since a majority of the Planning and Zoning Commission present did not vote in favor of the application, the Commission’s recommendation is determined to be a recommendation for “denial”, per the Commission’s bylaws. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Irving Blvd. Redevelopment Corridor uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The property is undeveloped and zoned S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for an Assisted Living Facility. 4. The 1.52-acre site is proposed to be developed with a 4-story Senior Independent Living facility. The facility will provide the following amenities and services: a) Residents will be limited to persons 62 years of age or older. b) Community kitchen for use by residents to include space to accommodate catered meals that may be ordered by community members. c) A club room that accommodates communal dining. d) A club room that is adaptable to smaller special events. e) Qualified and reputable housekeeping services shall be made available to residents desiring such. f) Qualified and reputable transportation providers shall be made available to those residents desiring such. g) The facility will have limited and controlled access to the building and to the property including electronic security gates. h) Assist (grab) bars easy access type door handles and locks will be located in individual handicap units and common area bathrooms and common corridors will feature grab assists. i) Interior common areas will be provided to support resident activities and programs. j) Exterior common areas will provide amenities such as landscaped courtyards, water features, passive and active assembly space, and outdoor cooking areas. k) Management will provide an on-site activities director. l) A multi-function space will be provided for visiting professionals to meet and counsel privately with residents. m) Activity programs will be available for the resident’s participation. n) Parking available on at least a 1:1 ratio of spaces per unit. o) Emergency call system with alarms in bedrooms and bathrooms will be made available to residents. Response services provided by an independent specialty senior medical home alert service provided. p) In lieu of 5,000 sq. ft. non-corridor space for common area usage requirement, owner/agent/manager will provide all residents with memberships to City of Irving Heritage Senior Center and provide shuttle services to and from the center. 5. The facility will have 67 units and 3,500 sq. ft. of community space. Parking will be provided at a minimum of 1 space per unit with 11 visitor parking spaces, a reduction of less than 3% to the typical 1.2 per unit. 6. The applicant has included on the site plan the definition for a “Senior Independent Living Facility” with the city’s standard notes. 7. The site plan also includes the following notes: ? Side yard setback shall be 40 feet adjacent to single family zoned property. ? Landscape buffers along property lines adjacent to non-residentially zoned and single family zoned properties shall be as shown on the site plan. 8. The site plan also notes that a “Knox Box shall be installed at the south east entrance”. 9. The building meets the requirements of the Commercial Design Standards and the Multifamily Development Standards, and landscaping shall be provided as shown on the “Landscape Plan”. 10. A total of 24 public notices were mailed. Staff received none in support and 24 in opposition. The opposition represents 26.5% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is greater than 20%, per state law a ¾ vote is required for approval. 11. Since the existing zoning would allow an assisted living facility, staff does not consider the change to a senior independent living facility to be a major change in use, and can support this case. 12. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. 13. On Friday, September 16, 2016, the applicant requested that this case be postponed indefinitely. The case will be re-advertised once the applicant is ready to proceed. Recommendation Postpone indefinitely.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0056 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) and Guest Quarters Uses - Approximately 1.37 Acres Located at 1319 N. Irving Heights Drive - Thomas Spink, Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone to September 19, 2016, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Low Density Residential uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to allow an accessory dwelling unit (“guest house”). 4. The applicant is proposing to convert an existing accessory structure into a guest quarters. The proposed 18-ft. x 40-ft. guest quarters would have two rooms, a bathroom with a shower and a closet. It would be located 5-ft. from the north side property line and 180 feet from the front property line. 5. The property is a 1.37 acre tract with a driveway that allows additional off-street parking along the side and rear of the main house. 6. Staff can support this request since (a) the property is 1.37 acres and large enough to accommodate the guest quarters, (b) there is a large driveway with adequate offstreet parking spaces for the main dwelling and the guest quarters, (c) the proposed guest quarters has only two rooms plus bathroom and closet, and does not have a kitchen, making it difficult to rent as a separate apartment, (d) the guest quarters is only 720 sq. ft. and one story high, clearly accessory to the main house, and (e) the applicant has noted on the site plan that the guest house will not have separate utility meters and shall be keyed to match the main house. However, staff recommends that an additional note be added stating that the guest house will not be separately rented from the main house. Staff can only support this case with this stipulation. 7. A total of 26 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition. 8. This items supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted, subject to adding a note to the site plan stating that the guest house shall not be separately rented from the main house.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0064 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) and Hotel and Related Uses - Approximately 4.37 Acres Located on the Northeast Corner of Promenade Parkway and W. Las Colinas Boulevard - Valencia Development Corp., Applicant - Tract 10 Properties, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Mixed Use for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is seeking approval of a revised site plan for a 148-room “Texican” hotel and an 83-seat restaurant with outside dining. 4. The applicant previously received approval for a similarly-designed hotel in 2014, per zoning case ZC13-0045. The main differences between the previouslyapproved site plan and the new proposed site plan include: a. Increases the room count from 134 to 148. b. Adds an interior room corridor for 25 rooms. c. Increases restaurant seating from 55 seats to 83 seats, including a patio d. Increases the total meeting space from 2,000 square feet to 3,570 square feet. e. Modifies the internal traffic circulation plan on the north side of the building. f. Required parking increases from 161 spaces to 194 spaces. Total parking provided is reduced from 161 parking spaces to 157 spaces. g. Changes to the some of the exterior building elevations, primarily to accommodate the changes to the enlarged building footprint. h. Includes a unit for a full-time resident manager. 5. The applicant is seeking a parking variance; however, the parking variance is within the standards the City has used for other hotels. Per the TOD ordinance, the hotel can receive up to a 10% reduction in the required parking due to the proximity of the DART station. Additionally, the City has routinely approved an additional 10% reduction with the provision of airport shuttles. This applicant is providing airport shuttles and the availability of valet parking at peak times. 6. Architecturally, the building elevations are very similar to those originally approved in 2014. The building will use a Spanish-style architecture, with extensive use of white stucco, along with brick and stone accents/wainscoting and a tile roof. Certain changes were made to accommodate the building changes; however, significant articulation and variety is still provided on all sides. The hotel design still utilizes several architectural features, including wrought iron, arches, columns, and a “bell tower”. Other changes include relocating the restaurant area to the corner and providing an outdoor patio, the “Alamo-themed” architecture at the corner, and minor changes to the “bell tower” and window design. 7. A total of eight (8) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 8. Staff believes this design brings the building closer to the hotel development standards by increasing the meeting space, the number of rooms, and adding some interior units. The parking variance requested by the applicant is acceptable given the proximity to the rail station and the provision of shuttles and valet services. Additionally, the building design is substantively similar to the design approved in 2014, and the parking lot layout is actually improved. For these reasons, staff can support this request. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Ordinance - Budget Adjustment #4 to the 2015-16 Fiscal Year Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Budget Adjustments are needed in the following funds: General Fund, Municipal Drainage Utility Fund, Economic Development Fund, General Non-Bond CIP Fund, Municipal Drainage Utility Non-Bond CIP Fund, Equipment Replacement Fund, Irving Arts Center General Fund, Irving Arts Center Special Exhibits Fund, FEMA Fund, Library Grant Fund, Miscellaneous Donations Fund, TIF#3/PID #1 Bridges of Las Colinas Capital Improvement Program Fund, TIF #3/PID #1 Bridges of Las Colinas Fund, TIF#3/PID#1 Bridges of Las Colinas Debt Service Fund, TIF#4/PID #2 Ranchview Capital Improvement Program Fund, TIF #4/PID #2 Ranchview Fund, and TIF#4/PID#2 Ranchview Debt Service Fund. 3. Adjustments have been proposed by city staff from various departments, and have been reviewed and recommended by Budget staff and Financial Services. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Adoption of the 2016-17 City of Irving Fiscal Year Budget Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The 2016-17 budget has been prepared pursuant to discussion with Council and submitted for adoption. 3. Public Hearings were held on June 9, June 23, September 8, and September 15 to allow for citizen input. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Which Increases Property Tax Revenues Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. This item is included on the agenda as a placeholder to comply with State law in the event there is an increase to the property tax revenues in the proposed budget as compared to the previous year. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Setting the 2016 Tax Rate and Levying the Tax as Required by the State of Texas Property Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: The adoption of this tax rate will assure that a high level of services are maintained. 3. The Texas Property Code requires adoption of the tax rate in its two components, operations and maintenance, and debt service. An ordinance has been prepared reflecting the following rates for adoption by City Council: General Fund O&M .4541 Debt Service .1300 .5841 4. This year’s tax levy to fund operations and maintenance expenditures exceeds last year’s operations and maintenance tax levy. 5. On August 25, 2016 at the Budget Retreat, Council passed a resolution to adopt a tax rate that does not exceed 0.5941, which is the tax rate for the current year. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Adopting the 2016 City of Irving Tax Roll as Required by the State of Texas Property Tax Code Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Financial Services Department 2. Impact: Adoption of the Appraisal Roll with the calculation of tax imposed on each property becomes the City’s Tax Roll for collection of this year’s taxes. 3. The Tax Assessor has calculated and determined the tax imposed on each piece of property included on the appraisal roll for the City of Irving pursuant to Section 26.09 of the Texas Property Code and has submitted it to the City Council for approval. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
8 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, September 07, 2016 9 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, September 08, 2016 10 Resolution - Approving an Engagement for Personal Services Agreement with Usrey and Associates, Inc., in Connection with Interim Human Resource Director Services and Other Consulting Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office. 2. Impact: This agreement would allow the City to continue to engage Usrey and Associates, Inc., to provide human resource director services and other related consulting services. 3. The current agreement was awarded administratively on June 9, 2016. The hourly rate is set at $75 per hour as set forth in exhibit A of the agreement. 4. In addition to the $49,950 in funding provided through the administrative award, an additional 80,000 is being allocated for these services. 5. Funding in the amount of $80,000.00 is available in the Human Resources budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 11 Resolution - Approving a Technical Service Support Agreement with Single Source Provider Physio-Control, Inc., for the Service and Repair of LifePak Defibrillator Units in an Amount Not to Exceed $54,990.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: This service ensures that equipment is properly maintained, receives software updates, and is serviced by certified technicians so that we can provide outstanding emergency service for citizens. 3. Thirty-three LifePak 15 units and twelve AED 1000 units will be covered by the Service Plan providing inspections, preventative maintenance, updates, repairs, and supplies. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is subject to budget appropriation in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund in the amount of $54,990.00. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 12 Resolution - Terminating the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas for BioTel Services Effective September 30, 2016. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Fire Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.1 – Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Termination of the Interlocal Agreement for BioTel Services through the City of Dallas for FY2017 is necessary to allow the City of Irving to contract directly with Parkland Health and Hospital System (PHHS). 3. Parkland Health and Hospital System (PHHS) offers Biomedical services for on line and off line medical direction for paramedics. By contracting directly with PHHS the City of Irving will be able to choose the services we receive which could result in paying less for BioTel Services overall. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 13 Resolution - Amending Resolution RES-2016-301 Approving Amendment No. 4 to the Household Hazardous Waste Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County and City of Irving. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Solid Waste Services. 2. Impact: This contract provides an environmentally sound method to dispose of the household hazardous waste such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc., thus ensuring the proper disposition of these materials. 3. Agreement was originally executed on 10/01/12 with four one-year renewals. This is renewal number four. 4. This agreement will provide service from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. Dates of the events are as follows: 10/22/16, 2/25/17, and 6/24/17. 5. While this item was approved by City Council at its last meeting, this agenda item references the correct amendment number. 6. Funding in the amount of $110,000.00 is based on history of usage in FY 2015-16 and is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 14 Resolution - Approving the Rate Setting Documents and Proposal to Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) for the Reimbursement of Meals Provided at Heritage Senior Center in an Amount Not to Exceed $59,472.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Approval of the attached rate setting documents and funding proposal allows the City to request Title III State funding for the reimbursement of congregate meals provided at Heritage Senior Center. 3. The congregate meal service is provided by Visiting Nurse Association of Texas(VNA) and reimbursed by Dallas Area Agency on Aging (DAAA). The provision of these meals is vital for some senior residents and enhances their quality of life. 4. An estimated 13,120 meals are projected to be served in FY2016-17. 5. The agreement with DAAA includes access to additional services and benefits, including counseling, information and referrals, health screenings, nutritional education, and other resources. 6. This agreement is for year four of a five-year term for services. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 15 Resolution - Approving Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Schools for the Provision of Bus Transportation Services for Recreation Center Program Participants in an Amount Not to Exceed $75,000.00. Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this new Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County Schools (DCS) and the City of Irving will provide cost effective transportation services for recreation program participants. 3. The transportation services provided by Dallas County Schools will enable recreation staff to directly supervise the children during transit, thus increasing their safety. Additionally, the use of higher capacity vehicles will allow for a greater number of program participants. 4. The new Interlocal Agreement has an initial term effective October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and an automatic three (3) year renewal. 5. Funding in the amount of $75,000.00 is available in the Education and Recreation budget within the General Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 16 Resolution - Approving Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District(DCURD) Debt Refinancing in an Amount Not to Exceed $160,190,000 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department. 2. Impact: Approval of this resolution will allow DCURD to take advantage of favorable interest rates and refinance up to $160,190,000 of outstanding debt. 3. The bonds are expected to be delivered November 17, 2016. The City and DCURD entered into a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Participation Agreement in 1999. Section 2.2 of the Participation Agreement requires City Council approval of all debt issuance. 4. The current rate on the debt is approximately 5.00%. The DCURD refinancing should produce interest rates of approximately 2.14%, present value savings of approximately $31.8 million and approximate savings of 17.7% on the refunded bonds. 5. This is a refinancing of DCURD debt. There is no cost to the City. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 17 Resolution - Approving a Grant Agreement with Humanities Texas in the Amount of $1,000.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Library Department. 2. Impact: The Humanities Texas Grant 2016 will, subject to the terms of the Grant Agreement, provide funds to the City in the amount of $1,000.00 for a visit by author Benjamin Alire Saenz. 3. The Grant Agreement requires the City to provide cost-sharing funds in an amount not to exceed $2,504.00 which will be provided to the City through the Big Read Grant. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 18 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Tiseo Paving Co., in the Amount of $14,962,624.20 for the Las Colinas Boulevard Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program and Water Utilities Departments. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This project will replace water, wastewater and storm water utilities, as well as re-construct existing roadway within the Las Colinas Urban Center, from Fuller Drive to approximately 900 feet east of Wingren, by providing a thicker and stronger paving section to promote a higher quality roadway. 3. This item was discussed at the September 7, 2016 Transportation and Natural Resources Committee meeting. 4. The existing six lane divided roadway will be converted to a four lane divided road with parallel parking, a bike lane and new pedestrian crossing facilities. The project was designed to meet the Las Colinas Urban Center Master Plan from Sasaki. 5. The project will also include up to 16-inch diameter water mains, 8-inch diameter wastewater lateral crossings, various storm pipes up to 48-inches in diameter, 46 10-foot to 15-foot recessed curb storm inlets, 165 street light foundations along with signal pole and signal cabinet foundations. 6. Bids were received from 2 bidders. Tiseo Paving Co., submitted the lowest responsive responsible bid of $14,962,624.20. This is $452,364.80 (2.94%) below the project estimate. 7. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is 15% 8. Funding in the amount of $11,302,445.00 is available within the Street Improvement Bond Fund and funding in the amount of $2,700,000.00 is available within the Water Improvement Bond Fund and Funding in the amount of $960,179.20 is available within the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 20 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Health and Human Services for Control of Communicable Disease Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $81,906.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Code Enforcement Department. This item supports Strategic Objective 4.1: Safeguard public safety, security and health. 2. Impact: Providing preventive health services helps to promote a healthier lifestyle and improved quality of life for Irving residents. 3. This agreement establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide control of communicable disease services. This contract includes services for tuberculosis control, sexually transmitted diseases, laboratory tests, immunizations, and wellbaby exams. 4. This contract cost is based on the prior year amount with no increase. 5. There are no changes to service levels or deliverables. 6. Funding in the amount of $81,906.00 is available in the Code Enforcement budget within the Health Board Program Fund. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 is available and subject to approval of FY16-17 budget. 21 Resolution - Approving Special Event Permit Application for SRV Classic Car Cruise and Show Hosted by Texas Musicians Museum to be Held on September 30 and October 1, 2016, at 222 and 213-221 East Irving Boulevard Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department. 2. Impact: The Texas Musicians Museum hosts special events in the downtown Irving/Heritage Crossing area to increase awareness and encourage support of the local businesses. 3. The City leased the building at 222 E. Irving Boulevard to the Texas Musicians Museum (TMM) beginning July 14, 2015, for the purpose of operating the Texas Musicians Museum and Texas Music Garden, along with related uses to provide a unique experience and attract visitors, businesses, and investors to Heritage Crossing. As a part of the lease agreement, TMM may host music or festival events on the City-owned parking lot at 213-221 E. Irving Boulevard on the north side of Irving Boulevard directly across the street from TMM. These events are envisioned as multi-day events that include live music, craft and specialty vendors, and food and beverage vendors. 4. The City’s Special Event Permit Application requires City Council approval for all events with time periods that exceed four and one-half hours, are multi-day events, occur anytime other than between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., or occur on days other than Saturday or Sunday. 5. This special event permit is for the SRV Classic Car Cruise and Show on September 30 and October 1, 2016. 6. This agenda item is for the Special Event Permit only and thus has no fiscal impact. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 22 Resolution - Approving the FY2016-17 Sister Cities/International Trade Development and Assistant Center Services Contract Between the City of Irving, Texas and the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce in the Amount of $164,800.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Economic Development Department 2. Impact: This agreement will approve FY2016-17 funding of the contract with the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce to provide sister cities and international trade development services to the city. 3. The Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce will carry out a program of exchanges between the City and its participating sister cities, which are focused on business, but may also be cultural, artistic, educational, economic, community, and/or other appropriate forms of exchanges, in keeping with the purpose of the worldwide sister cities program. 4. Funding in the amount of $164,800.00 is available in the Economic Development budget within the Economic Development Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 23 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending with Dataprose, LLC in an Annual Amount of $255,432.00 for Utility Bill Printing, Mailing and Offset Printing Services through an Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the City of Allen Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 1.1 – Contain costs and increase operational efficiency. 2. Impact: The establishment of a Vendor-Member contract between the City of Irving and DataProse, LLC for utilization of a City of Allen contract #2014-5-225 for utility bill printing, mailing, and offset printing services allows the city to procure these services under the best possible terms and conditions. 3. Water Utilities has been very pleased with the services DataProse has provided in its first year. It is recommended that spending be renewed for a one-year term in the amount of $255,432.00. 4. The original contract was awarded on July 2, 2015 for a 15-month term with implementation of services to commence on Oct 1, 2015 and end on September 30, 2016. 5. Prior to outsourcing, city staff printed, folded, and stuffed bill statements into envelopes with a bill sorter in the Print Shop that was 12 years old and had no parts available for repairs. 6. A Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and DataProse, LLC, was approved on July 2, 2015 by Resolution 2015-227 for spending in the annual amount of $255,432.00. This contract supports utilization of the City of Allen Interlocal Agreement, Contract #2014-5-225 Utility Bill Printing, Mailing, and Offset Printing Services which expires on January 9, 2019. 7. Funding is available in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund subject to budget appropriation for Fiscal Year 2016-17. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 24 Resolution - Authorizing the Ratification of Expenditures to Paymentus Corporation in the Amount of $240,000.00 and Renewing an Agreement for Water Utility On-Line Services in the Estimated Amount of $480,900.00 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 1.1 – Contain costs and increase operational efficiency. 2. Impact: The agreement with Paymentus allows water utility customers to make web payments on a secure, hosted web portal or pay by telephone using credit card, debit card, or eChecks. 3. This item will be presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. Tele-Works has been a business partner with the city for over ten years providing departments with call-out service and just recently, pay by phone for utility customers. 5. Paymentus acquired Tele-Works through a merger acquisition on April 17, 2014, thus providing more flexibility to meet the needs of our customers with a modern electronic bill presentment and payment solution. 6. Paymentus went live in May 2016 giving customers the choice to make a one-time payment without having to register an online account or set up a customized account portal to manage payment and paperless preferences. 7. The ratification provides funding for invoices received from implementation to the end of the fiscal year. 8. The agreement includes the subscription service of $30,900.00, and funding for the department to pay for transactional fees made by customers through the web or phone system in the estimated amount of $450,000.00. 9. Funding in the amount of $480,900.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 25 Resolution - Approving the Single Source Proposal No. 11514 with Siemens Industry, Inc., in an Estimated Amount of $275,180.00 for the Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of a New 600 HP Variable Frequency Drive for the Hackberry Pump Station Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 - Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: Water Utilities obtained a single source proposal for the replacement of a 600 HP medium voltage variable frequency drive (VFD) at the Hackberry Pump Station. The current drive is about 15 years old and needs to be replaced due to lack of available spare parts and inability to perform preventative maintenance. 3. This item will be presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. Many of the pumps at the Hackberry Pump Station have VFDs that vary the frequency of the power that is supplied to the pump motor to change the speed of the motor and the flow of the water. 5. The scope of services include the VFD design engineering, project management, installation supervision, electrical contractor to perform installation, the removal of old drive, delivery of new drive, and start up and commissioning services. 6. The proposal also includes Siemens product terms and conditions, service terms and conditions, and general license conditions for software products. 7. The goal of this project is to order the VFD after award so the VFD can be built and delivered by this time next year in order to initiate the change out in November 2017. 8. This is the first of three VFDs at the Hackberry Pump Station that will require replacement due to age, obsolete parts, and inability to perform preventative maintenance. 9. Funding is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund in the amount of $190,000.00 and in the Water and Sewer Non-Bond CIP Fund in the amount of $85,180.00. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 26 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 2 to N.G. Painting, L.P., in the Amount of $211,000.00 for the Rehabilitation of the Finley Elevated Storage Tank and Hackberry Ground Storage Tank No. 4 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This change order will improve the reliability of the Finley Elevated Storage Tank. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 8, 2016. 4. Replacement of the 24-inch riser pipe on the Finley Elevated Storage Tank was not included in the original rehabilitation project. On June 1, 2016, the 24-inch cast iron main between the isolation valve and the 24-inch riser pipe failed. In response, it was deemed necessary to replace the 55-year old 24-inch riser pipe as well as the 24-inch main between Pleasant Run Road and the 24-inch riser to improve the reliability of the tank. This change order includes replacement of the 24-inch riser pipe. 5. The total amount of the change order is $211,000.00. This increases the total contract amount to $2,086,125.00. 6. An additional 259 calendar days was added to bring the final completion date to December 15, 2016, to account for days lost due to inclement weather and additional work. 7. Funding in the amount of $211,000.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 27 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $285,000.00 for the Emergency Repair of a 24-inch Water Main at Finley Elevated Storage Tank Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: A 24-inch cast iron water main that serves Finley Elevated Storage Tank at 3527 Pleasant Run Road failed between the isolation valve and the 24-inch riser pipe, causing the tank to be shut down. Water Utilities Director Todd Reck declared the repair an emergency on June 2, 2016. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on June 8, 2016 and will be presented again on September 21, 2016. 4. Water Utilities obtained quotes from three contractors, and identified SYB Construction Company, Inc., as the contractor providing the lowest cost for replacing the 24-inch pipe between Pleasant Run Road and the tank. They were able to mobilize quickly in order to complete the repair. 5. Funding in the amount of $285,000.00 was available within the Water and Sewer System Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 28 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Community Development Corporation For the Redevelopment of 2219 Muret (Postponed from August 4, 2016) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood revitalization and increase housing options for Irving residents. 3. This property was obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) for renovation and resale to a qualified first-time homebuyer. The City of Irving completed all necessary repairs, as per contract. However, due to delays which affected the City’s ability to sell the property, subsequent foundation damage occurred. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), administrator of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, determined that it was not cost efficient to perform further repairs to the home. TDHCA funded the demolition of the property, with the understanding that the City of Irving would fund the reconstruction of the property through one of its community housing development organizations (CHDO). 4. The transfer of this property was previously approved (RES 2016-179) by the Irving City Council; however, TDHCA would not agree to release its lien on the property. In discussions with TDHCA, it was determined that TDHCA would maintain ownership of the property during construction and that the City of Irving and TDHCA would enter into a ground lease contract with a CHDO in order to complete the construction. 5. Irving Community Development Corporation (ICDC) will build the single family detached home on this property. 6. Construction of this home is anticipated to be completed by April 2017. 7. This item was recommended for approval by the Housing and Human Services Board at its July 20, 2016 board meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 30 Resolution - Approving a Vendor/Member Contract Pursuant to a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Irving and Red the Uniform Tailor in an Amount Not to Exceed $197,450.00 for As-Needed Purchases of Uniforms and Miscellaneous Gear and Accessories through an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Police Department, Municipal Courts and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: Establishment of a Vendor/Member contract between the City of Irving and the Red the Uniform Tailor for utilization of City of Frisco Contract #1306-06 which expires August 6, 2017 will allow the city to purchase uniforms and related items under the best possible terms and conditions for the city. 3. Approval of this contract supports as-needed purchases of stab body armor, police Class “A” and Class “B” uniforms, and other miscellaneous items such as bike uniforms, windbreakers, battle dress uniforms, etc. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2015-16 is available in the Police Department budget and Municipal Court budget within the General Fund while funding for Fiscal Year 2016- 17 is subject to budget appropriation. 5. Because this contract runs from September 23, 2016, through August 6, 2017, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. 31 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of Bound Tree Medical, LLC, Henry Schein Inc., Midwest Medical Supply Co., LLC, Moore Medical LLC, Nashville Medical & EMS Products, Inc., QuadMed, Inc., and Southeastern Emergency Equipment in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.00 for Medical Supplies Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Fire Department. 2. Impact: Firefighters and paramedics are able to provide the highest quality of treatment for residents by having these approved supplies available for use in emergency response vehicles. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of purchasing medical supplies. The current contract expires September 30, 2016. This award is for one year with two one-year renewals. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund. 32 Resolution - Approving Additional Spending with Ford Audio-Video Systems, LLC, in the Total Amount of $76,366.25 for the Purchase of Microphones and Related Accessories through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (The BuyBoard Program) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Irving Arts Center and the Financial Services Department – Purchasing Division. 2. Impact: The purchase of new equipment will enable the Arts Center to provide a high level of service and resources for clients and patrons of the facility. 3. A Vendor/Member Contract between the City of Irving and Ford Audio-Video Systems, LLC, for utilization of BuyBoard Contract No. 482-15 was approved by Administrative Award 4868 in the amount of $9,900.00 for an assessment of the Irving Arts Center audio system in both theaters. Upon approval of this purchase, expenditures under this contract will total $86,266.25. 4. This additional purchase of microphones and related accessories through the utilization of this contract will enable the city to purchase audio visual systems and equipment under the best possible terms and conditions for the city. The contract expires April 30, 2017. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Irving Arts Center budget within the Irving Arts Center General Fund. 33 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Epicenter Productions, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $103,000.00 for Stage, Sound, Lighting, Video and Special Effects Production for City of Irving Special Events Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Stage, sound, lighting, video and special effects production services are needed at citywide special events to provide music and visual entertainment. 3. This award establishes an annual contract for the continuation of providing special events production services. The current contract expires on September 30, 2016. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Parks and Recreation Department budget within the General and Miscellaneous Special Revenue Funds. 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Proposal from PST Services Inc., (a McKesson Company) for Billing and Collection of Emergency Medical Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Financial Services Department and the Fire Department. 2. Impact: This contract allows the city to have continuity of billing and collection services in connection with emergency medical services provided by the Fire Department. 3. The vendor will receive 4.3% commission on collection of billed accounts, compared to the current commission rate of 4.5%. 4. Revenue received as a result of this contract for Billing and Collection of Emergency Medical Services will be deposited in the city’s lockbox and recorded in the Fire Department budget within the General Fund; average collections in the past have been approximately $2,100,000.00 per year. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 35 Resolution - Approving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Tristar Risk Management in the Total Estimated Amount of $186,600.00 for Third Party Administration Services for Claims, FML, 504 and Environmental Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Human Resources Department. 2. Impact: Third party administration services are required for administration of workers’ compensation claims in order to maintain the city’s regulatory compliance with the Division of Workers’ Compensation, Texas Department of Insurance (DWC-TDI). These services also provide administration of city employee family and medical leave (FML) requests in compliance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, as well as administration of liability claims against the city. 3. Risk Management is recommending a five month contract extension as outlined in Supplemental Agreement No. 1. This extension would begin on October 1, 2016 and extend the current contract for third party administration services with TRISTAR Risk Management in order to maintain the City’s regulatory compliance. 4. TRISTAR is willing to accept the contract extension with all pricing, terms and conditions remaining the same as the current contract which expires on September 30, 2016, ensuring no increases during the extension period. The extension will provide the opportunity for Risk Management to re-issue a request for proposals for these services incorporating clarification of requirements, perform a thorough review of responses, and have adequate time for transition to another service provider should that be required. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 will be available within the Self Insurance Fund. 36 Resolution - Rejecting All Proposals for Third Party Administration Services for Claims, FML, 504 and Environmental Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Human Resources Department. 2. Impact: Third party administration services are required to keep the city safe and compliant with regulatory needs. The city’s Self-Insurance Fund provides a selfinsured retention level for workers’ compensation and liability claims which required handling in a manner compliant with State rules and the Family and Medical Leave Act. In addition, this contract provides for handling of claims through a 504 network as well as providing safety and health reviews for environmental compliance issues. 3. A request for proposals for third party administration services was issued on July 12, 2016. Five responses were received and reviewed by an evaluation team made up of staff from Human Resources, Solid Waste Services, the City Attorney’s Office, and the Fire Department. 4. Based upon the significant variances in pricing provided by the respondents, staff feels that it is in the best interests of the city to reject all proposals and re-issue a request for proposals (RFP) which provides detailed clarifications for those items where variance was the greatest. The new RFP will also require that a detailed timeline for implementation of services be provided by all respondents. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 37 Resolution - Approving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with MasTec North America, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,832.51 for Freeway and Street Lighting Maintenance and On-Call Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: This maintenance and on call contract will provide monthly and emergency services for the freeway and street lighting systems within the City of Irving. 3. This Supplemental Agreement No. 1 will extend the contract up to six months for freeway and street lighting maintenance and on call services, until final changes in the scope of the Midtown Express project can be determined. The original contract expires on September 30, 2016. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Traffic & Transportation budget within the General Fund and the Street Improvement Bond Fund. 38 Resolution - Renewing the Contract with Fannin Tree Farm in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 Annually for Tree Transplanting Services Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Department and the Parks & Recreation Department. 2. Impact: Tree transplanting services include removal, moving and transplanting city trees which would otherwise be destroyed and removed from the urban forest landscape that the CIP and Parks & Recreation departments promote and protect within the City of Irving. 3. A verbal update will be provided to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide tree transplanting services. The original contract was awarded to the contractor scoring the highest points based upon established evaluation criteria in a request for proposals process. The current contract expires on September 30, 2016. This is the first of two two-year renewal options. 5. These services will be used as required on a per-project basis and expenditures will be from the specific project construction accounts. 6. Funding for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 will be available in various departmental budgets within various funds subject to budget appropriation. 7. Because this contract runs from October 2016 through September 2018, it is possible that more than the estimated amounts shown in the chart below may be spent in one operating year or the other as long as there are budget funds available to accommodate that year’s additional purchases and the total contract award amount is not exceeded. 39 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with Brittain & Crawford, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $119,650.00 for Deed Georeferencing Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Department. 2. Impact: Georeferencing of deeds provides a point and click solution to verify the existence of an easement and documentation of property acquired for street widening, enhancing CIP’s ability to provide a high level of customer service to both internal and external customers who need quick access to this information. 3. This renewal provides for the continuation of a contract for deed georeferencing. The original contract was awarded to the contractor offering the best value to the city based on established evaluation criteria in a best value bid process. The current contract expires September 30, 2016. This is the first of four one-year renewal options. 4. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 will be available in the Non-Bond CIP Fund. 40 Resolution - Ratification of Payments Made to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Total Amount of $55,275.00 for the Emergency Repair of MacArthur Boulevard at Four Seasons Golf Course Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: All but one lane of MacArthur Boulevard was shut down twice next to the Four Seasons Golf Course for prolonged periods of time after rain storms due to recent street flooding. Upon investigation of the two drainage inlets and the 18-inch concrete pipe that runs from those inlets across the Four Seasons Golf Course, it was discovered that the 18-in pipe had severe blockage. Capital Improvement Program Department Director Casey Tate declared the repair an emergency on July 22, 2016. 3. A verbal update will be provided to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on September 21, 2016. 4. The blockage was caused by two cypress trees in the golf course whose roots had totally blocked the pipe. One location was very shallow and the Streets Division was able to remove the tree, then dig up, remove and replace the pipe as shown in the top and middle pictures of Exhibit A, attached. 5. The second location was nearly 13 feet deep and TV inspection revealed that an entire wheel and tire assembly was contributing to the blockage in addition to the cypress tree roots as evidenced in the bottom picture of Exhibit A. In-house crews did not have the proper shoring equipment to prevent making an extremely large and oversized excavation in the golf course; therefore, the CIP department solicited quotes from three contractors known to have proper shoring equipment to complete the excavation, removal, and replacement of this section of blocked pipe. 6. SYB Construction Company, Inc., provided the lowest quote of the vendors contacted who had the required equipment to perform the repair and was able to mobilize immediately. 7. Funding in the amount of $55,275.00 was available within the MDU Non-Bond CIP Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 41 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Itron, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $667,870.00 for Itron Encoder Receiver Transmitters (ERTs) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: Itron ERTs are utilized in the city’s automated metering system, enabling meter readers to have meter readings transmitted to a handheld or mobile device. This award will allow staff to continue with the current meter reading system and provides needed equipment for the transition over to a fixed network system through the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee Meeting on May 11, 2016, and is scheduled to be presented at the September 21, 2016 meeting. 4. This award establishes an annual contract to supply Itron Encoder Receiver Transmitters. This contract is for one year with two, one-year renewal options. 5. Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is subject to budget appropriation in the Water Utilities Department budget within the Water and Sewer System Fund. 42 Ordinance - Approving a First Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with KMS Retail Investments, LP for the Sale of 4.24 Acres of Land Located at 400 South MacArthur Boulevard Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. It supports Strategic Objective 3.1-Promote revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: The amendment extends the Inspection Period of the Purchase and Sale Agreement for six months, with the option to extend an additional six months. 3. This item was presented to the Planning and Development Committee on September 8, 2016. 4. Ordinance 2016-9782, accepted the bid in the amount of $923,470.00 by KMS Retail Investments, LP for the purchase of 4.24 acres of city–owned land located at 400 South MacArthur Boulevard. 5. KMS Retail Investments, LP, intends to redevelop the property and the adjacent shopping center as a grocery store anchored shopping center. The center is planned to include a fueling station, possible drive-thru restaurant and retail stores. 6. KMS Retail Investments, LP, will pay $923,470.00 cash at closing. Prior to closing, the developer is required to (1) acquire the adjacent shopping center, and (2) secure the proper zoning in accordance with the bid. The current contract calls for the inspection period to end on August 26 and a closing date of September 26, 2016. 7. The Developer has requested an extension of the Inspection Period and subsequent closing date due to the need to complete the negotiations with the grocer before proceeding with the zoning case. The Developer is still negotiating with multiple grocer anchors, and until those negotiations are complete, the zoning case cannot move forward. Please see the current and proposed deadlines summarized below. 8. This first amendment extends the Inspection Period to February 27, 2017 and includes an option to extend for an additional six months upon payment of an additional $10,000 earnest money. The closing date is calculated as 30 days after the expiration of the Inspection Period. 9. This item accompanies the proposed resolution amending the economic incentive agreement related to the development of the property at 400 S. MacArthur on this same agenda. The separate economic incentive agreement will be extended in similar increments as the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted. 43 Resolution - Approving a First Amendment to the Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of Irving and KMS Retail Investments, LP Related to the Development of the Property Located at 400 S. MacArthur Boulevard with a Grocery Store, Fueling Station and Associated Shopping Center to Extend Certain Deadlines in the Agreement Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Economic Development Department. It supports Strategic Objective 3.1-Promote revitalization of targeted areas. 2. Impact: This first amendment to the agreement provides for up to a one-year extension on certain deadlines in the agreement. 3. The item was presented to the Planning and Development Committee on September 8, 2016. 4. Resolution 2016-117, approved on March 17, 2016, was for an economic incentive agreement between the City of Irving and KMS Retail Investments, LP in the amount not to exceed $423,470 related to the purchase and development of the property located at 400 S. MacArthur Boulevard with a grocery store, fueling station and associated shopping center. 5. The sale price of the City land is $923,470.00. The current economic incentive agreement provides a grant to the developer not to exceed $423,470 over a ten-year period as long as certain minimum development criteria are met. Those criteria include (i) substantial completion and occupancy of the grocery store and related retail by January 31, 2020; (ii) continuous occupancy by the grocery store for 10 years and (iii) maintain a minimum increase in real property valuation of $3,000,000 and minimum increase in sales tax revenue of $20,000. The grant would be paid as measured by 80% of the new taxes generated by the development. 6. The Developer has requested an extension of the deadlines and milestones due to the need to complete the negotiations with the grocer before proceeding with the zoning case. The Developer is still negotiating with multiple grocer anchors, and until those negotiations are complete, the zoning case cannot move forward. Please see the current and proposed deadlines/milestones summarized below. 7. This item accompanies the proposed ordinance amending the acceptance of the bid from KMS for the sale of the property at 400 S. MacArthur on this same agenda. Recommendation The resolution be approved. 44 Ordinance - Appointing Judges to Irving Municipal Court Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Municipal Court Services. 2. Impact: This ordinance appoints experienced and qualified attorneys who are City residents to preside over the Irving Municipal Court. 3. In accordance with Chapters 29 and 30 of the Texas Government Code, this ordinance updates the terms of all current judges including the alternates. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted. 45 Ordinance - Amending Section 21-88.1 of Chapter 21 Entitled "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, to Repeal Expired Construction Speed Zones and Establish a New Construction Speed Zone to Reduce Speed Limits for Loop 12; Providing a Penalty; Providing a Savings Clause; and Providing a Severability Clause. Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: The approval of a reduction in the speed limit in the construction zone along Loop 12, which enhances the safety of the motoring public, and allows effective enforcement. 3. TxDOT and SouthGate Contractors, JV requested the City reduce the speed limit from the north city limits to Union Bower Road along Loop12 from 70 MPH to 60 MPH for the duration of the Midtown Express Project. 4. This ordinance establishes a safe and effective regulation of speed in the construction zone. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted 46 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 47 of the City of Irving, Texas, Land Development Codes Entitled "Flood Damage Prevention" by Adding Section 47-18 to Adopt an Operations and Maintenance Plan for the Running Bear Park Levee System and Providing a Severability Clause Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Department. 2. Impact: The Running Bear Park Levee meets the criteria to protect 47 homes from the 100 year flood of the West Fork of the Trinity River. 3. The Running Bear Park Levee was built in the early 1970’s based on plans dated December 1972. This levee was protecting 47 homes from the 100 year flood event from Bear Creek and West Fork Trinity River. 4. In 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) decertified the levee from providing protection to these homes due to it not having enough freeboard (height above the 100 year flood elevation). 5. The City of Irving has made improvements to the levee to add the additional height required by FEMA. Application for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) has been made and comments from FEMA have been received. 6. The adoption of the Running Bear Park Levee Operations and Maintenance requirements into the City’s ordinances is the final comment from FEMA that needs to be addressed. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Resolution - Supporting High Speed Rail from Houston to the North Texas Region Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the City Manager’s Office and Traffic & Transportation Department. 2. Impact: The High Speed Rail Project from Houston to the North Texas region will provide efficient passenger connectivity between two of the largest population and economic development areas in the state and will set the precedent for other High Speed Rail projects in the future. 3. This resolution was presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting on July 20, 2016. 4. No funding is required. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Community Development Corporation For the Redevelopment of 2219 Muret (Postponed from August 4, 2016) Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development Department. 2. Impact: This project will promote neighborhood revitalization and increase housing options for Irving residents. 3. This property was obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) for renovation and resale to a qualified first-time homebuyer. The City of Irving completed all necessary repairs, as per contract. However, due to delays which affected the City’s ability to sell the property, subsequent foundation damage occurred. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), administrator of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, determined that it was not cost efficient to perform further repairs to the home. TDHCA funded the demolition of the property, with the understanding that the City of Irving would fund the reconstruction of the property through one of its community housing developmentorganizations (CHDO). 4. The transfer of this property was previously approved (RES 2016-179) by the Irving City Council; however, TDHCA would not agree to release its lien on the property. In discussions with TDHCA, it was determined that TDHCA would maintain ownership of the property during construction and that the City of Irving and TDHCA would enter into a ground lease contract with a CHDO in order to complete the construction. 5. Irving Community Development Corporation (ICDC) will build the single family detached home on this property. 6. Construction of this home is anticipated to be completed by April 2017. 7. This item was recommended for approval by the Housing and Human Services Board at its July 20, 2016 board meeting. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Authorizing Assignment of Funds to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Release of Federal Investment Associated with the La Buena Vida House in the Amount of $214,330.95 Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Planning and Community Development department. 2. Impact: This action will release the federal investment and allow the La Buena Vida Youth Leadership Foundation to provide services without federal requirements. 3. The Irving City Council approved a contract between the City of Irving and La Buena Vida Youth Leadership Foundation (LBVF) on August 7, 2014 (RES-2014-267), whereby funds from the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Grant would be used to construct a facility to house homeless students. 4. LBVF has found it difficult to meet the regulatory requirements under HOME funding and has therefore been unable to meet its stated objectives. 5. This resolution would enable the City of Irving to assign $214,330.95 for payment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and LBVF would provide an additional $200,000.00 toward HUD payment. The City of Irving would contract with LBVF to provide homeless services to youth at the La Buena Vida House, subject to performance measures agreed upon by the City of Irving, and alien would be placed on the property for five years. 6. An amount of $214,330.95 will be assigned for this purpose, and the assigned funds will come from fiscal year 2016 savings in account 1001-1001-561517-100 within the non-departmental budget. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Ordinance - Second and Final Reading - Amending Chapter 33 Entitled "Refuse, Garbage and Weeds" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, Providing for New Monthly Charges for Refuse Pickup Service for Residences, Apartments, and Churches Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by Solid Waste Services. 2. Impact: A 19% increase to solid waste rates will help provide for the operational needs of the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. 3. This item was presented to the City Council on August 25, 2016. 4. The need for the proposed rate increase is primarily driven by the addition of personnel and equipment to accommodate new growth and replacing capital vehicles and equipment inside the Solid Waste Fund. 5. The proposed schedule of solid waste fees include an increase in the residential fee to $23.26 per month and the seniors/disabled fee to $18.61 per month. 6. The discount for residential customers who are age sixty-five (65) or older or who are receiving social security disability income remains at twenty (20) percent. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Second and Final Reading - Amending Chapter 52 Entitled "Water and Sewer Rates" of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, Providing for New Monthly Water and Sewer Rates Administrative Comments 1. This item has been recommended by the Water Utilities Department. 2. Impact: A 7.0% increase to both water and sewer rates will help provide for the operational needs of the water and sewer system and commitments made to bond rating agencies. 3. The proposal 7% increase is consistent with the five-year rate plan approved by the City Council on September 3, 2015. 4. The need for the proposed rate increase is primarily driven by increasing passthrough cost for contracted services. Irving contracts with the Trinity River Authority (TRA) for sewage treatment and this pass-through cost is expected to increase $1.0 million in FY 2016-17. Pass-through costs from the City of Dallas and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) also increased. 5. The rate adjustment is projected to increase revenues to approximately $95.8 million. The proposed budget is also $95.8 million and it includes a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) of $27,810,000.00. The CIP is projected to be funded with $7.02 million in cash (Non-bond CIP) and $20.79 million in bonds. 6. This annual debt service coverage ratio is projected to be 1.47 which is below the Moody’s scorecard criteria of 1.70 for Irving’s current “AA” bond rating. A multi-year rate plan was approved by the City Council to build the coverage ratio up to the level expected by bond rating agencies. 7. The monthly bill for the average residential customer with 10,000 gallons of water and 8,000 gallons of wastewater would increase $4.45 from $63.00 to $67.45 under the proposed rates. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
ZONING CASES AND COMPANION ITEMS Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC15-0091- Granting PUD (Planned Unit Development) for S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) Uses - Approximately 0.09 Acres Located at 6761 N. MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 150 - ModMarket, LLC, Applicant - LG MacArthur 161, LLC, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Approval, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The subject property is a 3,920 sq. ft. lease space in a multi-tenant retail center. A new Modern Market restaurant is requesting rezoning to allow the accessory use of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. 4. The restaurant will have 120 interior seats, and a patio with 18 seats, for a total of 138 seats. A total of 55 parking spaces are required at one space per 2.5 seats, and are provided in the shopping center parking lot. 5. This is a companion item to Development Plan DVP15-0007, which was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 6, 2016. 6. The request meets all of the requirements of the R-AB ordinance. 7. A total of five (5) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or opposition. 8. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC15-0095 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for FWY (Freeway) District Uses Including Custodian and Security Residences and Daycare Uses - Approximately 3.9 Acres Located at 315 E. Airport Freeway - Autumn Traylor, Applicant - K Series I LLC., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone to September 19, 2016, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends State Highway 183 Redevelopment Corridor uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to renovate one of the existing office buildings for a daycare. 4. The property is currently developed with one single-story office building, two 2-story office buildings, a 2-story business file storage facility, a 2-story custodial and security residence and a single-story meeting/event hall. The applicant is leasing the 6,000 sq. ft. single-story office building for the daycare use. 5. The previous site plan approved this property for FWY (Freeway) district uses and included the custodial and security residences. This rezoning would only add the daycare as a permitted use. 6. The building is currently vacant. The parking and access on the existing site can accommodate the proposed daycare use, and the building could easily convert back to office uses without rezoning should the daycare use cease. The daycare will utilize some of the interior open space for children’s recreation. 7. The site plan does retain all the notes from the previously-approved site plan, with the added note that “Building design and landscaping shall comply with the State Highway 183 Overlay District requirements for new construction”. 8. A total of eight (8) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition. 9. Staff believes the daycare use to be compatible with the surrounding uses and can support this request. 10. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0034 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-O (Commercial Office) and Senior Independent Living Facility District Uses - Approximately 1.52 Acres Located at 1717 W. Irving Boulevard - Delta 8 Properties, Applicant - II C.B., L.P., Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – a vote to recommend “approval” failed to pass, 4-4(Commissioners French, Allen, Niemeier and Taylor, nay; Commissioner Zeske, absent). Since a majority of the Planning and Zoning Commission present did not vote in favor of the application, the Commission’s recommendation is determined to be a recommendation for “denial”, per the Commission’s bylaws. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Irving Blvd. Redevelopment Corridor uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The property is undeveloped and zoned S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for an Assisted Living Facility. 4. The 1.52-acre site is proposed to be developed with a 4-story Senior Independent Living facility. The facility will provide the following amenities and services: a) Residents will be limited to persons 62 years of age or older. b) Community kitchen for use by residents to include space to accommodate catered meals that may be ordered by community members. c) A club room that accommodates communal dining. d) A club room that is adaptable to smaller special events. e) Qualified and reputable housekeeping services shall be made available to residents desiring such. f) Qualified and reputable transportation providers shall be made available to those residents desiring such. g) The facility will have limited and controlled access to the building and to the property including electronic security gates. h) Assist (grab) bars easy access type door handles and locks will be located in individual handicap units and common area bathrooms and common corridors will feature grab assists. i) Interior common areas will be provided to support resident activities and programs. j) Exterior common areas will provide amenities such as landscaped courtyards, water features, passive and active assembly space, and outdoor cooking areas. k) Management will provide an on-site activities director. l) A multi-function space will be provided for visiting professionals to meet and counsel privately with residents. m) Activity programs will be available for the resident’s participation. n) Parking available on at least a 1:1 ratio of spaces per unit. o) Emergency call system with alarms in bedrooms and bathrooms will be made available to residents. Response services provided by an independent specialty senior medical home alert service provided. p) In lieu of 5,000 sq. ft. non-corridor space for common area usage requirement, owner/agent/manager will provide all residents with memberships to City of Irving Heritage Senior Center and provide shuttle services to and from the center. 5. The facility will have 67 units and 3,500 sq. ft. of community space. Parking will be provided at a minimum of 1 space per unit with 11 visitor parking spaces, a reduction of less than 3% to the typical 1.2 per unit. 6. The applicant has included on the site plan the definition for a “Senior Independent Living Facility” with the city’s standard notes. 7. The site plan also includes the following notes: ? Side yard setback shall be 40 feet adjacent to single family zoned property. ? Landscape buffers along property lines adjacent to non-residentially zoned and single family zoned properties shall be as shown on the site plan. 8. The site plan also notes that a “Knox Box shall be installed at the south east entrance”. 9. The building meets the requirements of the Commercial Design Standards and the Multifamily Development Standards, and landscaping shall be provided as shown on the “Landscape Plan”. 10. A total of 24 public notices were mailed. Staff received none in support and 24 in opposition. The opposition represents 26.5% of the land within 200 feet of the subject property. Since this is greater than 20%, per state law a ¾ vote is required for approval. 11. Since the existing zoning would allow an assisted living facility, staff does not consider the change to a senior independent living facility to be a major change in use, and can support this case. 12. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. 13. On Friday, September 16, 2016, the applicant requested that this case be postponed indefinitely. The case will be re-advertised once the applicant is ready to proceed. Recommendation Postpone indefinitely.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0056 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) and Guest Quarters Uses - Approximately 1.37 Acres Located at 1319 N. Irving Heights Drive - Thomas Spink, Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 6, 2016 – Postpone to September 19, 2016, 8-0 (Commissioner Zeske, absent). September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Low Density Residential uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to allow an accessory dwelling unit (“guest house”). 4. The applicant is proposing to convert an existing accessory structure into a guest quarters. The proposed 18-ft. x 40-ft. guest quarters would have two rooms, a bathroom with a shower and a closet. It would be located 5-ft. from the north side property line and 180 feet from the front property line. 5. The property is a 1.37 acre tract with a driveway that allows additional off-street parking along the side and rear of the main house. 6. Staff can support this request since (a) the property is 1.37 acres and large enough to accommodate the guest quarters, (b) there is a large driveway with adequate offstreet parking spaces for the main dwelling and the guest quarters, (c) the proposed guest quarters has only two rooms plus bathroom and closet, and does not have a kitchen, making it difficult to rent as a separate apartment, (d) the guest quarters is only 720 sq. ft. and one story high, clearly accessory to the main house, and (e) the applicant has noted on the site plan that the guest house will not have separate utility meters and shall be keyed to match the main house. However, staff recommends that an additional note be added stating that the guest house will not be separately rented from the main house. Staff can only support this case with this stipulation. 7. A total of 26 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition. 8. This items supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted, subject to adding a note to the site plan stating that the guest house shall not be separately rented from the main house.
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC16-0064 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) and Hotel and Related Uses - Approximately 4.37 Acres Located on the Northeast Corner of Promenade Parkway and W. Las Colinas Boulevard - Valencia Development Corp., Applicant - Tract 10 Properties, Owner Administrative Comments 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: September 19, 2016 – Pending. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation will be provided during the work session. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Mixed Use for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The applicant is seeking approval of a revised site plan for a 148-room “Texican” hotel and an 83-seat restaurant with outside dining. 4. The applicant previously received approval for a similarly-designed hotel in 2014, per zoning case ZC13-0045. The main differences between the previouslyapproved site plan and the new proposed site plan include: a. Increases the room count from 134 to 148. b. Adds an interior room corridor for 25 rooms. c. Increases restaurant seating from 55 seats to 83 seats, including a patio d. Increases the total meeting space from 2,000 square feet to 3,570 square feet. e. Modifies the internal traffic circulation plan on the north side of the building. f. Required parking increases from 161 spaces to 194 spaces. Total parking provided is reduced from 161 parking spaces to 157 spaces. g. Changes to the some of the exterior building elevations, primarily to accommodate the changes to the enlarged building footprint. h. Includes a unit for a full-time resident manager. 5. The applicant is seeking a parking variance; however, the parking variance is within the standards the City has used for other hotels. Per the TOD ordinance, the hotel can receive up to a 10% reduction in the required parking due to the proximity of the DART station. Additionally, the City has routinely approved an additional 10% reduction with the provision of airport shuttles. This applicant is providing airport shuttles and the availability of valet parking at peak times. 6. Architecturally, the building elevations are very similar to those originally approved in 2014. The building will use a Spanish-style architecture, with extensive use of white stucco, along with brick and stone accents/wainscoting and a tile roof. Certain changes were made to accommodate the building changes; however, significant articulation and variety is still provided on all sides. The hotel design still utilizes several architectural features, including wrought iron, arches, columns, and a “bell tower”. Other changes include relocating the restaurant area to the corner and providing an outdoor patio, the “Alamo-themed” architecture at the corner, and minor changes to the “bell tower” and window design. 7. A total of eight (8) public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 8. Staff believes this design brings the building closer to the hotel development standards by increasing the meeting space, the number of rooms, and adding some interior units. The parking variance requested by the applicant is acceptable given the proximity to the rail station and the provision of shuttles and valet services. Additionally, the building design is substantively similar to the design approved in 2014, and the parking lot layout is actually improved. For these reasons, staff can support this request. 9. This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 – Effectively plan and manage land use