Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, December 09, 2015 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, December 10, 2015 5 Resolution - Approving a 3.5% Step Increase in Salary for the City Manager 6 Resolution - Approving Special Events Permit Applications for the 2016 City of Irving Citywide Special Events, to Include the Irving Concert Series, Taste of Irving, Canal Fest, Independence Day Fireworks Celebration, Independence Day Parade, Laughs by the Lake, Irving Main Street Event, and Holiday Extravaganza Parade and Fireworks Program 7 Resolution - Approving Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District Agreement and Release of Liability for Access/Use of District Property for 2016 City of Irving Citywide Special Events Occurring Along Lake Carolyn And/Or the Mandalay Canal, to Include Canal Fest, Independence Day Fireworks Show, and Laughs by the Lake 8 Resolution - Reimbursing the City of Irving for Capital Expenditures for Equipment in Advance of Lease Purchase Agreement or Other Financing in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,516,904 9 Resolution - Authorizing the City Attorney's Office to File a Lawsuit to Require Code Compliance on Property Located at 1208 South Britain Road, Irving, Texas 10 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc., in the Amount of $1,430,564.76 for the Sterling, Gloucester, Ridgewood and Lawson Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 11 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $1,736,639.60 for the Regal Ridge Parkway, Recognition Point Drive, Irving Heights Drive and Singleton Boulevard Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 12 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $1,074,963.25 for the Millswood Lane and Sam Hill Street Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 13 Resolution - Approving the Sole Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $52,533.24 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support 14 Resolution ~ Nominating American Airlines to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank for Designation as a Qualified Business and an Enterprise Project Under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code 15 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Turnback Request Letter to the Texas Department of Transportation to Commence the Negotiation Process for Transfer of Ownership and Maintenance of Irving Boulevard and Second Street from Strickland Plaza on the East to Sowers Road on the West to the City of Irving 16 Resolution - Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Gateway Planning Group, Inc., in the Amount of $50,000.00 for the Heritage Crossing Downtown Implementation Plan 17 Resolution - Authorizing the Taking of Bids for the Sale of Tax Foreclosed Property Located at 1100 North Union Bower Road 18 Resolution - Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Property Located at 126 West Second Street in the Amount of $210,000.00 -CGSZ, LLC, Property Owner 19 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 250 West Airport Freeway in the Amount of $32,834.83, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Parklane Corporation -Property Owner 20 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 2440 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $45,040.00, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Nirali Hospitality, LLC-Property Owner 21 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisitions Located at 1251 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $36,699.75, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Clay Cooley Real Estate Holdings 3 LLC- Property Owner 23 Resolution - Awarding a Three Year Technical Service Agreement in the Amount of $177,159.00 to Siemens Industry, Inc., for Preventative Maintenance Services for Pumps at the Hackberry, Northgate, MacArthur and Lake Chapman Pump Stations 24 Resolution - Supporting an Application of the City of Dallas for a Municipal Setting Designation on a Portion of the Trinity River Floodway in Dallas, Texas 25 Resolution - Approving the Interlocal Facility Use Agreement Between the Irving Arts Center and the Irving Independent School District for the Annual Exhibition of USD Artwork to be Exhibited at the Irving Arts Center from March 1, 2016 -April 11, 2016 26 Resolution - Approving Additional Funds for As-Needed Purchases from G&K Services, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 for Uniforms & Accessories for Various Areas through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) 27 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of DACO Fire Equipment Inc., Fire Supply Inc., and Municipal Emergency Services Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $145,802.00 for Bunker Clothing 28 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Sav-On Fence Inc., in the Total Amount of $87,096.70 for Fencing and Installation at Park Facilities 29 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with F & F Concrete, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Concrete Repairs or Installation of Sidewalks, Streets and Alleys 30 Resolution - Ratification of Expenditure to S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., in the Total Amount of $2,136,907.28 for Emergency Sewer Repairs in and Around Lake Carolyn 31 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $123,251.02 for Iron Fittings 32 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Mueller Systems, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $228,000.00 for Hersey Registers 33 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Texas Municipal Equipment in the Total Amount of $54,779.55 for Sewer Hoses and Rods 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of George-McKenna Electrical, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $71,850.00 For Electrical Services for Water Utilities 35 Ordinance - Calling a Regular Municipal Election to be Held on Saturday, May 7, 2016, for the Purpose of Electing City Council Places One (1), Two (2), and Seven (7), and Calling a Subsequent Run-Off Election, If Necessary 36 Ordinance - Amending Ordinance No. 2010-9229 to Reduce the Size of the Board of Directors for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two
Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Landmark Structures I, L.P., in the Amount of $3,287,000.00 for the Royal Ridge 1.0 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This project will provide an elevated storage tank to serve the growing service area in Northwest Irving, including the new Parkside Development. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on November 19, 2014 and March 18, 2015. 4. This project includes construction of a new 1.0 million gallon elevated storage tank at the intersection of Royal Ridge Parkwayand Royal Lane. 5. Bids were received from three bidders. Landmark Structures I, L.P., submitted the lowest responsive , responsible bid of $3,287,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $3,287,000.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Rejecting All Submittals for Professional Golf Course Management Services Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the Parks & Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.4 – Clearly define service levels and the associated resource requirements. 2.Impact: Employing an outside firm who specializes in managing and operating municipal golf courses will provide the necessary expertise to operate the Twin Wells Golf Course at its full potential. 3.This item will be presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee on January 13, 2016. 4.Authority to negotiate a management agreement with Turf and Soil Management, LLC, was granted by Council on June 4, 2015. Progress was made regarding the structure of the agreement, however, Turf and Soil Management eventually pulled out of negotiations due to the impact the estimated construction schedule for the new irrigation system to be installed at the course would have on their proposed business plan. 5.Staff feels that it would be in the best interest of the city to reject all responses to the original Request for Qualifications and re-issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) with redefined operating specifications for management of Twin Wells Golf Course. The new RFP would specify a contract start date of October 1, 2016. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving Sign Variance Case #S1512-0047 to Allow a Multi-tenant Monument Sign to Exceed the Maximum Height and Maximum Area - Property Located at 3907 West Airport Freeway - Michael R. Coker company, Applicant -CSFB, Owner Administrative Comments 1.Impact: If approved, this sign variance would allow the placement of a multi-tenant monument sign that exceeds the maximum height and maximum area permitted by the Sign Ordinance. 2.The property at 3907 West Airport Freeway is an approximately 19.2-acre tract that is zoned primarily S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) district uses. The property is also within the State Highway 183 Overlay District. 3.The property is developed with a large retail center and has an existing nonconforming multi-tenant sign, as well as three other pole signs. Recently, TxDOT contractors removed a second multi-tenant sign from land recently acquired from the shopping center by TxDOT for highway widening. The owner was able to salvage the sign, and wishes to re-erect it, with modifications to convert it from a pole sign to a monument sign. The applicant statesthat the sign was removed without proper notification, and that the property may be considered “excess property by TxDOT”. However, at this time staff has not received such notification from TxDOT, and the previous sign was on property currently owned by TxDOT. 4.The proposed sign would be classified as a “multi-tenant monument sign” that is 34 feet tall, has a 651sq. ft. sign face and will be double sided. The sign height is slightly shorter than the existing nonconforming multi-tenant sign. 5.The sign is proposed to be placed on the subject property, located just north of where the previous multi-tenant sign was located. The proposed multi-tenant sign is shown located on the east side of the access point. Staff cannot support any signs being located on the east side of any access points, since the sign potentially blocks visibility from the westbound traffic for cars exiting the shopping center. 6.The applicant’s submittal shows the proposed sign within a utility easement. Staff recommends locating the sign on the west side of the driveway, outside of the utility easement. Staff cannot support having a sign of this size within any utility easement. 7.The property ownership has made numerous improvements and renovations to the property in the past 3 years, and has plans to continue to do so, including an expansion of the shopping area into the former Calloway’s Nursery location on the west side of the property. Unlike most shopping centers of this size, this one (with the exception of The Olive GardenRestaurant) is located on a single lot, thereby limiting the number of pole signs and multi-tenant signs that may be placed on the property. 8.The previous property owner was compensated for the removal and relocation or replacement of the multitenant sign previously on the property. Recommendation The resolution be approved, subject to requiring the sign to be located on the west side of the driveway and outside of any utility easements.
Ordinance -DVP15-0006 -Amending Planned Unit Development No. 2 (PUD 2) to Add Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Uses to the Allowable Uses Within the Subject Property and to Provide a Concept Plan -Approximately 158 Acres Located East of MacArthur Boulevard, West of State Highway 114, and Along Hidden Ridge, Meadow Creek, and Green Park Drive -Verizon, Owner/Applicant (Postponed from December 10, 2015) Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Community Hearing Date and Recommendation: November 16, 2015 – Postpone to December 7, 2015, 9-0. December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Mixed Use for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.This case was advertised for the November 16, 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and the December 10, 2015 City Council meeting. On November 12, 2015 the applicant’s representative sent an email requesting to postpone this case to the December 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning meeting to allow them additional time to consult with their design team and potential development partners. 4.On November 25, 2015 staff received a request that the case be postponed from the December 10, 2015 City Council agenda until the January 14, 2016 City Council agenda. On January 4, 201 6, staff received a request that the case be postponed until the February 4, 2016 City Council agenda. 5.A total of 24 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and none in opposition. 6.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to February 4, 2016.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0054 -Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Car, Truck or Trailer Rental and Leasing, Automobile Washing Business and Coin Operated or Moving Line Wash Uses on Tract 1, and ML-20 (Light Industrial) and Automobile Washing Business and Coin Operated or Moving Line Wash uses on Tract 2 -Approximately 3.9 Acres Located at 7700 Esters Road and 4405 Reese Drive -Baldwin & Associates, Applicant-JH2 Realty Investments, Owner (Postponed from November 12, 2015 and December 10, 2015) Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: November 2, 2015 –Postpone to November 16, 2015, 6-0 (Commissioners Allen, French and LaRose, absent). November 16, 2015 –Postpone to December 7, 2015, 9-0. December 7, 2015 –Postpone to January 4, 2016, 7- 1 (Commissioner Zeske, nay). January 4, 2016 –Favorable 7-0 Commissioner Neimeier, ab sent), subject to excluding auto sales and service, new or used cars or trucks, from Tract 1. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Commercialuses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject tract is zoned for –and previously developed with–a rental car leasing office and lease car storage area. These uses have been discontinued. 4.The applicant is seeking to rezone the property to S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and ML-20 (Light Industrial) district uses. The applicant wants to utilize the property with the existing office building on Tract 1 and the vehicle service and storage area on Tract 2. 5.The C-C (Community Commercial) district uses on Tract 1include office, retail and commercial service uses. The applicant is additionally asking for automobile washing uses and car, truck and trailer rental and leasing. Auto repair, non-depository financial institutions, and sexually -oriented businesses uses would be prohibited. 6.The ML-20 (Light Industrial) district uses on Tract 2 would allow for a small distribution center. The outside storage areas would be screened with a metal screening fence and would be limited to automobiles, trucks and trailers. The site plan includes notes for dock screening, and limits the size of the warehouse on Tract 2 to 10,000 square feet. The screening fence is proposed to be 20 feet from the property line on Reese Drive, which is an exception to the required 30-foot front setback for the ML-20 district. Auto repair, non-depository financial institutions, and sexually oriented businesses uses would be prohibited. 7.The site plan notesthat all new development will comply with the Commercial Design Standards. L and scaping will be required as shown and will be required at the time of permit approval. Existing trees will be preserved, as noted on the site plan. A landscape buffer is also proposed on the east side of the property. 8.A total of 28 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this case. 9.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0058 -Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Neighborhood Enhancement Zone" and "Low Density Residential" to "Industrial", and Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for ML-20 (Light Industrial) District Uses and Truck and Trailer Sales, Storage, and Repair -Approximately 2.75 Acres Located at 425 S. Loop 12 and 1720 Landmark Road -BTE Body Company, Inc., Applicant -Bruckner Truck Sales, Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 7-1 (Commissioner Taylor, nay), subject to making corrections on the site plan. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone and Low Density Residential uses for the subject property. The request is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant justifies the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to Industrial uses because this is an extension of an existing industrial business onto vacant property, and because truck traffic would no longer enter or exit the property via Landmark Road. 3.The subject property is zoned for S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Outdoor Commercial) and Warehouse uses, and R-7.5 (Single Family). BTE Body Company currently operates under the S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Outdoor Commercial) and Warehouse uses on the 1.82 acre Lot 1 on the southwest corner of Loop 12 and Landmark, with access to the Loop 12 service road. The property has a 13,000 sq. ft. office and equipment service building with overhead doors. Truck parking is located behind existing gated entrances. The adjacent 0.93 acre Lot 6 to the west is vacant and zoned R-7.5. 4.The applicant is requesting to rezone the properties to incorporate the vacant residential lot as part of an expansion of the existing facility, including a future building addition. New parking are as and a required fire lane will be added. Parking and storage will not be allowed within 20 feet of the west property line, and no overhead doors will face to the west. 5. An existing white solid metal fence completely screens the commercial property from Landmark Road due to the lower elevation of the road on this frontage, and is also in place along the common lot line. The applicant is proposing a new seven-foot masonry screening wall around the perimeter of the vacant residential lot included in this zoning change request. 6.The applicant is providing nine new oak trees and rows of Indian Hawthorn shrubs along the Landmark Road and Loop 12 frontages. 7.Access to Landmark Road would be eliminated, and all existing drives to Landmark Road would be removed. All parking areas must be paved with concrete or asphalt per City Ordinances and codes. Additionally, the site plan prohibits horns and speakers on the property. 8.The properties must be platted into one lot prior to any expansion of the building. 9.A total of 25 public notices were mailed. Staff received no responses in support and two (2) responses in opposition. The opposition is not within 200 feet of the subject property. Therefore, a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 10.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0076 -Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) Di strict Uses -Approximately 1.19 Acres Located at 8600 N. Belt Line Road -Matthew King Architect, Applicant -SCSD-Finnell, Ltd., Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0, subject to making corrections to the site plan. The stipulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission have been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is being developed with a multi-tenant retail building with four lease spaces. The spaces are being leased to three restaurants and a cellular service retailer. A total of 77 parking spaces are required; 67 spaces for the restaurants, and 10 spaces for the retail space. 4.The applicant is requesting a parking exception of seven(7) spaces to have a total of 70 parking spaces. The applicant’s letter of justification states that the restaurants will have the majority of their business at lunchtime since this location is a commercial area and will not see significant evening and weekend traffic. Additionally, the cellular phone store is a low-traffic user and will not generate a lot of traffic at any certain point of day. 5.Staff can support the request, provided that the total restaurant seating in the development is limited to 167 seats, and that the remaining lease space be restricted to retail or service uses. 6.A total of 25 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 7.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0083 -Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses -Approximately .35 Acres Located at 1300 E. Airport Freeway -Hector J. Rodriguez, Applicant -Heerji Corporation, Owner -Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0, subject to making corrections to the site plan. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends State Highway 183 Redevelopment Corridoruses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The property is currently developed with a vacant gasoline service station which is being demolished due to the expansion of State Highway 183. The applicant is proposing to redevelop the property with a new 1,171 sq. ft. single-story building for a drive-through restaurant with 10 parking spaces. 4.This property is currently zoned C-C (Community Commercial) and lies within the State Highway 183 Overlay District, which requires a 30-foot landscape setback from the highway right-of-way and a 15-foot landscape setback from all other rights-of-way. A considerable portion of the lot has been acquired by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Because of the size and shape of the remainder of the lot, the applicant is requesting a modification to the landscape setbacks. The landscape setbackalong the State Highway 183 frontage tapers from 34 feet deep at the northeast corner of the property to eight (8)feet around the corner, then expands up to 19 feet at the southwest corner of the property along Carl Road. 5.The required parking for this restaurant in the State Highway 183 Overlay District is 12 spaces. The applicant is requesting to reduce the number of required parking spaces by two spaces for a total of 10 spaces on the site. Additional parking could be provided, but would require a reduction in the landscaping. 6.All of the City’s standard notes have been added to the site plan with regard to meeting the commercial design standards, landscaping, lighting and screening of the parking. 7.Since the proposed use of the property is appropriate, and since the applicant has maximized the amount of landscaping on this site while maintaining viability, staff can support this request. 8. A total of 12 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or opposition to this request. 9.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0084 -Granting R-7.5 (Single Family) District -Approximately 0.17 Acres Located at 1602 Cooper Drive -Uliser Salmeron, Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for thisproperty. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is zoned “S-P (Site Plan) for Aviation Outer Marker” by Zoning Case No. 1384, approved in 1970. The zoning allowed the Federal Aviation Administration to construct and operate an Instrument Landing System Outer Marker to assist in the landing of aircraft at the future “Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport”. 4.The property is now under private ownership and is undeveloped. The FAA has confirmed the property has no restrictions on it. The remainder of Cooper Drive is a residential street and is zoned for R-7.5 uses. 5.The owner will construct a single-family dwelling. 6.A total of 64 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 7.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0094 -Granting S-P-2(Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses -Approximately 2.41 Acres Located at 1100 W. Interstate Highway 635 -MnKhan, Applicant -Suri Management, Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: January 4, 2016 –Favorable 7-0 (Commissioner Niemeier, absent), subject to adding a note stipulating the use, and adding a note stating that the space between the two buildings should be curbed. The stipulations have not been met; however, the applicant has no objection to the stipulations. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is developed with a 9,480 sq. ft.building with an auto service center and restaurant. The applicant is proposing a new 5,160 sq. ft. retail building to the east of the existing building. 4.The C-C (Community Commercial) zoning district requires the separation between buildings and the side and rear building setbacks from property lines be calculated by the height of the buildings. The new building is proposed to be 23’ tall to be compatible with the existing building. 5.The 23’ tall new building is required to have a 28’ separation from the existing building; a 14’- 9” separation between the existing and new building is proposed. The proposed building is also required to have a 28’ setback from the east property line, based on the height of the building; a 19’-3” setback from the east property line is proposed. 6.Since these reductions to the setback and separation requirements are all internal to the overall shopping center development, staff has no objection to the request. 7.A total of 65 notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 8.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS Resolution -Appointing a Board Chair to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board with a Term Expiring January 2017 Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the City Secretary’s Office. 2.Impact: In accordance with the city ordinance, the Council must appoint the Chair of this board yearly. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution -Appointments to Boards to Fill Unexpired Terms to the Housing and Human Services Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the City Secretary’s Office and supports Strategic Objective 5.2 –Ensure transparent and inclusive government. 2.Impact: Appointment of Irving residents to boards and commissions assures that residents have a voice in city government. 3.The vacant positions under consideration are for the Housing and Human Services Board, Place 4 and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Place 4. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA 3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, December 09, 2015 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, December 10, 2015 5 Resolution - Approving a 3.5% Step Increase in Salary for the City Manager 6 Resolution - Approving Special Events Permit Applications for the 2016 City of Irving Citywide Special Events, to Include the Irving Concert Series, Taste of Irving, Canal Fest, Independence Day Fireworks Celebration, Independence Day Parade, Laughs by the Lake, Irving Main Street Event, and Holiday Extravaganza Parade and Fireworks Program 7 Resolution - Approving Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District Agreement and Release of Liability for Access/Use of District Property for 2016 City of Irving Citywide Special Events Occurring Along Lake Carolyn And/Or the Mandalay Canal, to Include Canal Fest, Independence Day Fireworks Show, and Laughs by the Lake 8 Resolution - Reimbursing the City of Irving for Capital Expenditures for Equipment in Advance of Lease Purchase Agreement or Other Financing in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,516,904 9 Resolution - Authorizing the City Attorney's Office to File a Lawsuit to Require Code Compliance on Property Located at 1208 South Britain Road, Irving, Texas 10 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc., in the Amount of $1,430,564.76 for the Sterling, Gloucester, Ridgewood and Lawson Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 11 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $1,736,639.60 for the Regal Ridge Parkway, Recognition Point Drive, Irving Heights Drive and Singleton Boulevard Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 12 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to SYB Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $1,074,963.25 for the Millswood Lane and Sam Hill Street Water and Wastewater Improvements Project 13 Resolution - Approving the Sole Source Renewal from Infor Public Sector, Inc., in the Total Amount of $52,533.24 for Enroute Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) Software Maintenance and Support 14 Resolution ~ Nominating American Airlines to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank for Designation as a Qualified Business and an Enterprise Project Under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code 15 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Turnback Request Letter to the Texas Department of Transportation to Commence the Negotiation Process for Transfer of Ownership and Maintenance of Irving Boulevard and Second Street from Strickland Plaza on the East to Sowers Road on the West to the City of Irving 16 Resolution - Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Gateway Planning Group, Inc., in the Amount of $50,000.00 for the Heritage Crossing Downtown Implementation Plan 17 Resolution - Authorizing the Taking of Bids for the Sale of Tax Foreclosed Property Located at 1100 North Union Bower Road 18 Resolution - Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Property Located at 126 West Second Street in the Amount of $210,000.00 -CGSZ, LLC, Property Owner 19 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 250 West Airport Freeway in the Amount of $32,834.83, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Parklane Corporation -Property Owner 20 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for a Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisition Located at 2440 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $45,040.00, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Nirali Hospitality, LLC-Property Owner 21 Resolution - Approving a Sales Contract for Water and Sanitary Sewer Easement Acquisitions Located at 1251 East Airport Freeway in the Amount of $36,699.75, Plus Closing Costs Not to Exceed $5,000.00, for the Relocation of City Utilities Related to the Midtown Express Project - Clay Cooley Real Estate Holdings 3 LLC- Property Owner 23 Resolution - Awarding a Three Year Technical Service Agreement in the Amount of $177,159.00 to Siemens Industry, Inc., for Preventative Maintenance Services for Pumps at the Hackberry, Northgate, MacArthur and Lake Chapman Pump Stations 24 Resolution - Supporting an Application of the City of Dallas for a Municipal Setting Designation on a Portion of the Trinity River Floodway in Dallas, Texas 25 Resolution - Approving the Interlocal Facility Use Agreement Between the Irving Arts Center and the Irving Independent School District for the Annual Exhibition of USD Artwork to be Exhibited at the Irving Arts Center from March 1, 2016 -April 11, 2016 26 Resolution - Approving Additional Funds for As-Needed Purchases from G&K Services, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 for Uniforms & Accessories for Various Areas through the State of Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) 27 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bids of DACO Fire Equipment Inc., Fire Supply Inc., and Municipal Emergency Services Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $145,802.00 for Bunker Clothing 28 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Sav-On Fence Inc., in the Total Amount of $87,096.70 for Fencing and Installation at Park Facilities 29 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with F & F Concrete, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000.00 for Concrete Repairs or Installation of Sidewalks, Streets and Alleys 30 Resolution - Ratification of Expenditure to S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., in the Total Amount of $2,136,907.28 for Emergency Sewer Repairs in and Around Lake Carolyn 31 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $123,251.02 for Iron Fittings 32 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Mueller Systems, LLC, in the Total Estimated Amount of $228,000.00 for Hersey Registers 33 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Texas Municipal Equipment in the Total Amount of $54,779.55 for Sewer Hoses and Rods 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of George-McKenna Electrical, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $71,850.00 For Electrical Services for Water Utilities 35 Ordinance - Calling a Regular Municipal Election to be Held on Saturday, May 7, 2016, for the Purpose of Electing City Council Places One (1), Two (2), and Seven (7), and Calling a Subsequent Run-Off Election, If Necessary 36 Ordinance - Amending Ordinance No. 2010-9229 to Reduce the Size of the Board of Directors for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two
Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Landmark Structures I, L.P., in the Amount of $3,287,000.00 for the Royal Ridge 1.0 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Project Administrative Comments 1. This item is recommended by the Water Utilities Department. It supports Strategic Objective 2.4 – Maintain and extend water, wastewater and storm water systems. 2. Impact: This project will provide an elevated storage tank to serve the growing service area in Northwest Irving, including the new Parkside Development. 3. This item was presented to the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee on November 19, 2014 and March 18, 2015. 4. This project includes construction of a new 1.0 million gallon elevated storage tank at the intersection of Royal Ridge Parkwayand Royal Lane. 5. Bids were received from three bidders. Landmark Structures I, L.P., submitted the lowest responsive , responsible bid of $3,287,000.00. 6. Funding in the amount of $3,287,000.00 is available in the Water Utilities budget within the Water Improvement Bond Fund. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Rejecting All Submittals for Professional Golf Course Management Services Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the Parks & Recreation Department. It supports Strategic Objective 4.4 – Clearly define service levels and the associated resource requirements. 2.Impact: Employing an outside firm who specializes in managing and operating municipal golf courses will provide the necessary expertise to operate the Twin Wells Golf Course at its full potential. 3.This item will be presented to the Transportation & Natural Resources Committee on January 13, 2016. 4.Authority to negotiate a management agreement with Turf and Soil Management, LLC, was granted by Council on June 4, 2015. Progress was made regarding the structure of the agreement, however, Turf and Soil Management eventually pulled out of negotiations due to the impact the estimated construction schedule for the new irrigation system to be installed at the course would have on their proposed business plan. 5.Staff feels that it would be in the best interest of the city to reject all responses to the original Request for Qualifications and re-issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) with redefined operating specifications for management of Twin Wells Golf Course. The new RFP would specify a contract start date of October 1, 2016. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution - Approving Sign Variance Case #S1512-0047 to Allow a Multi-tenant Monument Sign to Exceed the Maximum Height and Maximum Area - Property Located at 3907 West Airport Freeway - Michael R. Coker company, Applicant -CSFB, Owner Administrative Comments 1.Impact: If approved, this sign variance would allow the placement of a multi-tenant monument sign that exceeds the maximum height and maximum area permitted by the Sign Ordinance. 2.The property at 3907 West Airport Freeway is an approximately 19.2-acre tract that is zoned primarily S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) district uses. The property is also within the State Highway 183 Overlay District. 3.The property is developed with a large retail center and has an existing nonconforming multi-tenant sign, as well as three other pole signs. Recently, TxDOT contractors removed a second multi-tenant sign from land recently acquired from the shopping center by TxDOT for highway widening. The owner was able to salvage the sign, and wishes to re-erect it, with modifications to convert it from a pole sign to a monument sign. The applicant statesthat the sign was removed without proper notification, and that the property may be considered “excess property by TxDOT”. However, at this time staff has not received such notification from TxDOT, and the previous sign was on property currently owned by TxDOT. 4.The proposed sign would be classified as a “multi-tenant monument sign” that is 34 feet tall, has a 651sq. ft. sign face and will be double sided. The sign height is slightly shorter than the existing nonconforming multi-tenant sign. 5.The sign is proposed to be placed on the subject property, located just north of where the previous multi-tenant sign was located. The proposed multi-tenant sign is shown located on the east side of the access point. Staff cannot support any signs being located on the east side of any access points, since the sign potentially blocks visibility from the westbound traffic for cars exiting the shopping center. 6.The applicant’s submittal shows the proposed sign within a utility easement. Staff recommends locating the sign on the west side of the driveway, outside of the utility easement. Staff cannot support having a sign of this size within any utility easement. 7.The property ownership has made numerous improvements and renovations to the property in the past 3 years, and has plans to continue to do so, including an expansion of the shopping area into the former Calloway’s Nursery location on the west side of the property. Unlike most shopping centers of this size, this one (with the exception of The Olive GardenRestaurant) is located on a single lot, thereby limiting the number of pole signs and multi-tenant signs that may be placed on the property. 8.The previous property owner was compensated for the removal and relocation or replacement of the multitenant sign previously on the property. Recommendation The resolution be approved, subject to requiring the sign to be located on the west side of the driveway and outside of any utility easements.
Ordinance -DVP15-0006 -Amending Planned Unit Development No. 2 (PUD 2) to Add Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Uses to the Allowable Uses Within the Subject Property and to Provide a Concept Plan -Approximately 158 Acres Located East of MacArthur Boulevard, West of State Highway 114, and Along Hidden Ridge, Meadow Creek, and Green Park Drive -Verizon, Owner/Applicant (Postponed from December 10, 2015) Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Community Hearing Date and Recommendation: November 16, 2015 – Postpone to December 7, 2015, 9-0. December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Mixed Use for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.This case was advertised for the November 16, 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and the December 10, 2015 City Council meeting. On November 12, 2015 the applicant’s representative sent an email requesting to postpone this case to the December 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning meeting to allow them additional time to consult with their design team and potential development partners. 4.On November 25, 2015 staff received a request that the case be postponed from the December 10, 2015 City Council agenda until the January 14, 2016 City Council agenda. On January 4, 201 6, staff received a request that the case be postponed until the February 4, 2016 City Council agenda. 5.A total of 24 public notices were mailed. Staff received one (1) response in support and none in opposition. 6.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation Postpone to February 4, 2016.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0054 -Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and Car, Truck or Trailer Rental and Leasing, Automobile Washing Business and Coin Operated or Moving Line Wash Uses on Tract 1, and ML-20 (Light Industrial) and Automobile Washing Business and Coin Operated or Moving Line Wash uses on Tract 2 -Approximately 3.9 Acres Located at 7700 Esters Road and 4405 Reese Drive -Baldwin & Associates, Applicant-JH2 Realty Investments, Owner (Postponed from November 12, 2015 and December 10, 2015) Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: November 2, 2015 –Postpone to November 16, 2015, 6-0 (Commissioners Allen, French and LaRose, absent). November 16, 2015 –Postpone to December 7, 2015, 9-0. December 7, 2015 –Postpone to January 4, 2016, 7- 1 (Commissioner Zeske, nay). January 4, 2016 –Favorable 7-0 Commissioner Neimeier, ab sent), subject to excluding auto sales and service, new or used cars or trucks, from Tract 1. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Commercialuses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject tract is zoned for –and previously developed with–a rental car leasing office and lease car storage area. These uses have been discontinued. 4.The applicant is seeking to rezone the property to S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) and ML-20 (Light Industrial) district uses. The applicant wants to utilize the property with the existing office building on Tract 1 and the vehicle service and storage area on Tract 2. 5.The C-C (Community Commercial) district uses on Tract 1include office, retail and commercial service uses. The applicant is additionally asking for automobile washing uses and car, truck and trailer rental and leasing. Auto repair, non-depository financial institutions, and sexually -oriented businesses uses would be prohibited. 6.The ML-20 (Light Industrial) district uses on Tract 2 would allow for a small distribution center. The outside storage areas would be screened with a metal screening fence and would be limited to automobiles, trucks and trailers. The site plan includes notes for dock screening, and limits the size of the warehouse on Tract 2 to 10,000 square feet. The screening fence is proposed to be 20 feet from the property line on Reese Drive, which is an exception to the required 30-foot front setback for the ML-20 district. Auto repair, non-depository financial institutions, and sexually oriented businesses uses would be prohibited. 7.The site plan notesthat all new development will comply with the Commercial Design Standards. L and scaping will be required as shown and will be required at the time of permit approval. Existing trees will be preserved, as noted on the site plan. A landscape buffer is also proposed on the east side of the property. 8.A total of 28 public notices were mailed. Staff has not received any responses in support or in opposition to this case. 9.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0058 -Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from "Neighborhood Enhancement Zone" and "Low Density Residential" to "Industrial", and Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for ML-20 (Light Industrial) District Uses and Truck and Trailer Sales, Storage, and Repair -Approximately 2.75 Acres Located at 425 S. Loop 12 and 1720 Landmark Road -BTE Body Company, Inc., Applicant -Bruckner Truck Sales, Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 7-1 (Commissioner Taylor, nay), subject to making corrections on the site plan. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone and Low Density Residential uses for the subject property. The request is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant justifies the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to Industrial uses because this is an extension of an existing industrial business onto vacant property, and because truck traffic would no longer enter or exit the property via Landmark Road. 3.The subject property is zoned for S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Outdoor Commercial) and Warehouse uses, and R-7.5 (Single Family). BTE Body Company currently operates under the S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-OU-2 (Outdoor Commercial) and Warehouse uses on the 1.82 acre Lot 1 on the southwest corner of Loop 12 and Landmark, with access to the Loop 12 service road. The property has a 13,000 sq. ft. office and equipment service building with overhead doors. Truck parking is located behind existing gated entrances. The adjacent 0.93 acre Lot 6 to the west is vacant and zoned R-7.5. 4.The applicant is requesting to rezone the properties to incorporate the vacant residential lot as part of an expansion of the existing facility, including a future building addition. New parking are as and a required fire lane will be added. Parking and storage will not be allowed within 20 feet of the west property line, and no overhead doors will face to the west. 5. An existing white solid metal fence completely screens the commercial property from Landmark Road due to the lower elevation of the road on this frontage, and is also in place along the common lot line. The applicant is proposing a new seven-foot masonry screening wall around the perimeter of the vacant residential lot included in this zoning change request. 6.The applicant is providing nine new oak trees and rows of Indian Hawthorn shrubs along the Landmark Road and Loop 12 frontages. 7.Access to Landmark Road would be eliminated, and all existing drives to Landmark Road would be removed. All parking areas must be paved with concrete or asphalt per City Ordinances and codes. Additionally, the site plan prohibits horns and speakers on the property. 8.The properties must be platted into one lot prior to any expansion of the building. 9.A total of 25 public notices were mailed. Staff received no responses in support and two (2) responses in opposition. The opposition is not within 200 feet of the subject property. Therefore, a ¾-vote is not required for approval. 10.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0076 -Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) Di strict Uses -Approximately 1.19 Acres Located at 8600 N. Belt Line Road -Matthew King Architect, Applicant -SCSD-Finnell, Ltd., Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0, subject to making corrections to the site plan. The stipulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission have been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is being developed with a multi-tenant retail building with four lease spaces. The spaces are being leased to three restaurants and a cellular service retailer. A total of 77 parking spaces are required; 67 spaces for the restaurants, and 10 spaces for the retail space. 4.The applicant is requesting a parking exception of seven(7) spaces to have a total of 70 parking spaces. The applicant’s letter of justification states that the restaurants will have the majority of their business at lunchtime since this location is a commercial area and will not see significant evening and weekend traffic. Additionally, the cellular phone store is a low-traffic user and will not generate a lot of traffic at any certain point of day. 5.Staff can support the request, provided that the total restaurant seating in the development is limited to 167 seats, and that the remaining lease space be restricted to retail or service uses. 6.A total of 25 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 7.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0083 -Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses -Approximately .35 Acres Located at 1300 E. Airport Freeway -Hector J. Rodriguez, Applicant -Heerji Corporation, Owner -Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0, subject to making corrections to the site plan. The stipulation of the Planning and Zoning Commission has been met. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends State Highway 183 Redevelopment Corridoruses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The property is currently developed with a vacant gasoline service station which is being demolished due to the expansion of State Highway 183. The applicant is proposing to redevelop the property with a new 1,171 sq. ft. single-story building for a drive-through restaurant with 10 parking spaces. 4.This property is currently zoned C-C (Community Commercial) and lies within the State Highway 183 Overlay District, which requires a 30-foot landscape setback from the highway right-of-way and a 15-foot landscape setback from all other rights-of-way. A considerable portion of the lot has been acquired by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Because of the size and shape of the remainder of the lot, the applicant is requesting a modification to the landscape setbacks. The landscape setbackalong the State Highway 183 frontage tapers from 34 feet deep at the northeast corner of the property to eight (8)feet around the corner, then expands up to 19 feet at the southwest corner of the property along Carl Road. 5.The required parking for this restaurant in the State Highway 183 Overlay District is 12 spaces. The applicant is requesting to reduce the number of required parking spaces by two spaces for a total of 10 spaces on the site. Additional parking could be provided, but would require a reduction in the landscaping. 6.All of the City’s standard notes have been added to the site plan with regard to meeting the commercial design standards, landscaping, lighting and screening of the parking. 7.Since the proposed use of the property is appropriate, and since the applicant has maximized the amount of landscaping on this site while maintaining viability, staff can support this request. 8. A total of 12 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or opposition to this request. 9.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0084 -Granting R-7.5 (Single Family) District -Approximately 0.17 Acres Located at 1602 Cooper Drive -Uliser Salmeron, Applicant/Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: December 7, 2015 –Favorable 8-0. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Neighborhood Enhancement Zone uses for thisproperty. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is zoned “S-P (Site Plan) for Aviation Outer Marker” by Zoning Case No. 1384, approved in 1970. The zoning allowed the Federal Aviation Administration to construct and operate an Instrument Landing System Outer Marker to assist in the landing of aircraft at the future “Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport”. 4.The property is now under private ownership and is undeveloped. The FAA has confirmed the property has no restrictions on it. The remainder of Cooper Drive is a residential street and is zoned for R-7.5 uses. 5.The owner will construct a single-family dwelling. 6.A total of 64 public notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 7.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use. Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ordinance -Zoning Case #ZC15-0094 -Granting S-P-2(Generalized Site Plan) for C-C (Community Commercial) District Uses -Approximately 2.41 Acres Located at 1100 W. Interstate Highway 635 -MnKhan, Applicant -Suri Management, Owner Administrative Comments 1.The Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date and Recommendation: January 4, 2016 –Favorable 7-0 (Commissioner Niemeier, absent), subject to adding a note stipulating the use, and adding a note stating that the space between the two buildings should be curbed. The stipulations have not been met; however, the applicant has no objection to the stipulations. 2.The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends Retail uses for this property. This request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The subject property is developed with a 9,480 sq. ft.building with an auto service center and restaurant. The applicant is proposing a new 5,160 sq. ft. retail building to the east of the existing building. 4.The C-C (Community Commercial) zoning district requires the separation between buildings and the side and rear building setbacks from property lines be calculated by the height of the buildings. The new building is proposed to be 23’ tall to be compatible with the existing building. 5.The 23’ tall new building is required to have a 28’ separation from the existing building; a 14’- 9” separation between the existing and new building is proposed. The proposed building is also required to have a 28’ setback from the east property line, based on the height of the building; a 19’-3” setback from the east property line is proposed. 6.Since these reductions to the setback and separation requirements are all internal to the overall shopping center development, staff has no objection to the request. 7.A total of 65 notices were mailed. Staff did not receive any responses in support or in opposition to this request. 8.This item supports Strategic Objective 3.5 –Effectively plan and manage land use Recommendation The ordinance be adopted per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS Resolution -Appointing a Board Chair to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board with a Term Expiring January 2017 Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the City Secretary’s Office. 2.Impact: In accordance with the city ordinance, the Council must appoint the Chair of this board yearly. Recommendation The resolution be approved.
Resolution -Appointments to Boards to Fill Unexpired Terms to the Housing and Human Services Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission Administrative Comments 1.This item is recommended by the City Secretary’s Office and supports Strategic Objective 5.2 –Ensure transparent and inclusive government. 2.Impact: Appointment of Irving residents to boards and commissions assures that residents have a voice in city government. 3.The vacant positions under consideration are for the Housing and Human Services Board, Place 4 and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Place 4. Recommendation The resolution be approved.