Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Consent Agenda: Items 1-17, 19-39 Item 14 Postponed 4 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 02, 2013 5 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2013 6 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2013 Homeland Security Grant Program 7 Resolution - Renewing an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Health and Human Services for Control of Communicable Disease Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $81,906.00 8 Resolution - Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Architects Design Group, Inc. (ADG), in the Amount of $355,575.00 for the Development of a Master Plan Document for a New Police and Fire Training Center 9 Resolution - Approving Two Letters of Authorization Between the City of Irving and the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the Regional Storm Water Monitoring Program and Authorizing Fiscal Year 2014 Funding in the Amount of $78,710.00 for the Regional Storm Water Monitoring Program and for the Regional Storm Water Management Program 10 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) for the Replacement of a Raw Water Line Owned by DCURD Within North O'Connor Boulevard from SH 114 to Riverside Drive 11 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) in the Amount of $384,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways 12 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Flood Control District Section I in the Amount of $600,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways 13 Resolution - Approving a Discretionary Service Agreement Between the City of Irving and Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, in the Amount of $136,037.20 for the Relocation of Aerial Electric Facilities for the MacArthur Boulevard Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project 14 Resolution - Approving an Escrow Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Baylor Hospital Authority for Street and Drainage Improvements 15 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Ed Bell Construction Company in the Amount of $5,459,772.50 for the O'Connor Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project from SH 114 to Riverside Drive 16 Resolution - Approving a Master Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Irving and Dallas County to Utilize the County's Annual Contract in the Amount of $450,000.00 to Complete the City's Milling and Overlay Program for a Term of Five Years 17 Resolution - Approving a Confidentiality Agreement Between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of Irving to Obtain Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Data 19 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City and Hines Residential for Reimbursement of Expenses for Analysis Related to the Parkside Estates Residential Project 20 Resolution - Approving Sales Contract for Right of Way Acquisition at 1501¬1511 North Nursery Road in the Amount of $3,490.00 for the Installation of a Traffic Signal and Acknowledging the Receipt of Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code — the Hymie Schwartz Trust and the Jeanette Schwartz Trust—Property Owners 21 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $500,000.00 for Calendar Year 2014 22 Resolution - Approving Revisions to Bylaws of Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 23 Resolution - Approving the Allocation of HOME Investment Partnerships Grant Funds to Brighter Tomorrows For Renovations to Its Irving Facilities in the Amount Not to Exceed $800,000.00 24 Resolution - Approving Bear Creek Development Corporation Operating Agreement in the Amount of $30,000.00 25 Resolution - Approving an Extension of the Bear Creek Development Corporation Contract For the Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 26 Resolution - Approving an Extension of the Bear Creek Development Corporation Contract for the Development of Vacant Lots Phase II on Tudor Lane 27 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Irving Community Development Corporation Contract for the Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 28 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Irving Community Development Corporation Contract for the Phase II Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 29 Resolution - Approving an Extension of an Agreement with Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs For the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 30 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Sunbeam Foods Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $101,460.54 And Southern Foods Group, LLC, dba Oak Farms/Schepps in the Total Estimated Amount of $13,000.00 for Prisoner Food 31 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with G T Distributors, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $162,172.50 for Police Ammunition 32 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with DACO Fire Equipment in the Total Estimated Amount of $124,032.40 and Municipal Emergency Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $3,158.75 for Bunker Clothing 33 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Already Gear, Inc., In The Total Estimated Amount of $217,568.00 and Susan Perrenot dba CoolStuff in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,877.69 for Uniforms for Field Employees 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting Bid of Joseph G. Pollard Co., Inc., dba in the Total Estimated Amount of $61,200.00 for Dechlorinating Tablets 35 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 with Maloney Strategic Communications, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for Advertising Agency Representation 36 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Proposal of Destination Analysts in the Total Estimated Amount of $110,000.00 for Market Research and Evaluation Program 37 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 38 of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving Regarding Ex Officio Members and Providing Qualifications of Appointed Board Members 38 Ordinance - Final Reading - Approving a Negotiated Rate Settlement with Atmos Energy 39 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Portions of a 20-Foot Wide Sanitary Sewer Easement at 3400 W. John W. Carpenter Freeway and 2203 W. Royal Lane
Resolution - Approving Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and David Pettit Economic Development, LLC for Analysis Related to the Parkside Estates Residential Project in the Amount of $98,000.00
Resolution - Rejecting All Current Proposals for Water Development Public Policy Services Relative to RFP #030D-13F and Directing Staff to Act Upon the Recommendation of the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee Relating to Such Services
Resolution - Approving Fee Agreement with Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas in the amount of $170,000.00 in Connection with the 17th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit
Resolution - Approving Development Agreement with Thomas Kreason D/B/A Texas Musicians Museum for the City Property Located at 222 East Irving Boulevard
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 13-0036 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) Uses with a Variance to the Distance Separation Requirements from a School - Approximately 0.07 Acres Located at 2836 North O'Connor Road - Eduardo Calderon, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC13-0037 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) Uses - Approximately 0.27 Acres Located at 1400 Glenbrook Drive - Gary Clinkscales, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Consider an Ordinance Amending Section 52-40(1) of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 Regarding Carports in Residential Districts - City of Irving, Applicant (Postponed from August 8, 2013)
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations. Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens' Forum Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Consent Agenda: Items 1-17, 19-39 Item 14 Postponed 4 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, October 02, 2013 5 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, October 03, 2013 6 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety/Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency (THSSAA) to Receive and Participate in the Fiscal Year 2013 Homeland Security Grant Program 7 Resolution - Renewing an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Health and Human Services for Control of Communicable Disease Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $81,906.00 8 Resolution - Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and Architects Design Group, Inc. (ADG), in the Amount of $355,575.00 for the Development of a Master Plan Document for a New Police and Fire Training Center 9 Resolution - Approving Two Letters of Authorization Between the City of Irving and the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the Regional Storm Water Monitoring Program and Authorizing Fiscal Year 2014 Funding in the Amount of $78,710.00 for the Regional Storm Water Monitoring Program and for the Regional Storm Water Management Program 10 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) for the Replacement of a Raw Water Line Owned by DCURD Within North O'Connor Boulevard from SH 114 to Riverside Drive 11 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) in the Amount of $384,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways 12 Resolution - Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Flood Control District Section I in the Amount of $600,000.00 for the Desiltation and Maintenance Related to District Waterways 13 Resolution - Approving a Discretionary Service Agreement Between the City of Irving and Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, in the Amount of $136,037.20 for the Relocation of Aerial Electric Facilities for the MacArthur Boulevard Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project 14 Resolution - Approving an Escrow Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Irving Baylor Hospital Authority for Street and Drainage Improvements 15 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Ed Bell Construction Company in the Amount of $5,459,772.50 for the O'Connor Utility and Paving Reconstruction Project from SH 114 to Riverside Drive 16 Resolution - Approving a Master Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Irving and Dallas County to Utilize the County's Annual Contract in the Amount of $450,000.00 to Complete the City's Milling and Overlay Program for a Term of Five Years 17 Resolution - Approving a Confidentiality Agreement Between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of Irving to Obtain Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Data 19 Resolution - Approving an Agreement Between the City and Hines Residential for Reimbursement of Expenses for Analysis Related to the Parkside Estates Residential Project 20 Resolution - Approving Sales Contract for Right of Way Acquisition at 1501¬1511 North Nursery Road in the Amount of $3,490.00 for the Installation of a Traffic Signal and Acknowledging the Receipt of Trust Agreement Identifying the True Owner of Property to be Purchased by the City of Irving in Accordance with Section 2252.092, Texas Government Code — the Hymie Schwartz Trust and the Jeanette Schwartz Trust—Property Owners 21 Resolution - Authorizing the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau to Purchase Advertising Space in the Media in the Amount of $500,000.00 for Calendar Year 2014 22 Resolution - Approving Revisions to Bylaws of Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 23 Resolution - Approving the Allocation of HOME Investment Partnerships Grant Funds to Brighter Tomorrows For Renovations to Its Irving Facilities in the Amount Not to Exceed $800,000.00 24 Resolution - Approving Bear Creek Development Corporation Operating Agreement in the Amount of $30,000.00 25 Resolution - Approving an Extension of the Bear Creek Development Corporation Contract For the Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 26 Resolution - Approving an Extension of the Bear Creek Development Corporation Contract for the Development of Vacant Lots Phase II on Tudor Lane 27 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Irving Community Development Corporation Contract for the Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 28 Resolution - Approving an Extension to the Irving Community Development Corporation Contract for the Phase II Development of Vacant Lots on Tudor Lane 29 Resolution - Approving an Extension of an Agreement with Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs For the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 30 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Sunbeam Foods Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $101,460.54 And Southern Foods Group, LLC, dba Oak Farms/Schepps in the Total Estimated Amount of $13,000.00 for Prisoner Food 31 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with G T Distributors, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $162,172.50 for Police Ammunition 32 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with DACO Fire Equipment in the Total Estimated Amount of $124,032.40 and Municipal Emergency Services in the Total Estimated Amount of $3,158.75 for Bunker Clothing 33 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contracts with Already Gear, Inc., In The Total Estimated Amount of $217,568.00 and Susan Perrenot dba CoolStuff in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,877.69 for Uniforms for Field Employees 34 Resolution - Approving and Accepting Bid of Joseph G. Pollard Co., Inc., dba in the Total Estimated Amount of $61,200.00 for Dechlorinating Tablets 35 Resolution - Approving Change Order No. 1 with Maloney Strategic Communications, Inc., in the Total Estimated Amount of $50,000.00 for Advertising Agency Representation 36 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Proposal of Destination Analysts in the Total Estimated Amount of $110,000.00 for Market Research and Evaluation Program 37 Ordinance - Amending Chapter 38 of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving Regarding Ex Officio Members and Providing Qualifications of Appointed Board Members 38 Ordinance - Final Reading - Approving a Negotiated Rate Settlement with Atmos Energy 39 Ordinance - Authorizing the Abandonment of Portions of a 20-Foot Wide Sanitary Sewer Easement at 3400 W. John W. Carpenter Freeway and 2203 W. Royal Lane
Resolution - Approving Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Irving and David Pettit Economic Development, LLC for Analysis Related to the Parkside Estates Residential Project in the Amount of $98,000.00
Resolution - Rejecting All Current Proposals for Water Development Public Policy Services Relative to RFP #030D-13F and Directing Staff to Act Upon the Recommendation of the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee Relating to Such Services
Resolution - Approving Fee Agreement with Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas in the amount of $170,000.00 in Connection with the 17th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit
Resolution - Approving Development Agreement with Thomas Kreason D/B/A Texas Musicians Museum for the City Property Located at 222 East Irving Boulevard
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC 13-0036 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with the Accessory Use of the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption) Uses with a Variance to the Distance Separation Requirements from a School - Approximately 0.07 Acres Located at 2836 North O'Connor Road - Eduardo Calderon, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC13-0037 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) Uses - Approximately 0.27 Acres Located at 1400 Glenbrook Drive - Gary Clinkscales, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance - Consider an Ordinance Amending Section 52-40(1) of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 Regarding Carports in Residential Districts - City of Irving, Applicant (Postponed from August 8, 2013)