Ordinance -- Amending Chapter 8 Entitled “Irving Building Standards Code” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving by Adding Article X. “Vacant Building Registration”
Resolution -- Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - Sixth and Seventh Addition - Approximately 0.3291 Acres Located on the West Side of South Rogers Road, Between West Sixth Street and West Seventh Street - ZKB Properties, Applicant - ZKB Properties, Marvin Randle and City of Irving, Owners
Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - Hinton Heights Addition - Approximately 0.142 Acres Located at 2407, 2409, 2417 Hinton Drive - JDJR Engineers, Surveyor - Billy W. Junnell, Owner
Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - Navarro Addition - Approximately 0.591 Acres Located at 4509 and 4513 Windsor Ridge Drive - Dennis Doiron, Applicant - Marco Navarro, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0026 - Granting Downtown Development District-Single Family Sub-District - Approximately 0.632 Acres Located at 403 South Britain Road - Heritage District LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0031 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Meeting and Banquet Hall Uses - Approximately 9,623 Square Feet Located at 3225 West Airport Freeway, #200 - As Needed Party Rentals, Applicant - Brashears Realty Services, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0003 - Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 by Adding Section 52-32h. Heritage Crossing Redevelopment District, and Creating the Heritage Crossing Redevelopment District - City of Irving, Applicant
34 Resolution -- Selection of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem by the City Council 35 Adjournment
Ordinance -- Amending Chapter 8 Entitled “Irving Building Standards Code” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving by Adding Article X. “Vacant Building Registration”
Resolution -- Approving Preliminary/Final Plat - Sixth and Seventh Addition - Approximately 0.3291 Acres Located on the West Side of South Rogers Road, Between West Sixth Street and West Seventh Street - ZKB Properties, Applicant - ZKB Properties, Marvin Randle and City of Irving, Owners
Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - Hinton Heights Addition - Approximately 0.142 Acres Located at 2407, 2409, 2417 Hinton Drive - JDJR Engineers, Surveyor - Billy W. Junnell, Owner
Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - Navarro Addition - Approximately 0.591 Acres Located at 4509 and 4513 Windsor Ridge Drive - Dennis Doiron, Applicant - Marco Navarro, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0026 - Granting Downtown Development District-Single Family Sub-District - Approximately 0.632 Acres Located at 403 South Britain Road - Heritage District LLC, Applicant/Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0031 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Meeting and Banquet Hall Uses - Approximately 9,623 Square Feet Located at 3225 West Airport Freeway, #200 - As Needed Party Rentals, Applicant - Brashears Realty Services, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0003 - Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 by Adding Section 52-32h. Heritage Crossing Redevelopment District, and Creating the Heritage Crossing Redevelopment District - City of Irving, Applicant
34 Resolution -- Selection of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem by the City Council 35 Adjournment