Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - University Park No. 1, 2nd Revision - Approximately 0.54 Acres Located at 3401 and 3405 University Park Lane - Larry Reisman, Owner/Applicant
38 Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0029 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Convenience Store, Gasoline Sales and Car Wash Uses - Approximately 37,600 Square Feet Located at 7201 State Highway 161 - R. Victor Blood Jr., Applicant - Tetco Stores, Owner 39 Adjournment
Resolution -- Approving Final Plat - University Park No. 1, 2nd Revision - Approximately 0.54 Acres Located at 3401 and 3405 University Park Lane - Larry Reisman, Owner/Applicant
38 Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0029 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Convenience Store, Gasoline Sales and Car Wash Uses - Approximately 37,600 Square Feet Located at 7201 State Highway 161 - R. Victor Blood Jr., Applicant - Tetco Stores, Owner 39 Adjournment