Resolution -- Approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement with McDougal Family Partnership, Ltd., for the Heritage Crossing Project
Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. 3 to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce to Provide Economic Development Services for the City of Irving, Texas
Resolution -- Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Contours Community Development Corporation for the Development of Four Affordable Homes to Amend the Scope of Services, Increase Funding to $236,000.00 and Extend the Termination Date to November 1, 2009.
Resolution -- Approving an Increase in the Threshold for Formal Procurement Solicitations to $50,000.00, and Approving an Increase in the Threshold Required for Formal Council Award of Procurement Solicitation to $50,000.00
Ordinance -- Amending Chapter 16, Article II, Entitled “Purchasing” to Update Language and Clarify Responsibilities
26 Ordinance -- First Reading - Amending Chapter 33 Entitled “Refuse, Garbage and Weeds” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the CIty of Irving, Texas Establishing a Disposal Service Charge for Personal Vehicles at the Hunter Ferrell Landfill 27 Resolution -- Denying Temporary Use Permit Application #G0906-0394 - to Allow a Snow Cone Stand Within 100 Feet of a Single Family Lot, 1006 East Pioneer Drive - BrainFreeze Sno Cones, Applicant
28 Ordinance -- Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Public/Semi-Public to Office Uses, and Granting C-O (Commercial Office) Uses in Zoning Case #ZC09-0013 - Approximately 0.074 Acres Located at 1427 Luke Street (West Side of Luke, North of Pioneer Drive) - JDJR Engineers, Applicant - Giving Tree Learning Center, Owner (Postponed at April 23, 2009 City Council Meeting) 29 Ordinance -- Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Commercial to Low-Density Residential and Office Uses - Approximately 10.1 Acres Acres Located at 4208 W. Rochelle Road (South Side of Rochelle, East of State Highway 161) - Barbosa Professional Services, Applicant; Irving Land Company, LLC, Owner 30 Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0027 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-6 (Single Family) and P-O (Professional Office) District Uses - Approximately 10.1 Acres Located at 4208 West Rochelle Road - Barbosa Professional Services, Applicant - Irving Land Company, L.L.C., Owner APPOINTMENTS 31 Adjournment
Resolution -- Approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement with McDougal Family Partnership, Ltd., for the Heritage Crossing Project
Resolution -- Approving Addendum No. 3 to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce to Provide Economic Development Services for the City of Irving, Texas
Resolution -- Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement Between the City of Irving and Contours Community Development Corporation for the Development of Four Affordable Homes to Amend the Scope of Services, Increase Funding to $236,000.00 and Extend the Termination Date to November 1, 2009.
Resolution -- Approving an Increase in the Threshold for Formal Procurement Solicitations to $50,000.00, and Approving an Increase in the Threshold Required for Formal Council Award of Procurement Solicitation to $50,000.00
Ordinance -- Amending Chapter 16, Article II, Entitled “Purchasing” to Update Language and Clarify Responsibilities
26 Ordinance -- First Reading - Amending Chapter 33 Entitled “Refuse, Garbage and Weeds” of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the CIty of Irving, Texas Establishing a Disposal Service Charge for Personal Vehicles at the Hunter Ferrell Landfill 27 Resolution -- Denying Temporary Use Permit Application #G0906-0394 - to Allow a Snow Cone Stand Within 100 Feet of a Single Family Lot, 1006 East Pioneer Drive - BrainFreeze Sno Cones, Applicant
28 Ordinance -- Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Public/Semi-Public to Office Uses, and Granting C-O (Commercial Office) Uses in Zoning Case #ZC09-0013 - Approximately 0.074 Acres Located at 1427 Luke Street (West Side of Luke, North of Pioneer Drive) - JDJR Engineers, Applicant - Giving Tree Learning Center, Owner (Postponed at April 23, 2009 City Council Meeting) 29 Ordinance -- Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Commercial to Low-Density Residential and Office Uses - Approximately 10.1 Acres Acres Located at 4208 W. Rochelle Road (South Side of Rochelle, East of State Highway 161) - Barbosa Professional Services, Applicant; Irving Land Company, LLC, Owner 30 Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0027 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-6 (Single Family) and P-O (Professional Office) District Uses - Approximately 10.1 Acres Located at 4208 West Rochelle Road - Barbosa Professional Services, Applicant - Irving Land Company, L.L.C., Owner APPOINTMENTS 31 Adjournment