Resolution -- Approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement with Heritage District, LLC, to Provide Funding for Quarterly Interest Payments to Comerica Bank
Ordinance -- Calling the City of Irving, Texas, Special Election for the Purpose of a Home Rule Charter Amendment to be Held on May 8, 2010, Providing Propositions for Signing Contracts, Repealing the Position of Treasurer, for the Issuance of Bonds and Warrants, and for a CAP on Retirement Contributions
Ordinance -- Calling the City of Irving, Texas, Special Election for the Purpose of a Home Rule Charter Amendment to be Held on May 8, 2010, Providing Propositions for Signing Contracts, Repealing the Position of Treasurer, for the Issuance of Bonds and Warrants, and for a CAP on Retirement Contributions
22. Resolution -- Requesting Sign Variance Case No. S0912-0015 Located at 7403 North Macarthur Boulevard -Yogurt Zone, Applicant - Franco Chang, Owner (Postponed from the February 4, 2010 City Council Meeting) 23. Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0061 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for P-O (Professional Office) District and Restaurant Uses - Approximately 2.9 Acres Located at 204 East Airport Freeway - Healthspace JVI, LLC, Applicant - Argonaut Holdings, Inc., Owner (Postponed from the January 14, 2010 City Council Meeting)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0066 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Grocery Store or S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) uses - Approximately 1.7 Acres Located at 912 East Irving Boulevard (Southwest Corner of Irving Boulevard and Third Street) - ALDI, Inc., Applicant - SDNarod Enterprises, Owner (Postponed from the February 4, 2010 City Council Meeting)
25. Resolution -- Appointment to the Irving Arts Center Citizen In-Put Panel to a Term Expiring January 2011 26. Resolution -- Confirming the Appointment by the City Manager of a Commissioner to Serve on the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission to a Term Expiring November 2012 27. Mayor’s Report Adjournment
Resolution -- Approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement with Heritage District, LLC, to Provide Funding for Quarterly Interest Payments to Comerica Bank
Ordinance -- Calling the City of Irving, Texas, Special Election for the Purpose of a Home Rule Charter Amendment to be Held on May 8, 2010, Providing Propositions for Signing Contracts, Repealing the Position of Treasurer, for the Issuance of Bonds and Warrants, and for a CAP on Retirement Contributions
Ordinance -- Calling the City of Irving, Texas, Special Election for the Purpose of a Home Rule Charter Amendment to be Held on May 8, 2010, Providing Propositions for Signing Contracts, Repealing the Position of Treasurer, for the Issuance of Bonds and Warrants, and for a CAP on Retirement Contributions
22. Resolution -- Requesting Sign Variance Case No. S0912-0015 Located at 7403 North Macarthur Boulevard -Yogurt Zone, Applicant - Franco Chang, Owner (Postponed from the February 4, 2010 City Council Meeting) 23. Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0061 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for P-O (Professional Office) District and Restaurant Uses - Approximately 2.9 Acres Located at 204 East Airport Freeway - Healthspace JVI, LLC, Applicant - Argonaut Holdings, Inc., Owner (Postponed from the January 14, 2010 City Council Meeting)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC09-0066 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Grocery Store or S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) uses - Approximately 1.7 Acres Located at 912 East Irving Boulevard (Southwest Corner of Irving Boulevard and Third Street) - ALDI, Inc., Applicant - SDNarod Enterprises, Owner (Postponed from the February 4, 2010 City Council Meeting)
25. Resolution -- Appointment to the Irving Arts Center Citizen In-Put Panel to a Term Expiring January 2011 26. Resolution -- Confirming the Appointment by the City Manager of a Commissioner to Serve on the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission to a Term Expiring November 2012 27. Mayor’s Report Adjournment