Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC10-0006 - Granting C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Uses - Approximately 5.89 Acres Located on the Southeast Corner of Belt Line Road and Cabell Road - Winkelmann & Associates, Applicant - Freedom Center DFW, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC10-0007 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-P (Commercial Park) Uses - Approximately 5.44 Acres Located at 4960 Hanson Drive - W. F. Carter Construction, Inc., Applicant - Mica Corporation, Owner
18. Resolution -- Establishment and the Appointment of Convention Center Community Opening Events Task Force 19. Resolution -- Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Various Unexpired Terms for the Following: Convention and Visitors Bureau, Housing and Human Services Board, and Youth Council 20. Mayor’s Report 21. Adjournment
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC10-0006 - Granting C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Uses - Approximately 5.89 Acres Located on the Southeast Corner of Belt Line Road and Cabell Road - Winkelmann & Associates, Applicant - Freedom Center DFW, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC10-0007 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for C-P (Commercial Park) Uses - Approximately 5.44 Acres Located at 4960 Hanson Drive - W. F. Carter Construction, Inc., Applicant - Mica Corporation, Owner
18. Resolution -- Establishment and the Appointment of Convention Center Community Opening Events Task Force 19. Resolution -- Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees, to Fill Various Unexpired Terms for the Following: Convention and Visitors Bureau, Housing and Human Services Board, and Youth Council 20. Mayor’s Report 21. Adjournment