Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Ordinance - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Retail to Light Commercial and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for Retail and Mini-Warehouse with Caretaker's Quarters Uses in Zoning Case #ZC10-0050 - Approximately 7.2 Acres Located on the Southwest Corner of State Highway 161 and Walnut Hill Lane - Assured Group, Applicant - Don Valk, Owner (Postponed from February 3, 2011)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC10-0055 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Car Lube and Coin Operated Car Wash Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located at 1880 and 1888 Esters Road - Five Nine Seven, L.P., Applicant/Owner
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Ordinance - Amending the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Recommended Land Use from Retail to Light Commercial and Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for Retail and Mini-Warehouse with Caretaker's Quarters Uses in Zoning Case #ZC10-0050 - Approximately 7.2 Acres Located on the Southwest Corner of State Highway 161 and Walnut Hill Lane - Assured Group, Applicant - Don Valk, Owner (Postponed from February 3, 2011)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC10-0055 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Car Lube and Coin Operated Car Wash Uses - Approximately 1.4 Acres Located at 1880 and 1888 Esters Road - Five Nine Seven, L.P., Applicant/Owner