Invocation Pastor Isnel Castro, House of God Ministries Pledge Of Allegiance Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 05, 2011 5 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding in the Amount of $12,750 from Arts Midwest, on Behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts, for the Big Read 2011 Grant Award 6 Resolution - Approving the Second Option Extension with Chaparral Rails to Trails, Inc., for Approximately 56 Miles of Right-of-Way 7 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Design of the Water Meter Vault Reconstruction, Section IV Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 8 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for the Design of the Water Master Plan Improvements, Section I Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 9 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc., for the Design of the Upper Delaware Creek Wastewater Basin Improvements Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 10 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Rebcon, Inc., for the Running Bear Park Levee Walls Improvements 11 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to JDK Associates, Inc., for the Lake Carolyn Promenade Phase II Project 12 Resolution - Declaring the Necessity and Authorizing the Acquisition of a Water Meter Vault Easement Located at 10401 North MacArthur Boulevard - TXCGL Properties, L.P., Property Owner 13 Resolution -- Ratifying the Interlocal Agreements for the Irving Arts Center's Khan Youth & Education (KEYS) Field Trip Program 14 Resolution - Rejecting the Annual Bid for Metals Work 15 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Clean Air Remediation Environmental Service for Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Three Multi-Family Fourplexes 16 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with George-McKenna Electrical Contractors, Inc., for Maintenance of Jail Electronics 17 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Trend Offset Printing for Printing of Resident Newsletter
Resolution - Granting Temporary Use Permit #G1104-0019 -To Allow Outdoor Alcoholic Beverage Sales for On-Premise Consumption - Property Located at 1045 Hidden Ridge - Cool River Cafe, Applicant
Resolution - Approving Final Plat - The Lakes of Las Colinas, Phase 2B -Approximately 11.222 Acres Located North and West of Northwest Highway and Riverside Drive - Jacobs, Surveyor - Hines Las Colinas Land, LP, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC11-0017 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Restaurant and Signs - Approximately 0.8140 Acres Located at 200 West Irving Boulevard - Firebrand Properties, LLP, Owner/Applicant
Invocation Pastor Isnel Castro, House of God Ministries Pledge Of Allegiance Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
3 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4 Approving Regular Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 05, 2011 5 Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to Accept Funding in the Amount of $12,750 from Arts Midwest, on Behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts, for the Big Read 2011 Grant Award 6 Resolution - Approving the Second Option Extension with Chaparral Rails to Trails, Inc., for Approximately 56 Miles of Right-of-Way 7 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Design of the Water Meter Vault Reconstruction, Section IV Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 8 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for the Design of the Water Master Plan Improvements, Section I Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 9 Resolution - Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services Agreement with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc., for the Design of the Upper Delaware Creek Wastewater Basin Improvements Project and Miscellaneous Water and Wastewater Replacements 10 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to Rebcon, Inc., for the Running Bear Park Levee Walls Improvements 11 Resolution - Awarding a Contract to JDK Associates, Inc., for the Lake Carolyn Promenade Phase II Project 12 Resolution - Declaring the Necessity and Authorizing the Acquisition of a Water Meter Vault Easement Located at 10401 North MacArthur Boulevard - TXCGL Properties, L.P., Property Owner 13 Resolution -- Ratifying the Interlocal Agreements for the Irving Arts Center's Khan Youth & Education (KEYS) Field Trip Program 14 Resolution - Rejecting the Annual Bid for Metals Work 15 Resolution - Approving and Accepting the Bid of Clean Air Remediation Environmental Service for Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Three Multi-Family Fourplexes 16 Resolution - Renewing the Annual Contract with George-McKenna Electrical Contractors, Inc., for Maintenance of Jail Electronics 17 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bid of Trend Offset Printing for Printing of Resident Newsletter
Resolution - Granting Temporary Use Permit #G1104-0019 -To Allow Outdoor Alcoholic Beverage Sales for On-Premise Consumption - Property Located at 1045 Hidden Ridge - Cool River Cafe, Applicant
Resolution - Approving Final Plat - The Lakes of Las Colinas, Phase 2B -Approximately 11.222 Acres Located North and West of Northwest Highway and Riverside Drive - Jacobs, Surveyor - Hines Las Colinas Land, LP, Owner
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC11-0017 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for Restaurant and Signs - Approximately 0.8140 Acres Located at 200 West Irving Boulevard - Firebrand Properties, LLP, Owner/Applicant