Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation -Rabbi Frank Joseph, Irving Havurah Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Consent Agenda (Items 3 - 32) -Item 11 was postponed -Item 23 was pulled for consideration
Resolution - Approving a Letter of Agreement with Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas for a Room Block for the 15Th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit
Ordinance - Ordinance - Amending Section 52-75 Definitions of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 and Amending Section 8-4 of Chapter 8 Building Standards Code of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas by Amending the Definition of "Family" (Postponed at the December 8, 2011 City Council Meeting)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC11-0051 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for P-0 (Professional Office) and Animal Hospital Uses - Approximately 0.768 Acres Located at 3014 North O'Connor Road - 810 JJK Enterprises, Inc., Applicant/Owner - (Postponed from January 12, 2012)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC11-0058 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Uses and Pole Sign - Approximately 1.48 Acres Located at 4095 North Belt Line Road - Fries Restaurant Management, Applicant
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC12-0001 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) and Group Housing Uses - Approximately 0.45 Acres Located at 210 Maltby Road - La Buena Vida Foundation, Applicant - Irving Housing Finance Corporation, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC12-0002 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with Alcoholic Beverage Sale) Uses - Approximately 1.804 Acres Located at 1001 Macarthur Park Drive - Baja Shrimp Properties, LLC, Applicant - Crosstown Investment Company, Inc., Owner
Resolution - Appointing a Board Chair to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board with a Term Expiring January 2013
Resolution - Appointment to the Irving Flood Control District Section I to Fill Two-Year Terms Expiring January 2014
39. Resolution - Appointment to the Irving Flood Control District Section I to Fill Two-Year Terms Expiring January 2014 41. Adjournment
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation -Rabbi Frank Joseph, Irving Havurah Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
Consent Agenda (Items 3 - 32) -Item 11 was postponed -Item 23 was pulled for consideration
Resolution - Approving a Letter of Agreement with Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas for a Room Block for the 15Th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit
Ordinance - Ordinance - Amending Section 52-75 Definitions of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 and Amending Section 8-4 of Chapter 8 Building Standards Code of the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas by Amending the Definition of "Family" (Postponed at the December 8, 2011 City Council Meeting)
Ordinance -- Zoning Case #ZC11-0051 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for P-0 (Professional Office) and Animal Hospital Uses - Approximately 0.768 Acres Located at 3014 North O'Connor Road - 810 JJK Enterprises, Inc., Applicant/Owner - (Postponed from January 12, 2012)
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC11-0058 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Uses and Pole Sign - Approximately 1.48 Acres Located at 4095 North Belt Line Road - Fries Restaurant Management, Applicant
Ordinance - Zoning Case #ZC12-0001 - Granting S-P-2 (Generalized Site Plan) for R-7.5 (Single Family) and Group Housing Uses - Approximately 0.45 Acres Located at 210 Maltby Road - La Buena Vida Foundation, Applicant - Irving Housing Finance Corporation, Owner
Ordinance -- Zoning Case ZC12-0002 - Granting S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) for R-AB (Restaurant with Alcoholic Beverage Sale) Uses - Approximately 1.804 Acres Located at 1001 Macarthur Park Drive - Baja Shrimp Properties, LLC, Applicant - Crosstown Investment Company, Inc., Owner
Resolution - Appointing a Board Chair to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board with a Term Expiring January 2013
Resolution - Appointment to the Irving Flood Control District Section I to Fill Two-Year Terms Expiring January 2014
39. Resolution - Appointment to the Irving Flood Control District Section I to Fill Two-Year Terms Expiring January 2014 41. Adjournment